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"Results Show Week 4 Thread"

Posted by Snidget on 07-26-06 at 07:59 PM
Didn't look like anyone started one, yet so here it is.

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Messages in this discussion
"Storm gets the anchor"
Posted by Snidget on 07-26-06 at 08:01 PM
Woo and Hoo.

I wanted to hear this again

"RE: Storm gets the anchor"
Posted by cheesybread on 07-26-06 at 08:13 PM
Damnit! I missed it!

Saw Patrice though. She did a good job. Cool song. I don't know much Radiohead. Only a couple of smiles creeped in to the performance.

Lukas' tough was pretty gross.

Jill's facial expression was classic.

"RE: Storm gets the anchor"
Posted by Tamena on 07-26-06 at 08:21 PM
>Lukas' tough was pretty gross.

the first thing I thought when I saw him a-waggling was that Glow must be absolutely CLIMBING the walls LOL
Zayta blew it IMHO
waiting to see who's next

Karma doesn't come back on people because some universal controller-god pushes buttons. It comes back on people because they dig holes for themselves to fall into.

"RE: Storm gets the anchor"
Posted by Glow on 07-27-06 at 00:15 AM
>>Lukas' tough was pretty gross.
>the first thing I thought when
>I saw him a-waggling was
>that Glow must be absolutely
>CLIMBING the walls LOL

“Music has been my best friend my whole life, because music doesn’t betray you.” - Lukas Rossi

"RE: Storm gets the anchor"
Posted by nailbone on 07-26-06 at 09:02 PM
Man oh man, is she HOT!!! And I mean that in every sense of the word!

"RE: Results Show Week 4 Thread"
Posted by Snidget on 07-26-06 at 08:05 PM
Adding to the Bottom Three from the end of the show (Jill, Josh, Zayra)


Posted by Snidget on 07-26-06 at 08:10 PM
Performs first

Posted by Snidget on 07-26-06 at 08:18 PM
Singing I'm an addict I think that was what it was called.

must hit post message before her singing makes me pass out

Posted by Snidget on 07-26-06 at 08:27 PM
is the final member of the bottom three.

Singing. Smoking umbrellas by failure ???

"RE: Results Show Week 4 Thread"
Posted by Snidget on 07-26-06 at 08:37 PM
Phil goes home.

How many lives does Zayra have?

"RE: Results Show Week 4 Thread"
Posted by SilverStar on 07-26-06 at 08:40 PM
I am in shock. That is such BS. I think I'm done with this show. I cannot stand to hear one more note that Zayra sings. I.hate.her. And I hate SuperNova for keeping her around.

A Tribe work of art

"RE: Results Show Week 4 Thread"
Posted by arkiegrl on 07-26-06 at 09:26 PM
I'm giving them one more week. If she doesn't go next week, I'm done.

"RE: Results Show Week 4 Thread"
Posted by xwraith27 on 07-26-06 at 09:36 PM
I'm shocked. Absolutely shocked. I just hope they kept Zayra because they think she's hot. Because if they actually think she's talented and a better singer/performer than Phil, then that just goes to show how bad they are at recognizing talent.

"RE: Results Show Week 4 Thread"
Posted by cheesybread on 07-26-06 at 10:58 PM

I don't know if she is a better singer, they are about equal in my book. He mumbles in monotone and his voice falls apart when he tries to put any power into it. She can sing at times but her range is narrower then she thinks it is. It gets pitchy and shreeky to my ear.

As far as stage presence, I'd have to go with Zayra. Phil's wobble is so uninspiring it seems to suck energy from each song. Zayra, at least, is more interesting to watch. Even if it is in a train wreck sort of way.

Plus she is way hotter then Phil.

"RE: Results Show Week 4 Thread"
Posted by Wacko Jacko on 07-26-06 at 11:24 PM
>I don't know if she is
>a better singer, they are
>about equal in my book.
>He mumbles in monotone and
>his voice falls apart when
>he tries to put any
>power into it. She
>can sing at times but
>her range is narrower then
>she thinks it is.
>It gets pitchy and shreeky
>to my ear.
>As far as stage presence, I'd
>have to go with Zayra.
> Phil's wobble is so
>uninspiring it seems to suck
>energy from each song.
>Zayra, at least, is more
>interesting to watch. Even
>if it is in a
>train wreck sort of way.
>Plus she is way hotter then

I agree Cheesy. Phil was a total waste. Bad voice, bad stage presence. What was good about him???? He liked harder music than Zayra???? Big deal, he also had no originality. I am glad he is gone. Nothing worth watching him for.

