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"8/30 Elimination Episode Discussion Thread"

Posted by cycles2k on 08-30-06 at 08:02 PM
Lets keep discussion about tonights show here.

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Messages in this discussion
"Dave Navarro Spoiler."
Posted by cycles2k on 08-30-06 at 08:03 PM
Dave Navarro says (on 6767.com):
"P.S. Some jack ##### posted a spoiler here in the comments, so if you don't want to know who goes home, tread carefully! Oh, and I need to clear out some space in the blogosphere, as tonight is gonna get ugly... I can just tell already! Have fun! "

I don't want to know who goes home but I wonder why he thinks things will get ugly.

"RE: Dave Navarro Spoiler."
Posted by KimD on 08-30-06 at 08:09 PM
Probably because, according to spoilers on other sites, the person who had the best Bottom 3 performance was the one that went home.

"RE: Dave Navarro Spoiler."
Posted by cycles2k on 08-30-06 at 08:11 PM
Oh, not as interesting as I had hoped, but intruiging.

"RE: Dave Navarro Spoiler."
Posted by KimD on 08-30-06 at 08:11 PM
LAST EDITED ON 08-30-06 AT 08:14 PM (EST)

I could say more, but it would give away who went home.

ETA: He might also be referring to who ended up in the bottom 3...

"RE: Dave Navarro Spoiler."
Posted by cycles2k on 08-30-06 at 08:19 PM
Thanks, I love the results show and the anticipation of knowing what happens.

"RE: Dave Navarro Spoiler."
Posted by Wacko Jacko on 08-31-06 at 10:08 AM
>Probably because, according to spoilers on
>other sites, the person who
>had the best Bottom 3
>performance was the one that
>went home.

That is very debatable. I think all three were equal last night. Leaving SuperNova the opportunity to cut the one they were hoping to cut.

"RE: Dave Navarro Spoiler."
Posted by nailbone on 08-31-06 at 10:14 AM
Yeah, I certainly don't agree that his was the best B3 performance. They weren't any of them very good, but that one wasn't the best.

Holey carp! My blog! MySpace!
Official OT Tassel Adjuster and OT Fantasy Football Champ! o-

"RE: Dave Navarro Spoiler."
Posted by bullzeye on 08-31-06 at 10:57 AM
Agree. Especially considering how they all rocked it the night before. Last night was underwhelming at best.

A birthday present from Tribe

"RE: Dave Navarro Spoiler."
Posted by Loree on 08-31-06 at 11:11 AM
It was a very strange week. We went from a night of the best performances of the season. To a night of the worse elimination performances of the season. They should have just cut all 3 of them. That was almost embarressing.

"RE: Dave Navarro Spoiler."
Posted by SilverStar on 08-31-06 at 11:52 AM
I agree. They were all great on Tuesday night. And horrible last night. Very disappointing.

A Tribe work of art

"RE: 8/30 Elimination Episode Discussion Thread"
Posted by HistoryDetective on 08-30-06 at 08:15 PM
Here's sending out a great big "Eff You" to the Baltimore Orioles for pre-empting last night's performance show.

Eff You, Orioles!

"RE: 8/30 Elimination Episode Discussion Thread"
Posted by skye on 08-30-06 at 08:24 PM
Aw muffin. Share your slightly naughty pics of Ryan with us to make up for it.

"SN song goes to:"
Posted by cycles2k on 08-30-06 at 08:15 PM

Sounds pretty good to me. He kept it very dark and rough.

"RE: SN song goes to:"
Posted by Wacko Jacko on 08-30-06 at 11:08 PM
I thought Lukas was kinda boring actually. The guy has worn real thin on me. His unique was good when it was new....now it annoys me. I will hold off on my SuperNova tickets if it is Dilana, Toby or Magni I go. Lukas or Storm I stay home.

"RE: SN song goes to:"
Posted by Bebo on 08-30-06 at 11:12 PM
Mr B and I were disappointed that Lukas was completely unintelligible. We used to mock Kurt Cobain, but now we have a new target.

"RE: SN song goes to:"
Posted by nailbone on 08-30-06 at 11:57 PM
GREAT song!!

Lukas looks good as the front man.

Couldn't understand a damn word he sang.

Holey carp! My blog! MySpace!
Official OT Tassel Adjuster and OT Fantasy Football Champ! o-

"RE: SN song goes to:"
Posted by Loree on 08-31-06 at 11:16 AM
I went back and watched the 3 Supernova songs with Dilana, Toby and Lukas. They are gradually getting better. I hated the Dilana song and performance. I thought the Toby one was better but still didn't like it. But I have to admit the more I watch/listen to Lukas with them the more I like it. I was watching Lukas and not being distracted by the band. He didn't disappear on stage with them like Dave is always worried about. Dilana's performance and song just seemed all kinds of wrong. Toby just blended in and looked like a bar band. But Lukas added the WOW factor for me.

"RE: SN song goes to:"
Posted by SilverStar on 08-31-06 at 11:54 AM
This was the best SN song yet. Which isn't really saying a whole lot, because this one was just moderately bad instead of horrendous. LOL.

A Tribe work of art

"Glow must be on the floor around here somewhere"
Posted by skye on 08-30-06 at 08:16 PM
Holy frikking wah! Lukas singing that song? Sofaking amazing.

That would be worth buying.

"Anchor goes to"
Posted by cycles2k on 08-30-06 at 08:22 PM
Toby (Rebel Yell)

I think this is his first time.

"RE: Anchor goes to"
Posted by cycles2k on 08-30-06 at 08:24 PM
.... and I loved it.

"RE: Anchor goes to"
Posted by xwraith27 on 08-30-06 at 09:14 PM
His second, actually. His first was "Somebody Told Me" in Week 2. But I agree. This was really good.

"B3 contenders are"
Posted by cycles2k on 08-30-06 at 08:26 PM

Thats 5/6 (everyone but Magni).

"RE: B3 contenders are"
Posted by Snidget on 08-30-06 at 08:27 PM
Everyone with hair was in the bottom 3 at some point.

"RE: B3 contenders are"
Posted by alwaysintruble1 on 08-30-06 at 08:28 PM
And the audience there actually clapped when Dilana's name was called to stand up.

I know she's screwed up, but come on, she didn't really deserve that now did she?

"RE: B3 contenders are"
Posted by nailbone on 08-30-06 at 11:58 PM
I noticed that, too. That had to sting.

Holey carp! My blog! MySpace!
Official OT Tassel Adjuster and OT Fantasy Football Champ! o-

"Not true"
Posted by HistoryDetective on 08-30-06 at 08:32 PM
Just because Magni was never in the bottom three does not mean that he ended up with the most votes at the end of the tally. It simply means he was never in the bottom three.

Good thing Brooke is hot because she's not too smart.

"RE: Not true"
Posted by cycles2k on 08-30-06 at 08:35 PM
I was thinking exactly the same thing.

"RE: Not true"
Posted by alwaysintruble1 on 08-30-06 at 08:35 PM
Maybe Les paid her to screw up a little so as not to make the Chenbot look so bad?

"First to sing in B3 is..."
Posted by cycles2k on 08-30-06 at 08:39 PM
Ryan who sang something by the Who.

I was hoping someone else would post it because the name of that song eludes me.

Unfortunately I didn't think it was very good. (My opinion of course)

"RE: First to sing in B3 is..."
Posted by skye on 08-30-06 at 08:41 PM
Baba O'Reilly.

And I thought it was swoony and thuddish.

"RE: First to sing in B3 is..."
Posted by HistoryDetective on 08-30-06 at 08:41 PM
Yeah, I think there was too much emphasis on bad behavior showmanship rather than just getting the song done.

"RE: First to sing in B3 is..."
Posted by triednottowatch on 08-31-06 at 00:12 AM
Note to contestants:
If you are going to get on the amps, be able to hop on up there. It's kind of pathetic looking when you caarrreefulllly climb up there like an old man afraid of breaking a hip.

"RE: First to sing in B3 is..."
Posted by byoffer on 08-31-06 at 09:03 AM
LOL - I had a similar thought. Kind of reminded me of Tim Conway from the Carol Burnett show when he played the old guy shuffling along.

"RE: First to sing in B3 is..."
Posted by Loree on 08-31-06 at 11:24 AM
Ryan was just overdoing it and he was so mixed up. He had the mic cord tangled in his jacket. Then he was dragging it all around Sasha who had to untangle himself. Meanwhile Gilby sat and looked on with a pained expression. That was part of Ryan's ondoing.

"RE: First to sing in B3 is..."
Posted by xwraith27 on 08-30-06 at 09:17 PM
The performance was too drunk-ish for my taste. Didn't like how he sounded either.

