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"Song choices for this week"

Posted by Loree on 08-20-06 at 09:59 PM
LAST EDITED ON 08-20-06 AT 10:02 PM (EST)

Patrice - Beautiful Thing - Original song
Magni - Smells Like Teen Spirit - Nirvana
Ryan - Back of your Car - Original song
Storm - Cryin' - Aerosmith
Dilana - Every Breath You Take - the Police
Toby - Layla - Eric Clapton
Lukas - All These Things That I've Done - The Killers

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"RE: Song choices for this week"
Posted by Glow on 08-21-06 at 00:37 AM
I'm way too excited about Ryan's original, Toby's potential on "Layla", and Lukas doing the Killers "I got soul but I'm not a soldier" to harp on the fact that there.is.yet.another.Nirvana.song on the list. Besides, Magni has such a great voice, I'm sure it'll be fine.

“Music has been my best friend my whole life, because music doesn’t betray you.” - Lukas Rossi

"RE: Song choices for this week"
Posted by cycles2k on 08-21-06 at 00:45 AM
Thanks for posting.

I expect Storm to put on a great show after last week.

I expect Dilana to sing a gutteral interpretation of "Every Breath you Take" and Dave to fall all over himself praising her performance.

Two originals will be interesting. Hopefully better than the SN original.

"RE: Song choices for this week"
Posted by LisaPles on 08-22-06 at 09:03 AM
>I expect Dilana to sing a
>gutteral interpretation of "Every Breath
>you Take"

Ugh! This is when I will be taking a bathroom break and raiding the pantry for munchies!

"RE: Song choices for this week"
Posted by geg6 on 08-21-06 at 08:49 AM
Ooooo, fun again!

Can't wait for the originals. Especially Ryan's (sorry, I'm getting all JD about him).

It may finally be that Dilana has gotten a song she can't handle. I don't care who it is, a Sting vocal is very difficult for just about anyone. And I think (though I could be wrong) that Dilana just doesn't have the range for his stuff.

"All These Things That I've Done" is a favorite song of mine. Love that Lukas is doing it.

"RE: Song choices for this week"
Posted by Loree on 08-21-06 at 09:12 AM
I have that Ryan song on my iPod. So it will be interesting to see him perform it.

I also have that Killers song. And I adore Lukas. So I am looking forward to that. And they always seem to try and put one of the best performances in the last spot on the show. I wonder if the rawkers realize that? And when do they find out the order they perform.

Dilana bores me so much these days. She started out so strong but she doesn't seem to bring anything new as the weeks go on. But then I think Lukas deliberately held back for that very reason. Even on the "ET Canada" shows he is always hinting that he still has some parts of his voice that he has chosen not to show yet. At least he keeps Jason on his toes waiting and waiting for that special moment when Lukas delivers The Voice.

This is going to get harder as the weeks go by. We are getting down to the end and I like most of the rawkers that are left. I assume Patrice will go this week. But then we will really be in for a fight. Maybe we will finally figure out what the band is looking for. Once Patrice is gone we will get a bottom 3 of people we have all felt had a real chance at F3. But they will be sent home one by one.

"RE: Song choices for this week"
Posted by Glow on 08-21-06 at 09:32 AM
LAST EDITED ON 08-21-06 AT 09:33 AM (EST)

I posted this on 07/07/06. I just seriously can't contain myself about this song.

"Because I think every fan of the show should know some background.
Zayra - www.myspace.com/zayra
Toby - www.myspace.com/jukekartel
Storm - www.myspace.com/stormandtheballs
Ryan - www.myspace.com/rstar
Phil - www.myspace.com/lennex
Patrice - www.myspace.com/patricepike
Matt - www.myspace.com/matthoffer
Magni - www.myspace.com/hljomur
Lukas - www.myspace.com/cleavageinc
Josh - www.myspace.com/joshloganband
Jill - www.myspace.com/jillgioia
Jenny - www.myspace.com/cherrybombmusic
Dilana - www.myspace.com/dilanarox
Dana - www.myspace.com/danaandrews
Chris - www.myspace.com/streetlightsyndrome

and because I think everybody should hear "Back Of Your Car" on Ryan's page"

He did another version of this song with Stage ("Perfect Time of Night"). I'll have to find the link for it because, I believe, what he's going to do with this song for the show is going to be more like that version.

OMD. How will there be a bottom 3? They're impossible to predict from here out. I can't wait until Tuesday.

"RE: Song choices for this week"
Posted by cheesybread on 08-21-06 at 10:23 AM
"Storm - Cryin' - Aerosmith"

This is really dissapointing. This song will not show the "Anything, Anything" Storm that I want to see. I dig all her stuff but we have seen the touching ballad side already. I (and the band, I think) want to see more of the hard rock side.

