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"Who's your favorite, Who don't you like, and Who will win?"

Posted by Reality_Tv_fan_90 on 08-09-05 at 11:46 AM
Hi Everyone!
I just want to know your opinions about the rockers. Like who you do and don't like and who will win. My favorite was Heather, but since she got out it is now Jordis. I don't like JD, Ty, Marty, Brandon, or Suzie. I think either Mig or Ty will win.

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"RE: Who's your favorite, Who don't you like, and Who will win?"
Posted by Wacko Jacko on 08-09-05 at 12:39 PM
LAST EDITED ON 08-09-05 AT 12:41 PM (EST)

My favorite is Brandon. I also like Ty and JD.

The others are ok, but kinda boring to me.

Jordis - I like her but don't feel a female should be the lead singer of INXS. Great career ahead of her. If she wasn't a little rough around the edges I would say she would be perfect for American Idol...possibly win it....but saw she didn't fair well on Star Search.

Suzie - Not impressed by her and surprised she hasn't been in the bottom yet.

Deanna- the worst of the remaining in my opinion.

Jessica - I started liking her more the last couple of weeks but who are we kinding...she aint going to win.

MiG - hasn't shown me a thing either positively or negatively. Could be good I have no idea. Tracks selection makes it tough to decide.

Marty - I think he is going to Win.

"RE: Who's your favorite, Who don't you like, and Who will win?"
Posted by toddE on 08-09-05 at 04:11 PM
Just FYI, Suzie was in the bottom three the second and third weeks. Like Jessica (and Tara), I think its a "three strikes" thing and she won't survive another trip to the bottom 3. I think she is the worst remaining candidate.

I think INXS has a difficult choice, because they aren't current and haven't had a hit in years. If they want to be big in Canada or Australia, JD and Mig are easy choices.

I don't know if they can come back in the USA with any of these singers. Or with any singer. But I would have picked Heather as their best candidate.

I think JD or Mig will win, and we probably won't hear from them again unless we go to another country.

Heather was my favorite, now it's Jordis.

"RE: Who's your favorite, Who don't you like, and Who will win?"
Posted by Wacko Jacko on 08-09-05 at 11:15 PM
>Just FYI, Suzie was in the bottom three the second and third >weeks. Like Jessica (and Tara), I think its a "three strikes" >thing and she won't survive another trip to the bottom 3. I >think she is the worst remaining candidate.

The first week IO saw qwas the performance in which all but the first two elimintions performed. The following night it was Neal going. I never have seen Suzie do an INXS song.

"RE: Who's your favorite, Who don't you like, and Who will win?"
Posted by Hoobie on 08-10-05 at 01:45 PM
Didn't Suzie do "Never Tear Us Apart"?

"RE: Who's your favorite, Who don't you like, and Who will win?"
Posted by Drive My Car on 08-10-05 at 03:16 AM
I think INXS has a difficult choice, because they aren't current and haven't had a hit in years.

I disagree, Todd.
I like INXS, I've always liked them and would buy their CDs again if I liked their new songs.
This show is giving new life to INXS, and I'd wager that sales of their older stuff has gone up.

I think MiG , Marty , or JD could front the band.
And though he may not be my fav each week, JD has their sound down.
He sounded like the lead singer of INXS tonight. He sounded like Michael.

I love this show because they are ALL so talented.
The worst performance of the night is still good, still entertaining.

I think JD or Mig will win, and we probably won't hear from them again unless we go to another country.

Nope, we'll hear them again, if we want to hear good music. Radio sucks, but the good stuff will always be availible for those willing to search for it.

One of my favorite bands ever , nver got much airplay on American radio, didn't stop me from finding them.

I'd listen to an album made by any one of the current singers, (except Brandon).

"RE: Who's your favorite, Who don't you like, and Who will win?"
Posted by CBRetriever on 08-10-05 at 01:19 PM
I think INXS likes Suzie, JD, MiG and Marty. And that is what really matters, not what we, the viewers want. They'll keep saving them everytime (Suzie anyone?).

I can't see them choosing any of the others, even Ty (he is the only one not in my list that could possibly sing INXS songs).

As far as who I like, it's Suzie, JD, Jordis and Marty. MiG finally impressed me last night. Jordis and JD have both had off nights. Suzie can sing the h*** out of INXS songs.