"RE: First to sing in B3 is..."
Posted by nailbone on 08-30-06 at 11:59 PM
Didn't like it. Fast forwarded through most of it.

Holey carp! My blog! MySpace!
Official OT Tassel Adjuster and OT Fantasy Football Champ! o-

"Second to sing in B3 is"
Posted by cycles2k on 08-30-06 at 08:39 PM
Storm who sings Helter Skelter by the Beatles.

I didn't think that was very good either. Hmmmmmmmm.

"RE: Second to sing in B3 is"
Posted by alwaysintruble1 on 08-30-06 at 08:44 PM
Since they are running out of weeks, and two performances so far that haven't been really great, could we be looking at another double elim this week?

"RE: Second to sing in B3 is"
Posted by nailbone on 08-31-06 at 00:01 AM
I loved it, just cuz it's Storm. Anyone else, and I would have fast forwarded through it, too. Lotsa yelling, not much singing. I did like the stage stuff, walking through the crowd, body surfing , etc.

Holey carp! My blog! MySpace!
Official OT Tassel Adjuster and OT Fantasy Football Champ! o-

"RE: Second to sing in B3 is"
Posted by xwraith27 on 08-31-06 at 02:18 AM
I agree, nailbone. I think the bottom three (Ryan and Storm, especially) were more focused on giving crazy performances rather than on sounding good. Storm was, by far, my favorite though. Ryan looked like he had a few too many beers and Dilana was just boring.

"Third to sing in B3 is:"
Posted by cycles2k on 08-30-06 at 08:45 PM
Dilana who will sing Psycho Killer

Tommy said he cannot believe it.

"RE: Third to sing in B3 is:"
Posted by skye on 08-30-06 at 08:47 PM
LAST EDITED ON 08-30-06 AT 08:48 PM (EST)


ETA: I think she's completely lost it.

"RE: Third to sing in B3 is:"
Posted by cycles2k on 08-30-06 at 08:52 PM
True, that was not great either but I thought it was marginally beter than Storm and Ryan.

The SN guys look pretty morose.

"RE: Third to sing in B3 is:"
Posted by alwaysintruble1 on 08-30-06 at 08:51 PM
And once again Ryan and Lukas can't even fake a little enthusiasm during her performance.

At least Storm is having some fun, picking her up after the song and carrying her to the front of the stage.

"RE: Third to sing in B3 is:"
Posted by cycles2k on 08-30-06 at 09:35 PM
Storm reminds me of Suzy last season. Always rocking when the others sing.

Maybe it is a DAW thing to do but I really like it. She is already hot, and that makes her all the more attractive.

"RE: Third to sing in B3 is:"
Posted by nailbone on 08-31-06 at 00:04 AM
I love Storm's whole attitude about it. Wants B3 just to rock again, always supportive of the other rawkers. She's having a blast, and it shows.

Holey carp! My blog! MySpace!
Official OT Tassel Adjuster and OT Fantasy Football Champ! o-

"RE: Third to sing in B3 is:"
Posted by nailbone on 08-31-06 at 00:03 AM
I hate that song, and I hated her rendition of it.

I am WAY over her at this point.

Holey carp! My blog! MySpace!
Official OT Tassel Adjuster and OT Fantasy Football Champ! o-

"RE: Third to sing in B3 is:"
Posted by Loree on 08-31-06 at 11:37 AM
Storm probably had to carry Dilana to the front of the stage to get her there. I can see Dilana refusing to go out and face them as the bottom 3. In her mind they would never dismiss her. So Storm was just carrying the spoiled little brat out to meet her punishment. LOL!

"RE: Third to sing in B3 is:"
Posted by nailbone on 08-31-06 at 12:24 PM

I loved seeing Storm doing that. Even in the face of elimination, sweet hot Storm is having fun. And taking care of her fellow rawkers.

Holey carp! My blog! MySpace!
Official OT Tassel Adjuster and OT Fantasy Football Champ! o-

"RE: 8/30 Elimination Episode Discussion Thread"
Posted by true on 08-30-06 at 08:50 PM
I don't know who goes home, but all three were horrible tonight, including another awful Supernova song.

