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"Supernova Love List: week 9"

Posted by dreamerbeliever on 08-29-06 at 11:37 PM
So what did you think of the week nine performances by these six rockers? Have new favorites emerged, did old favorites make your heart beat faster yet again, or who disappointed and had you scratching your head wondering what the *bleep* was that?

Remember that a love list is all about you and whatever you want to base it on. As long as you’re being true to your feelings, then it is correct.

1) Ryan Star – Coldplay “Clocks” (6,8,7,3,1,3,1,1) Glow is right (isn’t she always?) Jason is insane. That was a rock show! I would pay basically any amount to see Ryan do his thing live. Of the four males remaining, Ryan is the one I’m rooting for to win. If SN just wants a lead singer they can hangout with, then Ryan is probably not the choice. If they want to take their album to a real HIGH level of artistry, then Ryan is a slam dunk winner. Him being in the early bottom three was a disgrace. If he remains there, at least I will get the pleasure of another one of his performances.

2) Lukas Rossi – Nirvana “Lithium” (3,2,5,5,7,1,3,7) Ahhh, there was that Lucky Charm from week one that I was groovin’ and rockin’ with. Don’t want to start a debate as to which version was better, Dilana or Lukas because I enjoyed both for different reasons. Dilana for the power in her voice, stand still intensity, and her explosion of madness. Lukas for the attitude and basically being the caged puppy who was just let loose. Tonight, the skunked one sealed the deal for him making it to the finale.

3) Dilana – Tracy Bonham “Mother Mother” (1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2) Little bump down not for the “drama” but rather for this being one of her weaker performances. May be driving her lovetrain still but I’m a realist. This is probably the only performance of hers I won’t be watching about a bazillion times. Said it last week and will repeat, anything outside of what happens on the stage is meaningless to me. An artist being a saint or jerk in real life makes no difference, am I entertained is what counts. Tonight my Mistress of Rock was average at best but I still think her average is outstanding.

4) Magni – Live “I, Alone” (13,4,3,4,4,4,5,5) Mr. Consistency always scores and he did kind of get a little wacky on stage (well off) and that was great to see! Any other week the Iceman might rate a little higher but this was an outstanding week, so not sure what that means. Probably not going to win the gig but lasting this long into competition will serve those phenomenal pipes of his well.

5) Toby Rand – Billy Idol “Rebel Yell” (10,3,10,7,6,6,6,3) Last week the DW was treated to a shirtless Aussie and this week I got hot chicks dancing on stage. Nice! Much like with Patrice, there is a tone to his voice that just isn’t for me. Might pay a cover charge to see him live in a bar but that would be the extent.

6) Storm Large – Evanescance “Bring me to Life” (5,6,4,2,3,5,7,4) Sexy as all heck but how much further can it take her? Stormy is the complete package with looks, voice, and stage presentation but I’ve only really really really dug maybe half of her performances? Agree with Gilby, wasn’t memorable.

Booted: Patrice Pike (8,10,9,12,10,10,8,6) Best Patrice ever scored with me was a 6th place and that’s only because of the sheer numbers left in the show. Said in week one love list that I thought she had one of the better female voices in the show and still feel the same. Wasn’t really my cup of tea but I recognized the talent. Glad she got to do her original and the girl killed “Iron Lung”! Good luck to Patrice.

The order the contestants appeared …

Lukas Rossi – Nirvana “Lithium”
Magni – Live “I, Alone”
Ryan Star – Coldplay “Clocks”
Storm Large – Evanescance “Bring me to Life”
Toby Rand – Billy Idol “Rebel Yell”
Dilana – Tracy Bonham “Mother Mother”

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"RE: Supernova Love List: week 9"
Posted by Glow on 08-29-06 at 11:50 PM
LAST EDITED ON 08-30-06 AT 01:40 AM (EST)

quick now. voting. more later.
ETA comments:
First of all, I'd have much rather watched each of them perform two songs than see the drama AGAIN. Seriously dudes, give it a rest. She fvcked up. She apologized. All is good in the house. Ryan said on his blog that he loves her. (didn't read anybody else's yet though I believe they all said something) Let her move on. Make her bring back that Dilana I fell in love with. Like Lukas said, "This is fvcking bullshit to show that much of someone's emotions on television." oh right. They didn't show that. And wow she looked absolutely gorgeous.

1. Ryan - "Clocks" - I can't explain to you all the flavors of yum that this guy exudes. Everything about him screams artist. I'm just sorry I didn't stick with him in the early stages. But hey, Lukas blew me away that first week and Ryan did not. I liked "Iris" but I loved "Rebel Yell" and that crazy beautiful man singing it. They both have me in their grasp now. Hook. Line. Sinker. Anyway. Ryan's performance. Right. Okay. Yes, yummy. He is so intense and so breathtaking to watch. That slide across the piano, that slither, was a thing of pure orgasmic beauty. And the eff this piano, I'm rocking the ##### out of this, was symbolic genius. Lest we forget, lustmuffin was a lead singer for a rock band for a lot of years and just recently started his solo career. He's been stereotyped as the piano guy. Don't get me wrong, I love that piano guy, but that's not all he can do. I love his voice and the emotion in his voice so very much. FYI, they can't hear themselves very well on the catwalk. Zayra mentioned this more than once. I want to own everything he sells for the rest of my life. And his jacket is swoonworthy all alone. He has the most awesome taste in jackets. *le sigh* *le pant* *lick* *lick* *lick* I want to have his babies. I can't say anything else about him here.
Jason is insane and I am always right. I don't like vote steering. *takes break to vote more*
Comparison? Ryan or Magni? I give the edge to Ryan because he isn't a straight cover guy. He makes the songs his songs.
2. Lukas - "Lithium" - Baby kills. He made that song totally and absolutely his own. He said he doesn't like Nirvana and my heart sinks a little because of that, but boy did he ever make up for it. *fangirl* I loved his hair and his jacket. And I love the way he moves. And I am loving that beard. Such pretty teeth. And that tongue. OMD. heh. *lick* *lick* *lick*
He said "broken glass". *giggle*
As far as comparisons go, Dilana did her thing with it. Lukas did his thing with it. Both were really really awesome.

