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"Brandon/Ty vs Deanna/Suzie"

Posted by Wacko Jacko on 08-04-05 at 09:16 AM
After watching yesterday's elimination show I was kinda shocked to see Brandon and Ty in the bottom 3. I was wondering do you feel that Deanna and Suzie would be better for INXS than Brandon and Ty?

About Ty first, Ty is an outstanding performer actually both Suzie and Deanna don't belong on the same stage as him. You saw Ty last night he 'Kick'ed butt. He has that soulful vibe that INXS has and proved last night he can sing INXS songs. He can also sing and out perform Suzie/Deanna under the table.

Brandon on the other hand I feel people don't like his look. I think whoever wins would go over some makeover anyways. The vocal coach said that he has the best potential in his voice. Deanna by the way faired the worst. And I think most would agree Brandon did better than Deanna on Tuesday. I do think that Brandon could use some molding but looking at potential and personality fit just can't believe than Suzie or Deanna would be better lead singers for INXS. I feel Suzie and Deanna have NO chance to be picked by INXS but Brandon has a little hope. Brandon I believe didn't do well last night but I think he needs a couple weeks with the coaches INXS provides, but with Deanna I think all the coaching in the world would not make her a good INXS singer. And Suzie...come on no chance. Put Suzie, Brandon, and Deanna as the final three...who do you think INXS would pick? Too me it is obvious. I think no way was Deanna or Suzie better than Brandon on Tuesday.

Do any of you think Suzie or Deanna would make good INXS singers? I just don't understand why people are voting for them.

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"RE: Brandon/Ty vs Deanna/Suzie"
Posted by weltek on 08-04-05 at 09:18 AM
I completely agree with you. Brandon & Ty were off this week, while Suzie was at least improved. Unfortunately, many voters must be voting week-by-week, instead of looking at the big picture. I think Suzie and Deanna would be horrid front people for INXS. Hopefully they are in the bottom three next week & both get booted.

"RE: Brandon/Ty vs Deanna/Suzie"
Posted by CattyChat on 08-04-05 at 10:11 AM
My jaw hit the floor last night re Ty & Brandon. I don't understand how Deanna wasn't in the bottom 3, IMO she has been consistently one of the worst performers, her voice is the most limited and she just can't hold a candle to the talent in this group. Likewise Jessica is a weak performer as well & I think she must have gotten sympathy votes.

With Brandon, I think until Tue night, his singing has been all over the place and his range poor. He took the advice of the voice coach & it made a big difference Tue. But last night, he really stunk up the place singing Devil Inside.

I'm glad they only sent Tara home, I was wondering if they were going to knock both her & Brandon. I want to see if Brandon improves any.

Ty is so great. I don't see him as the front man for INXS, but he has a lot of talent and he should be in for the long haul.

Lastly, where are they getting the numbers for the "poor ratings?" I think this show is great, more talent and better elimination system than Idol, IMHO AND I enjoy the Mon night ep showing the "day after," the clinic & the song choice. I have been wishing they would extend it to an hour, it is really interesting. Now, they ditch the show to VH1 on Sun night. I don't get it, this is a great competition!!!!

"RE: Brandon/Ty vs Deanna/Suzie"
Posted by photokitty on 08-05-05 at 03:59 AM
LAST EDITED ON 08-05-05 AT 04:03 AM (EST)

>With Brandon, I think until Tue
>night, his singing has been
>all over the place and
>his range poor. He
>took the advice of the
>voice coach & it made
>a big difference Tue.
>But last night, he really
>stunk up the place singing
>Devil Inside.
>I'm glad they only sent Tara
>home, I was wondering if
>they were going to knock
>both her & Brandon.
>I want to see if
>Brandon improves any.

Yeah, I was surprised to see Brandon there, too. I thought he did OK on Tuesday, at least OK enough to be safe. But I'm with you--he sucked at Devil Inside. It's like he only has a 5 note range or something! He sang that more like One Note Samba! And too much panting! Too much crouching, it's like he had to pee.

>Lastly, where are they getting the
>numbers for the "poor ratings?"
> I think this show
>is great, more talent and
>better elimination system than Idol,
>IMHO AND I enjoy the
>Mon night ep showing the
>"day after," the clinic &
>the song choice. I
>have been wishing they would
>extend it to an hour,
>it is really interesting.
>Now, they ditch the show
>to VH1 on Sun night.
> I don't get it,
>this is a great competition!!!!

