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Thread Number: 360
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"Just a thought on mic useage."

Posted by triednottowatch on 08-09-06 at 10:55 AM
Has anyone noticed how many of the contestants start the same way WEEK AFTER WEEK AFTER WEEK? They start with the mic on the stand, sing the first verse, then take the mic out and begin to use the stage. After a while, you can almost predict what they are going to do after the first 4 words of the song.

This is a rut I wish they would get out of. It's almost as if they read some manual somewhere that suggests they do it that way. Big peeve of mine.

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: Just a thought on mic useage."
Posted by weltek on 08-09-06 at 11:00 AM
I'm there with ya. Last season's contestants seemed to be better with the mic.

"RE: Just a thought on mic useage."
Posted by Hoobie on 08-09-06 at 06:58 PM
Last year's contestants seemed to better with everything.

"RE: Just a thought on mic useage."
Posted by Nonexistance on 08-09-06 at 11:30 AM
I think they do what's "comfortable" to them. For storm, that means using the mic like a pole, it looks like.

I do find it kind of funny that people have been bashing Ryan for his performance this week, but he didn't fall victim to this AT ALL. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a huge Ryan fan by any means, but one can't say that he fell victim to a typicality of movement.

"RE: Just a thought on mic useage."
Posted by Wacko Jacko on 08-09-06 at 11:37 AM
I bashed Ryan because he performance was comical and his voice was out of key a lot this week. it is funny how they bashed Jill for her vocals when if you look at Ryan he was even more out of key. At this point the image of the rockers has been set. Will be hard to change anyones mind.

I do like how this seasons rockers are more original than lasts. Last year you pretty much got straight forward performances with the exception of JD. Now seems that the contestents saw how original JD was and he won so they all are copying JD to a certain extent by trying to be original. Not a bad thing. You can see who really wants it and who does not.

"RE: Just a thought on mic useage."
Posted by rockdog on 08-09-06 at 09:05 PM
LAST EDITED ON 08-09-06 AT 11:08 PM (EST)

I love this show because it is so corny.

(edited to add link)
This is rock and roll: