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"Should Go/Will Go/ SN song/ Anchor"

Posted by Snidget on 09-06-06 at 06:35 AM
Preditions, make your predictions here.

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: Should Go/Will Go/ SN song/ Anchor"
Posted by byoffer on 09-06-06 at 08:53 AM
I think they will and should finally put Magni on ice.

I would give the anchor to Storm, especially if she agrees to wear the white t-shirt again.

As for the SN song, this is what might blow my prediction for Storm getting the anchor. Dilana, Toby, and Lukas have all played with SN. I think Magni will go home. They might want to give Storm a chance to play with the SN before next week, and thus remove her anchor. If that is the case, the anchor goes to Toby.

"RE: Should Go/Will Go/ SN song/ Anchor"
Posted by cheesybread on 09-06-06 at 08:58 AM

I agree with byoffer on the Anchor. Basically, if Storm sings with SN, then Toby gets the Anchor. Otherwise, Storm gets it. Now that I think about it only Storm and Magni have not sang with SN. So whoever doesn't get it tonight is basically done.

Bottom 3 Should be:
Dilana - goes home

Bottom 3 Will be:
Magni - goes home

"RE: Should Go/Will Go/ SN song/ Anchor"
Posted by geg6 on 09-06-06 at 09:30 AM
Should go:
Dilana - boot

Will go:
Magni - boot

SN song:

Toby (As it should be.)

"RE: Should Go/Will Go/ SN song/ Anchor"
Posted by Glow on 09-06-06 at 09:37 AM
Should be:
Dilana - boot

Will be:
Magni - boot

encore: Lukas
SN: Storm

"RE: Should Go/Will Go/ SN song/ Anchor"
Posted by xwraith27 on 09-06-06 at 09:40 AM
LAST EDITED ON 09-06-06 AT 09:40 AM (EST)


Bottom Three: Lukas, Magni, Dilana
Boot: Dilana
Anchor: Toby


Bottom Three: Magni, Storm, Dilana
Boot: Magni
Anchor: Toby
SN Song: Storm

"RE: Should Go/Will Go/ SN song/ Anchor"
Posted by toddE on 09-06-06 at 09:59 AM
Why do people say "Anchor?" Shouldn't it be "Encore?" Anyway, I don't know who that will be.

Worst performance was Lukas' wretched Livin on a Prayer
Best was Storm

Should go:

Will go:

"RE: Should Go/Will Go/ SN song/ Anchor"
Posted by Wacko Jacko on 09-06-06 at 10:08 AM
1) Storm
2) Lukas
3) Dilana

1) Storm
2) Magni
3) Dilana

"RE: Should Go/Will Go/ SN song/ Anchor"
Posted by cheesybread on 09-06-06 at 10:15 AM
LAST EDITED ON 09-06-06 AT 10:16 AM (EST)

Why do people say "Anchor?" Shouldn't it be "Encore?"

This has been discussed at great length, but once again. It was a funny spelling mistake by a fellow poster. The RS:SN community here at RTVW thought it was amusing and it stuck.

So Anchor or Encore. It's up to you.

*edited for spelling mistake. Ironic, huh?!

"Do I have to go 'xplaining AGAIN???"
Posted by Savahnna on 09-06-06 at 12:44 PM
>Why do people say "Anchor?"
>Shouldn't it be "Encore?"

I know....I should have said "EXplaining"

It was me. Made a stupid mistake. Of course I know how to spell ENCORE and the difference between "anchor" and "encore"...

But chances are excellent that everyone else on the board knows the difference too.....and it should be apparent that we're doing it for fun.

And thx Cheezybread for explaining first. Much appreciated.

I agree with most that bottom 3 should be

Dilana and believe that Dilana should go

I know some thought Lukas should be there....I think he sung better than Magni. I see Dilana going tonight.

Encore: Toby (I hope)
SN song Probably Storm

"RE: Should Go/Will Go/ SN song/ Anchor"
Posted by michel on 09-06-06 at 10:01 AM
Toby Should GO.

I want to hear "Headspin" by Lukas again.
Storm should sing with SN.

"RE: Should Go/Will Go/ SN song/ Anchor"
Posted by bullzeye on 09-06-06 at 10:02 AM
Should Be:
1. Dilana
2. Magni
3. Lukas (sorry bro - you really didn't do it for me with either song)

Will Be:
1. Magni - boot
2. Dilana
3. Storm

A birthday present from Tribe

"RE: Should Go/Will Go/ SN song/ Anchor"
Posted by zombiebaby on 09-06-06 at 10:09 AM
Should be:

Will be:

I really feel they are setting up for a Lukas or Dilana boot tonight. If one of them are in the bottom 3 do not be suprised if they are gone. I think they want to show that the winner is not "picked" already.

Siggy conceived by Arkie, gestating done by Zombs
IT'S A GIRL!!!!!

