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"JD evil genius"

Posted by KittyMeghanLeah2 on 08-09-05 at 01:52 PM
LAST EDITED ON 08-09-05 AT 01:55 PM (EST)

LAST EDITED ON 08-09-05 AT 01:54 PM (EST)

Wow that guy knows what he's doing and it's so evil. He gave that poor little gal a hangover then let Suzie mess up the "Religion song?" and just let Mig cry over guilt? Oh my word, he really meant it when he said "killing em w/ kindness" I wud hope INXS sees that and gets rid of him fast. I don't like ppl like that I'd definitely not pay to see him. Who cares if the "Being Human" and "Human Being" was a cool thing. It was just a catchy thing and I'm betting he did not come up w/ that on his own.. but then again who knows.. he seems to be a genius in a sneaky way. Oh boy.. I think I figured out why there's a love/hate thing going on w/ the audience and JD. I categorize myself in the "extreme dislike of JD."

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"RE: JD evil genius"
Posted by irishrose on 08-09-05 at 07:08 PM
LAST EDITED ON 08-09-05 AT 07:11 PM (EST)

Put me in the Do NOT Like catagory. I am so not fond of JD. I Kind of liked him at the start(or at least could tolerate him) but after Sunday I realllllllly do not Like him at all. I also would not go to see him if he were fronting INXS. He came off so badly the other night. Maybe it was just the editing but I am for sure not liking the direction he is going in. I tuned out at the whole Human Being Being Human thing (he was bugging me way to much). I'm glad I'm not the only one on the J.D. Bugs Me band wagon. The others should all know not that this is a contest and not to get to wrapped up in waht the others say. As for Suzie the back up band told her to do the sone straight up and she decided not to so that is on her. As for the drinking most of them seem to be partying like ROCK STARS. I don't know if we can lay that one on J.D..

"RE: JD evil genius"
Posted by KittyMeghanLeah2 on 08-16-05 at 04:48 AM
OK you do have a point about not laying the blame regarding all the booze on JD, I think it was the editing. They made sure to put a slot of JD giving that gal a cup of drink and seeing her say "ohh it's so good." I think they(the people who decides what gets shown and what does not get shown) really are editing.. but gosh after SUnday excuse me! mr. homeless guy? are you too good for a house? He sure made it sound like he was too good for someone else's idea... there is something called "being humble" (he shud've gotten that tattoo instead) geez.. I think he's either real hmmn.. (thinking what is the word).. delusional? or downright crazy. I am just praying INXS does not have him front the band.. cuz if they do then that is gonna ruin INXS for me.. I really LOVE INXS and Michael Hutchence wud never ever do anything JD has done.. geez I mean that's the only reason I wud pass up a ticket to see INXS again.. if JD were the lead singer. Michael was so "sweet, down to earth, mysterious, and wonderful" JD to me is starting to look too rigid, extreme, "no I won't do that or attach my name to something that's gonna be like crap," and let's not forget CRAZY? Please and what is up w/ that army buzz? I mean oh my gracious.. I don't know.. I am beginning to see why he was homeless in the beginning... I wudn't take him in either.. (shh)

"RE: JD evil genius"
Posted by trigirl on 08-12-05 at 01:17 PM
Just started watching this week so don't know if I can judge JD yet...he seemed okay to me. However, I have to disagree with the mess'n with Suzie, because 'Losing My Religion' was freaking awesome.

"RE: JD evil genius"
Posted by KittyMeghanLeah2 on 08-16-05 at 04:50 AM
Ok let me know when you change your mind. He pretty much RUINED it for me on VH1 sunday the 14th! That and getting his hair all cut like he was in the army? What is that? I'm confused.. JD CONFUSES ME>> I want MIG MIG MIG.. Mig is awesome.. wow.. I got to ride that mig and make him drill an oil rig in me.. MIg rocks.. sigh the rest I forgot.