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"Question About Learning INXS Songs"

Posted by Tahj on 07-22-05 at 01:39 PM
So the losers have to sing an INXS song chosen by the band members. Does that mean that all the contestants have rehearsed all the INXS songs so they'll be ready in case they have to sing one? All of the bottom three singers seem to perform them effortlessly. Does anyone know exactly how and when they learn them?

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"RE: Question About Learning INXS Songs"
Posted by seahorse on 07-22-05 at 02:29 PM
I would guess that the contestants each learn three of the songs each week and are required to sing them if asked and in the bottom 3.

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"RE: Question About Learning INXS Songs"
Posted by Wacko Jacko on 07-22-05 at 04:07 PM
My guess is that their is a list of songs that the contestents are given. Like 20 songs and the members pick a song to test their musical ability.

Good question though, who knows for sure.

"RE: Question About Learning INXS Songs"
Posted by kay_tin on 07-22-05 at 10:27 PM
My opinion is its a job interview first and foremost. The last thing the singers would want is to get caught not knowing the words. I mean that would be like going in for a job and not being able to tell the interviewer what the company does etc. Shouldn't they all know the words to all INXS songs? I know I would have been studying them as soon as I knew I was auditioning...

Posted by trigirl on 08-12-05 at 02:04 PM
Do you think that he got the boot because he screwed up the lyrics, or do you think it was his time. I think the lyrics did him in (but this was my first week, so don't know for sure). I thought Cher Jessica sucked.

"RE: Brandon"
Posted by Wacko Jacko on 08-15-05 at 08:52 AM
I agree with you 100%. Brandon was better than Jessica and only got eliminated because he flubbed the words, but that song was so obsecure that I can see how he could. I mean any of the contestants have to prepare for many songs and Brandon and the other INXS contestants could not possibly know the words to every single song. I think INXS is a little arrogant to think that these contestants could possibly know each song. Disappear is one of my favorite INXS songs and honestly if I went and saw INXS and if INXS opened with that song and Jessica as the lead singer I would've walked out. I don't understand how INXS keeps praising Jessica for performing INXS songs well. Maybe in the past but not this week. And I don't think in the past it was so much her performing them well as others performing them bad.

"RE: Question About Learning INXS Songs"
Posted by easilydistracted on 08-12-05 at 11:48 PM
Here's the link that says they practice with all of the singers on Tuesday. The Tuesday show we see is taped on Sunday so the Tuesday practice actually refers to the songs the bottom 3 have to do on the Wednesday elimination show that is taped Wednesday afternoon.


I was reading through some of the blogs and diary entries on the INXS site and the band seems to both like and promote mention Jordis, Ty, Marty, Suzie, and JD most often. I don't recall seeing Deanna, MiG, or Jessica mentioned other than to say that they really did think Brandon would do well with the song assigned to him and that Jessica was thisclose to being eliminated. I tend to wonder if they'll eliminate Deanna the first time they get the chance.