*break for more Ryan voting*

3. Storm - "Bring Me To Life" - Good gravy she's beautiful. She did a great job with a song she was nervous about. Bringing Toby up there with her was probably a mistake. Her reasoning for doing it? "Because I love him." They both loved the song. And the song calls for it. It was fantastic. I do agree that Toby stole some of that spotlight from her but that was partially due to the camera dudes (which I felt stunk of blatant sabotage). But her explanation "Because I love him" makes me love and respect her so much more. She knows she's not winning this thing, why not have fun and give the fans a good show? *love* *love* *love*

*break for more Ryan voting*

4. Toby - "Rebel Yell" - hmm. Maybe Storm should be up here....*switch*
I liked it up until he brought the girls up on the stage. He went back to that empty singer that I'm not buying. He was tons better singing backup for Storm. Not that I think he's a backup singer, mind you. Somebody said bar band. Yep. Anybody else think he's been watching Lukas perform to learn how to put more personality in his performances?
Comparison? Lukas was better.
5. Dilana - "Mother Mother" - If I hadn't known she's been doing this song for years, she might be higher. maybe. But she had a definite edge on "fan" choice songs. It was ... good.
6. Magni - "I Alone" - Time to send the cover artist home. I love Magni and I will no doubt cry when he leaves but if anybody else goes home tomorrow I'll be more upset.

“Music has been my best friend my whole life, because music doesn’t betray you.” - Lukas Rossi

"RE: Supernova Love List: week 9"
Posted by nailbone on 08-30-06 at 11:49 AM
Her reasoning for doing it? "Because I love him."

I think I read that she also told them (though it didn't make the air) that the song called for a male voice.

Holey carp! My blog! MySpace!
Official OT Tassel Adjuster and OT Fantasy Football Champ! o-

"RE: Supernova Love List: week 9"
Posted by cycles2k on 08-29-06 at 11:54 PM
I almost had to toss a coin between 1 and 2 this week.

1) Ryan Ryan is much more than a dark horse. He consistently delivers something great. What was Jason watching?

2) Toby Toby's voice and stage presence seem to have arrived. That was incredible. Bringing the girls up on stage was an excellent touch.

3) Storm It is very difficult to sing an Evanescence song because Amy Lee has such a wonderful voice. Storm did incredibly well. The semi see through dress was a nice touch for the male watchers and Toby added a lot.

4) Magni He did great but I was meh. I am tired of that song.

5) Lukas I was meh on this too but the band loved it.

6) Dilana: I wanted to dislike Dilana's performance this week and I did. Dave must be finding it difficult to find new ways to tell Dilana how great her performances are.

Bootee: Patrice. I have nothing against her, but didn't miss her.

Letters to the others on the show:

Dear Brooke: You are pretty and I appreciate you not being a DAW like another co-host who shall remain unnamed.

Dear Dave.: You are Dilana's B1TCH.

Dear Jason: Your call on Ryan was so far off the mark that you should be a baseball referee.

Dear Tommy: Nice of you to comfort Dilana but why bother. That is Dave's Raison D'etre

Dear Gilby: You are starting to make sense but why didn't you complain about Dilana climbing on the guitar player?. She almost put the poor man in a leg lock.

"RE: Supernova Love List: week 9"
Posted by Savahnna on 08-30-06 at 11:40 AM

>Letters to the others on the
>Dear Brooke: You are pretty and
>I appreciate you not being
>a DAW like another co-host
>who shall remain unnamed.
>Dear Dave.: You are Dilana's
>Dear Jason: Your call on
>Ryan was so far off
>the mark that you should
>be a baseball referee.
>Dear Tommy: Nice of you
>to comfort Dilana but why
>bother. That is Dave's Raison
>Dear Gilby: You are starting
>to make sense but why
>didn't you complain about Dilana
>climbing on the guitar player?.
>She almost put the poor
>man in a leg lock.

All REALLY well said.

"RE: Supernova Love List: week 9"
Posted by cycles2k on 08-30-06 at 01:34 PM
Thank you Savahnna. Do you think the Rockstar folks will read my notes?

"RE: Supernova Love List: week 9"
Posted by Savahnna on 08-30-06 at 01:52 PM
>Thank you Savahnna. Do you think
>the Rockstar folks will read
>my notes?

Sure. Why not? Assuming they can read.

"RE: Supernova Love List: week 9"
Posted by Hoobie on 08-30-06 at 01:37 AM
Dilana – Tracy Bonham “Mother Mother” - I agree, that her anger made the performance all that it was. Not a fan of the song, but her delivery was aces. It looks like this week (and the drama involved) aged her a lot.

Storm Large – Evanescance “Bring me to Life” - Great job. If they were doing encores, she would get it. Just the right amount of crazy eyes and intensity. Far superior to Jill's and Z-Monster's renditions. And...Toby's jump-in was da bomb!

Toby Rand – Billy Idol “Rebel Yell” - Really like him this week, more for "Bring me to Life" though, than for this performance. I thought the groupie thing was cute. At the beginning he sounded JUST like Billy Idol.

Lukas Rossi – Nirvana “Lithium” - Good job, but Dilana did it better. I liked the arrangement a lot, butt HATED the predictable comment from Dave "You REARRANGED that?? Awesome Dude". I still really enjoy watching Lukas and his movements on stage.

Magni – Live “I, Alone” - Better than Ryan, and I liked Magni's cute intro, "I learned your language America, vote for me". Cute.

Ryan Star – Coldplay “Clocks” - I'm over him. Eyeliner, bleh. I-need-to-poop-look, enough. I actually FFWD his performance. Plus, Coldplay is one of my least favorite groups.

Hard to predict a bottom 3 since there are so few left - but I'm afraid it might be Magni leaving...only because he's the only one that's been in the bottom 3 (or was Ryan there once??)

"RE: Supernova Love List: week 9"
Posted by Iconoclastic on 08-30-06 at 01:54 AM
The 4 contenders:

1) Magni "I, Alone" - Great ballsy performance plus I thought those chicks were going to gang rape him on the way back to the stage

2) Toby "Rebel Yell" - Second place by a flip of the coin, that was hedonistic fun

3) Dilana "Mother Mother" - There's the raucous wild woman I've been missing. I guess she just needed a good spanking

4) Ryan "Clocks" - If by "dark horse" they mean strong contender then I agree. Any other week I would have put this performance in first but last night was full of great ones.

The 2 pretenders:

5) Lukas "Lithium" - Skunk-boy sings like he has a mouth full of Cheetos. Dilana did this song better way back when and Toby blew his "Rebel Yell" out of the water tonight. He earned his bottom 3 spot.

6) Storm "Bring me to Life" - You are the weakest link....goodbye

"RE: Supernova Love List: week 9"
Posted by weltek on 08-30-06 at 09:15 AM
Oh great, now I'm going to picture Cheeto-mouth everytime Lukas performs.

"RE: Supernova Love List: week 9"
Posted by brvnkrz on 08-30-06 at 08:26 AM
1. Storm. I loved this performance. Absolutely loved it.
2. Ryan
3. Lukas
4. Magni
5. Toby
6. Dilana

I enjoyed all of them and it was hard to rank this week. The ones at the bottom were not disliked and had more to do with song choices than anything else.

"RE: Supernova Love List: week 9"
Posted by Breezy on 08-30-06 at 08:34 AM
But it wasn't their choices.

"RE: Supernova Love List: week 9"
Posted by brvnkrz on 08-30-06 at 08:36 AM
I know it wasn't their choice. But since I liked all of the performances, I had to default to song choices. Based on performance I wouldn't have any at the bottom of the list.

Fembots by Tribe: L.O.J. One for all and all for Janelle

"RE: Supernova Love List: week 9"
Posted by Breezy on 08-30-06 at 08:51 AM
There has to be a loser and a weiner.


"RE: Supernova Love List: week 9"
Posted by brvnkrz on 08-30-06 at 08:55 AM
Step away from the Slurpee.

"*innocent look*"
Posted by Breezy on 08-30-06 at 08:58 AM
You mean this one? *dumps it on car*

"RE: Supernova Love List: week 9"
Posted by Breezy on 08-30-06 at 08:39 AM
1. Magni- I Alone Love his voice! Just love it!

2. Dilana- Mother, Mother Great intensity and she delivered it well all while acting like a crazy rocker. Perfect for the idiots of SuperNova.

3. Storm- Bring me to Life Agree Toby stole a little of the spotlight from her. But she did a great job with a song she wasn't sure on.

4. Ryan- Clocks Nothing bad about it, I just enjoyed the others more.

5. Toby- Rebel Yell Again nothing bad, just enjoyed others more.

6. Lukas- Lithium Don't like his voice. He can go now.

Save a horse, ride a cowboy.

"RE: Supernova Love List: week 9"
Posted by weltek on 08-30-06 at 09:13 AM
1. Dilana – Tracy Bonham “Mother Mother”
I wasn't going to give her this spot because she had an advantage of having this song in her reportoire already, but it was powerful & a confident performance. Totally professional caliber. And it was nice to hear her "pretty" voice come out again.

2. Toby– Billy Idol “Rebel Yell”
It was solid, but he added so much energy to his performance by pulling girls up on stage. Total Rock Star moment.

3. Magni – Live “I, Alone”
I only gave Toby the edge above Magni because Magni started the song a little shakey and then ended in the audience. I hate it when performers end the song somewhere other than on the stage.

4. Ryan– Coldplay “Clocks”
Ryan is my Rock Star crush. He did great, but it was a competitive night of performances. I liked the way he used the piano as a prop. His confidence is really sexy. Frankly, my 1-4 could be in any order. It was tough to decide which Rocker I liked better than others.

5. Storm– Evanescance “Bring me to Life”
Loved this performance with Toby joining her. She looked awesome, sang the song beautifully...she's just not the right one for Supernova. I would totally go see a Storm concert if she was playing nearby for cheap, though. I *heart* Storm. I do think Supernova was too hard on her for this one. I think they've made up their mind she's going tonight.

6. Lukas – Nirvana “Lithium”
I tried to like Lukas as a singer. I really did. It's down to the final six & I still haven't loved any of his performances. His voice is so weak (or his just doesn't show its strength). And frankly, everyone else is catching up to his performance factor. He used to outshine them in this category, but lately, the other Rockers have stepped it up a notch and it's no longer the Lukas & Dilana show.

"RE: Supernova Love List: week 9"
Posted by brvnkrz on 08-30-06 at 09:29 AM
I'm with you 100% on Storm. They have made up their minds about her. I agree that she is wonderful but not meant for SN. I just loved her performance last night.

"RE: Supernova Love List: week 9"
Posted by dragonflies on 08-30-06 at 10:31 AM
Agree on Storm too. Maybe she'll visit us in concert, although it will prolly be when I go to Mexico next year. *smooch*

Go Pack!

"RE: Supernova Love List: week 9"
Posted by cheesybread on 08-30-06 at 09:42 AM
1. Lukas Rossi – Nirvana “Lithium”(6) - I really liked what he did with this song. Usually changes to Nivana just involve either accoustic or not (which Nirvana also did) so they aren't so original. However, adding the piano was something I haven't heard done with Nirvana so props for that. I did find it kind of funny that he switched back and forth between a singing voice and the patented growl a few times. It came accross to me as "Look at me, I can sing like a bird, or I can growl like a tiger!"

2. Magni – Live “I, Alone”(5) - Another great performance by Magni. I think he has changed the least of any rocker, yet he probably had the most developed talent. He has still not done anything of his "own" to a song. It seems SN really dig him though. If they are looking for a total perfessional then he is their choice.

3. Ryan Star – Coldplay “Clocks”(1) - Ryan has not slipped but this week was awesome. He continues to get stronger and stronger. His stage performance is getting more and more refined. DW reminded me that both JD and Marty were pretty spazzy and out of control on stage last year and dialed it in by the end to be great performers. Perhaps we are seeing a similar transition with Ryan.

4. Toby Rand – Billy Idol “Rebel Yell”(3) - Better the Lukas in Week 1 (has everyone copied a Lukas song yet?). However, his stage performance now consists of either distractions or adding other people to the visual to distract from that empty feeling that used to accompany his solo stage act.

5. Storm Large – Evanescance “Bring me to Life”(2) - Storm is like one of those supremely talented athletes who continualy frustrate loyal fans because she has all the tools, but can't figure out how to put them all together. She can sing great, she can perform, she can be totally sexy, she can command the stage, but there often is just something missing there. I don't see the need for Toby on stage but it didn't bother me either.

6. Dilana – Tracy Bonham “Mother Mother”(7) - I just don't like her and I don't see anything she does really changing my mind at this point. If you were SN would you want this kind of drama on tour with you. She basically already said she won't share the stage. Time to put her on her own solo stage. (This will not happen of course but she has taken over for Jill as the one I most want to leave.)

Tommyhawked: Patrice - There is tons of talent here but she just couldn't connect with the audience or band on stage. I think the exposure will help her. It bears suggesting (again) that the band hire her as a lyracist.

"RE: Supernova Love List: week 9"
Posted by Wacko Jacko on 08-30-06 at 10:26 AM
1) Toby Rand – Billy Idol “Rebel Yell”. The more I watch him the more I think he is going to win. Great performance with Storm. Great performance by himself. Great performance with SN last week. He is coming together nicely and I think he has less flaws than the others.
2) Dilana – Tracy Bonham “Mother Mother”. Great performance. My wife said she had chills watching her and I thought to myself she is such a pro on stage. Never has an off day. Knows exactly what to do with each song. Rated lower because I feel that SN does not want a woman singer. Someone mentioned sabatoge for Storm....I think there is a little sabatoge with both. Dilana will make it to the final three but lose at three.
3) Ryan Star – Coldplay “Clocks”. Another great performance. but I agree with Jason about when he steps away from the piano. I think Jason termed it wrongly, but Ryan just has this ackward clumsiness to his performances. It was evident throughout...the competition. Like when he tried to swing the microphone last night. He almost has Phil syndrome. He is not a wet noodle or a bobblehead but just has something a little wrong in his stage presence. If only they could fix it.
4) Magni – Live “I, Alone”. I think this guy is great. He has a nice voice and the look, but something is missing...not sure what it is...guess just missing the wow factor. Hope the bottom three stays the same however...I don't want to see him go home just because he is in the bottom three.
5) Lukas Rossi – Nirvana “Lithium”. At first I really liked this guy. Thought he was unique. Now he is wearing thin on me. I have heard it all before. Also, someone mentioned that he had the best stage presence at the beginning...others have caught up. Picking him as the singer would be a huge mistake. I predict him singing with SN this week because I believe the three that have song with SuperNova will be the final three....we know two already...Lukas will be number three.
6) Storm Large – Evanescance “Bring me to Life”. The worst fit for SuperNova. She is being set up to go home and I could not be more happy. Wasn't she the only one to have her own commericial this week? Also, she received the most negative comments. I think the song they gave her was on purpose because her voice was not suited for it...she actually did well considering......But I really hope she does go home this week...because the other five all suit SuperNova better.

"RE: Supernova Love List: week 9"
Posted by Wacko Jacko on 08-30-06 at 10:35 AM
For fun I tallied up the votes through the first 17 posts. Here is how they are ranked so far.

1) Ryan
1) Toby
3) Magni
4) Dilana
5) Storm
6) Lukas

Pretty interesting.

"RE: Supernova Love List: week 9"
Posted by cycles2k on 08-30-06 at 01:43 PM
Did you just count the first vote Wacko?

I find it interesting that we are all over the place with no definitive favorite. It demonstrates the high calibre of talent remaining and how difficult it is to choose among them.

Tonight will be like saying goodbye to a friend.

"RE: Supernova Love List: week 9"
Posted by bullzeye on 08-30-06 at 02:40 PM
Tonight will be like saying goodbye to a friend.

*sniff* You are so right.

A birthday present from Tribe

"RE: Supernova Love List: week 9"
Posted by Wacko Jacko on 08-30-06 at 04:10 PM
I tallied everyones rankings then averages their scores. I am working on updating the scores.

"RE: Supernova Love List: week 9"
Posted by dragonflies on 08-30-06 at 10:36 AM
1. Ryan - I loved how he slid across the piano

2. Magni - Mr. Consistency

3. Storm - Sexy as all get out. I thought she would murder this song, but she didn't. I wish she would quit worrying so much, she always pulls it off. Toby was great too

4. Toby - Mr Hotty, loved pulling the girls up.

5. Lukas - I'm sick of him. He is talented, as are all 6, but not my cup of tea.

6. Dilana - ditto Lukas comments. The wild hair was too much.

Go Pack!

"RE: Supernova Love List: week 9"
Posted by LittleFox on 08-30-06 at 10:57 AM
All I have to say is

"With a rebel yell, I cry more, more, more TOBY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

*Come join the coolest club in town!:


"RE: Supernova Love List: week 9"
Posted by dragonflies on 08-30-06 at 12:07 PM
Heck, I'd take more Toby with a whisper. Or Ryan for that matter.

Go Pack!

"RE: Supernova Love List: week 9"
Posted by nailbone on 08-30-06 at 12:01 PM
LAST EDITED ON 08-30-06 AT 12:12 PM (EST)

I'm listing them in order of performance, cuz I can't really pick a fave this week.

But first... Brooke....Yummy!

Lukas - Cool guy, cool accent. Love the Canadians. Totally kicked ass!

I wanna see that "family portrait"!!

Magni - funny funny guy! And as Dave said "that boy can SANG!!!"

Ryan - rough start, then WOW!! Love the slide across the piano into the solo.

Storm - *sigh* SO gorgeous!! She and Toby sounded great together, gave me chills. she was a little pitchy at first, but did a fine job on a tough song. I thought they were too tough on her. And I am in no way biased.

Toby - LOVE the pranks! Ya know, I STILL can't understand the lyrics to that song. I loved his pulling the hotties up from the audience. THAT's why i wanna be a Rock Star!!!

Didja see Nate twirling his drumsticks during Dilana's song? I can do that.

Dilana - Scary Dilana is back. She did OK with this song, but it's just "same ol' same ol'" for her with me.

ETA: in the "mansion" stuff, without all the weird hair and excess make up, Dilana is actually very beuatiful.

Holey carp! My blog! MySpace!
Official OT Tassel Adjuster and OT Fantasy Football Champ! o-

"RE: Supernova Love List: week 9"
Posted by Glow on 08-30-06 at 12:19 PM
oh yeah! I forgot to mention the chills. I knew Toby was coming on stage. But when they started singing together, I did get chills. (which is why I do think him being up there kind of stole some sunshine from her but I give her TONS of bonus points for it. I love her.)

"RE: Supernova Love List: week 9"
Posted by architecturegirl on 08-30-06 at 12:02 PM
LAST EDITED ON 08-30-06 AT 12:03 PM (EST)

I've been bored for the last two weeks - but finally this week I was loving the performances again!

1) Ryan - He had me pumping my fist and yelling "YES!". LOVE him. Love him, love him, love him.
2) Magni - He actually looked a bit rock star scary this week, and that was good to see, I still love me some Magni.
3) Dilana - She rocked it out, but I'm a little disenchanted. No matter what though, the chick can rock.

big gap

4) Toby - He's good, and he totally stole Storm's thunder, I just dont see him as dynamic enough
5) Lukas - It was ok, I just havent ever really been "captured" by any of his performances like I have with some of the others.
6) Storm - I like her, but she's just not bringing it to the level that everyone else is. I think this may be her week to go. And wow, Toby really stole the show from her doing her backup vocals, not a great idea for her.

