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"Bo and Constantine"

Posted by Ellehcar71 on 07-25-05 at 12:48 PM
As I've been watching Rock Star: INXS, I keep wondering how our "Rockers" from American Idol - Bo and Constantine - would do on this show. What do you all think? Can you think of anyone else from AI in years past (not necessarily finalists) that could have competed on this show?

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"RE: Bo and Constantine"
Posted by Glow on 07-25-05 at 01:14 PM
I can't think of anybody from AI, besides Bo, that would have had a snowball's chance on this show.

"RE: Bo and Constantine"
Posted by geg6 on 07-25-05 at 02:48 PM
I have to say that Glowie is on the right track.

There is no one and never has been anyone on AI that would have gotten within 100 miles of making this show. The only possible exception would have been Bo. However, I think that even Bo is completely outclassed by most of the competition here. He was probably my favorite AI contestant ever, but that doesn't mean much. I just think several of these people (JD, Marty, Jordis, and Ty, especially) are spectacularly talented and would chew poor Bo up and spit him out.

I'm such a slut for the blues.

"RE: Bo and Constantine"
Posted by Glow on 07-25-05 at 03:22 PM
We're still talking about INXS right? I don't think "class" is an issue.

"RE: Bo and Constantine"
Posted by wilsonteo on 07-25-05 at 03:53 PM
I'm sure most of these contestants will kick ##### on AI. Vocally, they're already up there with great stage presence. That's the energy we need from AI man.

"RE: Bo and Constantine"
Posted by CattyChat on 07-25-05 at 04:26 PM
I agree with Geg & Glowie. Only Bo might have had a chance, but I don't think he has the presence that these performers have.

RockStar is so much better than Idol, in my opinion, with so much more talent, I am dismayed that everytime an article is published it remarks of very low ratings. WHY?? Where are all the music fans?? Who are they polling, tweenie boppers?? I want a recount.

"RE: Bo and Constantine"
Posted by geg6 on 07-25-05 at 04:49 PM
LAST EDITED ON 07-25-05 AT 04:50 PM (EST)

Unfortunately, as is so common today, the entertainment business is not interested in promoting anything that doesn't immediately catch the eye of the 18-24 year old set (witness the fact that I haven't seen a film in a theater for at least four years because my local theaters don't book anything geared to adults with a brain and who actually use it).

I'm such a slut for the blues.

"RE: Bo and Constantine"
Posted by CattyChat on 07-26-05 at 10:02 AM
Touche, Geg. I wholeheartedly agree with that. The industry seems to forget that people with brains and jobs and a bit older than the 18-24 (& younger) are the CONSUMERS with money to buy the music, movies, etc.

"RE: Bo and Constantine"
Posted by hotsauce322 on 07-26-05 at 03:21 PM
well, I would have to say that the target demographic is 18-24, regardless of how many older people watch the show. but, luckily, the Rockstar show caters to us older people, who actually might remember the band in its hayday. i love this new show! dave navarro rocks so hard.

as for the Bo and Constantine, i think they would fare badly on this show. Bo is a HACK! now Brandon. that dude can ROCK.

Same thing with JD.

"RE: Bo and Constantine"
Posted by geg6 on 07-26-05 at 03:24 PM

Dave Novarro.

Just sayin'.

I'm such a slut for the blues.

"RE: Bo and Constantine"
Posted by ginger on 07-26-05 at 05:26 PM
I'll second that

Plus he's talented.

"RE: Bo and Constantine"
Posted by photokitty on 07-26-05 at 11:52 PM
On the flipside, I think Jessica belongs on AI, not this show!
During her performance last week, (I can't remember the song, but she had her hair poufed up) I kept thinking she sounded like a Cher impersonator! How did she even get ON this show?

"RE: Bo and Constantine"
Posted by seahorse on 07-27-05 at 00:02 AM
After watching tonight's performance I think either Bo or Constantine would do very well in this group. Singers on this show are singing the type of songs that INXS would sing, not a mixture of country, show tunes R&B, etc.

Half these singers would make the finals if they had to sing acapella to make the first cut.

Most of the group sucked at their songs tonight and although some are performers., many of this bunch do not have great voices.