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"Amber & Jameka Hypo-Christians"

Posted by cashycarry on 08-13-07 at 03:16 AM
Ok first things first....I am not an atheist, I believe in God, but.........Jameka and Amber are total Hypo-christians! I just watched some feed of Amber using the F-bomb every other word! They think they are so much better than everyone in the house! That makes me sick! Amber has a basard kid and no telling about Jameka? Did anyone see the feed about Amber and Jameka talking about the Jews? Jesus was a Jew wasn't he girls? Read the bible a litle more! All I have to say is they are a bunch of Hypo-christians!

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: Amber & Jameka Hypo-Christians"
Posted by Estee on 08-13-07 at 06:37 AM

What would you like to inject the hypo-christians with?

Or are we supposed to be using Amber and Jameka as tools for injection? It's really early...

"RE: Amber & Jameka Hypo-Christians"
Posted by kingfish on 08-13-07 at 08:32 AM
If they were real Christians, they'd be snorting the stuff.

"RE: Amber & Jameka Hypo-Christians"
Posted by ohmyheck on 08-13-07 at 01:11 PM
Amber is, and clearly always has been.

Thanks to Corvis for the sig. Join the Jeneration. You know you want to.

"RE: Amber & Jameka Hypo-Christians"
Posted by cahaya on 08-14-07 at 12:20 PM
Yup, in straight lines.

Caged by Snidget

Or mainlining it.

"RE: Amber & Jameka Hypo-Christians"
Posted by Bebo on 08-13-07 at 07:05 AM
Welcome to the forums. Please take a moment to read our community guidelines - there's a link at the top of the page. Posting the same message in multiple forums is a violation of our guidelines. The duplicate version of this message has been removed from Fanatics.

"RE: Amber & Jameka Hypo-Christians"
Posted by newsomewayne on 08-13-07 at 07:17 AM
Amber has a basard kid and no telling about Jameka?

Oh?!? What makes you say that?

Tributes to Wayne by Agman, 2007.
There are 10 types of people in the world, those that know binary and those that don't.

"RE: Amber & Jameka Hypo-Christians"
Posted by Estee on 08-13-07 at 08:03 AM
Because if John Basard somehow lived long enough to sire a child with Amber, he could have conceivably slept with anyone?

It's a tale of two one-night stands! (Or the next secret twist.)

"RE: Amber & Jameka Hypo-Christians"
Posted by newsomewayne on 08-13-07 at 10:13 AM
But would 'anyone' have slept with him?

Tributes to Wayne by Agman, 2007.

"RE: Amber & Jameka Hypo-Christians"
Posted by Estee on 08-13-07 at 11:30 AM
Dunno. Never met the man and I don't know what 'anyone's' taste is like.

"RE: Amber & Jameka Hypo-Christians"
Posted by shanshan2007 on 08-14-07 at 06:31 PM
>Ok first things first....I am not
>an atheist, I believe in
>God, but.........Jameka and Amber are
>total Hypo-christians! I just
>watched some feed of Amber
>using the F-bomb every other
>word! They think they
>are so much better than
>everyone in the house!
>That makes me sick!
>Amber has a basard kid
>and no telling about Jameka?
> Did anyone see the
>feed about Amber and Jameka
>talking about the Jews?
>Jesus was a Jew wasn't
>he girls? Read the
>bible a litle more!
>All I have to say
>is they are a bunch
>of Hypo-christians!

Don't forget Amber's two abortions. And she says GD like it's pass the potatoes.

"RE: Amber & Jameka Hypo-Christians"
Posted by agman on 08-14-07 at 06:56 PM
>Don't forget Amber's two abortions.

What about them? How does this affect whether or not she is a Christian?

Don't know how to break this to you but not all Christians are against abortion!

"RE: Amber & Jameka Hypo-Christians"
Posted by jefburn on 08-15-07 at 10:58 AM
Amber also has the worst mouth in the house. She curses as much as Evil does. She uses cristianity when it is convinient even to get closer to certain house guest.

"RE: Amber & Jameka Hypo-Christians"
Posted by jkokoj on 08-15-07 at 11:54 AM
LMAO....where to start with all of this?!

Two very misguided girls using religion as a way to put down other people and maintain the air of innocence. These two girls are insincere and are playing a horrible game of BB! I believe hypocritical spelled out suits them just fine.

"RE: Amber & Jameka Hypo-Christians"
Posted by Lasann on 08-15-07 at 12:53 PM
And I was so looking forward to getting to know Jameka when she was sooo quiet.

I want Jen and/or Dustin to win this thing. I also wouldn't mind D!ck winning.

Flashed by Agman.

"RE: Amber & Jameka Hypo-Christians"
Posted by agman on 08-15-07 at 02:46 PM

>also wouldn't mind D!ck winning.

I have to admit, that would be funny

The tribe has spoken

"RE: Amber & Jameka Hypo-Christians"
Posted by Glass on 08-16-07 at 12:56 PM
Oh yeah. I would laugh. Definitely.

"RE: Amber & Jameka Hypo-Christians"
Posted by Colonel Zoidberg on 08-20-07 at 09:40 AM
I realize this isn't the live feed forum, but what did A and J say about Jewish folk, and does Eric have any inclination that they would say this? If this isn't OK to put in this forum, a PM would work just as well.

I remember that, in BB4, a lot of houseguests said a lot of racist, sexist, and otherwise bigoted things that didn't make the show (Justin, Robert, Alison, Erika...for that matter, anyone in the final nine not named Jack or Nathan.) I don't know how much of it goes on in the BB8 house, though I would imagine religion is the easiest subject to rake over the coals.

I count two times Eric has brought up his religion on the show. That's a far cry short of the number of "God pre-ordained the winner" comments out of Jameka's mouth.

"RE: Amber & Jameka Hypo-Christians"
Posted by Snidget on 08-20-07 at 10:18 AM
Estee has a thread over on spoilers about it.

In general it was standard issue stereotypes about how Jewish people are thought to be.

There isn't enough collective brain cells in the hamster cage to come up with anything original.