As for Zayra, I am at least interested in what she does. I actually anticipate her perfroamces. And as Sm said tonight she is original. At least she has some stage presence. I think her vocals can use a little work, more on pronounciations than any thing else, but at least she offered something.

Phil was nothing but a wet noodle. Zayra won't win, but she was better than Phil.

"RE: Results Show Week 4 Thread"
Posted by ginger on 07-27-06 at 03:45 PM
From Navarro's blog:

"If you think about the direction we give these contestants, Zayra and Patrice are the only ones who listened to it. We keep saying, 'change it up'. Phil kept giving them the same performance while Patrice and Zayra clearly made efforts to try different things with their performances. We all know there can only be one winner, so I agree that the ones who are willing to take direction and evolve should be entitled to stay longer. Phil just didn't do anything new."

"RE: Results Show Week 4 Thread"
Posted by nailbone on 07-26-06 at 09:07 PM
If you've heard any of her non-show stuff, she's really talented. One review I read said "she reminds us of why we got into this business in the first place."

And if you read critiques on Rockband.com, she's got stuff to offer SN, too. Not sure I necessarily agree with that, but we'll see, if she rocks it next week like she said.

I don't think she'll win, but I also don't agree that she's completely worthless. She's as good as Jill and Patrice and some of the others. Just different. And SN sees something there or she'd be gone already.

Holey carp! My blog! MySpace!
Official OT Tassel Adjuster and OT Fantasy Football Champ! o-

"RE: Results Show Week 4 Thread"
Posted by HistoryDetective on 07-26-06 at 08:39 PM
Now those tools in SuperNova are just effing with us. That, or they know neither of those last two will ever make their band, so they let Z stick around for the horrid "entertainment" value. I have been giving this program too much credit for having real artistic integrity as opposed to the Chicken Large stunt casting of American Idol.

"RE: Results Show Week 4 Thread"
Posted by Bravegirl on 07-26-06 at 08:55 PM
Phils gone? I missed the last 5 minutes and my $%*@! Tivo did too!!! I hope it was him. I agree about Z but I could not stand to watch (or listen) to that bobble-headed fool one more time. Next week will be Z's turn.

"RE: Results Show Week 4 Thread"
Posted by nailbone on 07-26-06 at 09:08 PM
"Bobble-headed fool"? Wow.

Holey carp! My blog! MySpace!
Official OT Tassel Adjuster and OT Fantasy Football Champ! o-

"RE: Results Show Week 4 Thread"
Posted by tula on 07-26-06 at 09:09 PM
IMO it should have been "Z" tonight! Talk about boring!
Last night she was spastic...now this. I can't wait for next week to see what she'll do. On second thought...Ya I can.
She's just not a rocker, plus she's the worst singer there.

"RE: Results Show Week 4 Thread"
Posted by tula on 07-26-06 at 08:59 PM
>Now those tools in SuperNova are
>just effing with us.
>That, or they know neither
>of those last two will
>ever make their band, so
>they let Z stick around
>for the horrid "entertainment" value.
> I have been giving
>this program too much credit
>for having real artistic integrity
>as opposed to the Chicken
>Large stunt casting of American

"RE: Results Show Week 4 Thread"
Posted by Loree on 07-26-06 at 09:53 PM
I think they were punishing Phil for an interview he gave to a newspaper in the last week. And they were also sending a message to the other rawkers.

Phil said in the interview that he wasn't really interested in the SuperNova sound. He was just on the show for exposure for his band Lennex. I don't think SN wanted to hear that.

"RE: Results Show Week 4 Thread"
Posted by SilverStar on 07-26-06 at 11:00 PM
If that's the case, then cool. They should've sent Phil home if he had no interest in any band except his own. BUT they should've sent Zayra home too. I don't care if she's a talented solo artist. I don't care if her original stuff is good. In this competition? Singing these songs? For this band? she effing sucks! EVERY.WEEK. they say that she isn't right for the band. Then f*cking send her home! She is horrible. I don't care if she's hot. If I really thought that SuperNova dug her, maybe I wouldn't be so emphatic about her going home. But they don't dig her. They constantly say that she isn't right for them. They constantly say that she "loses them" (Gilby's words). If they are keeping her around for entertainment purposes, then they are sorely mistaken, because she makes me not want to watch the show. Yes. I think she's that bad. *shudder*

A Tribe work of art
I thought I had calmed down from my initial rage, but apparently not! LOL.

