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Thread Number: 1174
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"As long as it's Rumor Posting Day..."

Posted by Estee on 08-30-07 at 02:13 PM
...here's one so good, I have to use filler text to keep the sheer joy of it off the front page. Just take a moment to think about how good this is going to be. Maybe a moment plus an extra second.

We're clear? Good.

The rumor is this: Jen is Dick's illegitimate daughter.

What's the proof for this rumor? There really isn't any. But it's starting to make the rounds anyway. The basic idea seems to be that BB needed an extra turn on the Stupid Twist Meter, so they recruited Jen -- knowing she was related to Dick the whole time, of course -- to give poor ED a situation out of a nightmare: stuck in a house with one daughter he wasn't speaking to and another he didn't even know he had. Some people are claiming there's a video showing Jen's mother fighting with CBS, begging them not to reveal it and let them work things out in private. (No one has yet to link to this video.) According to this theory, Jen took her mother's picture down because she was afraid Dick would recognize the poor woman.

Of course, this means Jen has to know she's related to Dick and have kept her mouth shut about it for eight weeks. Interesting theory, that.

The only bit of evidence posted for this theory (other than the possibly non-existent video -- gee, where does one argue with CBS and get caught by a handy cell phone?) is that they clearly share a genetic trait. They're both attention hogs.

Which would leave Dick related to just about every reality TV contestant since the genre began, but let's not talk about logic on this thread. Let's just talk about Dick and Jen possibly being father and daughter. Can you find proof? A trail of paperwork? Subtle hints and clues in the editing? And is it possible for tattoos to be passed on genetically? Follow the evidence, and let's see if we can give Daniele something new to whine about! 'I don't want to have a sister! It's not faaaaaaaair!'

Of course, if this somehow was true, Dick's only sane response would be suicide.

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: As long as it's Rumor Posting Day..."
Posted by geg6 on 08-30-07 at 02:17 PM
Well, since I noticed right off that they were both hideously ugly (and, believe me, Jen, that photo has to have been the best photo every taken of you), I suspected something like this.

What puzzled me was how pretty Daniele is. But then I got a good dose of her personality. And now I can see that they are all from the same gene pool. No doubt.

"Let them call me rebel and welcome, I feel no concern from it; but I should suffer the misery of devils, were I to make a whore of my soul by swearing allegiance to one whose character is that of a sottish, stupid, stubborn, worthless, brutish man. I conceive likewise a horrid idea in receiving mercy from a being, who at the last day shall be shrieking to the rocks and mountains to cover him, and fleeing with terror from the orphan, the widow, and the slain of America." Thomas Paine

"RE: As long as it's Rumor Posting Day..."
Posted by Estee on 08-30-07 at 02:54 PM
For me, having this rumor be true and combining it with Jen's statements about having been recruited for the show would answer one of the season's biggest mysteries. 'You are a BB recruiter. You have been talking to Jen for more than thirty seconds. Why do you still want her to be on your show?'

"RE: As long as it's Rumor Posting Day..."
Posted by qwertypie on 08-30-07 at 04:00 PM
Now, it all makes sense!

"RE: As long as it's Rumor Posting Day..."
Posted by Glow on 08-31-07 at 08:58 AM
"What puzzled me was how pretty Daniele is."

"RE: As long as it's Rumor Posting Day..."
Posted by Tamena on 08-31-07 at 09:14 AM
Holy Crap!


Karma doesn't come back on people because some universal controller-god pushes buttons. It comes back on people because they dig holes for themselves to fall into.

"RE: As long as it's Rumor Posting Day..."
Posted by Dakota on 08-31-07 at 10:16 AM
This is so obvious you all missed it. They both have dark brown hair. Jeesh! Do you need more proof? Add to that the ego-centric personalities and you've got B.I.N.G.O.

Charter Member: Club Anti-DAW