"RE: 8/30 Elimination Episode Discussion Thread"
Posted by spinningwords on 08-30-06 at 08:52 PM
>I don't know who goes home,
>but all three were horrible
>tonight, including another awful Supernova

Considering the quality tonight I think they should do a double elim

Posted by cycles2k on 08-30-06 at 08:55 PM


"RE: TLeeminated"
Posted by xwraith27 on 08-30-06 at 09:21 PM
I'm not really surprised. While they all sounded rough tonight, I think Ryan's performance was the worst of the three. If one of them had been in the bottom three before, it would've been an easier choice, but Ryan just sounded bad, IMHO.

"RE: TLeeminated"
Posted by HistoryDetective on 08-30-06 at 09:28 PM
Plus, you want to keep the two remaining women around at least another week for the ratings potential.

"RE: TLeeminated"
Posted by djandy on 08-30-06 at 09:28 PM

My conspiracy theory: SN wants to *appear* that they're not gender biased, so they had to fire a guy tonight otherwise it would have been 4 guys against 1 girl. Since Ryan was the only guy in the b3, he got shafted.

Ryan, you will be missed, but you'll do better at a solo career than you would with these clueless, tone-deaf has-beens.

S8 ABC Red Ink Champ, S7 ABPABC Red Ink Champ, CMY FOMO Red Ink Champ

"RE: TLeeminated"
Posted by triednottowatch on 08-31-06 at 00:15 AM
My wife and I said the same thing. Plus she thinks that Tommy may be giving Storm "private lessons."

"RE: TLeeminated"
Posted by byoffer on 08-31-06 at 09:08 AM
Despite T-Lee's well-known history, I get the impression that if there were "private lessons" it would be Storm teaching Tommy.

"RE: TLeeminated"
Posted by Wacko Jacko on 08-30-06 at 09:34 PM
I wanted to see Storm go home instead. The final five would've been more entertaining. I just had a gut he was going home today. All day long I was thinking it. Too bad. I agree hie performance was kinda drunkish today. He really got to loose the last couple of weeks. Do you really think SuperNova wants a lead singer who acts like that. As a solo artist it is easier to appreciate.

By the way, what was with Storms's odd behavior today? She wanted to be in the bottom 3???? She don't know how close she is to going home. Also, sicking the mic between her legs like a you know what was out of line. She just acted really weird today.

"*sniff sniff*"
Posted by skye on 08-30-06 at 08:56 PM
That is all.

"RE: 8/30 Elimination Episode Discussion Thread"
Posted by HistoryDetective on 08-30-06 at 09:00 PM
Dear Ryan Star,

You are cordially invited to move to Baltimore and be my private sex monkey. I have plenty of space in my apartment and I know how to cook.

This gig is much better than anything you would have gotten out of touring with the three asshats in SuperNova.

See you soon,


"RE: 8/30 Elimination Episode Discussion Thread"
Posted by skye on 08-30-06 at 09:10 PM
Share with one of your favorites redheads?

"RE: 8/30 Elimination Episode Discussion Thread"
Posted by HistoryDetective on 08-30-06 at 09:12 PM
Yes, there is room in the apartment for you too --- but you have to share the cooking and housecleaning responsibilities.

Posted by jkokoj on 08-30-06 at 10:21 PM
slave monkey...I want one of those too!

"RE: 8/30 Elimination Episode Discussion Thread"
Posted by michel on 08-30-06 at 09:44 PM
I don't know if it helps Ryan's numerous fans but the order the singers are eliminated doesn't reflect their merit necessarily anymore. If SN knows who they want or are hesitating between 2 or 3, they can send the others in any order. I don't think they want Storm and since she's been B3 last 3 weeks, she can be kept in case the next B3 has their 2 favorites.

That being said Lukas is back in the front-runner position. This week's SN song is the first bona fide arena rock performance. The song itself had more substance and complexities. Lukas killed it.

I don't like Toby but he does have fun on stage. Maybe he's the growing arc but he's the less interesting singer.

Storm had the best B3 performance, Ryan's was back to his bad moves and one thing he hasn't learned is that too much is just as bad as too little. Dilana was lost but they are right in not basing such a decision on 1 song.

"RE: 8/30 Elimination Episode Discussion Thread"
Posted by dragonflies on 08-30-06 at 11:53 PM
Sorry Michel, but Storm hasn't ever been in the final bottom three. When I saw it was her as the 2nd, knowing that neither Lukas nor Dilana had been before either, I knew *sob* that Ryan was going home, no matter what.