"RE: Results Show Week 4 Thread"
Posted by skye on 07-26-06 at 11:56 PM
Ya that. (I actually yelled at the TV.)

Plus she moves like she's having some sort of seizure.

"RE: Results Show Week 4 Thread"
Posted by mocha madness on 07-27-06 at 03:33 PM
My first thought was to absolutely agree with Silverstar.....dump Zayra at the same time as Phil. Get rid of two losers at the same time allows more of a focus on the real talent. Last season INXS dumped two rockers at once, and no one missed either of the dumped duo.

However, after reading other threads that praise the originality and stage presence of Zayra I will check my opinion at the door, and watch next week to see if there is really something I have missed. I am skeptical, but I will give her another chance.

"RE: Results Show Week 4 Thread"
Posted by Glow on 07-26-06 at 11:44 PM
Thanks, Loree. I've mentioned that article a few times on these boards.

My thoughts on tonight's show:
I called my sister on my way home from work and told her about Storm's performance. I told her to watch it tonight if she could, because Storm would get the encore.

Patrice - That song was a breath of fresh air on this show. I love this girl and after tonight, I feel like she validated that love. And Lukas wagging the tongue? I went, "eep." DH said, "Easy, honey." I apologized because I didn't mean to have an out loud reaction. After the show was over (we watch it on DVR), he said, "I suppose I can't delete this." "yeah, ummm, no, please don't." Anyway. Yay Patrice! I want to see her hanging from rafters and stage diving and jumping from amps.

Zayra - I wept. That was a beautiful song. I'd never heard it before and she really put a lot of thought into her song choice. It was perfect. She was perfect. Perfect for the band? No. But I'm sooooo glad she didn't get booted after that.

Phil - He's so great. I'm going to miss him and I'm totally bummed that he got ousted before Jill (*cries*) and Dana. And Zayra and Josh to a lesser extent. His band supposedly signed a deal last winter. So it's all good. I wanted him on the show for selfish reasons.

I want to know who is voting for Jill. If anybody knows, please tell me so I can throw their computers and cell phones out the window. Thanks. And I really truly honestly believe that if she was in the bottom three she would have gone home. Next week, I hope. I may even start praying.

“Music has been my best friend my whole life, because music doesn’t betray you.” - Lukas Rossi

"RE: Results Show Week 4 Thread"
Posted by Loree on 07-27-06 at 00:51 AM
Well according to LAXguy it was the article. What we didn't see on TV was that Dave actually pulled the newpaper article out and confronted Phil with it after they told him he was out. Then all the rawkers in the pod were warned not to talk to the press about anything critical. Yikes! TLee was very upset. He really liked Phil and was very hurt by this.

"RE: Results Show Week 4 Thread"
Posted by Glow on 07-27-06 at 01:11 AM
Thanks, Loree. I have to get over there and check things out. I was put off since last night by some (ummm... maybe I'll put this in a PM) stuff and have been having difficulties sorting through some comments to get to the ones I actually want to see/comment on.

“Music has been my best friend my whole life, because music doesn’t betray you.” - Lukas Rossi

"RE: Results Show Week 4 Thread"
Posted by dreamerbeliever on 07-27-06 at 01:29 AM
Totally agree Glow that the performance Zayra gave tonight was spectacular. Haven't seen that much emotion coming out of a singer on this show since probably Jordis with "The Man who Sold the World" or Marty with "Wish You were Here" from last season. First thought after she finished was WOW what a swan song to go out on.

If anyone knows of the newspaper link for the DirtyPhil article that got him the boot, would love to read it.

No worries Glowy, the comment from Jill that there was nothing new to be done in rock will cost her very soon. That comment alone may give Zayra two more weeks instead one. Honestly would anyone follow or purchase an album from someone who said that?

