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"Possible Spoiler Information"

Posted by Wacko Jacko on 09-06-06 at 09:59 AM
I was listening to a local radio station and they mentioned some information they read on the internet of unaired footage. Apparently this is out there and I thought I would start a trend to get some discussion going.

The Djs were talking about the show last night and apparantly there was once again a lot of unaired footage. it centered around Dilana. Apparantly she hurt her leg by kicking furniture. She had another meltdown....over the same stuff. Apparantly this woman is wacko.

They also say that she asked off the show. Which goes hand in hand with her talking about 'if she is not the singer' just before her original last night.

Also, apparently Lukas has also threatened to walk. He is upset about the way Dilana has been edited. he says if it does not stop he is walking. He says that Dilana is like a sister of his and they do fight but they make up and are actually very close. They both feel Dilana is being setup for a boot and rating purposes......and feel is is not right.

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"RE: Possible Spoiler Information"
Posted by cheesybread on 09-06-06 at 10:12 AM

Well, this phenominon has been around for quite some time and people should know by now that this is not reality. It is "Reality TV". They are not the same thing. I do, however, have a hard time believing that the producer has complete control over this show. A large influence for sure, but complete control, no.

But back to the issue at hand. So Dilana freaks out, again, this time being kind enough to injure herself and not another, and it is NOT shown or mentioned. But she feels she has recieved an unfair edit? Doesn't this prove that they are not showing all of her bad moments? Or is this because she complained?

Lukas can also say what he wants, but he is also partly responsible. He publicly rebuked her with his "I don't need a Dove" comments.

As a side note: I find most of the speculation and conspiracy theories about this show amusing. After all it is entertainment and part of the fun is the army of people watching, voting, and discussing. The good news is that people care and are interested enough to float (mis?)information, speculation, and opinions.

"RE: Possible Spoiler Information"
Posted by Wacko Jacko on 09-06-06 at 10:29 AM
Oh, I don't think it is the producers doing only. If SuperNova wanted Dilana as their lead singer they would've had it toned down even more.

You have to admit there is some sabotage going on. Last night was a perfect example......when the member from the house band said those comments about Dilana never hearing the Who song before and how ignorant she was to redo a classic that she never heard before. You know Dilana never heard those comments before they appeared live on the big screen. And the camera was panned right on her to get her reaction. Then by coincidence (?) Dilana performed first...right after those comments.

I could see why Lukas would be upset...any one with a heart would be......we are all watching a meltdown on national tv. I just hope Dilana is strong enough to handle it when it is all done...she doesn't appear to be from what I have seen. She has been embarrassed on national tv....some of it is her fault but it is really being played up. Look I watched the interviews with the media last season and many of the contestents bashed others in that segment but they were by no means played up the way they have this season...infact many of the negative comments were about JD.....and rather than making those that said them look bad they asked JD how he felt about all the negative comments.

"RE: Possible Spoiler Information"
Posted by Glow on 09-06-06 at 10:46 AM
I agree, WJ. I'm tired of watching her get kicked. She's down already. If we're force fed much more of this I'm going to have to stomp and yell. I understand all the if-it's-not-there-it-can't-be-editted-in stuff. Hell, I've said it. But enough is enough is enough.

"RE: Possible Spoiler Information"
Posted by cheesybread on 09-06-06 at 12:15 PM
Look I watched the interviews with the media last season and many of the contestents bashed others in that segment but they were by no means played up the way they have this season...infact many of the negative comments were about JD.....and rather than making those that said them look bad they asked JD how he felt about all the negative comments.

Yes, they did bag on JD a bit last season. It took him by surprise, but was more in the position of Lukas. He took it in but his reaction was to not react. In fact he began his "killing with kindness" routine where he tried to be super nice and supportive. It worked for him. He never pulled the 'oh poor me' stuff. In fact it continued on after the show, being called the trouble maker and asking him about Elvis impersonating and living in his car. He downplayed all of that for the most part.

Now I agree with not kicking her while she is down. It's not nice and a little unnecessary. If she could rein everything in and focus inward it might go away. But that doesn't seem to be her personality.

The comment from Paul (I'm assuming it was Paul because the clip was in the Reality episode but I missed the beginning of the performance show last night) was basically a re-iteration of comments he made on his RS:SN blog weeks ago. He finds it irritating and disrespectful to not first understand a classic song as it was originally presented/intended. He feels it is fine to change a song but it should be changed from a position of knowledge rather then ignorance. This statement was originally made in reference to Zayra. I don't know why Dilana would not know this or be shocked by these comments coming from Paul.

"RE: Possible Spoiler Information"
Posted by mocha madness on 09-06-06 at 08:40 PM
Good point Chessy...as they showed Paul complaining about changing a song from ignorance I was thinking it was a general comment by Paul from several weeks ago that referenced more than just Zayra. I think Toby and perhaps one other rocker just changed up a classic rock song without ever hearing the original.