If she got Layla, The Killers, or perhaps one of the originals it probably would have been much better for her. Hopefully, we'll here Brooke introduce it as, "Here's Storm Large doing Aerosmth's Cryin' with the words and music of Mamma Kin!"

"RE: Song choices for this week"
Posted by weltek on 08-21-06 at 10:31 AM
Should be a great show this week! I'm intrested most in the original songs and Lukas's version of All These Things... (I love that song).

I'm disappointed in Storm's song choice & dislike Layla, so I'm not looking forward to those. Magni & Dilana should do fine with their songs.

"RE: Song choices for this week"
Posted by mocha madness on 08-21-06 at 03:00 PM
Wasn't Layla the song that did in Jordis last year, and derailed her string of strong performances, or was it some other Eric Clapton song? I am sure that someone can confirm or correct me. This is a great song, but I think it will be hard to pull off, and we will see whether Toby can shine on this one or not. I have not been as impressed with him as others on this Board so this will be an interesting test.

"RE: Song choices for this week"
Posted by weltek on 08-21-06 at 03:21 PM
Jordis sang this last year with a little too much happiness. It was definitely the start of a downhill slide for her. Kind of like if Patrice sang it this year.

"RE: Song choices for this week"
Posted by geekboy on 08-21-06 at 03:14 PM
I have a feeling that this week will be one of the weakest so far. The song choices are disappointing to me.

Magni - yet ANOTHER Nivana song, and worse yet - "Smells like..."?! The most cliched and overrated Nirvana song out there.

Storm - Aerosmith? And again, a very overrated Aerosmith song. She can and should do better than that. I really want to hear a Storm original.

Toby - "Layla" is a great song, but from teh webisode, he's going to rearrange it quite a bit. Could definately backfire on him, based on previous week's comments from SN.

Dilana - I totally love Dilana, but who teh *#$% would CHOOSE to sing that smarmy Police song?

Lukas - I love the Killers, and especially that song, but i don't see it fitting his vocal style AT ALL. I'm waiting for that "special" Lukas moment, but i can't say I've seen it yet.

Patrice/Ryan - Originals. We'll see.....


"RE: Song choices for this week"
Posted by weltek on 08-21-06 at 03:22 PM
Apparently there is a connection to the Police song & Dilana's mom (picked up from the spoilers site).

"RE: Song choices for this week"
Posted by geekboy on 08-21-06 at 03:32 PM
Yes, on the webisode she said it was her mom's favorite song. But this isn't an ordinary concert where your mom attends. This is a competition to front Supernova. That's a silly reason to pick a song, especially when the song is as dull as this one is.


"RE: Song choices for this week"
Posted by cycles2k on 08-21-06 at 04:02 PM
Ryan said his mom liked his original song, but he was kidding. Sadly for Dilana, she was not kidding. It is a smarmy song and even Sting said he no longer liked the message because it was about a sick possesive kind of relationship.

Will this be the week that Dilana receives something resembling criticism from anyone on the show? For her own sake, she needs to be taken down a peg or she will continue to deliver the same old sound forever.

"RE: Song choices for this week"
Posted by geekboy on 08-21-06 at 04:06 PM
Just remember, I'm not singling out Dilana this week. I think everyone (barring those with originals) are not going to be at the top of their game this week because they were handed some crappy songs.

I love Dilana, i hope she can pull it off, i just am not getting my hopes up.

As for the others, Toby has the best chance, but then he's trying to switch around "Layla" which is a classic. I think that's a bad move on his part.

As for your other comment - i don't think Dilana needs to be 'taken down a peg'. She's shown she has the stuff to do this, and i do believe she is the front runner right now.


"RE: Song choices for this week"
Posted by cycles2k on 08-22-06 at 03:21 AM
Dilana started out as the star among this group, but I think she has not grown. She thinks she is the frontrunner and receives constant praise so she has no motivation to change a thing. If this community is any indication, she is losing support from almost everybody except her true fans. A little criticism may just get her to take some risks and demonstrate that she can do more than sing songs in a gutteral voice.

"RE: Song choices for this week"
Posted by Savahnna on 08-21-06 at 05:14 PM
I'm guessing Toby will do the more familar version of Layla....as oppossed to the "slow version" Too bad. I think he'd be a natural at the slow one.

I'd pay to see Dilana do the original version.....but as much as I'd think she blew......the band would love her.

"RE: Song choices for this week"
Posted by weltek on 08-22-06 at 10:02 AM
The slow version of Layla puts me to sleep, so I hope he doesn't do that! Different strokes for different folks, I guess!

"RE: Song choices for this week"
Posted by geg6 on 08-22-06 at 10:24 AM
I'm with you. And I don't think it adequately conveys the pain and heartache that the song is about. Which is why, I think, Slowhand doesn't often do it that way anymore.