"RE: Supernova Love List: week 9"
Posted by djandy on 08-30-06 at 12:03 PM
1.) Ryan Star – Coldplay “Clocks” - Innovative and powerful. Way to make it entertaining instead of another 'sit behind the piano and sing' performance.
2.) Storm Large – Evanescance “Bring me to Life” - I thought she did great -- it was the cameramen focusing on Toby that caused people to think he stole the show.
3.) Toby Rand – Billy Idol “Rebel Yell” - Did great on Rebel Yell and Bring me to Life.
4.) Lukas Rossi – Nirvana “Lithium” - Nice version, but I'm still having a hard time understanding his words.
5.) Magni – Live “I, Alone” - Good cover artist, but will go soon. A class act with downplaying the cut on his head.
6.) Dilana – Tracy Bonham “Mother Mother” I echo cycles2k's comment: "Dear Gilby: You are starting to make sense but why didn't you complain about Dilana climbing on the guitar player?. She almost put the poor man in a leg lock." And this was just weeks after Dilana criticized Jill for sexing it up onstage, and claiming that she could rock out without doing that. I guess not. And the temper tantrum that cuts Magni's head gets glossed over? It makes me dislike the "pre-ordained winner" even more.

S8 ABC Red Ink Champ, S7 ABPABC Red Ink Champ, CMY FOMO Red Ink Champ

"RE: Supernova Love List: week 9"
Posted by Magnolia_Rocker on 08-30-06 at 12:23 PM
1 - Ryan Star - Coldplay "Clocks" - Oh my. I really didn't think I could love this man more than I already did and then he proved me wrong. *drools* Wow, just wow. My DH got lots of sex last night after that performance. Yep, sure did. MmmmmmMMmmm.

2 - Toby Rand - Billy Idol "Rebel Yell" - *more drool* I've always been a Toby fan even when he went through those few weeks of slump. I'm sooooo glad he's been back the last few weeks. A Ryan/Toby finale would be a perfect ending to this season.

3 - Lukas Rossi - Nirvana "Lithium" - I am so sick of Nirvana that I really did not think I was going to like this performance at all but guess what? I did! Thank you for breathing new life into vomit inducing Nirvana Lukas. I love ya for it! You now hold the spot directly behind my two boys.

4 - Storm Large - Evanescance "Bring Me to Life" - I thought she did a great job on this song and of course she had my boy Toby up there so for me it was even bettah! I really hope she doesn't go tonight and honestly, with only two females and 4 males left I think they might need to boot a guy this week. *crosses fingers it's Magni*

5 - Magni - Live "I, Alone" - With Magni's chops he should have nailed this song but he didn't. He's gotten more and more boring as the weeks have gone on and the other guys have upped their game. Bye, bye Mr. Consistency.

6 - Dilana - Tracy Bonham "Mother Mother" - I can't stand this person and I am convinced that there must be some hidden sound in her voice that gives all the guys brain spasms when she sings. That's the only way I can fathom the fact that she gets tongue bathed by them every.single.week. It's disgusting.

A Syren Masterpiece!

"RE: Supernova Love List: week 9"
Posted by Glow on 08-30-06 at 12:35 PM
"My DH got lots of sex last night after that performance"

Well then I hope he was thankful enough to vote.

“Music has been my best friend my whole life, because music doesn’t betray you.” - Lukas Rossi

"RE: Supernova Love List: week 9"
Posted by Magnolia_Rocker on 08-30-06 at 02:13 PM
Heh, what do you think we were doing during our after ciggy?

Summer siggy thanks to Syren!

"RE: Supernova Love List: week 9"
Posted by cycles2k on 08-30-06 at 01:56 PM
My DH got lots of sex last night after that performance. Yep, sure did. MmmmmmMMmmm."

This had me laughing out loud.

"RE: Supernova Love List: week 9"
Posted by MKitty on 08-30-06 at 12:24 PM
Wow..so many great performances last night...I think it must be very difficult now for the boys to eliminate somebody at this point. Here is who I liked:

1. Lukas: Loved his version of Lithium. I love his unique voice, love his smile, love his quirkiness.

2. Ryan: Damn that man makes me shudder....mmm... He's hot, he's intense and I love the dark brooding intensity that really comes out in his songs

3. Storm: I was seriously annoyed by Gilby's comments about still thinking of Jill's version as the only version...she is drop dead gorgeous, has a wonderful voice and I really like her. She has really grown on me.

4. Magni: He too has really grown on me. He is solid, but probably has grown the least as he was so talented to begin with. I loved him doing Jimi last week, but I also really like his performance this week.

5. Toby: Cute as a button...but his performances leave me a little meh... I originally thought he was one of the strongest on the first night of the series..but now I still like him quite a bit, but more as a cutie-patootie than as a strong rocking performer.

6. Dilana. Blech. Okay, she did an okay job of Mother Mother...but after seeing how *evil* she is and hating, repeat, HATING her hair and he chin piercing..she is always now rating in my bottom... yeah, she can rock...but she bugs me.


"RE: Supernova Love List: week 9"
Posted by 2thDr on 08-30-06 at 12:58 PM
I hope I am not overstepping my boundaries here, because last night was my first time watching the show this season. I dont know any of the past performances and had no preconceived notions abouth any of these guys.....Here's my take...

1. Storm---I dont get it. Why did most not like this performance. I thought her vocals were by far the best and the fact that she was secure enough to have TOby on stage added to the performance. I loved it.

2. Magni--I like his performance a lot. He definitely has major potential.

3. Dilana--Ok so it sounds like I missed some DRAMA, but as far as stage performance (voice,etc) she is like a woman among kids. She just seems more professional (on stage...not off!) than the others. My deal with her is I just dont like her style. She is a little to angry adn weird for my taste, but talent heck yeah I will give her that.

