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"Supernova Love List: week 4"

Posted by dreamerbeliever on 07-25-06 at 11:36 PM
So what did you think of the week four performances by these twelve rockers? Have new favorites emerged, did old favorites make your heart beat faster yet again, or who disappointed and had you scratching your head wondering what the *bleep* was that?

Remember that a love list is all about you and whatever you want to base it on. As long as you’re being true to your feelings, then it is correct.

1) Dilana – Cyndi Lauper “Time After Time” (1,1,1) Well I guess the one trick pony argument against Dilana is now put to rest. My sweet Dilana has more tricks than sleeve. It was captivating, mesmerizing, and the vocals were the perfect mix softness, vulnerability, and power. I would choose to listen her version of Time After Time over the original every single time. On the seventh day God created a rockstar goddess name Dilana.

2) Storm Large – Dramarama “Anything Anything” (5,6,4) Hell yeah! Storm doesn’t need to give me candy, diamonds, pills, or hundred dollar bills … just being allowed to breathe the same air as this girl is more then enough. If she said yes to my marry me marry me proposal, would sell the wife, kids, and the white picket fence to give her anything anything she wanted.

3) Ryan Star – Live “I Alone” (6,8,7) Must admit that I’ve been aching to send Ryan skyrockets in flight up my love list and well this is finally the week Was the complete package tonight, fantastic stage presentation, phenomenal voice as always, and the boy is actually starting to have some fun. Look out frontrunners, here comes a shooting Star.

4) Magni – David Bowie “Heroes” (13,4,3) Sorry Supernova, just didn’t get the criticism. How exactly does playing a guitar not right for that song? The Iceman showed a new tone to his voice that I totally dug. Thought it was fantastic and Magni is becoming my Mr. Consistency like Marty was last season.

5) Lukas Rossi – The Verve “Bittersweet Symphony” (3,2,5) Finally actually understood most of the lyrics from Lukas tonight and it was a good thing. Sorry Glow but I’m still waiting for another “oh my friggin gawd” performance out of Lucky Charm.

6) Josh Logan – Blind Melon “No Rain” (7,9,11) Okay so here’s the deal, I’m a huge Blind Melon fan and I’m not afraid to shout it out loud. When thinking of the loss of Shannon Hoon, it makes me sad. So with that said, I thoroughly enjoyed this performance by Josh. It’s my favorite so far by the Soulman. Clearly Supernova wants him out and were ready to attack anything he did tonight. I thought it was good, others may disagree.

7) Toby Rand – Billy Idol “White Wedding” (10,3,10) It’s not that I didn’t like it because I did, but it felt really forced to me. When Lukas did a Billy song, it felt oh so good and natural. When Toby did one, it felt out of place and not natural.

8) Dana Andrews – Nirvana “About a Girl” (14,12,13) Guess her Dilana 101 teachings have taken hold. If this was her best, still not all that impressed.

9) Phil Ritchie – The Wallflowers “One Headlight” (11,7,6) ehh it was okay, nothing special. Kinda been there and done that already.

10) Zayra Alvarez – Blondie “Call Me” (2,5,2) Think Zayra is a Trekkie and purchased that outfit at a Star Trek convention. The skintight blue suit was hot hot hot but the voice was back to being not not not. Funny that in the week I thought she looked the hottest, Zayra takes the biggest nosedive on my list. I’m pretty much done defending her. No biggy if she gets the boot this week.

11) Jill Gioia – The Rolling Stones “Brown Sugar” (12,14,8) Please go away and the quicker the better.

12) Patrice Pike – The Black Crowes “Remedy” (8,10,9) Awful. My initial week one thoughts of her having one of the better female voices has now been blown to smithereens. This was one of the most lifeless performances of the entire Supernova season. And to answer her question as to how I was feeling, well I was doing pretty good until I had to endure that.

Booted: Jenny Galt (9,13,12) – Good luck with that Canadian pop career Jenny.

The order the contestants appeared …

Lukas Rossi – The Verve “Bittersweet Symphony”
Zayra Alvarez – Blondie “Call Me”
Dana Andrews – Nirvana “About a Girl”
Patrice Pike – The Black Crowes “Remedy”
Toby Rand – Billy Idol “White Wedding”
Magni – David Bowie “Heroes”
Ryan Star – Live “I Alone”
Jill Gioia – The Rolling Stones “Brown Sugar”
Phil Ritchie – The Wallflowers “One Headlight”
Dilana – Cyndi Lauper “Time After Time”
Josh Logan – Blind Melon “No Rain”
Storm Large – Dramarama “Anything Anything”