Too painful an episode in his life what with the betraying a best friend on top of a bad smack habit thing. And he's had more painful things that have happened to him since then.

"Sneak Peek"
Posted by Glow on 08-22-06 at 09:33 AM

“Music has been my best friend my whole life, because music doesn’t betray you.” - Lukas Rossi

"RE: Sneak Peek"
Posted by geg6 on 08-22-06 at 09:48 AM
Love the first two, Glowie!

I totally could have done without the last one, though. Poor puppy!

"RE: Sneak Peek"
Posted by Wacko Jacko on 08-22-06 at 11:47 AM
You guys have turned me into a Dilana fan. Always thought both her and Lukas were the favorites. Honestly I think she is the best. I think EVERYONE of this performers have grown stale. It is not just Dilana. This happens with every performer. Last season I started off liking Marty and by this time I was totally bored with him because I knew what I was getting. This season Zayra was the only one that I actually anticipated now that she is gone I am aligning myself with Dilana because I feel she is the best. Sure her performances are getting similar but EVERYONE of these performers are in the same boat. I think you guys are not liking her anymore because everyone but her has received somekind of negative comments.

"RE: Sneak Peek"
Posted by geg6 on 08-22-06 at 11:56 AM
Um, well, you'd be wrong.

As of this point last year, I was becoming more and more enamored of JD, not less. He brought me something different and exciting every week. Right now, the only ones doing that for me are Ryan and Lukas. Dilana was exciting and different to start. Once I got past that, I saw and heard her limitations. If I can hear them, I have trouble understanding why the pros on the show don't or don't choose to point them out. She hasn't grown one bit over the course of the show. Ryan and Lukas have.

If anything, the lack of cricism has, IMHO, been detrimental to her.

"RE: Sneak Peek"
Posted by geekboy on 08-22-06 at 12:22 PM
Please enlighten me as to how Lukas has grown? Ryan, yes, he's overcome what i think was simple nerves. Lukas? I don't see much growth from him.


"RE: Sneak Peek"
Posted by Glow on 08-22-06 at 12:33 PM
Let's see... Lukas changes it up every week. You never know what you're going to get from him. He changes his voice with every song. Not to mention, he has appeared to have matured. Sure that could be the editing, but... well whatever. And he just keeps getting cuter and cuter. (Sorry I'm not feeling very wordy.)

As for Ryan, he was getting warmed up. Now our Dark Horse is on fire. *licks finger and touches Ryan* tsssssss

“Music has been my best friend my whole life, because music doesn’t betray you.” - Lukas Rossi

Posted by Glow on 08-22-06 at 12:27 PM
I'll just ditto, Geggy. word for effin word

“Music has been my best friend my whole life, because music doesn’t betray you.” - Lukas Rossi

"RE: Sneak Peek"
Posted by Wacko Jacko on 08-22-06 at 04:12 PM
>Um, well, you'd be wrong.
>As of this point last year,
>I was becoming more and
>more enamored of JD, not
>less. He brought me
>something different and exciting every
>week. Right now, the
>only ones doing that for
>me are Ryan and Lukas.
> Dilana was exciting and
>different to start. Once
>I got past that, I
>saw and heard her limitations.
> If I can hear
>them, I have trouble understanding
>why the pros on the
>show don't or don't choose
>to point them out.
>She hasn't grown one bit
>over the course of the
>show. Ryan and Lukas
>If anything, the lack of cricism
>has, IMHO, been detrimental to

I agree with you about JD. The guy kept my interest all season long. Never knew exactly what he was going to do, even when he bombed he did not disappoint because he took chances. Really I don't think his performance of We Are The Champions is anywhere near one of the worst performances so far. JD was given a song sung by a guy who had a totally different voice than he had....sure it was his choice but it was a mistake...he tried.

But about this year. I feel I know what I am going to get from both Lukas and Ryan.

As for Ryan, I am sorry I think the guy is just plain medoicre. He lacks something....there is no way that he could lead a band like SuperNova. I also feel he is not dynamic enough to lead any top band.

As for Lukas, he has more of the 'it' quality than Ryan. I did say that I think Lukas and Dilana are the top two by miles. I just feel no different about Lukas changing it up than I do about Dilana. Lukas is Lukas and he really has not changed any from week to week. I can't really knock Lukas because I think he can do it.....I have not seen his performance this week but doubt it will be much different than what he has done.

The point I was making is with ALL of the contestents this year at this point I don't expect to be shocked by any of their performance...what we have seen so far is what we are going to get. Dilana is no different than Lukas, Ryan, or the others....in my opinion.