4. Toby--He's cute. He got the audience involved. I liked it.

5. Ryan- I liked it. But it didnt blow me away. He's cute though.

6. Lukas--I could hardly watch (or listen) to him. Just not my thing dude. I am not feeling it.

"RE: Supernova Love List: week 9"
Posted by SilverStar on 08-30-06 at 02:30 PM
Thanks for sharing your list! It is interesting to see how someone ranks them without any previous exposure.

(And I agree with you. Don't understand why so many people hated Storm last night. She is amazing.)

A Tribe work of art

"RE: Supernova Love List: week 9"
Posted by xwraith27 on 08-30-06 at 01:02 PM
I was FINALLY able to watch the show after a 36-hour work day. Yep, everyone in my office was wondering why I was wearing the same clothes I was wearing yesterday. Anyway, quick rankings before I go to bed.

1. Magni
2. Toby
3. Ryan
4. Dilana
5. Lukas
6. Storm

"RE: Supernova Love List: week 9"
Posted by geekboy on 08-30-06 at 01:24 PM
I just finished watching the show. My take is that this week proved that we have a final six that are all NOW at the same level. I thought last night's show was the best so far, and that all 6 gave essentially the same level of kick-a$$ performance. I, personally, cannot rank them now. Obviously America, and SN, have made the right decisions each week. I'm amazed at how far these six have grown.

Couple notes, but in no particular order...

* Dilana blew me away (as all six did). I loved her vocals this week, and seeing her w/ a guitar
* Toby has grown to seem so at ease and natural on stage. Biggest growth of the top 6
* Storm has the most beautiful voice of all
* Ryan - pure emotion. I think he could have toned it down a bit for the song, but it was great nonetheless
* Lukas - great arrangement.
* Magni - Best male vocalist of the 4. Incredible performance.

I have no clue who is going. If i had to bet, i would say Magni. This is teh point in the competition where it gets hard.


"RE: Supernova Love List: week 9"
Posted by SilverStar on 08-30-06 at 02:17 PM
This week was the best so far, IMO. To use a standard reality tv cliche, I think everyone really "stepped it up a notch". Heh. I think that everyone did a good job, and most did wonderful.

1. Ryan -- Now THAT! was a performance! I don't even know what else to say.

2. Lukas -- This is the highest Luke has ever been on my list. He's usually somewhere near the bottom. But I loved his performance of "Lithium". He pulled me in with the soft opening, his voice sounded really good, and then when he started rocking out, I was captivated.

3. Storm -- Loved Toby singing backup. Love everything about Storm. This was amazing. I don't know why, but I've watched it twice, and each time it brings tears to my eyes. (And no, Storm haters, it's not because it's painful to watch. LOL.) I kind of hope she is in the B3 tonight because I would love to see her perform a song she chose herself. OTOH, I don't want her in the B3, because I think she has a good chance of being the boot.

4. Magni -- I'm really sick of this song, but Magni did a great job with it. He was seriously fumbling the words in the beginning, but he pulled it off in the end.

5. Toby -- It was good. On a night where the other 4 weren't fantastic, I would've loved this. But it was kind of boring to me.

6. Dilana -- I will freely admit that my disdain for Dilana may have colored my judgement of her performance, but this is my love list and I don't care! Overall it was ok. I didn't like her moves around the stage, the leg on guitar guy, and that microphone headbutt at the end? *rolls eyes* I hope she goes away soon. I'm sick of hearing about her and sick of the ass-licking by Dave and SN.

A Tribe work of art

"RE: Supernova Love List: week 9"
Posted by nailbone on 08-30-06 at 03:56 PM
kind of hope she is in the B3 tonight because I would love to see her perform a song she chose herself.

I selfishly hope for this, too.

Yes, I'm in the LOS.

Holey carp! My blog! MySpace!
Official OT Tassel Adjuster and OT Fantasy Football Champ! o-

"RE: Supernova Love List: week 9"
Posted by bullzeye on 08-30-06 at 03:01 PM
I can't believe that I just about missed this series, if not for a lucky channel surf one night I would be missing all of this fun! And each night just gets better and better - it's going to really suck now to see one of the remaining performers go home.

1 - Ryan Star - Coldplay "Clocks". That was unfrikinbelievable!!! He killed it, killed it, killed it! I actually watched it 4 times in a row after the night ended. Glow knows how to pick them!

2 - Lukas Rossi - Nirvana "Lithium". I was very worried about Lukas leading up to last night - there's so little margin for error anymore. But, I really think he rocked it.

3 - Storm Large - Evanescance "Bring Me to Life". While I don't think that was her best performance of the competition, I thought she did great. Props to her for bringing Toby on stage - definitely a nod to her creativity. Plus, well...you know.

4 - Toby Rand - Billy Idol "Rebel Yell". I liked it, didn't love it - he seemed way more comfortable on Storm's song than on his own.

5 - Magni - Live "I, Alone". I love Magni and I think his rendition of "Fire" last week was one of the best of the competition. That said, he just didn't do it for me last night.
Perhaps my expectations were too high.

