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"My thoughts heading into the Final 4"

Posted by Wacko Jacko on 09-07-06 at 10:40 AM
LAST EDITED ON 09-07-06 AT 04:55 PM (EST)

My wife said something to me last night and she was absolutely right. She said that only Toby and Dilana ignite excitement in the crowd. I think many of you watch the show and look at it from your point of view you say I like Storm or Magni or whoever. The fact is all you have to do is look at the crowd and you can see who is best for the band.

Hey, I loved Lukas' original 'Headspin'. I have been humming it for the past 24 hours. But when I looked at the audience they just sat there looking confused. It got hardly any reaction.

That brings me too who is SuperNova going to pick. I think it should be Toby or Dilana. But think in the end it will be Toby. SN wants a singer that ignites it's audience. I don't think SuperNova wants a woman so Dilana will lose out. I think Tommy for one REALLY wants Lukas. In the end I expect Toby to emerge...SuperNova will get it.....Toby is who the audience likes.....the internet votes are nice but remember there are ballot stuffers. People do not buy more than 1 SuperNova cd. For this reason Magni is toast...because he doe not get the audience going and SuperNova doesn't seem all that geeked .....he has absolutely no WOW factor either. In less than a week expect Toby to merge.

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"RE: My thoughts heading into the Final 4"
Posted by weltek on 09-07-06 at 11:22 AM
I disagree about the crowds' reaction to Lukas. They love him. I think people just listen to Lukas's lyrics a little more because he's intense. Well, and nobody can understand him without concentrating on what the mumbles actually are.

I'm not a Lukas fan, but he certainly has a following. The only person I see as a non-contender in the F4 is Magni. Magni hasn't "wowed" Supernova and I don't get the impression they've personally gelled real well.

"RE: My thoughts heading into the Final 4"
Posted by Lex Icon on 09-07-06 at 11:39 AM
I beg to differ there Weltek. I truly think Magni's the guy the band really like and respect, only they can't see where a husband, father, foreigner and bald guy fit into their scheme of things.

To date he has been by far the most professional in his conduct at the mansion and in his prep for getting a song right. He also looks the most suited amongst the other band members, i.e. fitting-in the age bracket.

"RE: My thoughts heading into the Final 4"
Posted by nailbone on 09-07-06 at 11:42 AM
I agree, except I wouldn't say "by far" because Storm has also been the consummate professional in her conduct at the mansion and on the show, and definitely fits in age-wise. I just don't think they want a woman in front.

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Official OT Tassel Adjuster and OT Fantasy Football Champ! o-

"RE: My thoughts heading into the Final 4"
Posted by Lex Icon on 09-07-06 at 11:51 AM
Fair comment. I hadn't considered Storm because - like the band (methinks) - a woman is unlikely going to front this outfit.

If ever there was a deserved encore it was for her original song - a fitting farewell AND a car to drive off in.

"RE: My thoughts heading into the Final 4"
Posted by nailbone on 09-07-06 at 12:28 PM

Holey carp! My blog! MySpace!
Official OT Tassel Adjuster and OT Fantasy Football Champ! o-

"RE: My thoughts heading into the Final 4"
Posted by weltek on 09-07-06 at 01:08 PM
I think you misinterpreted use of "gelled." I didn't mean they don't respect him, I just don't think their personalities as band members would connect very well (e.g., Magni being a family man and connected to his home country). So, I think we are agreeing, Lex.

"RE: My thoughts heading into the Final 4"
Posted by chappi66 on 09-07-06 at 12:10 PM
I think you are right about Toby and Dilana. They are the only two that I was consider as contenders for the title. They both have the ability to get the crowd going and really make an impact. I do also agree that Toby will be the front man once the smoke has cleared. Dilana is great and I think she would really be good for the band, however, I think that because of her recent emotional issues and whatnot, Supernova is having second thoughts about it. I really do not believe that Supernova will pick a woman over the 3 guys.

Lucas - Not crazy about Lucas - he is too much of a screamer. Jason has been telling him that from the get go and he still is doing the screaming. Plus I think Lucas is a little more out there than the band really wants to go.

Magni - IMO - Just does not have the stage presence to get the job done.

"RE: My thoughts heading into the Final 4"
Posted by Velcrohead on 09-07-06 at 12:20 PM
The fact is all you have to do is look at the crowd and you can see who is best for the band.