Brandon, Jessican and Deanna make me wince too often. Brandon needs to find a country rock band, Deanna needs to find a blues/folk band, and Jessica .... I just don't know.

"RE: Who's your favorite, Who don't you like, and Who will win?"
Posted by photokitty on 08-10-05 at 04:23 PM
Jessica needs to go be on American Idol. She would do well over there.

"RE: Who's your favorite, Who don't you like, and Who will win?"
Posted by geg6 on 08-09-05 at 01:04 PM
There are only four that I like and only two I think have a chance to win.

Jordis - she's great. I think she will be a huge success one of these days. But not with INXS. I simply cannot imagine them choosing a woman, no matter what they say. And I don't want INXS to have a female singer. I am a long time fan of the band and it won't fly with me.

Ty - he's wonderful. Great voice, maybe the best of the bunch. But I'm having trouble seeing INXS choosing him. They seem to have a problem with him. I don't, but I don't see how he can overcome their reluctance to give him the props I think he deserves.

Marty - he seems to be the consummate professional. He works hard, he listens to criticism and makes corrections. He chooses the right songs for him. I think he's quite good and could have a chance to win.

JD - my choice to win. I think he's wildly talented. I think he's pretty darn hot. I think he has charisma and personality. I think if INXS doesn't choose him, they're crazy. He's the only one of this bunch that has all the intangibles you want for someone who is going to fill the void left by Michael Hutchence.

IMHO, too many people are looking at these contestants the same way they look at the ones on AI or Star Search. Rock'n'roll ain't pop music. Teeny boppers screaming over MiG taking his shirt off while he sings not-very-challenging songs in a weak voice? Not good enough. Jessica, Suzie, Deanna in any way, shape, or form? Not good enough. Brandon? Nothing about him is good enough.

I'm such a slut for the blues.

"RE: Who's your favorite, Who don't you like, and Who will win?"
Posted by Wacko Jacko on 08-09-05 at 03:45 PM

>IMHO, too many people are looking
>at these contestants the same
>way they look at the
>ones on AI or Star
>Search. Rock'n'roll ain't pop

I agree. A rock singer doesn't always hit on every note either.

"RE: Who's your favorite, Who don't you like, and Who will win?"
Posted by photokitty on 08-09-05 at 04:57 PM
LAST EDITED ON 08-09-05 AT 05:06 PM (EST)

>Ty - he's wonderful. Great
>voice, maybe the best of
>the bunch. But I'm
>having trouble seeing INXS choosing
>him. They seem to
>have a problem with him.
> I don't, but I
>don't see how he can
>overcome their reluctance to give
>him the props I think
>he deserves.

Yeah, I see what you mean. Once someone sees you a certain way, it's very hard to change that impression. They have him pegged as "Too Theatrical." Although, they did love his performance of "Kick."

>Marty - he seems to be
>the consummate professional. He
>works hard, he listens to
>criticism and makes corrections.
>He chooses the right songs
>for him. I think
>he's quite good and could
>have a chance to win.

Yes, I agree. I think when they finally have him sing an INXS song, he'll sound great at that, too.

>JD - ... He's the only
>one of this bunch that
>has all the intangibles you
>want for someone who is
>going to fill the void
>left by Michael Hutchence.

Except a strong voice with a big melodic range, that is. I feel he is talented, but needs to front his own band. He's not right for INXS.

>IMHO, too many people are looking
>at these contestants the same
>way they look at the
>ones on AI or Star
>Search. Rock'n'roll ain't pop

Amen, Brothah!

Yet, in a way, by even having this show, they're kind of taking some of the Rock out of it. I mean, auditioning a lead singer is a critical process, and by having the public vote on it, AI & Star Search style, well, it IS more like Pop (aka Popular Music) by definition. Not exactly organic, is it? By that, I refer to the way rock groups form by meeting each other the way they do, vs boy bands (and girl bands) who are auditioned individually by a producer and formed that way.

"RE: Who's your favorite, Who don't you like, and Who will win?"
Posted by Drive My Car on 08-10-05 at 03:46 AM
Although, they did love his performance of "Kick."