I'm with you, CattyChat! I also enjoy the Monday show & wish it was an hour. Those Neilsen Families never like the actual good shows. This is so much better than American Idol. I don't have cable (I'm not getting it, either) and will have to rely on the written recaps. Hmph. Stupid Conglomerates.

"RE: Brandon/Ty vs Deanna/Suzie"
Posted by dragonflies on 08-04-05 at 10:17 AM
While I was watching them perform last night, I thought that it is kind of good that some of these people get put into the bottom 2. Ty did an awesome job with Kick. Almost made me change my mind about him being a good front man. It also confirmed for me that Brandon is not a good fit, despite a good performance on Tuesday.

I wonder if they will ever go to just having the rockers sing INXS songs on Tuesdays?

Also, if the show gets cancelled, what will happen? Will they finish out the competition without airing it?

resized again by mystic bounced by puffy, mystic and woe what a team)

"RE: Brandon/Ty vs Deanna/Suzie"
Posted by Wacko Jacko on 08-05-05 at 02:05 PM
I was hoping more would respond.

But if I had to rank the 4 mentioned on chance to make it as INXS singer I would rank them:

1) Brandon. Has vocal potential and demographic. Could coaching improve his skills? Maybe. I think INXS likes him.
2) Ty. I think he is better than Brandon, but Ty faces a tough road. INXS seems very tough on him so far.
3) Suzie. Female strike. And not that great of a performer in my mind.
4) Deanna. Female strike. Voice is not strong enough.

I feel there is NO possiblity of either Suzie or Deanna working as the new INXS singer. Still some numbskulls vote for them and I don't know why.

I am wondering could the final three come down to who has the most friends and relatives voting for them. That would be a shame. INXS would then have possibily three wrong choices.

"RE: Brandon/Ty vs Deanna/Suzie"
Posted by toddE on 08-05-05 at 08:09 PM
I love this program! I think all the performers are good. But some are better than others.

I knew Ty would be bottom 3. He has the same curse as Tara, but not as bad. I think he's great but he lacks charisma. He has presence, but people don't warm up to him. Deanna, on the other hand, has charisma. I think Ty has way more range, but Deanna has a better chance to become a star. I feel fairly certain that Deanna willl be the last of this group of 4. She has never been bottom three, unlike the others.

Tara was doomed as soon as she was bottom 3. No matter how well she sang, people didn't vote for her three times. For the same reason, Jessica and Suzie will be gone as soon as they return to the bottom 3.

I think Suzie is the worst of this group. Brandon's bad look works against him, but he's definitely working on that.

My guess is that Suzie and Ty will be the next two out.

"For what it's worth...."
Posted by Meemo on 08-05-05 at 11:24 PM
Up here in Canada, Global TV (the network carrying the program) has short commercials running every day trying to get people to vote for the Canadians remaining on the show... specifically Deanna, Suzie and JD (and, before this week, Tara).

So, there may be a several thousand votes pouring in for them each week, for the sole reason that they are Canadian.

Oh Canada.

Half man, half amazing, all DAW

"RE: Brandon/Ty vs Deanna/Suzie"
Posted by seahorse on 08-07-05 at 01:40 PM
Since only one singer is going to be selected by INXS and obviously it won't be Suzie, Deanna, Brandon or Ty, it does not really matter the order in which they are eliminated. CBS might want to keep some females around to make it look like males and females have an equal shot.

Slice & Dice Sigpic Chop Shop 2005

"RE: Brandon/Ty vs Deanna/Suzie"
Posted by duff beer on 08-08-05 at 05:57 PM
I don't see Brandon's attraction. He has butchered some songs, and although others have had bad performances, some of them have at least had good performances to go along with the bad. Brandon has not nailed any song yet and has not done justice to the INXS song, which has to be a kiss of death in the band's eyes.

Deanna, Suzie, and Brandon should be the next three eliminated. The order isn't important, but Deanna and Suzie will probably go first.

Based on their reactions, it looks like the band likes Marty...I woudn't be suprised to see him in the final.