Do you recall how Storm was shown talking about how she downloaded a song on her Verizon (blah blah) so she could listen to it before her rehearsal with the house band.

As pointed out many times there is reality, and there is reality TV, and our boy Mark Burnett can spin a yarn like no one else in this genre.

"RE: Possible Spoiler Information"
Posted by catsnotkids on 09-07-06 at 09:17 AM
Actually I think Burnett is doing a terrible job, although it seems to be working with the voters, as they are landing D. in the bottom three now.

He's being WAAAAY too obvious. All the pot shots and BS is so obviously manipulative of the audience. My enjoyment level of the show has dropped significantly now that the producers are being so manipulative - why spend an hour being pulled by the puppet masters? At least they could be slightly more subtle about it!

My theory is that these guys never wanted a woman in their band. They chose some not so great women to be on the show, and SURPRISE - the voters like the one really talented woman they have on there. So now they are sabatoging her!

"RE: Possible Spoiler Information"
Posted by Lex Icon on 09-07-06 at 10:08 AM
LAST EDITED ON 09-07-06 AT 10:11 AM (EST)

quote "He's being WAAAAY too obvious" unquote.

In which case WAAAAY too many people would see through it and not be affected/influenced by such manipulative tactics.

Unless of course a nation of morons is just lapping it up.

"RE: Possible Spoiler Information"
Posted by geekboy on 09-06-06 at 12:02 PM
I have to agree. After watching the perf. show, i think Dilana is being setup for a boot, and its unfortunate.

I've loved Dilana from week one. She has something the others don't, and that is a very unique 'it' factor. I think she could bring a lot to the band, even though her writing skills are not up to where the others are. She has it all - a soft beautiful voice when needed, and then she can bring out the gruff growl that a band like SN needs when she's rocking it out.

This is what Dilana was meant to do - perform. I still think she is the best candidate for the band, but i think the blatant exposing of her weaknesses will be the end of her.

I hope she is not booted tonight, but i'm predicting she will be.


"RE: Possible Spoiler Information"
Posted by geg6 on 09-06-06 at 12:14 PM
If this is true, both she and Lukas need to get over themselves. You are on a reality TV show. One produced by Mark Burnett, no less. If you act like an azz and he can exploit it, tough luck for you. Neither Dilana or Lukas get to make that decision. They signed the contract to be there. Live up to it and get some backbone. If both of them want to walk, fine with me. I can't stand Dilana and I'm not Lukas' biggest fan, either. I won't cry for either of them. And I don't feel sorry for either of them. Acting like big, whining prima donnas won't make them any friends in the industry. They haven't earned the right.

This show, like any TV show, is all about the ratings. Nothing else really matters. And, if it feeds ratings, it will air. And they all sign contracts agreeing to it. End.of.story.

"RE: Possible Spoiler Information"
Posted by nazpink on 09-07-06 at 12:23 PM
Well, I hope this is just rumor and not true because I would find it rather ridiculous for Dilana to make complaints about her "meltdown" being so much in the spotlight when she herself continued to keep it there. Fine, she wasn't the one who mentioned it but ever since it happened that's all we seem to hear from her or anyone else when her name is mentioned. So, I suggest Dilana stop giving the issue so much attention before she makes complaints of others doing so. By the way, I actually do like Dilana.

"RE: Possible Spoiler Information"
Posted by nailbone on 09-06-06 at 12:27 PM
You know, I told DW last night they have this show set up perfectly for whatever editting and boot order they want, unlike AI. With AI, the judges comment, but it's viewer votes that get rid of contestants. With R:SN, viewer votes set up the bottom 3, but it's the band that makes the boot in the end. So they can manipulate the editting and comments to get a certain person (or more) into the bottom 3, then boot whomever they want, whenever they want.

At what point they decided they didn't want Dilana, I'm not sure. But they have to make sure she gets into the bottom 3 at some point to get rid of her. AND they can get her there more than once, to show this stuff for ratings, if they want, knowing that they can dump her at any point....probably tonight.

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"RE: Possible Spoiler Information"
Posted by Wacko Jacko on 09-06-06 at 01:49 PM
My worry about all this is that Dilana is not a very stable person. You could tell from just looking at her but the more they air the more weaknesses they expose and the more they embarrass her on NATIONAL TV. I just hope we don't set our selves up for a Jenny Jones incident here. I have never seen such of an edit to destroy ones character like they have here on this show. My bet is if Dilana is going home tonight it will be easy to see by a positive edit at the beginning of tonights show. At least they did not air Dilana getting herself injured.

"RE: Possible Spoiler Information"
Posted by MKitty on 09-06-06 at 01:52 PM
Fascinating stuff. I had no idea that Dilana hurt herself by kicking furniture. It sounds like the pressure is getting to everyone. Yikes..to be a wall in the mansion right now...

It will be very interesting to see how it goes tonight..