Yes they did, and "Kick", was the only INXS song he could have rocked.
He was so lucky they gave him that song.
I think INXS already knows who they like, but they are having fun with the process. They want to see great performances each week, so why not throw Ty a song he can rock?
I like him, he is very talented, I hope to see him again, but Ty will not front INXS.

It's a small and shallow thing, but am I the only one who thinks the mohawk hurts him?
People of my generation ( who know INXS and own thir albums) aren't that impressed with the weird hair, and the kids think mohawks are for old timers.
I find Ty's hair detracts from his talent.

Ty would suck if taken out of his comfort zone.

"RE: Who's your favorite, Who don't you like, and Who will win?"
Posted by bystander on 08-10-05 at 01:26 PM
I have to agree with you on the mohawk. I do think it will hurt him in the end, eventhough he is one of the more talented singers.

We must be from the same generation cause I own their albums also. Although I can't seem to find a new needle for my turntable so I can actually play them.

"RE: Who's your favorite, Who don't you like, and Who will win?"
Posted by photokitty on 08-10-05 at 04:48 PM

>Although I
>can't seem to find a
>new needle for my turntable
>so I can actually play

How is that possible? With all the rappers and DJ's, turntables are back!

"RE: Who's your favorite, Who don't you like, and Who will win?"
Posted by bystander on 08-11-05 at 08:56 AM
I can scratch with the best of them with my current needle. If I actually want to listen to the music I'll need a new one.

"RE: Who's your favorite, Who don't you like, and Who will win?"
Posted by photokitty on 08-10-05 at 04:43 PM
You make some interesting points, Buggy.

Ty was lucky they gave him "Kick," but I think he would do great on any of their songs. But, yeah, they threw him a song that was especially suited to him. And he wore a hat. He is changing it up a bit, he's worn a few hats, and sometimes he braids down his "feathers." I saw on his blog that he wears the mohawk because of how it makes him feel--like a warrior. So, that's cool, he's not trying to do it for external reasons.

I like the mohawk, but I think he would look even better with shoulder length dreads. Yeah!

And, he did suck, on Everlong.

"RE: Who's your favorite, Who don't you like, and Who will win?"
Posted by easilydistracted on 08-13-05 at 00:13 AM
Ty seems like a safe option as their pick. He has a great voice and is a very good performer. I don't much care for the hair either but simply having him there would update or change their image, making it easier or perhaps more natural to branch off into different types of music.

I'm curious about whether they're more interested in a singer to sings songs from the past or a singer who is creative and offers them more of a future.

"RE: Who's your favorite, Who don't you like, and Who will win?"
Posted by Drive My Car on 08-10-05 at 03:28 AM
Ahhh Geg!
Old enough to remember Michael fronting INXS, I love it!

IMHO, too many people are looking at these contestants the same way they look at the ones on AI or Star Search. Rock'n'roll ain't pop music.
So right!
So truth!

I saw INXS on an old Saturday Night Live episode just 2 days ago. After tonight's performances, I can see JD fronting this band. He could do it.

I have some favs that I would like to see for a few more weeks, but JD sounds like Hutchence, and Marty is a STAR, and I think MiG gets points with the band for being Australian, as well as talented.
I think one of those 3 will win it.

"RE: Who's your favorite, Who don't you like, and Who will win?"
Posted by weltek on 08-10-05 at 12:28 PM
We pulled out our INXS Greatest Hits album this weekend. JD's vocals could pull off the wide range of old INXS songs & still sound "right."

Everyone else, I'm not so sure they could pull all the songs off & not alienate fans.

"RE: Who's your favorite, Who don't you like, and Who will win?"
Posted by tamarama on 08-10-05 at 05:12 PM
>>JD's vocals<<

Oooh, with all due respect

-- and I understand the JD-love even though I don't share it --

JD's vocals are the weakest except for Brandon & Deanna.

His range is really small, his dynamic range is really small (he can only belt), he has major pitch problems when faced with more melodic songs.

And I think the band knows this -- once they're tired of him, they're going to have him sing one of the more complex INXS songs & he's not going to be able to do it.

"RE: Who's your favorite, Who don't you like, and Who will win?"
Posted by photokitty on 08-10-05 at 05:04 PM
I saw INXS in 1983 in a small theater in San Francisco. They were touring for Shabooh Shoobah, and they were opening for...Adam Ant! hahaha Remember him? Just a fun walk down memory lane...