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: Supernova Love List: week 4"
Posted by arkiegrl on 07-26-06 at 00:01 AM
Lukas Rossi – The Verve “Bittersweet Symphony” - OK, I'm finally seeing the light, Glowie.
Storm Large – Dramarama “Anything Anything” - I was in the other room, so only heard this performance, didn't see it, but her voice impresses the hell out of me.
Ryan Star – Live “I Alone” - Ryan blew me away. I didn't think he had it in him, but Wow!
Dilana – Cyndi Lauper “Time After Time” - I love her voice, but I just wanted more.
Toby Rand – Billy Idol “White Wedding”
Dana Andrews – Nirvana “About a Girl”
Josh Logan – Blind Melon “No Rain”
Magni – David Bowie “Heroes”
Phil Ritchie – The Wallflowers “One Headlight” - And he did so good last week.
Jill Gioia – The Rolling Stones “Brown Sugar” - everytime I see her perform, I just think she looks more like a Rock Star's girlfriend instead of a Rock Star.
Patrice Pike – The Black Crowes “Remedy” - yawn.
Zayra Alvarez – Blondie “Call Me” - ??? WTF??? Please get this woman off my TV. My ears are bleeding.

"RE: Supernova Love List: week 4"
Posted by Glow on 07-26-06 at 00:18 AM
LAST EDITED ON 07-26-06 AT 00:22 AM (EST)

I don't have a lot to say today. I know. *shock* (ETA: Nevermind. I guess I did.)
The House Band is one of the best bands in the world.

My rankings (with or without much explanation):

1. Lukas - Bittersweet Symphony - yeah yeah whatever. my husband liked it too.
2. Storm - Anything, Anything - made me want to own the Dramarama CD. I want to be Storm. Or marry her. Whichever.
3. Ryan - I Alone - ahhhhh. There's my Ryan. Finally. This guy is incredible.
4. Toby -White Wedding - he's up here because he held that note at the end and it was awesome. But if he needs to know how to OWN a Billy Idol song, he should rewatch week one.
5. Dilana - Time After Time - very nice. Jimmy was awesome.
6. Magni - Heroes - love the song. Love the singer. I saw nothing wrong with playing the guitar. Their comments were ridiculous.
7. Josh - No Rain - he's wonderful. I love his voice. I love that he stands up for himself. Their comments were ridiculous. His were fabulous.
8. Phil - One Headlight - look up cool in the dictionary and you'll see Phil's picture. Maryland's not far. I'd go see him perform. I HATE that they complain about the songs. I know, he could have put a different spin on it. But why should he? He doesn't want to win. He doesn't like the music.
9. Dana - About A Girl - she's here for the tremendous improvement. Sure it was Dana playing a rocker, but it was okay. (Please remove Nirvana from their song choices.)
10. Patrice - Remedy - I thought they were hard on her but when it came time for me to do the rankings, I found that they were right but they were still a little on the hard side. I really like her.
11. Zayra Call Me - crazy. I'm kinda lovin' her. Dave's comments were spot on. Solo career. She's down here because her vocals were weak.
12. Gilby - Brown Sugar - If he would have sung the song, it'd probably be up higher.

Jill -whatever- off.my.television.now

The conversation:
Glow: "Ryan or Storm will get the encore."
DH: "Really? I thought Lukas was the best."
Glow: *blink* *blink* *shocked silence* "Well, yeah. So did I... of course... but he has been for four weeks and they haven't given him the encore yet. He's consistently good. I think they know there will be many chances to give it to him. They'll save his encore for later."
DH: *shrug* "It should go to the best performance of the week and he's been the best at least three of the four weeks and they haven't given it to him yet."
Glow: "Well. I'd like to see him get it every week, sure, but they can't really do that. They have five choices this week. Ryan - because he was finally Ryan. Storm - because. Well, because that was awesome and she deserves it. Dana - because she was a thousand times better than she has been. Dilana - because her voice sounded great. And yay Jimmy! or Lukas - because he's overdo."
So what we figured out was that we'd be okay with any of the five getting it. Well, maybe not Dana because you can't really make a serious argument that she was the best of the night. I personally vote for Storm or Ryan to get the encore. Preferably Ryan. Though I could watch that Storm performance a million times and not tire of it.

“Music has been my best friend my whole life, because music doesn’t betray you.” - Lukas Rossi

"RE: Supernova Love List: week 4"
Posted by opal219 on 07-26-06 at 00:58 AM
I am new to this site, and this show too. First time viewer tonight and I think I have to tune back in.
my favorite was Storm.. awsome voice and great presence - I would love to hear her doing some of the lesser known Heart tunes from probably before she was born.
Least favorite was .. can't remember her name but the one Tommy made the comments about bite and boot marks about. Embarrassing to watch

"RE: Supernova Love List: week 4"
Posted by Glow on 07-26-06 at 07:44 AM
Welcome, opal. I'm glad to hear you enjoyed the show.
Storm is 37, btw.

