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"Tuesday--July 26th Episode "

Posted by seahorse on 07-26-05 at 09:55 PM
Discussion of tonight's show here.

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: Tuesday--July 26th Episode "
Posted by seahorse on 07-26-05 at 09:56 PM
Jordis does Gimme Some Lovin' by Spenser Davis Group. She blew a line but INXS still liked her.

"RE: Tuesday--July 26th Episode "
Posted by tamglam on 07-26-05 at 11:09 PM
Jordis is smooth, and everything she does looks easy.

"RE: Tuesday--July 26th Episode "
Posted by seahorse on 07-26-05 at 09:59 PM
LAST EDITED ON 07-26-05 AT 10:00 PM (EST)

Suzy sings Superstition by Stevie Wonder. She also played a little harmonica. The band says she is getting better week to week and is listening to their suggestions.

"RE: Tuesday--July 26th Episode "
Posted by SherpaDave on 07-27-05 at 11:43 AM
Y'know, I really dug this. The harmonica was unnecessary--unless she was going to do some mad riffing, why do it at all? But the vocals, her attitude, and her appearance were all great. Really enjoyed this, and until now, I haven't liked her at all.

"RE: Tuesday--July 26th Episode "
Posted by seahorse on 07-26-05 at 10:07 PM
Jessica does Beacause the Night by Patti Smith. Dave said she improved. I thought it was pretty good.

"RE: Tuesday--July 26th Episode "
Posted by SherpaDave on 07-27-05 at 11:43 AM
She should be gone soon. Of all the songs available to the singers so far this season, this one was the single most perfectly fitted song for her. And she was only okay.

"RE: Tuesday--July 26th Episode "
Posted by seahorse on 07-28-05 at 00:45 AM
She did not deserve to be in the bottom 3, JD or Brandon sucked with their songs.

"RE: Tuesday--July 26th Episode "
Posted by SherpaDave on 07-28-05 at 10:52 AM
I would agree. And I think that if the voting system was based on who people want to go, one of them would be. Although she was better than either of them, she wasn't really good enough to merit many top votes, I don't think. I suspect most of Brandon's and JD's votes were based on people liking them from previous performances.

"RE: Tuesday--July 26th Episode "
Posted by seahorse on 07-26-05 at 10:08 PM
Mig does Lola by the Kinks He is going to be around a while.

"RE: Tuesday--July 26th Episode "
Posted by SherpaDave on 07-27-05 at 11:44 AM
Best performance of the night.

"RE: Tuesday--July 26th Episode "
Posted by seahorse on 07-27-05 at 11:48 AM
Certainly one of the best.

"RE: Tuesday--July 26th Episode "
Posted by seahorse on 07-26-05 at 10:12 PM
LAST EDITED ON 07-26-05 AT 10:24 PM (EST)

Brandon sings Tempted by Squeeze. The band said he was struggling with that song, "pitch" problems. I hate that word.

"RE: Tuesday--July 26th Episode "
Posted by photokitty on 07-27-05 at 04:52 AM
Yeah, Brandon blew it with that one.
It's a great song and he wasn't up to it. It was beyond his reach.
Plus, it's as if he'd never heard it before, didn't know how the melody went.

"RE: Tuesday--July 26th Episode "
Posted by SherpaDave on 07-27-05 at 11:36 AM
Being on the west coast (and not having a functional PC at home at the moment), I can't weigh in on the actual performances til the next day...

I WANTED TO STRANGLE BRANDON. He took one of my all-time favorite songs and completely slaughtered it. He wasn't even in the same neighborhood as the tune. Awful, awful, AWFUL.

"RE: Tuesday--July 26th Episode "
Posted by seahorse on 07-27-05 at 11:39 AM
LAST EDITED ON 07-27-05 AT 11:39 AM (EST)

No doubt it was one of a bunch of stinker performances last night. There should be a bottom 5 after last night.

"RE: Tuesday--July 26th Episode "
Posted by seahorse on 07-26-05 at 10:19 PM
Ty does Everybody Hurts by REM. I love that song. It gives me chills when I hear it.