What episode of SNL? Who was the host? I would like to find that on DVD or something.

I've been listening to my INXS albums, too, and I just don't hear that "JD sounds like Hutchence." Maybe remotely, faintly. I just don't think he could handle songs like "Love Is (What I Say)" or "The One Thing" or "Kick." At all.

I wish they would hurry up and get down to business--make everyone sing INXS songs, all the time. In fact, make everyone sing the SAME INXS SONG in one evening. Now, that's an audition.

"RE: Who's your favorite, Who don't you like, and Who will win?"
Posted by Jep on 08-09-05 at 02:11 PM
LAST EDITED ON 08-09-05 AT 02:41 PM (EST)

Jordis, Ty and Mig are my faves.


I think either Mig or JD will win.

Forever believing that it's all about the spandex - and about the sigpic goddess Syren... thanks!

Edited because I am a tool.

"RE: Who's your favorite, Who don't you like, and Who will win?"
Posted by brainerd on 08-09-05 at 02:23 PM
I think they may pull and AI type of stunt and INxS may possibly tour with the final 2 contestants which arguebly right now is Jordis and JD Fortune.

They may take these 2 on the road and interchange them on stage. Just a thought.

"RE: Who's your favorite, Who don't you like, and Who will win?"
Posted by Drive My Car on 08-10-05 at 03:48 AM
I disagree.
This show is the anti-Idol
Won't happen.

"RE: Who's your favorite, Who don't you like, and Who will win?"
Posted by CattyChat on 08-10-05 at 08:45 AM
>I disagree.
>This show is the anti-Idol
>Won't happen.

Ditto. This is not fluff like AI. INXS has a recording contract for a new album, is currently working on music, they know what they're looking for and will make the final decision.

The premise of the show is great, because the viewers have input in who they like, giving INXS an idea who fans are supporting but INXS makes the final decision. I don't think INXS is planning to or will leave it solely to the "vote" as on AI, because they have been around the block and know what works for them.

Also, realizing sometimes people vote for things other than talent: i.e., hometown/home country fave; male/female supporters; ethnicity support; or "vote for the worst" campaigns, etc. INXS isn't basing their decision strictly on votes, they are taking this seriously to find a front man for the band.

With that said, I think J.D. is the strongest one to win, with MiG as the closest competitor.

"RE: Who's your favorite, Who don't you like, and Who will win?"
Posted by tinybubs on 08-09-05 at 06:15 PM
My Favorites:
Marty - A great performer every week. Makes me enjoy songs I don't care for.
Suzie - Love her voice. Part of her appeal is the underdog status after such a bad start and the fact that none of the remaining women have impressed me much.

My Losers:
Brandon - Loses his timing, has pitch problems. He just hasn't impressed me much.
Jessica - I don't think she knows why she's on the program. Is it to win, or party, or get publicity, or show off, or ...?

Probable final two:
Marty - Because he is on everytime he is on stage.
Jordis - Because she is overwhelmingly popular, and INXS seems to be in love with her. She is very talented, but her singing doesn't speak to me.

I'd like to see the contestants do a recording session with INXS. In most cases the first exposure to a song and the music we remember comes from the studio.

"RE: Who's your favorite, Who don't you like, and Who will win?"
Posted by Drive My Car on 08-10-05 at 03:53 AM
I think the final 4 or 5 will be judged on INXS songs.
My guess is the final 4 will be

"RE: Who's your favorite, Who don't you like, and Who will win?"
Posted by frankz on 08-10-05 at 11:03 AM
I would guess they’ll have them sing some of the new stuff INXS is working on so they can see what the singers sound like in the proposed new line-up.
And I’m impressed by Marty, week in, week out. He is a star. I love the crazed orchestra leader and the “frightened puppy” look to me looks like intensity. To each his own, I guess.

Wheelie by RollDdice
I agree on the final 4. *Waves to Buggy* His first

"RE: Who's your favorite, Who don't you like, and Who will win?"
Posted by calamityc on 08-10-05 at 12:29 PM
Yep, those look like final 4 to me. I'll be real surprised if final two are not Marty and J.D. with some kind of pitting of light side vs. dark side.

