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"8/7 EP on VH1"

Posted by CattyChat on 08-08-05 at 10:05 AM
I think this was the best behind the scenes episide yet. I wish they would extend to an hour. So much going on last week.

Happy B-day Jordis, nice little party for her & getting her boyfriend to visit.

The press junket exercise was great. It was interesting to see how the different rockers handled the questions. I was surprised at how many had to actually think about whether they would cancel a gig for a family funeral! Not J.D., no way, no how, says his family is most important. I wish we could have seen more of the Q&As.

I was concerned at first with Ty's breakdown, that he was going to pull a race-card thing, but it ended up being really sincere, that he feels so much responsibility to represent his race, not that he feels prejudiced against by anybody.

I think this ep was showing more of the human side of J.D., which reinforces my belief he is not the bad one he was portrayed after he made his statement. People need to get over it. Everyone says something they later realize maybe wasn't the right thing or taken out of context. Case in point, MiG pointing out J.D. I was surprised MiG said it to the "reporter" and he later felt bad about it and we had the schmaltzy, make-out -- I mean, make-up session between MiG & J.D.

Loved the Suzie/J.D. collaboration. The other rockers know J.D. is really talented and is impressing INXS and the public. I am glad he gave her some help with jazzing up her song. First, it makes him look a little better to the others; second, I'm sure in the back of his mind he doesn't think she is a threat, so why not make friends & help her out.

I want to see more liquored up rockers!!! It makes for better t.v. -- looser lips, different personalities coming out. Did I mention I LOVED last night's show??

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: 8/7 EP on VH1"
Posted by SilverStar on 08-08-05 at 11:11 AM
Last nights episode was hilarious!

I'm sure Ty's breakdown was heartfelt, but I was cracking up. Breakdowns are funny.

And drunk people are funny too. The Being/Human, Human Being thing? *snort*

She nice, the Syren.
Jordis's cake was awesome!

"RE: 8/7 EP on VH1"
Posted by Tahj on 08-09-05 at 10:54 AM
The Being/Human, Human Being thing? *snort*

Double snort on that little performance. If JD doesn't make it as a rocker he can become a performance artist.

Moves courtesy of Syren

"RE: 8/7 EP on VH1"
Posted by cheesybread on 08-08-05 at 11:29 AM

I agree that it was one of the best "drama" episodes yet.

I must have missed the Ty "breakdown". Not sure how, though the segments are very quick (one hour please!). Mig & J.D. - "I love you man!"

I thought that every one of the performers did very poorly with the press. Except J.D. He seemed pretty sure of himself and at ease. Until he was told that no one liked living with him. But it didn't embarrass him, just pissed him off. Everyone else was totally self concious and uncomfortable, which is the point I suppose.

I would love to have a whole episode just for the rehersals. The process is very interesting. For someone who is not very musically inclined, I enjoy watching the work that goes into each song.

"RE: 8/7 EP on VH1"
Posted by CBRetriever on 08-08-05 at 01:21 PM
>I must have missed the Ty
>I thought that every one of
>the performers did very poorly
>with the press. Except
>J.D. He seemed pretty
>sure of himself and at
>ease. Until he was
>told that no one liked
>living with him. But
>it didn't embarrass him, just
>pissed him off. Everyone
>else was totally self concious
>and uncomfortable, which is the
>point I suppose.

Ty played the tired old I represent all black rockers, so I have to do good song and dance. Shades of Halle Berry. Ty, man, you stand for yourself and only yourself. It's your talent and personality that will get you where you want to go, not the color of your skin. I don't think you're in the contest as a token black, but because they saw something in you. You don't hear Jordis crying about how she represents polynesians.

As far as JD goes, I think he got a wakeup call and will try to mend fences. He did possible (?) help Susie and that should get him some props from the others if she does well. It can't hurt him to help someone who's been on the elimination stage so many times.

"RE: 8/7 EP on VH1"
Posted by Loree on 08-09-05 at 08:56 AM
>I must have missed the Ty
>"breakdown". Not sure how,
>though the segments are very
>quick (one hour please!).

The Ty breakdown was at the very beginning when they were all sitting around the table.

"RE: 8/7 EP on VH1"
Posted by Glow on 08-08-05 at 12:22 PM
I missed it. We were at a picnic and forgot all about it being on last night. I have been informed by the lovely SilverStar that it will be repeated tonight at 10:30. whew.

"RE: 8/7 EP on VH1"
Posted by Wacko Jacko on 08-08-05 at 03:44 PM
I missed it too. What did Brandon have to say about escaping elimination?

"RE: 8/7 EP on VH1"
Posted by weltek on 08-09-05 at 05:00 PM
If I recall, he said it was a real wake-up call & he'd be giving more from here on out.

"RE: 8/7 EP on VH1"
Posted by KittyMeghanLeah2 on 08-08-05 at 05:42 PM
Oh GLow thank you.. seriously? on VH1? Lemme check and see.. (whewsies)..

YES, will be showing 10:30 tonight August the 8th on Sweet VH1..

Gee.. that was a close call.. wud've ruined my week.

Thanks again Glow, and Silverstar..


"RE: 8/7 EP on VH1"
Posted by riverrocker on 08-08-05 at 10:07 PM
Okay, new here. You say it will be on VH1 at 10:30...is that Central or Eastern? Our local TV guides both show it as being on CBS at 8:30 , which it wasn't. It sounds like an episode we'd like to see.

"RE: 8/7 EP on VH1"
Posted by KittyMeghanLeah2 on 08-08-05 at 05:39 PM
ARE YOU TELLING ME I MISSED IT LAST NIGHT? Now how did that happen? I'm not happy.. GRR.. sigh oh dear I wud've enjoyed seeing Jordis's boyfriend. Seems he'd be an interesting guy.

Sigh, can't believe I missed that. Oh well..

I need to keep an eye on their "showing times."

"RE: 8/7 EP on VH1"
Posted by brainerd on 08-09-05 at 02:46 AM
This show is turning out really gay... tooo bad

It had so much potential opening weekend.

But the music on the Tuesday's are still good tho.....
You can't get enough of that ole time rock and roll

"RE: 8/7 EP on VH1"
Posted by Tahj on 08-09-05 at 10:57 AM
If, by gay, you mean Mig and JD practically making out, then yeah. If you mean it in that other derogatory sense, try choosing another bash. We gays don't appreciate it.

Moves courtesy of Syren

"RE: 8/7 EP on VH1"
Posted by Dick_Hurtz on 08-09-05 at 11:52 AM
LAST EDITED ON 08-09-05 AT 03:15 PM (EST) by SurvivorBlows (admin)

"RE: 8/7 EP on VH1"
Posted by CBRetriever on 08-09-05 at 12:53 PM
LAST EDITED ON 08-10-05 AT 12:57 PM (EST)

So sorry, all gone now.

"RE: 8/7 EP on VH1"
Posted by SilverStar on 08-09-05 at 01:31 PM

Posted by Bebo on 08-09-05 at 02:39 PM
Our community guidelines clearly prohibit bashing other posters. Please read - and comply with - our guidelines if you wish to be allowed to continue posting here.