"RE: 8/30 Elimination Episode Discussion Thread"
Posted by nailbone on 08-31-06 at 00:07 AM
Correct. She's stood as one that was in the bottom 3 at some point during the voting, but until now she's never been in the final B3.

Holey carp! My blog! MySpace!
Official OT Tassel Adjuster and OT Fantasy Football Champ! o-

"RE: 8/30 Elimination Episode Discussion Thread"
Posted by michel on 08-31-06 at 00:11 AM
What was I thinking? She's been standing the last 2 weeks but of course it was her first time named. Maybe it was the gender theory that saved her.

"I KNEW it!!"
Posted by CattyChat on 08-30-06 at 10:30 PM
Son of a Beeee!!! I called it last night & knew SN were going to dump Ryan if he was in the bottom 3. I can only take solace in the knowledge that Ryan is so much BETTER than SN and I, personally, am glad I can see Ryan without those idiots.

Ryan has a BRIGHT future ahead of him after the exposure of this show and I am thrilled that I have been introduced to his talent. Here he regularly plays in my city & I never knew him. Now I have his solo album & his album when he was with Stage and I WILL see him in concert this year as soon as his dates are listed.

Okay, now I will read what everyone else posted. I scared the jebus out of my cat when I screamed an F-bomb, a word I haven't used in a looooong time. That elimination was sauteed in wrong sauce Tommy.

I know Ryan knew he was gone and his last performance was an all out EVS to the lame SN.

"RE: I KNEW it!!"
Posted by dreamerbeliever on 08-30-06 at 11:28 PM
Ditto to Catty.

I cry foul! So Gilby says early in the show tonight that the next clinic is another song writing one and mentions how important it is to the band (duh they need help). Then they proceed to boot probably the best song writer of the six. Makes sense to me.

Ryan had the best exit this season ... "I'm sorry for you Supernova" ... classic! No boo-who kitty, thanks for the chance crap, just I know I'm good and you're making a mistake. Loved it.

"RE: I KNEW it!!"
Posted by geg6 on 08-31-06 at 08:53 AM
Double ditto.

And I, too, loved how he went out.

"RE: I KNEW it!!"
Posted by nailbone on 08-31-06 at 10:17 AM
just I know I'm good and you're making a mistake.

And done with class, not "in your face".

Holey carp! My blog! MySpace!
Official OT Tassel Adjuster and OT Fantasy Football Champ! o-

"RE: I KNEW it!!"
Posted by Savahnna on 08-31-06 at 11:39 AM

>Ryan had the best exit this
>season ... "I'm sorry for
>you Supernova" ... classic! No
>boo-who kitty, thanks for the
>chance crap, just I know
>I'm good and you're making
>a mistake. Loved it.

Big DITTO to that. It looked to me like they were ALL caught off guard with that exit. Especially TL.

"RE: I KNEW it!!"
Posted by Lex Icon on 09-01-06 at 07:52 AM
"Could the show get any better?" I asked myself.

It certainly could - they booted smug git Ryan (false name, false eyes, false everything) and his impossible ego which they obviously couldn't accommodate given their own.

And his parting comment....? That would make me think "Thank God I booted that twat" if it had been said to me.

Champagne all round.

"RE: I KNEW it!!"
Posted by HistoryDetective on 09-01-06 at 08:41 AM
Dear Lex Icon,

Please do not watch any Hollywood movies. I understand that they use lots of CGI to present false scenery and lots of hair and makeup and costumes to present false appearances. Even worse, a lot of the stars use stage names. It's just horrible so you might want to avoid anything that appears on the big screen.

Or the television...

Or the radio...

"RE: I KNEW it!!"
Posted by Lex Icon on 09-01-06 at 09:37 PM
Radio? The only thing that appears on my radio is an occasional layer of dust.

As for the big screen...actors change their roles. Ryan just became too predictable week on week and his image...? Unwashed and somewhat slightly dazed.

"RE: I KNEW it!!"
Posted by nazpink on 09-01-06 at 01:15 PM
Yes, I loved Ryan's exit words. Was it just me or did Ryan really put on emphasis that he will be found on the charts. To me I took it as a subtle jab and it seemed like STink Nova got it from the looks on their faces.

"RE: I KNEW it!!"
Posted by Lex Icon on 09-01-06 at 09:41 PM
>Was it just me or
>did Ryan really put on
>emphasis that he will be
>found on the charts.