Which, of course, is just as subjective as liking artist X over artist Y – we all see what we want to see. Hell, I thought the crowd’s response to Magni was extremely positive. Don’t forget that whether one of these four is to going to cut it in the studio is as important a consideration as to how they perform on stage. They’re linked but they’re not the same.

To that end, I, too, think Toby will win.....as the compromise choice. Magni, however, shouldn’t be written off for a couple of a reasons. One, he’s the underdog and a nice guy to boot: in such a public arena, when we’ve been privy to the entire casting process, that counts for a helluva lot. The reality episodes bare this out yet even if you didn’t see them, all the editing in the world can’t disguise he’s personable and has the voice as well. It’s interesting that none of the other rockers have had a bad thing to say about him; if anything, he’s their ‘go to’ guy. And second, he’s easily the most professional of those that remain. Rock stars may be wild and live the life of Riley. Equally, they need to be serious on the business side. Magni has experience of that, albeit on a lesser scale, in his native Iceland and Supernova can’t afford to ignore that aspect unless this is nothing more than a fun project which they won’t lose sleep over if it crashes and burns quickly.

Tommy is championing Lukas, I’m pretty sure, and that is certainly in his favour. The question mark that hangs over him is that his repertoire on the show has been rather hit and miss - terrific when he’s good, awful when he’s not. He’s also managed to forget the lyrics to at least one of the songs he’s performed and turned his back on the audience twice in separate performances. It’s easily forgivable and rectified but not something you can completely overlook, either.

As for Dilana, I remember saying early on that the competition was hers to lose. And here we are. Editing has played it’s part, to be sure, in her becoming the villain of the piece. Still, she said what she said and Mark Burnett, as any good editor worth his salt would do, exploited it to the full. You might say that’s unfair, and I may even agree with you yet, ultimately, it doesn’t change the fact she let the door open. The voting public have turned against her, accordingly. For Supernova, this represents a problem since they clearly earmarked her from the beginning and find themselves with the real possibility of alienating their potential market by choosing to ignore them. It now comes down to what they want versus what they need. The delicious irony is that having constantly banged the drum about taking risks, giving the gig to Dilana would be an almighty one. Maybe they’ll stick to their guns, especially if, as I noted above, they’re looking at this as a short-term venture rather than with a view to a future legacy. They won’t want to look like laughing stocks, though, and paired with signs of her instability that has surfaced recently, my money is on Dilana being shifted. No amount of Dave-lust can help her.

Finally, I’ll throw it out there and say that personality may count for something in the final decision. From what I’ve seen of the banter on stage, the rapport and the goings-on at the mansion I’d surmise the remaining four thusly:

If I wanted a drinking buddy, I’d pick Lukas. And bring Toby along to add to the fun time we’d have. If I wanted an 'experience,' I’d opt for Dilana, faults and all. If there’s somebody I’d want to get to know better with a view to a friendship, I’d go for Magni. There’s a genuine quality about him that I like a lot. Then again, I am biased

"RE: My thoughts heading into the Final 4"
Posted by Sonicbluebird on 09-07-06 at 12:44 PM
I would have loved to see Storm in the final 4. Heck I really think she should have been one of the final two, but then I don't get to make the decisions.

Lukas - He is my least favorite, but he has a huge following. He has a lot of potential, but everytime I see a glimer of a decent singing voice emerge from his throat, he strangles it. I know, I know, I am just jealous that he is better at putting on makeup than I am.

Dilana - She is her own biggest fan and worst enemy. I was a big fan of hers in the beginning, but my love for her has faded even before her big melt down. She was a better performer in the beginning, but when the others grew, she didn't, and eventually they passed her.

Magni - He is perfect - too perfect.

Toby - The frat boy. He has energy. He gets the crowd going. He isn't the best singer, but when he is up there the crowd doesn't seem to care - EVS. Of the four left, he seems to be the best fit personality wise. With Toby, Jason and Gilby may have found a playmate for Tommy.

"RE: My thoughts heading into the Final 4"
Posted by michel on 09-07-06 at 02:19 PM
There are many things we know about these 4 singers but so many more we don’t. It makes it impossible to know which one SN will choose. Do they want a party band, a band that will create a buzz or are they looking to create music that will last?