"RE: Sneak Peek"
Posted by Glow on 08-22-06 at 06:12 PM
I'm not going to say anything about what you said about Lukas. The fact that you can't hear his voice changing from song to song is strange to me but whatever. At least you admit he has IT.

But the fact that you just called Ryan "mediocre" is foreign to me, buttercup. ouch. It's making my brain hurt. He's extraordinary. And tonight you'll get to hear an original song. The song I've been begging people to listen to since the beginning of this thing, no less. I won't bag on people for not listening to pre-Rock Star stuff from these people but I will say I think it's preposterous that people try to judge them based on this show alone. (That is regretfully what I did with Dilana for a while there, which was actually in her favor. Thus the reason she has fans, I suppose.)

“Music has been my best friend my whole life, because music doesn’t betray you.” - Lukas Rossi

"RE: Sneak Peek"
Posted by Ahtumbreez on 08-23-06 at 00:18 AM
Glow-I have to say that tonight was the first time that I saw a glimmer (or is that a glow?) of what you see in Lucas.

.....but we can still go out to the bar together, cause I still wouldn't want to take him home. Tho, I do wonder what he was like in high school. I bet he'd be very cool to hang with.

"RE: Sneak Peek"
Posted by Glow on 08-23-06 at 00:45 AM
*grin* He was hot tonight, wasn't he? I'd like to hang out with him.

“Music has been my best friend my whole life, because music doesn’t betray you.” - Lukas Rossi

"RE: Sneak Peek"
Posted by Ahtumbreez on 08-23-06 at 01:47 AM
is that.....hang out with him? or "hang" out with him?

"RE: Sneak Peek"
Posted by Glow on 08-23-06 at 02:00 AM

oh. By the way, high school:

Posted by toddE on 08-22-06 at 06:34 PM
I admit that sans Zayra, my interest in the show is down, but nonetheless, these songs blow!

Maybe the original songs will come through, but besides that, the only song I like is All These Things That I Have Done, and I don't like Lukas' style.

So I am glad for TiVo. Anticipating lots of ff.

Hopefully soon, more rocking.

"RE: Yaawwwnnn"
Posted by Lex Icon on 08-23-06 at 12:27 PM
I look at the buckling towers of CDs that dominate a corner of my living room and ask myself "Of these artists, whom did I select on merit of stage performance, character or persona?"

That quickly ruled out the classical section, leaving me with an eclectic assortment of artists from the 60's onwards. Hand on heart I can honestly say it's for the music - whether it be as mainstream as The Beatles, as rebellious as The Stones, or as psychedelic as The Floyd - there really aren't that many novel gifts that a stage performer can offer under the tag of 'modern music'.

People now seem to be influenced by performances gauged on an 'MTV-type' scenario, yet how many of us truly appreciate a group based on its 'in camera' credentials? Am I an old fuddy-duddy or what? Listen to these performances on Rockstar without the visuals - the same basis that one would hear a song and think "Sweet baby Jesus, who IS this singing?" - akin to playing back a CD in the comfort of your living room. Gone is all the mascara and cheap props; no longer is there a band of critics sitting to one side to whom one must pander. It's a whole new ball game and I truly believe the only ones qualified to judge a candidate's credibilty are the sound engineers who know how to doctor or rearrange a vocal.

Lukas and Dilana appear to stand out by miles, yet they both are so constricted in their vocal range it's not funny. An album of either of these artists would render the listener bored s**tless after track 4 due to the monotony and duplicity of their voices.

Regrettably the show has become somewhat vulgar. The ideas are wearing thin and the dialogue's becoming strained.

"Hey...pity you didn't smash the guitar!"

yawn....how contrived does it have to get?

Funnily enough I couldn't stand Zayra, yet as the show lunged on towards its inevitable conclusion she became the one artist that brought an air of the unexpected to the screen. Seeing as how the 'chosen few' are not being judged on their vocal ability (a simple exercise at the end of the day) I would have thought her presence would have been maintained to this day - certainly beyond that of Patrice who, unless your surname's Keller, should have plunged the depths many moons ago.

"RE: Yaawwwnnn"
Posted by cycles2k on 08-24-06 at 02:28 AM
You have a good point there Lex. I have never purchased a CD because I thought the singer looked good on stage. I often watch the show and rewatch the performances I enjoyed while looking away from the TV. My impressions are distinctly different.

I do agree that the dialog is contrived and that Dave seems to be reading from some type of MB script designed to add some sort of drama to what is, after all, just a singing competition.

You think smashing guitars was contrived? What about "totally getting laid". Tommy is a great drummer and a likeable man, but he certainly doesn't strive for intellectual excellence in his comments.

However there is very little I would change about the show. I think every remaining performer has real talent and is capable of giving us something great every week.

Zayra was great. I miss her. Not as much as missed Jordis' beautiful voice last year, but Z's personality was great.