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"Who's best for SN?"

Posted by geekboy on 09-11-06 at 10:16 PM
After pondering this for several days (and forcing myself to step away from my Dilana bias), i think the final four all have traits and styles that would mesh well with SN. The question is which aspect does SN rank as #1 in picking the person to front SN.

* Showmanship/stage presence: this one goes to Lukas without a doubt. He is unique, he stands out, as none of the others do.
* Attitude/style - Dilana, no question. She embodies the rock-and-roll attitude and is very comfortable in her own skin and style. Beyond that, she has a voice unlike anyone else...but my bias creeps in.
* Best vocals: Magni. Hands down, the best of all of them vocally. He has a classic, rock and roll frontman voice.
* Sex appeal/Party-man: Toby. He can sing, perhaps not the best of the four, but i'm sure he's the life of the party.

As stated before, i'm biased toward Dilana, but the real question we need to ask is which of these four descriptions does Supernove think is more important?


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Messages in this discussion
"RE: Who's best for SN?"
Posted by Glow on 09-12-06 at 08:16 AM
Lukas! Why? Because he fits all four of the descriptions you posted.

“Music has been my best friend my whole life, because music doesn’t betray you.” - Lukas Rossi

"RE: Who's best for SN?"
Posted by nailbone on 09-12-06 at 10:22 AM
Well, I don't see the "party guy" aspect in Lukas (don't see the "sex appeal", either ), but he does fit the other three.

Sweet hot Storm, OTOH, did fit all four criteria. And yet, not what SN was looking for.

Holey carp! My blog! MySpace!
Official OT Tassel Adjuster and OT Fantasy Football Champ! o-

"RE: Who's best for SN?"
Posted by Glow on 09-12-06 at 10:33 AM
*head tilt*
Your post has me seriously confused, my dear Boner.

'cept for the part about Storm. {{{Storm}}}

"RE: Who's best for SN?"
Posted by nailbone on 09-12-06 at 04:21 PM
I think Lukas has the shownamship, style, and vocals. I just don't seem him as "party-man". He seems too dark/emo/whatever for that.

Holey carp! My blog! MySpace!
Official OT Tassel Adjuster and OT Fantasy Football Champ! o-

"RE: Who's best for SN?"
Posted by Glow on 09-12-06 at 02:44 PM
Without starting a new thread...
I was curious who everybody thinks WILL win.
I? think Lukas will and Lukas should.

"RE: Who's best for SN?"
Posted by toddE on 09-12-06 at 06:55 PM
Dilana should, but Lukas will.

"RE: Who's best for SN?"
Posted by Magnolia_Rocker on 09-12-06 at 02:57 PM
Hmmmm, tough call but I'm going to say Toby. It's definitely between him and Lukas IMO.

A Tribe Original!

"RE: Who's best for SN?"
Posted by Savahnna on 09-12-06 at 02:58 PM
I agree with your assessments Geekboy except for vocals...which I find Lukas stronger. Actually, I think Dilana and Lukas tie for attitude and style. Toby is the "crowd pleaser"....but I do think if that's what they're looking for Lukas could do that too....

I really see a Lukas/Toby 1st and 2nd...and I think it will play out similar to last year where many were thinkng Marty would take it but JD did.

I think Toby may look strong but I'm pretty sure Lukas will take it home. Don't see it happening at all for Magni or D.

Lukas should/will...but I see the potential for some "control" issues.

"RE: Who's best for SN?"
Posted by Wacko Jacko on 09-12-06 at 05:17 PM
I will come down to Lukas and Toby. The winner it all depends. Lukas will give them a darker sound and Toby more a party sound. it all depends on what SuperNova is looking for.

Last season it was really pretty easy. We knew what defined INXS. We did not know what their new music would be but we knew the new lead singer had to perform classic INXS. The new music ended up being like old style INXS.

This brings me to a new question.

"RE: Who's best for SN?"
Posted by Savahnna on 09-12-06 at 05:30 PM
it all
>depends on what SuperNova is
>looking for.

>This brings me to a new

You?? Gilby's still getting the hairdye out of his fingernails from scratching his head on this one.

"RE: Who's best for SN?"
Posted by MKitty on 09-12-06 at 06:05 PM
I too am showing my bias here..but I am in the "Anyone but Dilana" camp! My stomach is in knots just antipating the show tonight...but from last night's "At the Mansion" show, I cannot wait to hear both Toby and Lukas! (didn't see a thing about Magni, so don't know how to feel about his song!) Dilana..well...er...don't care!

"RE: Who's best for SN?"
Posted by Lahela on 09-12-06 at 06:45 PM
I believe it will come down to Lukas and Toby, with Lukas taking the "ultimate prize".
But honestly, since i'm not much of a Lukas fan, that works out well for the other 4 so they can go off and have successful solo careers without having to be tied down to the sinking ship of SN. Sorry folks, but you heard their 3 showcased songs too and you can't tell me that's going to sell many records. I don't see them lasting beyond 2 yrs, really. Sad, just sad.

"RE: Who's best for SN?"
Posted by LavaGirrl on 09-12-06 at 11:25 PM
I hope and pray that Lukas will win, because in my humble opinion he deserves it the most due to his talent.....The second person that I'd like to see win is, Toby- because of his strong spirit and stage presence. I absolutely don't want Magni or Dilana to win, because they both have always rubbed me the wrong way for some reason....and also because, I don't forsee them "Making-It" in the long run of the big picture of SuperNova.......Thanks....