"RE: Agree that Zayra was great"
Posted by cycles2k on 07-27-06 at 03:30 AM
I too thought that Zayra's performance tonight was one of the great Rock Star moments. I was starting to give up on this season and was really watching for Dilana but tonight showed me that DreamBeliever was correct when posting in another thread that these people would get better as the season progressed.

Same thing with Patrice. Very moving.

I liked Josh, but have never been moved by his performances so can feel no real pain at his departure.

"RE: Agree that Zayra was great"
Posted by cheesybread on 07-27-06 at 06:42 AM
I liked Josh, but have never been moved by his performances so can feel no real pain at his departure.

I think you meant Phil, but I agree about Josh too.

"RE: Agree that Zayra was great? Really? Sorry to see Phil go!"
Posted by blur on 07-27-06 at 07:29 AM
Can't see it. She is ordinary! Her voice is weak as p...! Ordinary although tonights performance was her best so far for me. Maybe the outfits and attitude suit the show promos more than Phil but sorry to see him go. For me he had an indie edge that I loved. Something about him and his song selection and delivery that had so much potential and it is disappointing to see him gone as he offered something different. As for z she loses me but was'nt to be... not to mention Josh who is too soft . Can't stand him either in the context of what these guys are obviously after.

"RE: Agree that Zayra was great? Really? Sorry to see Phil go!"
Posted by Tamena on 07-27-06 at 07:52 AM
Hubby came up with an interesting twist on all the Zayra stuff last night
It's pretty obvious that she's not meant for this band...if it were Rockstar Go-Go's or something, maybe...but not this band
He said she's a ringer now. They've allowed her to stay cause they know she'll continue to be bottom 3 and as a cover in case there are other people there they don't want to send home yet. They can ALWAYS send her home any time they want.
Interesting concept from my sweetie who claims to hate reality tv LOL

personally I'm glad EmoBoi is gone, he just wasn't cutting it. I don't think Josh has much longer to be in the group either or what's-her-face, the little blonde chippy...not enough coffee yet, sorry the names are escaping me atm

Karma doesn't come back on people because some universal controller-god pushes buttons. It comes back on people because they dig holes for themselves to fall into.

"RE: Results Show Week 4 Thread"
Posted by arkiegrl on 07-27-06 at 09:13 AM
the comment from Jill that there was nothing new to be done in rock will cost her very soon.

I completely agree. I think, if Jill had been in the bottom 3 this week instead of Phil, that statement alone would have been her ticket out. If it had been Phil & Jill in the bottom 3, I'm not so sure. But I do think she just cut herself out of the running by saying that.

"RE: Results Show Week 4 Thread"
Posted by CattyChat on 07-27-06 at 08:28 AM
Glow, I'm with you 100%!!!

Patrice gave a much better performance last night (though she's still wavering at the bottom of my list).

Zayra's performance was phenomenal. She sang beautifully and with so much emotion, I was really moved by it. If she would have been booted last night, I would have been upset. I think she really gets a bum rap. I like that she has a distinct sound, she CAN sing very well, PLUS you can tell it's her. I hate it when a singer sounds like so many others. If I don't recognize them by their voice only, they have a lot to do to hold my interest. I don't know why people hate her so. Also, she has a lot more stage presence and style than MANY others still left (*cough*JILL*cough*DANA*cough*JOSH*).

As for Phil, he's never been my cup of tea since the beginning, so I'm not sorry he's gone. Actually, I jumped up and clapped that he was booted instead of Zayra. I didn't know anything about the article, but you easily could tell he was not there to be a part of the band and he made that obvious. Even when SN asked him and he said he "wanted to win" and they corrected him "you want to be in the band" he said again he "wanted to win." I don't fault him for not wanting to be part of SN, but if he gave better performances and better vocals I could back him to stay for his talent. Unfortunately . . .

Lastly, I too want to know who is voting for Jill??? Please let her disappear next week.

Kind Creation of ARNutz

"RE: Results Show Week 4 Thread"
Posted by Snidget on 07-27-06 at 10:43 AM
Maybe my problem with Zayra was I listened rather than watched. I glanced up a couple of times to see her being "intense goth girlish" but for me the emotion didn't come through in the pure listening.

I really couldn't wait for that to be over as it was boring to me.

So I'm not getting the whole "performance of the evening/week/show" thing.

It's a tribe creation!

Then again I've been known to have atrocious taste in music.