If they want to be a creative group whose music will be taken seriously, VH has accurately stated the case for Magni. I’d like to know if the acoustic guitar arrangement on the SN song was his idea. It made that song, so if it was his idea they’d have to be impressed. Even if it had been arranged like that all along, his performance was the most polished. Maybe my judgment is affected because I listen to CDs much more than I go to concerts but Magni would be my choice.

Toby is best suited for a party band. His original was immediately remembered, which is good. However, songs that are immediately remembered are also just as quickly forgotten. The Backstreet Boys don’t have many classics in the rock catalogue! If it is only to ride the wave of the show’s publicity, his choice would be understandable.

Both Dilana and Lukas could create a buzz fronting this band. Both are riskier choices but they give instant recognition to any song they perform and it makes you take notice. Dilana mesmerized me the first time I saw her and it is the reason I started listening to this show. That cannot be ignored despite her regression in the last weeks. SN would have to rely on their own song writing skills and that isn’t a great perspective!

Lukas has the creativity and the stage presence needed. His SN performance was the most captivating of the four we’ve seen. His original proves he has something to say however that message seems very personal and may be more suited to a solo career. I know I would be most curious about listening to a CD on which he would be featured. Curiosity isn’t always a good thing and it can be expensive!

PS. VH, I appreciated the comments. Survivor’s new season should offer an interesting story to analyze!

"RE: My thoughts heading into the Final 4"
Posted by cycles2k on 09-07-06 at 07:43 PM
LAST EDITED ON 09-07-06 AT 10:27 PM (EST)

Interesting perspectives. Crowd reaction is an important indicator.

I would add that radio presence is also important because these guys are not going to sell out concerts for long if they can't even get a tune on the radio or on MTV. It might yield the same conclusion because Toby's original seemed to be the type of tune that would receive a lot of quick DJ and VJ attention. However, that also puts Lukas in the running and leaves Magni and Dilana out.

Personally I have no idea who is going to win. If they want the younger money spending audience then Toby is probably the best choice. If their target is an older or more dedicated following then the more serious Lukas might be a good choice. Magni has the voice for radio and Dilana offers an instantly unique and interesting sound.

"RE: My thoughts heading into the Final 4"
Posted by toddE on 09-08-06 at 10:06 AM
Ultimately, I agree with the posts saying that Magni is the least likely to win. I think he is nice and boring. Tommy himself isn't enough to sell a band(witness Methods of Mayhem) so they need a stronger front person.

Toby is the least talented (um, by far) but he is the most physically attractive and the best personality. Could win, but then I think not probable.

That leaves Lukas and Dilana. Based on Dilana's edit, I'd go with Lukas as the winner.

That said, I think there are problems with this type of competition. It's like the Apprentice. I'd love to be on the Apprentice, but I wouldn't want the job if I won. Who wants to work for Trump? And this show is sort of the same thing.

Maybe that's why I don't really even care who wins this (as opposed to, say, Big Brother or Survivor).

"RE: My thoughts heading into the Final 4"
Posted by Glow on 09-10-06 at 09:04 PM
wow. I've been all over the place this season, but one thing has remained constant - I think Lukas is the best choice for SP. I've been bitter for a while now but I do realize I am part of their target audience. And I do believe they can draw me in with any of the final four. *cougheightcough* Lukas will give them what they claim to want. They say they want a singer who won't disappear in front of them. They say they want somebody who "scares" them because they don't know what's coming next. They want a modern look and sound. Tommy said he has always dreamed of a singer that looks and sounds like Lukas. This all points to a Lukas win. While I am the farthest thing from a Dilana hater these days, I still think she blew it. Magni is such a talented guy. He just doesn't fit and he lacks that IT factor that we hear so much about. I get bored when he's on stage and SP totally snubbed him on stage (very not cool). Lukas has IT in spades. Toby is... ummm... Toby is cute. I think they would be making a big mistake picking anybody but Lukas. But that, of course, is just me.

But you know, they're bringing them all with them on tour. That? is a good move.

I am totally blown away by the talent on this show. I was emotional every week since week four. {{{Phil}}} I didn't want to see any of them leave. (oops. Minus week whatever when Dana was booted.) I love them all and wish the best for every single one of them. I hope my master, Mark Burnett, can/will bring it next year like he did this year. wow! Just wow!

“Music has been my best friend my whole life, because music doesn’t betray you.” - Lukas Rossi