The only board Ryan will be found in is between two sandwich boards treading the streets of Brooklyn.

"RE: I KNEW it!!"
Posted by bullzeye on 09-02-06 at 10:29 AM
Dilana? Is that you?

A birthday present from Tribe

"Mark Burnett Conspiracy Theory..."
Posted by byoffer on 08-31-06 at 09:16 AM
Last season on Survivor the tribes were split by age and gender. And the final 4 had one of each.

We know that next season of Survivor will be split by Ethnicity.

Now we have Rock Star SN, and the final 5 represent... 5 different countries. (despite where they live now, they have upbringing in different countries).

So is Mark B finding a way to keep all of the viewer locations connected?

And on another note, how much impact in the voting do you think Magni's humourous plea for votes from other countries might have had? That certainly had DW and I giggling, and then he wasn't B3. Good on him for that.

"RE: Mark Burnett Conspiracy Theory..."
Posted by Maroonclown on 08-31-06 at 09:42 AM
And on another note, how much impact in the voting do you think Magni's humourous plea for votes from other countries might have had?

I agree but I think they put everyone in the bottom just to get a laugh because of his plea. Nonetheless it was pretty funny.

I also think SN already know who they are going to go with and they ditched Ryan just so they can get more mileage ratings out of have the psycho and the hottie around the house.

To me Ryan and Toby are too similar in looks, Toby is more fun so Ryan gets the boot.

It's all about drama now because SN already has their frontman.

"RE: Mark Burnett Conspiracy Theory..."
Posted by nailbone on 08-31-06 at 10:22 AM
Lukas, right, MC?

Holey carp! My blog! MySpace!
Official OT Tassel Adjuster and OT Fantasy Football Champ! o-

"RE: Mark Burnett Conspiracy Theory..."
Posted by Maroonclown on 08-31-06 at 10:27 AM
You know it Boner. Although I wonder if there will be some backlash if another Torontonian wins?

"RE: Mark Burnett Conspiracy Theory..."
Posted by Wacko Jacko on 08-31-06 at 10:17 AM
>Last season on Survivor the tribes
>were split by age and
>gender. And the final
>4 had one of each.
>We know that next season of
>Survivor will be split by
>Now we have Rock Star SN,
>and the final 5 represent...
>5 different countries. (despite
>where they live now, they
>have upbringing in different countries).
>So is Mark B finding a
>way to keep all of
>the viewer locations connected?

That is a real stretch.

The top 6 were the best six. many would probably argue with the top 5. I think things have been pretty fair. SuperNova could pick Paris Hilton to be the lead singer in their band...afterall it is there band. All power to them.

"RE: Mark Burnett Conspiracy Theory..."
Posted by cycles2k on 08-31-06 at 11:15 AM
Did you see Dave Navaro's conspiracy theory that this was all a secret plot to influence the next US election (6767.com)?

The national origin idea is interesting but the top six were the best six. Unless MB found a way to stack the deck so that the best six included one from each country it may just be coincidence.

Dumping Ryan stunned me at first because he gave us some of the best shows. After I thought about it I realized that he had two problems:
1) He was a bit clumsy.
2) His falsetto voice could be a bit stretched at times.

I would rather have seen someone else go home this week, but SN's decision cannot exactly be called wrong.

"RE: Mark Burnett Conspiracy Theory..."
Posted by Loree on 08-31-06 at 12:03 PM
Ryan had the misfortune of ending up in the bottom 3 with the only 2 females. And they had never been in the bottom 3 and he had. It was as simple as that. If he was the chosen one Supernova would have saved him. But he was not going to win. So this was the time for him to leave.

I think all 3 performances were weak lastnight. But I don't think it even mattered. Ryan was going home. If Magni had been in the bottom 3 with Ryan then it may have come down to performance. But Ryan didn't have a chance with Storm and Dilana beside him.

"RE: Mark Burnett Conspiracy Theory..."
Posted by bullzeye on 08-31-06 at 12:12 PM
Sadly, I must agree with you on this. The more I think about it, the more his staying depended on who else made B3. And it is frustrating as (IMO), he was delivering the best and most creative performances of the bunch until last night.

Props to his classy departure and best wishes to him on his solo career. It won't take long before he realizes that not getting selected will turn out to be the best thing that happened to him.

A birthday present from Tribe