Ode to an Oven MittWe start off episode two with the houseguests realizing they may be spending the entire summer with someone they would probably prefer to never see again.
##### and Daniele are reunited and Daniele is visibly upset by the fact she is being forced to stay in the house with her father, who come to find out didn’t actually raise her.
Dustin and Joe are stuck spending time together and neither one seems happy at the prospect. Their relationship obviously did not end on a good note.
As for Carol and Jessica being enemies I would say this is the biggest over-hype of the season, so far. Seems they had a falling out and don’t really like one another but calling them enemies is some definite overkill. Although Jessica does seem to still be rooted in her high school bitterness if that qualifies.
Kail is then able to show everyone the inside of her new HOH room. Family pictures are displayed and Amber comments again of the bond that she and Kail share by both being parents.
Next the houseguests see that their pictures are finally up on the wall.
But wait; cue the dramatic violin music, because Jen is crying, yes, actually crying due to her picture hanging up on the wall. At first I thought maybe she was just joking, but no, she is shown in the DR and out in front of everyone bawling her eyes out about her horrendous picture. I’d hate to see how upset she’d be if something terrible really happened.
In fact her picture is so grotesque that she actually covers her picture with an oven mitt. Well, at least the girl is able to find multiple uses for everyday kitchen items.
Which is more than I can say for Holly…….I mean Jessica. Dear God, I am having flash backs, someone please help me. The grating voice, the blonde hair, the insightful comments: (“We all said ‘yea, blue’ because we were on the blue team.”) I so hope that this girl is voted off next week. I seriously can not take a full summer of her.
Next, D*ck is name-dropping. We get to hear that he dated Jeri Manthy (wow, some serious celebrities there #####) and once had dinner with Cher.
As Kail’s eyes glaze over from listening to ##### blare on about how many celebrities he knows, we switch over to the food competition. Teams are picked based on which side of the couch people were sitting on. The competition involves dousing yourself in butter and then scrapping it off from each others bodies at the opposite end into a bucket of popcorn.
We see everyone drenched in a buttery glop and one girl actually voices my own thoughts, that they all look nasty covered in yellow ooze. Prompting one the guys to show that men really are from mars, by stating that their buttery bodies “glistened” and claimed it was like watching a Baywatch episode. I guess it takes all kinds.
The red team kicks the blue team’s butt by gathering 77lbs. of butter compared to only 37lbs! Come to find out long hair is actually very good at gathering up butter.
When Jessica’s team looses we also get another insightful nugget of wisdom, that slop tastes very “oaty.” I can’t wait for all the gems she might dish out if she ends up staying the entire summer.
We are then shown Dustin and Joe rehashing their relationship again while hanging out in a hammock. There conversation ends up going nowhere except to bring a lot of tension into an otherwise pretty laid-back house and both realize this may cause them problems down the road.
Kail is then shown strategizing and forming an alliance with Mike. Luckily Kail realizes that a two person alliance is not nearly as effective as a four person one, so they decide to reel Nate and Zach into their alliance as well.
Cut to the nomination discussion where they decide to nominate people based on their competition performance, or lack thereof I should say. When we switch over to the actual nominations Kail decides to put up Carol and Amber due to the fact that they were the first ones eliminated from the HOH competition. She deems this fair since she gained the HOH position from the other three HGs based on her performance.
We are then treated to America’s choice for the week. Ah, the important question of who Eric should pour his heart out to? Please send your text message or vote online at CBS.com. Why can’t they make it something interesting like if you’d like to see Eric rip on Jen for her ugly picture press one, or to see Eric bash Joe for getting gonorrhea press two. I want drama! Not seeing him pour his heart out to someone. Lame!
So, will we be stuck listening to Jessica our Holly clone all season? Will we be stuck seeing Jen cry over nothing the entire summer? What is the next lame thing America will have to vote on regarding America’s player? Tune in Tuesday to find out the answer to none of these questions, but at least we’ll find out who wins POV and if they decide to use it or not. Till then take care all you BB addicts!
That was very good.
Sharnina has outdone herself this time!
My first year to really get into BB, I was disgusted at Jen crying over her picture!!! Two words for her "GROW UP"!!! I am slowly getting to know all the players and would have a few choice words for a lot of them, but I enjoy the game and will be anxious to see who last the longest.....the world is full of very different people, how boring it would be if we were all alike but come on crying over a picture. You were right what will she do if something serious happens. BB may have to bring in a whole medical team if that happens!!
you've got to be WAY more catty than that to write a good summary so sharpen your claws a bit!
Good job!
Three is the perfect number.
Nicely done! Thanks! (Just getting caught up)
MM I just wish that there was a way that I could choose for others not to be bigots. - HD
Cool Tune!
Isn't a phone call out of nowhere asking you if you want to be on Big Brother a red flag that you might be getting set up? Maybe it's just me.