"RE: Should Go/Will Go/ SN song/ Anchor"
Posted by okiloki on 09-06-06 at 12:39 PM
>Should be:
>Will be:
>I really feel they are setting
>up for a Lukas or
>Dilana boot tonight. If
>one of them are in
>the bottom 3 do not
>be suprised if they are
>gone. I think they
>want to show that the
>winner is not "picked" already.
>Siggy conceived by Arkie,
>gestating done by Zombs
>IT'S A GIRL!!!!!

I agree with you on all but the ones it will be.


AND since the show ends next week I think maybe 2 will leave tonight. IMO Delana and Lukas should go but I think it will be Delana and Magni. I think the final show will be only 3 in the running and I would like to see Toby, Storm and Magni fighting that out. I couldn't listen to Delana or Lukas for 2 hours, too dramatic or can't understand them. I can see the others fronting the band, any of them.

"RE: Should Go/Will Go/ SN song/ Anchor"
Posted by CattyChat on 09-06-06 at 10:13 AM
Should be:
Storm - Boot (though IMO they all should go tonight & Ryan should be brought back for a final 3 of Toby, Ryan & Lukas )

Will be:
Dilana - Boot (I may be giving SN too much credit here)

SN Song:


Kind Creation of ARNutz

"RE: Should Go/Will Go/ SN song/ Anchor"
Posted by weltek on 09-06-06 at 10:43 AM
LAST EDITED ON 09-06-06 AT 10:44 AM (EST)

Should Be:
Dilana (boot)

Will Be:
Magni (boot)

Anchor: Storm, Ladylike

"RE: Should Go/Will Go/ SN song/ Anchor"
Posted by djandy on 09-06-06 at 11:26 AM
Should be bottom 3:
Dilana - boot

Will be bottom 3:
Magni - boot

SN song:
Should be: - Storm or Magni
Will be: - Storm (because Magni's going home).

Should be: Storm - Ladylike
Will be: Toby - The oh, oh song.

S8 ABC Red Ink Champ, S7 ABPABC Red Ink Champ, CMY FOMO Red Ink Champ

"RE: Should Go/Will Go/ SN song/ Anchor"
Posted by Scarlett O Hara on 09-06-06 at 11:34 AM
Should be:

1. Lukas
2. Dilana
3. Magni

Will be:

1. Dilana
2. Storm
3. Magni

I agree with most above, Storm gets the SN gig and Toby gets the "Anchor." Anchors away, Matey!


"RE: Should Go/Will Go/ SN song/ Anchor"
Posted by geekboy on 09-06-06 at 11:47 AM
Should be:

Lukas (boot)

Will be (same as quick vote totals):

Dilana (boot)


"RE: Should Go/Will Go/ SN song/ Anchor"
Posted by Iconoclastic on 09-06-06 at 01:00 PM
Should be
Lukas - Boot

Will Be
Magni - Boot

"RE: Should Go/Will Go/ SN song/ Anchor"
Posted by architecturegirl on 09-06-06 at 01:28 PM
Should be:
Toby (Boot)

Will be:
Magni - boot (god, I really hope not)

I think we may see Magni's fans pull through for him again when they saw that he was 3rd, we'll see.

SN: Storm (although I'd really like to see her do the encore)
Encore: Toby

"RE: Should Go/Will Go/ SN song/ Anchor"
Posted by cycles2k on 09-06-06 at 01:58 PM
Should Be
Dilana Dilana Dilana (booted)

Anchor: Lukas
SN song: Toby

Will be (prediction)
Dilana Dilana Dilana
Magni (booted)

Anchor: Toby
SN song: Storm

"RE: Should Go/Will Go/ SN song/ Anchor"
Posted by nailbone on 09-06-06 at 02:58 PM
Should be:

Dilana - Boot

Will be:

Dilana - Boot

Anchor: Toby
SN Song: Storm

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Official OT Tassel Adjuster and OT Fantasy Football Champ! o-

"RE: Should Go/Will Go/ SN song/ Anchor"
Posted by mememi on 09-06-06 at 03:20 PM
Should go - Dilana
Will go - Magni (they seem to really pick on those not "changing things up" and commented that he wasn't last night) *sob*

SN song - Storm (mainly cuz she hasn't yet so they'll want to give her a chance)
Anchor - Toby or Lukas doing their original

If storm doesn't get SN song, she should get anchor

"Classic Mark Burnett editing says Dilana goes home."
Posted by Cathy the Canadian on 09-06-06 at 06:02 PM
They've gone out of their way to put her image in the toilet.

They re-aired Gilby's comment that she has no imagination on Tuesday's show. They also made a point to remind us that her song with Gilby was a big middle finger to the internet fans.

And if that weren't enough, they re-aired the house band leader saying she didn't know the song "Behind Blue Eyes", and was changing it from a position of ignorance. Since she didn't really change the song, was that really necessary?

They kept putting the camera on her to get her reaction to everyone's performances, hoping she would look jealous.

They had her go first - the worst position. And her comments were lukewarm compared to everyone else's.

They've been preparing us for a Dilana boot since last week. She's toast.