"RE: Results Show Week 4 Thread"
Posted by geekboy on 07-27-06 at 10:33 AM
Hey Glow -

Could you explain to me the "Phil Love"? I don't get it. Since the first week, i never got into the guy. I don't like his voice, i don't like his vocal delivery. I don't thinks he is all that good, including the head bobbing.

What is it that you liked about the guy?

* hugs *


"RE: Results Show Week 4 Thread"
Posted by Glow on 07-28-06 at 03:21 AM
Hey, sweets. Nice to see you here.

Could I explain the Phil Love? hmmm. No, I probably can't. But I'll try. Right off the bat though, if you don't like his voice, there isn't much I can say. You either like it or you don't. I do. Very much. I liked him from the start (hated the song he had to sing though - "Cult of Personality") and started liking him more and more as the weeks (only four *pout*) went on. I think a lot of that has to do with him. Liking him. He just comes across to me as such a cool guy. He's honest. He's funny. He's supportive of the others. ummm. He's honest. That was his eventually his downfall. He has a passion for the music. His head bobble is the way he feels what he's doing. And that's always cool for me. Lots of artists have little quirks when they feel what they sing. Lukas with the licking the lips, the reaching out with his hand, the way he jerks, the closing his eyes (I could go on and on here). Josh with the side to side head thing. Remember what Josh said after he was asked why he picked "She Talks To Angels"? "If a song can make me do this *side to side head thing*, that's my song." (not verbatim) Or little quirks that add to the performance. Storm with the wide eyes. Patrice with the smile (I can see where this would be annoying but I like her way too much to not want her to smile). It's all a matter of expressing themselves. Phil is crazy on stage. I've watched Lennex videos. He finally came out and "crushed it" with his swan song. Yay for him. Somebody who knows him said that he says please and thank you, holds doors open for ladies. And all that just helps to prove my point of how cool he is. He's just very laid back until he hits the stage. That's his outlet. That's his passion. Passion is cool to me.

And, of course, it helps that he's attractive. That tattoo makes me more than a little swoony.

Quite honestly, I love all the guys left on this show except for the "best looking" one, Toby. I don't *feel* it with him. I want to be wrong about that but I don't believe that I am. The only time I felt him was with "Knockin' On Heaven's Door" and that was week one. Since then, he's been somewhere else. Vocally, he's there but that's not enough for me. But we weren't talking about him, were we?

“Music has been my best friend my whole life, because music doesn’t betray you.” - Lukas Rossi

"RE: Results Show Week 4 Thread"
Posted by geekboy on 07-28-06 at 09:20 AM
Hey Glow -

OK, i understand your Phil love. I guess you and i watch the show a bit different and that's not a bad thing. You are looking at the singers in a more individual way. I guess i'm watching it as if i'm sitting up w/ the band looking for who would be best to front Supernova. That is where we're differing in opinions here, at least for Phil.

To me, Phil never came across as a good match for the band. Similarly, as much as i love Josh's vocal gifts, i don't see him fronting the band either. Same can be said for Zayra and Jill. I just don't see it.

Dilana? Definate resounding yes. Storm? Definately. Lukas and Magni? Possible. I think they are your final four.


"RE: Results Show Week 4 Thread"
Posted by Glow on 07-28-06 at 01:06 PM
oh yes. I definitely view them all as individuals. I have no idea who "the band" thinks would be the best fit for "the band" and frankly I don't care. They say they want new sound and then they contradict themselves constantly. The only reason I care who "wins" this is because some people, one in particular, really truly wants it not just to win but to be a part of that band.

“Music has been my best friend my whole life, because music doesn’t betray you.” - Lukas Rossi

"RE: Results Show Week 4 Thread"
Posted by Magnolia_Rocker on 07-28-06 at 09:50 AM
My DH and I liked Phil. He reminded us a lot of Stuart Townsend in Queen of the Damned and we so would have loved to see him sing one of the songs from that soundtrack. That seems to be more his style of music much more so then the style SN will be doing. I knew he would never have won but I would have loved to see him a bit longer on the show.

A Tribe Original!

"RE: Results Show Week 4 Thread"
Posted by Savahnna on 07-27-06 at 10:12 AM
>I think they were punishing Phil
>for an interview he gave
>to a newspaper in the
>last week. And they
>were also sending a message
>to the other rawkers.
>Phil said in the interview that
>he wasn't really interested in
>the SuperNova sound. He
>was just on the show
>for exposure for his band
>Lennex. I don't think
>SN wanted to hear that.