“Music has been my best friend my whole life, because music doesn’t betray you.” - Lukas Rossi

"RE: Supernova Love List: week 4"
Posted by cheesybread on 07-26-06 at 09:02 AM

Wow, let's hear it for 37!

Me to DW: "I'm sorry but she is just HOT!!!"

DW: *silence*, *attempted angry stare*, *shrug* ('cause she can't really argue the point.)

"RE: Supernova Love List: week 4"
Posted by Glow on 07-26-06 at 09:41 AM

Me to DH: "Holy *expletive*! She is soooo hot. And she's so cool. And funny! I want to marry her. Can I marry her, honey?"
DH: *rolls eyes* "I thought you wanted to marry Lukas."
Me: "I do! We should become polygamists!"
DH: *changing subject* "When is Big Love coming back on."

“Music has been my best friend my whole life, because music doesn’t betray you.” - Lukas Rossi

"RE: Supernova Love List: week 4"
Posted by Hoobie on 07-27-06 at 03:15 PM
Do you mean 37 years old ?? Wow! She is amazing. How did you find this out, and how old are the others? I was thinking Patrice is either 25 or 40 -- hard to tell.

"RE: Supernova Love List: week 4"
Posted by dreamerbeliever on 07-28-06 at 02:27 AM
Dilana is 34. I know, I thought older.

"RE: Supernova Love List: week 4"
Posted by byoffer on 07-26-06 at 08:55 AM
yes, welcome opal.

The bite and bootmarks? That was Zayra, and if you didn't like her last night you are lucky you didn't see her the last few weeks.

It boggles me that she is still there. The only reason I can think is that the band knows the top 5, and though she may be worst of the rest they want to keep her around for shock value.

"RE: Supernova Love List: week 4"
Posted by Snidget on 07-26-06 at 11:33 AM
Is it just me, but this week Zayra came across as a Bai Ling (from but can they sing, VH1) who can actually hit the notes.

Something about the tone of her voice reminds me a bit of Bai Ling, fashion sense as well.

What kills me is for every song she sings I swear the original took more range to sing. I don't know if it is the arrangement, or what, everything sounds in tune, but I always go gee, was that song really all on the same three notes right next to each other when {original artist} sang it?

It's a tribe creation!

"RE: Supernova Love List: week 4"
Posted by tribephyl on 07-26-06 at 05:38 AM
Would you mind just adding my name to the bottom of your weekly lvoelists, dreamer.
Every week you're spot on and I figured I'd just go ahead and save myself a step by hitching your star.

tribe 's Dilana!

"RE: Supernova Love List: week 4"
Posted by Breezy on 07-26-06 at 08:09 AM
OK, maybe it's because I have absolutely no confidence that SuperNova will actually even become to be... but.

My list.

1. Dilana- Time after Time. She should head to the studio today; record that version and put it on the airwaves. Fricking awesome!

2-12. Everyone else. Gah!

Going home- the blue Bic pen. (Zayra)

Summer breeze by Tribey.

"RE: Supernova Love List: week 4"
Posted by Magnolia_Rocker on 07-26-06 at 08:20 AM
1. Dilana
2. Storm
3. Toby
4. Ryan
5. Lukas
6. Dana
7. Josh
8. Phil
9. Magni
10. Patrice
11. Jill
12. Zayra - Get her off my TV! *screams and runs*

A Tribe Original!

"RE: Supernova Love List: week 4"
Posted by Bebo on 07-26-06 at 08:28 AM
1. Storm Large – Dramarama “Anything Anything” - I've liked her every week, and she just keeps delivering. Her eye antics get over the top for me, but I lvoe the energy she brings to the stage.

2. Dana Andrews – Nirvana “About a Girl” - Do I think she's got a chance in this competition? No way. But I'm impressed with how she is taking advantage of this opportunity to learn, to try new things, and to grow. She is improving vastly from week to week. And I enjoyed this performance.

3. Dilana – Cyndi Lauper “Time After Time” - Started off sounding more like Dilana impersonating Cyndi Lauper than Dilana trying to be Dilana. The outfit didn't help, either. The first time I've been disappointed in anything Dilana's done. That being said, it was still way ahead of many of the others.

4. Lukas Rossi – The Verve “Bittersweet Symphony” - He just reminds Mr. B and I of Adam Ant. I can't shake that.

Places 5-11 just kind of blend together for me...

Toby Rand – Billy Idol “White Wedding” - Better than last week. Still nothing memorable to me.

Magni – David Bowie “Heroes” - A step down after two strong weeks. Bummer.

Ryan Star – Live “I Alone” - Still has that "they're forcing me to do this" look when he sings. I wish he could figure out how to project intensity without looking so uncomfortable about it.

Phil Ritchie – The Wallflowers “One Headlight”

Jill Gioia – The Rolling Stones “Brown Sugar” - