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"What are they looking for?"

Posted by nailbone on 09-06-06 at 02:14 PM
From Rockband.com:

I agree it will be down to Toby and Lucas.

The real question is...
Who is Supernova trying to appeal to?

The older generation i.e. - 30's and up... who grew up with SN music? ( other bands ).. if that is the case, then Toby fits the bill. I like Toby a lot and enjoy watching him. ( It doesn't hurt that he is so cute )

....or are they trying to capture the new generation of Rockers? If so, then Lucas is their best bet.

For me, I can't relate to Lucas. I enjoy his stage presence, but for the most part, his singing doesn't do it for me. His punk Fresh look, just seems odd in front of these old Rockers.
( Just my opinion of course ).

Storm to me, is a powerful lady. Full of confidence, and truly beautiful. I love her performances, but don't see her fronting the band. I do think this whole experience and TV, will skyrocket her to stardom - if it hasn't already. I look forward to seeing Storm in the future.

Magni to me has an incredible voice, and I too love listening to him. As for the stage, he doesn't have the same energy etc.. the other's have.. but then again, has anyone seen Tom Petty or Bob Segar? Those are old Rockers that are awesome to listen to, but live - there isn't any energy. I still love them mind you.
Even Elton John has no theatrics, and watching him live is very boring - but he's wonderful to listen to.

I hope that Magni continues doing what he's doing, as I like listening to him. He has a powerful voice, and real talent.

I've been to so many concerts in my day. My fav. to date still stands at David Lee Roth with Van Halen ( I know, I'm dating myself here ). Now he commanded the stage.
Even Mic Jagar never lets the audience down at his age.

As for Dilana. I agree, she's given up. I don't think she wants it anymore and is tyring to evoke sympathy but is going about it wrong.
I feel sorry for her, and hope that in the end, she does make it one day.

From all the spoilers it seems that Tommy is set on Lucas. I think Gilby likes Toby.
As for Jason.. I think it'll come down to his vote.

I won't be surprised if Lucas wins.

As for tonight, I'm thinking either Dilana or Magni will be set free.

So what do you think?

Holey carp! My blog! MySpace!
Official OT Tassel Adjuster and OT Fantasy Football Champ! o-

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"RE: What are they looking for?"
Posted by weltek on 09-06-06 at 02:34 PM
I think this expert analysis is cheapened by the fact he/she doesn't know how to spell Lukas's name. Must be keenly paying attention to the show.

Ok, I'm half joking about that. Half. I agree with their decision is partially influenced about the market they want to capture. They'd be fools to bank on the 30+ market as those people don't spend NEARLY as much money on purchased music, merchandise & concerts. They are still rockin' enough to hit with the younger crowd, so they should try to meld their 'old' music with a new appealing younger sound. From a record exec & manager standpoint, that would be my push. Ultimately, I think their decision depends on:

1) Singer that stands out in a crowded music environment
2) High Energy Performer
3) Confidence of the singer
4) Whether SN wants to play THEIR music or allow strong influence from another (e.g., Lukas would strongly influence their musical style-and wouldn't accept less, Toby would be more moldable & will likely play the established SN style)
5) Personal vibe. These guys have been there, done that. They KNOW band in-fighting and probably want someone with whom their personalities will mesh. It's a huge unknown quantity from our standpoint. We weren't there when they all hung out in Vegas & other times.

"RE: What are they looking for?"
Posted by nailbone on 09-06-06 at 02:54 PM
I'm not so much worried about the "expert" analysis as I am about the initial question.

As for your comment, what IS the established SN style? Already, it's kind of a mish-mosh with the different kinds of bands represented.

Holey carp! My blog! MySpace!
Official OT Tassel Adjuster and OT Fantasy Football Champ! o-

"RE: What are they looking for?"
Posted by MKitty on 09-06-06 at 04:14 PM
I think your question is excellent.

What will define them?

Some bands are defined by their stage presence (see my KISS post), some by their frontman/woman, some by their lyrics (think Dylan, Neil Young) and some by their music

I wonder what will define Supernova? Will it be a one-trick pony that produces one album and then they all split and go their seperate ways? Will they be like the Travelling Wilburies (sp?) and have some good stuff, but still also work on their own? Will it all be about Tommy? Gilby? Yet to be named Rawker?

I can't see them going much further than one album. They set out to be a band, but I don't really see much of a future for the "winner" given the nature of the rock world and what the real intent of this band is.

Can they just be honest and say "yeah, we are doing a one album thing in the vein of Travelling Wilburies while we do our respective other things" ...or is there the expectation that they take this further?

Which gets me to the point...of ...."what is the point"...

(I'm not usually this cynical..but starting to get a weird vibe about all of it!! )

"RE: What are they looking for?"
Posted by Glow on 09-06-06 at 03:30 PM
Even ignoring the spelling errors(though it's difficult for me to look past LuCas and Mic Jagar. grrr), I don't agree with a lot of this.

I'm 33. I grew up listening to these guys and I'm not particularly fond of Toby. He's fine but I wouldn't pay more than $5 to see him in concert. I think Lukas looks fantastic standing with these guys, of course, but I also think he makes them look better (relevant). They gel wonderfully. His lyrics and vocal style make their insipid tracks interesting. Storm is fantastic. She is large on that stage. I can't imagine her fronting them though. Magni is a cover artist. I'm sure his original music is fabulous because he is vocally magnificent. Always. But he bores the bejeebus out of me. Besides I don't speak Icelandic and I don't think his originals translate like Zayra's do. Dilana is Dilana. I've stated how I feel about her. I don't think she deserves this gig. I do think they deserve her though, so, whatever. Yes, her lyrics are terrible. Yes, she's a drama queen. But this beating down of her is unnecessary and ridiculous. If she goes home tonight, it will be... I don't know. Just ew. Send her home next week at the top of the show. Oh I don't know. I guess I don't care what they do with her anymore. My like or dislike and pity or disgust of her has been all over the map and I'm tired. "Holy drama, man."

I don't see how it could be anybody but Magni going home tonight but nothing they do could possibly make me disrespect them more than what they did last week. This is all very sad for me because I have loved Jason Newsted for so many years.

Toby is their pick if they want somebody to sing their tunes. If that's the case, only Ryan's presence could get me to a concert. Lukas is their pick if they want to have any sort of substance.


"RE: What are they looking for?"
Posted by nailbone on 09-06-06 at 06:14 PM
Toby is their pick if they want somebody to sing their tunes... Lukas is their pick if they want to have any sort of substance.

But which do you think it is? Substance or fun? Do they go old-school rock or newer punk/emo?

Holey carp! My blog! MySpace!
Official OT Tassel Adjuster and OT Fantasy Football Champ! o-

"RE: What are they looking for?"
Posted by Glow on 09-06-06 at 07:02 PM
I can honestly tell you I have absolutely no idea.

“Music has been my best friend my whole life, because music doesn’t betray you.” - Lukas Rossi

"RE: What are they looking for?"
Posted by Lex Icon on 09-06-06 at 08:02 PM
Gosh, 33 Glow? You age well as you appear to be in your early teens (even more so since Ryan went).

"RE: What are they looking for?"
Posted by Glow on 09-07-06 at 07:54 AM
I know! {/monica} I still get carded when I buy cigarettes.

I miss my RyRy.