This is really good to know. Thx. I was really p'd that they let him go under that "impression" and thought it was lousy front. I had no idea there was any truth to their accusation about being uncommitted. He deserves to go just for being stupid. who the hell would say something like that while they were still in the running??!!

"woo hoo!"
Posted by Glow on 07-27-06 at 08:04 AM

I have a gif too, if anybody would like to see it.

“Music has been my best friend my whole life, because music doesn’t betray you.” - Lukas Rossi

"RE: woo hoo!"
Posted by arkiegrl on 07-27-06 at 09:11 AM
I have a gif too, if anybody would like to see it.

TMI!!! Unless that wasn't code.

"RE: woo hoo!"
Posted by Wacko Jacko on 07-27-06 at 09:45 AM
I am so glad Phil is gone. He had a terrible stage presence and a lousy voice in my opinion. Plus, all he did was get up there a perform songs that ROCK......so freakin what if you have no stage presence and a lousy voice the fact that he rocks harder than others should not be the reason to stick around.

As for Zayra, I agree others are too hard on her. Her problem is her accent...it comes across too much in her voice. A little vocal coaching will help to get rid of the accent. I do agree that she is not a great fit for the band. But at least she is original and provides entertainment value for me. Will she win? No. But I would rather see someone up there showing some originality than someone that is lousy and has no originality.

As for Jill, she has been in the bottom 3 before. I think she is talented. Her problem is she lacks any originality. Her comments last night proved that she isn't very creative. She just steals moves from others. I think she wasn't in the bottom 3 this weak because truthfully she wasn't one of the worst three. She has nice pipes.....but her style is also not right for the band. There are now 5 people left that are in no way possible a match for the band (6 that have at least a tiny chance). Jill will be gone soon. Don't think any of the three especially Gilby are fans of hers.

As for Patrice, oh my god is she bland. Even last night. It is amazing how just because someone 'rocks' a little more they are deemed as giving good performances. Of all the singers on the show she is my least favorite because you know when she gets up there exactly what she will do.......and it is boring. She is a snoozer.

My other two that have absolutely no chance are Dana and Josh. Everyone else has at least a tiny chance. But I have to say Dilana and Lukas are the two with the best chances.

"RE: woo hoo!"
Posted by RockstarSuperNOT on 07-27-06 at 04:01 PM
>As for Zayra

I have no clue why she is still there, except perhaps the ringer comment from earlier in this thread.

>As for Jill, she has been in the bottom 3 before.
> I think she is talented. Her problem is
>she lacks any originality. Her comments last night proved
>that she isn't very creative. She just steals moves
>from others. I think she wasn't in the bottom
>3 this weak because truthfully she wasn't one of the
>worst three. She has nice pipes.....but her style is
>also not right for the band. There are now
>5 people left that are in no way possible a
>match for the band (6 that have at least a
>tiny chance). Jill will be gone soon. Don't
>think any of the three especially Gilby are fans of

I think the hard part here is that a lot of background information available to the band, and the singers is not available to the audience. Jill is one of the singers from the yearly TSO Christmas Tour w/ Al Pitrelli. She has one of the most talented voices on the show and she's brutally honest. Everything pretty much has been done before, and the key is to do something your own way. I think she does slide into automatic pre-conceived female singer moves, but I don't think that is as big an issue as not ever being able to fit in with a dirty ugly smelly rock band. I can't picture half of the people signed up for this nightmare stuck on a bus with 3 other stinking tattooed cranky band mates, Jill has done that and more. So, she can hang, she can sing, and she's hot, that just leaves working on stage issues.

I like Dilana a lot, but her stage presence sucks. It's completely spastic and scarey. Zayra is very plotted and choreographed and honestly...plastic and fake. Toby who I think has the best shot with the exception of maybe Lukas has crap for stage presence. What original moves have we seen, falling over backwards at the end of a song, diving into a crowd, kneeling at the edge of the stage? Phil is a bobble head and even mentioned the head wobbling issue. I can go on, but i'm just rambling at this point.
It boils down to two problems:
1. Appearently no one knew who the band was going to be when they picked the singers to be part of this. Not all of them are wrong, but most of them are.
2. The same goes for the song selection. The songs they are given to choose from really don't seem to be a fiar representation of the band they are singing for.