"RE: Who's your favorite, Who don't you like, and Who will win?"
Posted by Iam_Xtreme on 08-11-05 at 12:50 PM
Jordis - She has a good voice but does not have a good stage performance, she is not suited for INXS in my opinion. I think the band respects her talent and the fact that she is the youngest performer. I think Jordis will not be selected but will make the final 4 or 5.

Marty - I could easily see Marty fitting in with INXS. I think that he has proven that he has talent. He listens to the band members and works to improve each week. I think he will make the final 2 hands down.

JD- I like the way he sings but his ego drives me CRAZY! He has talent but his huge ego is going to bite him in the end in my opinion. The band is seeking someone who will let them be the band and work with them not compete with them for attention. I think he will make the final 3 but then will be eliminated.

Mig - I could see Mig fitting in with INXS, he has talent and a good stage performance. I think he will make the final 2.

Jessica - She sings INXS songs better than anyone that has had to perform them thus far in my opinion. I do not think she will be selected for the band in the end. I think she may make it for a few more weeks (tops) and then be sent home.

Deanna - I like her voice but she lacks consistency in her performances. I do not see her fitting in with INXS and think she will also be sent home within the next few weeks.

TY - He just does nothing for me! His performance on Tuesday was the best hands down, however, he just does not fit INXS. I do not think that he will be selected or even make the final 3.

Suzie - I like her voice but think that she mumbles the words and that she is one who has to work up to her best performances. Tiny Daggers is one of my favorite INXS songs and though she pulled it off in the end her beginning left a lot to be desired in my book. I do not think she will make it to the final 5.

Brandon - Even though he got eliminated I love his voice and think that he does have talent. I agree that he was not suited for INXS. He deserved to go home last night as forgetting lyrics to one of INXS songs is a huge no no!

My picks for the Final Five:


My picks for the Final Three:


My picks for the Final Two:

Marty and Mig

The Winner: Marty

"RE: Who's your favorite, Who don't you like, and Who will win?"
Posted by photokitty on 08-10-05 at 05:29 PM

>I'd like to see the contestants
>do a recording session with
>INXS. In most cases
>the first exposure to a
>song and the music we
>remember comes from the studio.

Oooh, yeah, I like that! Maybe when it gets down to the final 3 or 4, that will be one of the "clinics." I hope they do that.

But, voices can be doctored in the studio, do they won't stop doing the live songs.

"RE: Who's your favorite, Who don't you like, and Who will win?"
Posted by me144 on 08-10-05 at 10:35 AM
I like Mig, Marty, Ty, and Jordis. My favorite is Mig, then Marty. I think Mig, Marty, or maybe Jordis will win. Am not a fan of any of the others.

"RE: Who's your favorite, Who don't you like, and Who will win?"
Posted by weltek on 08-10-05 at 12:26 PM
MiG overall, but JD has a better voice for INXS.

Don't Like:
Deanna & Brandon

I used to think this was easy, but not so anymore. I'm leaning towards a MiG win, with Marty & JD coming in close.

"RE: Who's your favorite, Who don't you like, and Who will win?"
Posted by ginger on 08-10-05 at 01:14 PM
I'm still pretty much all about Marty. He surprises me with his chuztpah. I suspect I spelled that wrong.

Jordis is great but MAN that "Layla" sucked. I don't think she was right in saying she can sing it much better, either, because she started out GRINNING. That's a song about Eric Clapton being dumped for a Beatle (George Harrison). Anguish. No grinning should have taken place. I wish her and Ty, who is very talented but all wrong for the job, success as solo artists.

JD could go either way but I gotta say he generates buzz and could probably handle the INXS job.

Brandon bores me. INXS is not CDB.

Suzie actually didn't stink last night. Deanna? Eh. Something about the way she moves puts me off. Jessica was just tragic. Take your glitter eyeshadow and go home.

MiG is a sweetie but he's too polished; has been professional too long. I think you need a rougher cut for the replace-the-dead-established-rock-star gig.

"RE: Who's your favorite, Who don't you like, and Who will win?"
Posted by Tahj on 08-10-05 at 05:44 PM
So you think Marty is the best fit for INXS?