Ty cut his mohawk down to about an inch high.

He did awesome and everyone agreed.

"RE: Tuesday--July 26th Episode "
Posted by SherpaDave on 07-26-05 at 10:38 PM
This is, without a doubt, my least favorite REM song ever. Everybody whines... sometimes.

"RE: Tuesday--July 26th Episode "
Posted by seahorse on 07-26-05 at 10:39 PM
Differences of opinion. I thought it was the best song of the night so far.

"RE: Tuesday--July 26th Episode "
Posted by photokitty on 07-27-05 at 02:25 AM
Listen to the words!
It's not about whining, it's about trying to prevent suicide!

"RE: Tuesday--July 26th Episode "
Posted by SherpaDave on 07-27-05 at 11:38 AM
Okay, okay, okay. I hate this song, and I totally stand by that. The original REM version is incredibly whiny. It makes me want to commit suicide, not stop myself from doing so. (And, in general, I'm an REM fan. Just something about these lyrics combined with Stipe's voice makes me want to swallow a vial of sleeping pills.)

That said... Ty's version was very warm, and made me actually like the song. A little.

"RE: Tuesday--July 26th Episode "
Posted by seahorse on 07-27-05 at 11:42 AM
You're giving me faith in your opinions again, Dave.

"RE: Tuesday--July 26th Episode "
Posted by SherpaDave on 07-27-05 at 11:59 AM
Isn't that a George Michael song?

"RE: Tuesday--July 26th Episode "
Posted by seahorse on 07-27-05 at 12:36 PM
And Father Figure

"RE: Tuesday--July 26th Episode "
Posted by photokitty on 07-27-05 at 02:21 AM
Ty didn't cut it, he just French braided it or something.

He did so well tonight. That song has a melody with a big range and he nailed it. It's so moving, and he conveyed that, too.

"RE: Tuesday--July 26th Episode "
Posted by seahorse on 07-26-05 at 10:22 PM
Heather does "If It Makes You Happy" by Sheryl Crow.

She will be in the bottom 3 I predict.

She screamed out the notes. The band was not too happy with the song either.

"RE: Tuesday--July 26th Episode "
Posted by arkiegrl on 07-26-05 at 10:25 PM
One comment about her hair and make-up tonight... anyone remember Hocus Pocus with Bette Midler? I thought she looked a lot like the Divine Ms. M's character in that movie.

"RE: Tuesday--July 26th Episode "
Posted by photokitty on 07-27-05 at 02:53 AM
I thought she did alright. Yeah, her voice got lost on the softer parts ( the verses) but when it came time to belt out the chorus, she brought it, and with some sass.

"RE: Tuesday--July 26th Episode "
Posted by SherpaDave on 07-27-05 at 11:40 AM
Her rendition (if it can be called that) made me feel less embarrassed about liking Sheryl Crow, if that makes sense. Watching Heather alternate between ribbitting like a frog and screaming like a banshee made me much better appreciate Sheryl's range and control.

"RE: Tuesday--July 26th Episode "
Posted by seahorse on 07-26-05 at 10:29 PM
LAST EDITED ON 07-26-05 AT 10:37 PM (EST)

JD does Queen's We Are the Champions. I did not like his attempt to sing Freddie Mercury. He was an octave too low. He could be in real trouble this week.

The band said the song was very shaky too.

"RE: Tuesday--July 26th Episode "
Posted by arkiegrl on 07-26-05 at 10:31 PM
That performance blew chunks.

"RE: Tuesday--July 26th Episode "
Posted by photokitty on 07-27-05 at 03:01 AM
Yeah, why was he so low? I guess so he could hit the high notes more easily.
He has an interesting voice and style, but I expect him to hear the phrase "you're just not right for our band, INXS," but not for a while.

We could throw his own words right back at him: "I'm sure he'll make another band very happy." (What he said regarding Ty.)

"RE: Tuesday--July 26th Episode "
Posted by SherpaDave on 07-27-05 at 11:41 AM
And yet... he couldn't hit the high notes, either. "Blew chunks" might be too kind.

"RE: Tuesday--July 26th Episode "
Posted by seahorse on 07-26-05 at 10:32 PM
Deanna does Give A Little Bit by Supertramp.

Not her best performance at all.

"RE: Tuesday--July 26th Episode "
Posted by SherpaDave on 07-26-05 at 10:36 PM
So she got first choice this week and her first choice was... Supertramp?!?!

"RE: Tuesday--July 26th Episode "
Posted by seahorse on 07-26-05 at 10:38 PM
Luckily some of the others are stinking up the place this week. She will probably be safe in my book.

"RE: Tuesday--July 26th Episode "
Posted by SherpaDave on 07-27-05 at 11:47 AM
Yup. I wasn't actually commenting on her performance. Or on Supertramp, specifically. I really like her and I really like Supertramp. The two together just seemed like a bizarre mix, though, when I read that. After seeing the performance... eh. Not bad. Not amazing, but certainly not in the sewers with JD, Heather, Daphna, Brandon, Jessica...

"RE: Tuesday--July 26th Episode "
Posted by seahorse on 07-26-05 at 10:36 PM
Daphna does Rock the Casbah by the Clash. She sounded monotone.

They said she murdered the song. Another bottom 3 performer.

"RE: Tuesday--July 26th Episode "
Posted by photokitty on 07-27-05 at 03:05 AM
Yeah, definitely one of the bottom 3.
She sounded like a lounge act!
Or, like someone on American Idol...

"RE: Tuesday--July 26th Episode "
Posted by SherpaDave on 07-27-05 at 11:49 AM
What WAS that? For that matter, what was she WEARING? Weirdest performance of the season. And not, alas, in a good way.

"RE: Tuesday--July 26th Episode "
Posted by seahorse on 07-26-05 at 10:44 PM
Tara does "Suffragette City" by David Bowie.

She has no chance to win this competition but she probably bought herself another week.

"RE: Tuesday--July 26th Episode "
Posted by photokitty on 07-27-05 at 03:10 AM
Yeah. She wasn't THE worst, but she'll be singing on Wednesday.

Dave said she was being...cute. I would have said kitschy.
Anyway, there's something about the way she scrunches up her face when she's "rockin' it." Blech.

"RE: Tuesday--July 26th Episode "
Posted by SherpaDave on 07-27-05 at 11:51 AM
I actually liked this. Give her a chance and she kinda grows on you. Like a fungus, maybe, but still...

(She should never be allowed to move her hips at all, though. When she tries to pull off sexy, it comes across as... well... kinda like a monkey throwing feces.)

"RE: Tuesday--July 26th Episode "
Posted by photokitty on 07-27-05 at 04:31 PM


"RE: Tuesday--July 26th Episode "
Posted by seahorse on 07-26-05 at 10:51 PM
Marty does Nirvana's Lithium. He is one of the favorites in my opinion. I liked his version.

"RE: Tuesday--July 26th Episode "
Posted by Moother on 07-26-05 at 11:04 PM
IMHO J.D. was the absolute worst this week! I almost spit up coke when I heard him try to blame his performance on his sister being in the audience! He probably asked her to attend so he would have an out.

My top 4 would be MIG, TY, JORDIS, & Marty!

"RE: Tuesday--July 26th Episode "
Posted by calamityc on 07-27-05 at 01:40 AM
No need for me to type-those were exactly the 4 I liked enough to vote for.

"RE: Tuesday--July 26th Episode "
Posted by arkiegrl on 07-26-05 at 11:37 PM
I totally lvoed this performance.

"RE: Tuesday--July 26th Episode "
Posted by photokitty on 07-27-05 at 03:18 AM
He ROCKED that song! He was the best of the evening, I say!

Top: Marty, Ty, MiG, Jordis.

Bottom 3: Tara, Jessica, Daphna.

