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"We Are NOT Family!"

Posted by photokitty on 08-02-05 at 01:43 PM
I've had it with all the boo-hooing when someone gets eliminated! It's a competition. These people are not your family. Somebody goes home every week. Was this not explained when you signed up?

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"RE: We Are NOT Family!"
Posted by Drive My Car on 08-02-05 at 02:12 PM
Yes someone does go home each week, and yes they are in competition with each other.
The difference is that they aren't votng each other out each week. Your competitors aren't responsible for your demise, so unlike other shows they have the chance to get close, make friendships and cheer each other on. I like that.
They have only known their competition a short time, but they live together and that can make people feel closer.

"RE: We Are NOT Family!"
Posted by photokitty on 08-02-05 at 02:32 PM
Yeah, I know, I also like the minimal backbiting...but they just seem so surprised and shaken every time. It's as if they forget why they're there.

"RE: We Are NOT Family!"
Posted by tamarama on 08-02-05 at 03:16 PM
>>Your competitors aren't responsible for your demise<<

I agree, and add: this is a sign of their professionalism (and conversly, JD's juvenile, manipulative jerk-hood)

In show-biz, you can't live your life viewing everyone all the time as hard-core competition -- you would have NO friends. (I can only speak for the theater world, but I imagine it's much the same with music.)

Yes, every time you have an audition, you HAVE to pour out everything you have, don't be afraid to sell yourself, and don't be afraid to negotiate for what you want.

BUT, every job you take, you're going to be very close to people that - at an audition - may be competition. You might be staying in the same hotel - even in the same house...at the very least you'll be spending almost all day every day together in rehearsal. I have been very specifically told by directors & producers that they will take a more-pleasant/less-talented person because it's just too hard to put up with crap for 3 months or more.

If you spend your every moment scheming to undermine people, or finding ways to raise yourself up by bringing them down...you will be miserable, and you will make everyone around you miserable. Besides which, if you get a job by scheming & conniving, you damn well better be able to back it up in a big way, or it will be your LAST job.

When you work in an office, you can go out for a beer with the people in the next cubicle without animosity (ok, not always). You have to be able to do that in show-biz too. So eventually you learn to get along with, care about, support & encourage your performer-friends...and still do your best to make sure you get the job. But get the job by being the BEST, not by being an arse.

That's why I love it that these people are getting along so well, it shows that they get it, they're mature people that are there to sing for a job. They do their best, head back home and raise a toast. Awesome.

"RE: We Are NOT Family!"
Posted by Wacko Jacko on 08-02-05 at 05:10 PM
Funny thing is in all these other reality shows where they put people in the same house there is always controversy. Here it is minimal. There is no fighting really. I would've thought you put 15 rock stars in the same house you would have dynamite.

"RE: We Are NOT Family!"
Posted by photokitty on 08-02-05 at 06:08 PM
Hmmmm...maybe this is why the ratings are less than what they hoped!

EPMB must be so disappointed in the lack of fighting, and he only has JD to focus on for his usual drama. He must be scratching his head, saying to the network suits, "Hey, who knew this would be such a lovefest?"

"RE: We Are NOT Family!"
Posted by KittyMeghanLeah2 on 08-08-05 at 05:59 PM
excellent point there sweetie..

I think they're too focused on doing their auditions and improving their own skills.. Who has time for sex w/ all that stress..

"RE: We Are NOT Family!"
Posted by Drive My Car on 08-03-05 at 09:41 AM
Funny thing is in all these other reality shows where they put people in the same house there is always controversy. Here it is minimal.

You're right, but I think the difference may be that in other shows, people are cast to create controversy, to be a personality, here they were cast for their talents.

"RE: We Are NOT Family!"
Posted by SherpaDave on 08-02-05 at 06:07 PM
I agree with this. And I think it's really important to note that whoever INXS chooses, the band is gonna be stuck on the road with them a LOT.

"RE: We Are NOT Family!"
Posted by ginger on 08-02-05 at 06:21 PM
It's not as nauseating as the Big Brother hamster bidding each other goodbye, but it comes close sometimes.

"RE: We Are NOT Family!"
Posted by Drive My Car on 08-03-05 at 09:44 AM
I agree, and think that INXS is watching those tapes from the house, so they don't end up with someone difficult to live with.
They want the complete package, someone that can live well with others is important when on tour.

"RE: We Are NOT Family!"
Posted by KittyMeghanLeah2 on 08-08-05 at 06:00 PM
hey bandmates tend to really kick it together.. you don't see em fighting like animals in barroom brawl on stage don't you? tsk...

"RE: We Are NOT Family!"
Posted by Drive My Car on 08-03-05 at 09:53 AM
Thanks Tamarama,

So eventually you learn to get along with, care about, support & encourage your performer-friends...and still do your best to make sure you get the job. But get the job by being the BEST, not by being an arse.

Great insights, for those of us ( me) who have never been on that kind of audition.
I would imagine that for a Band, you really need to love and support your fellow performers.

"RE: We Are NOT Family!"
Posted by tamarama on 08-03-05 at 12:57 PM
You gotta.
Performing is much more emotional than updating the marketing spend budgets for 4th quarter. (oh yawn! I hate it!)

And I agree, I'm sure it's even more important in a band situation than in a theater situation...if you're doing theater, the show eventually closes & you move on to a new city/show/cast. But in a band...man-o-man, you'd better love each other.

"RE: We Are NOT Family!"
Posted by KittyMeghanLeah2 on 08-08-05 at 05:57 PM
aww c'mon photokitty... When you live w/ a bunch of people away from your family/friends/pets.. and share something intense (this case it's music... that is like sharing your soul) then you're apt to be close w/ them or you're just not quite human..

relax... just enjoy the show or take Dave's advice drink 1/2 a bottle of vodka.. gigggle.

I am now seeing Dave being Vodka's next spokesmodel.. EG...

now I wonder if Mig will take that advice.. for the upcoming... humming.. shows? giggle

"RE: We Are NOT Family!"
Posted by KittyMeghanLeah2 on 08-08-05 at 06:01 PM
note I did not say there isn't enough time for making out..now that I wud totally do.