Moves courtesy of Syren

"RE: Who's your favorite, Who don't you like, and Who will win?"
Posted by ginger on 08-10-05 at 06:16 PM
Marty or JD, yep.

"RE: Who's your favorite, Who don't you like, and Who will win?"
Posted by bystander on 08-10-05 at 01:35 PM
I think it will be down to JD or Marty. I also like Ty, Mig and Jordis but just don't see them fronting for INXS.

I've got a thing for Deanna's rough sexy sultry voice but that's something to discuss on another thread. I think she's hot.

"RE: Who's your favorite, Who don't you like, and Who will win?"
Posted by riverrocker on 08-10-05 at 04:40 PM
My fav was Heather too...but since she's gone, I'm going w/either Jordis or Ty for a completely "new" INXS...or Marty or Mig for a "revised" group. I don't like J.D., period. The others are okay, but not my kind of singers.

"RE: Who's your favorite, Who don't you like, and Who will win?"
Posted by photokitty on 08-10-05 at 05:20 PM
>I'm going w/either
>Jordis or Ty for a
>completely "new" INXS...or Marty or
>Mig for a "revised" group.

Yes, I agree. It depends on which path INXS has in mind to take--emphasize the past, or the future?

"RE: Who's your favorite, Who don't you like, and Who will win?"
Posted by ginger on 08-10-05 at 06:17 PM
Marty sounded a heck of a lot like Hutchense in "Not Enough Time" with last night's non-INXS song.

"RE: Who's your favorite, Who don't you like, and Who will win?"
Posted by Tahj on 08-10-05 at 06:43 PM
Even though I said in another thread that a woman won't win, I'm going to change my mind and say that I predict Jordis will win.

Moves courtesy of Syren

"RE: Who's your favorite, Who don't you like, and Who will win?"
Posted by Darth Sarcastic on 08-11-05 at 01:30 PM

I just don't know about this show because the more it goes on the more doubt that is cast on all of them actually. I think they had better wrap this puppy up soon or it won't really matter who wins because no one really likes someone who is gonna win because someone else screwed up their song more.

If I had to put somemoney on this I would say...
1.- Jordis (but she needs some more spit and polish)
2.- Ty (He would be my number 1 but man he needs to exude a lot more masculinity. Stop batting your eyes at the camera dude, that only works for Prince!).
3. Mig (sorry folks he fits the best with INXS)
4. Marty (IF his voice holds, I am still not sure he is gonna make it)

The rest will fall out next..
Jessica (people don't like her for this band)

"RE: Who's your favorite, Who don't you like, and Who will win?"
Posted by photokitty on 08-11-05 at 05:15 PM
Darth Sarcastic,
I just had to tell you I love your screen name!
F-ing Genius!

"RE: Who's your favorite, Who don't you like, and Who will win?"
Posted by Darth Sarcastic on 08-12-05 at 07:06 PM
Darth Sarcastic... OUT!

"RE: Who's your favorite, Who don't you like, and Who will win?"
Posted by amanda1279 on 08-13-05 at 10:23 PM
i like suzie she has a beautiful vioce and jordis really had me from hello but the song lala she just destroyed it and i was disapionted that she sang it that bad my vote is for suzie

"RE: Who's your favorite, Who don't you like, and Who will win?"
Posted by ceej on 08-14-05 at 01:35 AM
LAST EDITED ON 08-14-05 AT 01:46 AM (EST)

have to say that i love inxs--and i'm old enough to remember michael in all his tragic glory...but in my (often wrong) opinion:


marty or jordis

don't like:

i tend to like everyone--but jd needs serious therapy


jd--i would prefer marty, but my fav rarely wins, jd seems right--but not necessarily in a good way (see above). maybe mig, but he so reminds me of i robot

jordis and ty are solo artists (period)

eta: wrong robot--movie

"RE: Who's your favorite, Who don't you like, and Who will win?"
Posted by KittyMeghanLeah2 on 08-16-05 at 05:15 AM
I'd pay any amount of money to see MIG.. GAWD.. now that is something else.. My eyes could not get off what he was wearing.. uhmm or what was being covered up.. I don't know.. to me Mig seems to really ahem.. you know? plus he's a sweetheart.. did you hear him talking w/ his girl on the telly? sweet!