6 - Dilana - Tracy Bonham "Mother Mother". I admit to being biased here but not because of all the dramatics. I just think that each week, we get more of the same - been there done that. "Best performance in 2 years"? Not even close....look up for that one.

A birthday present from Tribe

"RE: Supernova Love List: week 9"
Posted by Wacko Jacko on 08-30-06 at 04:17 PM
Is that picture you used Magni after Dilana cut him with the Wine Glass?

"RE: Supernova Love List: week 9"
Posted by bullzeye on 08-30-06 at 06:57 PM
Bwahaha! I actually didn't notice the resemblance until you pointed that out - good on ya.

A birthday present from Tribe

"RE: Supernova Love List: week 9"
Posted by cycles2k on 08-30-06 at 07:43 PM
"Not even close....look up for that one."

You know, I am a little dense, I actually sat here thinking about looking at the sky, the ceiling, the bleachers or towards heaven before I figured out what you really meant by "look up".

"RE: Supernova Love List: week 9"
Posted by nailbone on 08-31-06 at 10:28 AM
Look up.

Look down.

Look all around.

Look at my thumb.

Gee, you're dumb.

Holey carp! My blog! MySpace!
Official OT Tassel Adjuster and OT Fantasy Football Champ! o-

Yes, I'm in third grade today.

"RE: Supernova Love List: week 9"
Posted by Loree on 08-30-06 at 03:08 PM
With only 6 left they are all very talented. And we all have our favorites. We aren’t going to convince each other who is better. So this is all about who we personally like. We forgive our favorites for flaws and jump on every little problem with someone we don’t like. Supernova will make their own personal decision. If we agree we will pay money to support them. If we don’t agree with their choice we will avoid their concerts and CDs while following those we like better. Not much going to change my opinion at this point.

#1 - Lukas - I loved this performance. I already think he is the best choice for their band. So I was happy to see he did well and the band seemed to agree with me.

#2 - Storm - WOW I loved this performance. I know the band does not think Storm is right for their band and she will not win. But I would pay to go and see her. That performance with Toby gave me chills. I loved it. And she had to work hard to pull it off. Unlike a certain other female that was tossed a song she has done so often she could sleepwalk through it.

#3 - Toby - I really liked this. Although I do think Lukas, JD and Idol have done it better. But Toby gave it a great spin and alot of energy. He did well. I would also pay to see him. He is my 2nd choice for this band behind Lukas.

#4 - Ryan - I do enjoy watching him. And I would also pay to see him on stage. But I do think he would do better as a solo artist and he isn’t right for this band. He is the dark performer.

#5 - Magni - if this was a popularity contest Magni would be one of the winners. He is such a great guy. But his singing leaves me bored. Just because I really like him as a person does not mean I would pay to see him. I think Magni has a great voice. But he is like a mimic. He sounds just like the original singer and never changes anything up. I don’t know if he doesn’t have the talent to change things up. Or if he just likes to do it exactly the same. But that does bother me.

#6 - Dilana - she will always be in last place with me until she leaves. I was done with her even before the drama in the house. That just added to my dislike. First she bored me, then she annoyed me. Now I just really dislike her and everything about her. If the band picks her I would not go and see them even if the tickets were free.

"RE: Supernova Love List: week 9"
Posted by Wacko Jacko on 08-30-06 at 04:15 PM
Updated Rankings thru the first 43 posts:

1. Ryan
2. Toby
3. Magni
4. Storm
5. Lukas
6. Dilana

I averaged everyones rankings.

"RE: Supernova Love List: week 9"
Posted by cycles2k on 08-30-06 at 07:39 PM
Thanks for this. Interesting that Lukas and Dilana are the favorites yet have become the least popular in the lovelist thread.

The actually voting and the RealityTVWorld lovelists probably won't correspond but that is because we are right and the other voters are wrong

"RE: Supernova Love List: week 9"
Posted by michel on 08-30-06 at 04:38 PM
Last week was poor but this week, the singers came back strong. Too bad my CBS station had sound difficulties most of the night. Big Brother has sub-titles but how can you enjoy Rock if you can't crank up the volume?

1- Lukas Rossi – Nirvana “Lithium” It's about time! This was the performance of the evening and it completed the reversal of his previous down-slide. He's back to where he was at the start. Hopefully, he hasn't let his chance slip through his fingers.

2- Magni – Live “I, Alone” If it was my band, I'd pick Magni for his professionalism and his musical talents. But then, my band wouldn't have Gilby or TLee! They don't seem to want him even if last night was solid...again.

3- Ryan Star – Coldplay “Clocks” It is the first time he moves well! Throwing the bench and then sliding in, as if stealing second base, to play the piano segment was genial. He did seem to lose his breath running on stage. The back-up vocals covered his voice. I think that is what Jason alluded to.

4- Dilana – Tracy Bonham “Mother Mother” Another terrific performance. I didn't like the way she put her guitar quietly away while singing. It broke the emotional level. That voice of hers was great.

5- Storm Large – Evanescance “Bring me to Life” I think they were harder than need be. I think they may have decided that she wasn't the one, so if they are undecided about a few of them, they want to have the option to boot her.

6- Toby Rand – Billy Idol “Rebel Yell” I'm sorry but he does nothing for me. This "Backstreet gimmick-Boy" may be fun to watch, but he isn't a serious rocker. The first verse was sung in a crooner's voice??? The song is Rebel Yell!!!