"RE: Tuesday--July 26th Episode "
Posted by SherpaDave on 07-27-05 at 11:59 AM
Hmmmm. Well. I'm going to be a little bit of a voice of dissent here. When Jordis tackled Nirvana, I dug it, because she didn't try to channel Kurt. She was Jordis, performing a Nirvana song. Marty, on the other hand... the stringy blonde hair hanging down over his eyes... the vocal inflections... I dunno. Nobody is Kurt. Sorry. As Kurt wannabes go, he was good. But he was still a Kurt wannabe.

"*slams hand on desk*"
Posted by Glow on 07-27-05 at 12:03 PM
I'm just going to follow you around saying this:

Yes! Exactly!

"*raises fist in solidarity*"
Posted by SilverStar on 07-27-05 at 12:20 PM
I agree too. Marty does impressions, not performances. He did the same thing with the Franz Ferdinand song in the first week. As far as I know, Marty does not have a British accent, but he sure sang the song like he did. Ugh.

Sigs by Bob! Fear and chemistry keep everyone happy!

"RE: Tuesday--July 26th Episode "
Posted by photokitty on 07-27-05 at 04:21 PM
>Hmmmm. Well. I'm going to be
>a little bit of a
>voice of dissent here. When
>Jordis tackled Nirvana, I dug
>it, because she didn't try
>to channel Kurt. She was
>Jordis, performing a Nirvana song.
>Marty, on the other hand...
>the stringy blonde hair hanging
>down over his eyes... the
>vocal inflections... I dunno. Nobody
>is Kurt. Sorry. As Kurt
>wannabes go, he was good.
>But he was still a
>Kurt wannabe.

Of course! There's only one Kurt.
So, where is the line drawn between serving the song and covering it well, and doing an impression/being a wannabe? That's a tough one. Jordis won't "channel Kurt"--she's female, thereby making it easier to hear her as original. This is why she might win this--no accusations of being a Michael wannabe/copycat.

"RE: Tuesday--July 26th Episode "
Posted by seahorse on 07-26-05 at 11:10 PM
Bottom 3 Should be


Maybe in the mix.


"RE: Tuesday--July 26th Episode "
Posted by seahorse on 07-28-05 at 00:47 AM
I got the bottom 2 right.

"RE: Tuesday--July 26th Episode "
Posted by photokitty on 07-28-05 at 01:36 AM
Yeah, you did!

I was surprised that Tara was not in the bottom 3, but I was glad that we didn't have to listen to her tonight!

I thought Heather would get enough sympathy votes and fan votes to keep her afloat. I thought it would be Daphna, Tara, Jessica, with Jessica going home. So much for what I thought!

"RE: Tuesday--July 26th Episode "
Posted by Tahj on 07-27-05 at 11:51 AM
Damn! I missed it. Does anyone know if they repeat this episode?

Moves courtesy of Syren

"RE: Tuesday--July 26th Episode "
Posted by seahorse on 07-27-05 at 11:53 AM
They have been on Saturday.

"RE: Tuesday--July 26th Episode "
Posted by brooke b on 07-27-05 at 12:56 PM
>Discussion of tonight's show here.

i think a lot of the contestants struggled last night.........i liked MIG performance though

"RE: Tuesday--July 26th Episode "
Posted by seahorse on 07-27-05 at 01:02 PM
"i think a lot of the contestants struggled last night........."

That's an understatement for sure.

"RE: Tuesday--July 26th Episode "
Posted by CBRetriever on 07-27-05 at 01:44 PM
>"i think a lot of the
>contestants struggled last night........."
>That's an understatement for sure.

I felt like I was watching one of those audition to be on AI shows with contestants like William Huang (sp?). I kept turning the volume down. Even some of the performances that were good, weren't very good. If Brandon, Tara and Susie hadn't really shouted out the chorus lines on the songs that they sung, I wouldn't have been able to tell what the song was. MiG was good, but if I hadn't know he was singing Lola, I wouldn't have known it from his performance. The only ones who did good versions of their songs, IMHO, were Ty and Marty whom I haven't been very impressed with in the past.

Ty is starting to impress me with a cockiness that's the equal of JD's, but in a less overt manner. He was visibly miffed in last weeks show when INXS dissed his performance, and had a well, I'll show them attitude during last night's performance. He's just keeping quiet in public about it though.