"RE: woo hoo!"
Posted by cheesybread on 07-27-06 at 10:48 AM

Come on! Some of us just ate!

"RE: woo hoo!"
Posted by tribephyl on 07-27-06 at 07:25 PM
Just goes to show you that Lukas has more personality in his tongue than Patrice in her whole body.

"I love Phil"
Posted by leenga on 07-27-06 at 10:27 AM
LAST EDITED ON 07-27-06 AT 01:18 PM (EST)

Personally I love Phil and there are definately several others who deserved to go before him.

For anyone out there who is interested, here is the link to the article that apparently cost him.


Ritchie said his primary goal for competing is to gain exposure for his band. "I mean, really I just hope to gain exposure. I love my band and I love the music," he said. "I'm not stoked about the music Supernova's popping out."

He said he knows if he wins the competition he's obligated to tour with the band, but that's a risk he's willing to take.

"I may have taken a risk. I love my boys back home, but you know I still have to look out for myself in this world," he said. "I've got to create opportunities for myself, and this is too huge an opportunity to say no to."

The article came out on Friday 7/21 and now less than a week later he is gone.


"RE: I love Phil"
Posted by geekboy on 07-27-06 at 10:36 AM
Personally, I didn't think he had a true chance against the other real talent on the show. I thought he was pretty weak each week.

Anyway, he deserves to be ditched after that interview and those quotes. That was true stupidity on his part.


"I don't."
Posted by tribephyl on 07-27-06 at 07:28 PM
And for some strange reason he doesn't think this will affect his relationship with his "old" bandmates?

What a Dummas!

Good luck getting a gig now, Bobble-head!

"Hi All!"
Posted by geekboy on 07-27-06 at 10:30 AM
Hi everyone, especially Glow!

This is my first posting to the Rock Star groups. I didn't watch the show last season, but this season I am and i'm hooked.

First thing - they have some DAMN GOOD talent on that show. As an American Idol fan, this show is surprisingly fresh, and i like the differneces in the format.

I agreed that it was time for phil to go. I haven't like his voice since the start. I was shocked he made it this far.

For the record - my favorites are (in no particular order):

Lukas (but i agree with Jason on him constricting his voice. I'd love to see him sing a ballad....)

As you can see, i'm quite shocked by the female talent. I think there is a good chance a chick will take the prize.


"RE: Hi All!"
Posted by Magnolia_Rocker on 07-27-06 at 10:33 AM
Welcome to the Rock Side geekboy! *hugs*

A Tribe Original!

"RE: Hi All!"
Posted by SherpaDave on 07-27-06 at 12:33 PM
Hey! Welcome to the rock side of the force! Good to see you over here!

"RE: Results Show Week 4 Thread"
Posted by ginger on 07-27-06 at 11:13 AM
Patrice was amazing. Really stepped up. A bit too much clinging to Lukas and his tongue, but given that she thought she was leaving it was understandable. The bottom-three, last-chance-sing concept is a good one; we get much better performances than the tearful after-boot reprises one sees on AI.

I was just fine with Phil leaving. But I do give him some points for picking a more obscure song with which to make his bon voyage.

Love or hate her, Z. never phones it in. I think they are giving her one more week of exposure because she really put her guts into that odd, but not unpleasing, performance ... she sold it. Rock voices are not always splendid. I still like her Eurovibe. She may make an intriguing solo artist.

Storm Large, Storm Large. She brought it again, and I'm learning to get past the awkward porn name.

Totally beside the point question: Do you think they used parts of the old "Legends of the Hidden Temple" set to build the stage? It looks so familiar...

"RE: Results Show Week 4 Thread"
Posted by Glow on 07-29-06 at 03:55 PM
LAST EDITED ON 07-29-06 AT 04:05 PM (EST)

Some Phil pretties:

And Phil said that Lukas told him he was his favorite. When I re-find that article, I'll post the link.

Here it is.

FOI: Did you get feedback from your housemates?

Phil: Everybody in the house really enjoyed each other. Lukas was always saying I was his favorite – he told me every day. Everybody was super-supportive in the house.

“Music has been my best friend my whole life, because music doesn’t betray you.” - Lukas Rossi