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Thread Number: 424
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Posted by cebee on 09-09-06 at 09:26 AM
I was so excited when rock star came back this summer
I loved rockstar inxs and went to see them in concert and they rocked and I have been to many concerts in my life of hard rocking bands and inxs is in the top three greatest shows I have been to

any whoo I have to say supernova has really disappointed me
the singers cannot hold a candle to last years group
even inxs worst is better than i have seen on this show

just wanted to know if anyone else felt this way

dont mean to step on any toes
its just how i feel

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"It was Entertaining"
Posted by michel on 09-09-06 at 02:13 PM
Hi cebee and welcome to the boards. I didn't watch last season because INXS has never been a band that interests me, so I can't compare. All I know is that this group of singers have been very entertaining. I wasn't a fan of neither of the Supernova musicians but was mesmerized while channel surfing by Dilana's second performance. Since then Lukas, Magni, Ryan, Storm and even Zayra in her own weird way had emerged as very interesting performers that made me tune in each week and share views on this board. I can't ask for more than that from a television show!

You expressed a desire to avoid stepping on toes and even if this doesn't do that, your post could've gone in an existing thread, Wacko Jacko's "Thoughts on Final 4" thread as an example.

"RE: disappointed"
Posted by Savahnna on 09-10-06 at 12:13 PM
I too was disappointed.

I was not an INXS fan before the show....but came to genuinly like them as ppl and after JD joined them saw them in AC..

I really like Toby a lot and would be happy to see him win...but I don't think I'd buy tickets to see them anywhere. I did however think the talent was great for the most part.

"RE: disappointed"
Posted by Glow on 09-10-06 at 09:26 PM
Welcome to the boards, cebee. This post made me smile because of what I just posted in Wacko Jacko's thread. It's amazing how differently people can view things sometimes! As I said over there, I am blown away by the talent this year. I thought every single one of them offered something unique. I have been awe-inspired by a few of them (one in particular). I totally see myself following the careers of some of these talented artists. The ones I know that I will for sure follow without doubt are Ryan, Lukas, Storm, Josh, Zayra and Phil. wow. I became a fan of a few of them before the show started (Storm, Ryan, Phil). I questioned Zayra and her talent until a few short performances before she left. When it was her time to go, my heart broke. I beg everybody who thought or thinks she is a joke to just read up on her and listen to "Everybody Hurts" "Not an Addict" and "Razorblade" again and again until you see what I see. Trust me, it won't take long. Lukas was my first favorite and I still believe that his talent will get him far. I hope we see him for many many years. With and/or without SP. Recently, my RyanLove surpassed my LukasLove. Far surpassed actually. This guy is wow, he's everything I love about music. Everything. Storm is so classy and such a role model. Every woman should look up to her. Josh is uncompromising and so soulful and beautiful. And Phil, my dear Phil, believes in the music so much. gah. I'm sorry to gush all over this board because I know most of you (minus a few and I thank you all for not making me feel like a complete idiot - you know who you are) don't feel as passionately about these people as I do. I love them all. Every single one of them.

I'm sorry that not everybody felt the same way I felt about this season. I'm so sad that this is the last week for this show. I miss it already. I can only hope that MBP brings it back again next year. Until then, my schedule is filled with as many concerts as I can manage (which unfortunately is not nearly enough).

“Music has been my best friend my whole life, because music doesn’t betray you.” - Lukas Rossi

"RE: disappointed"
Posted by Savahnna on 09-12-06 at 11:45 AM
Wow. What an illustrious description of the contestants Glow!! I can't wait 'till tonight now!! I agree with everything expecially Zayra ....haven't heard her other stuff...but she's a powerful performer..I think I had Phil love a little more than Ryan .....but loved them both.

I believe these contestents were as powerful if not more than last years....just can't drool over SN.

"RE: disappointed"
Posted by ginger on 09-12-06 at 01:24 PM
I was into it at first. Don't know when/why my enthusiasm dropped. I think Toby's gonna win. That kind of sums things up to me.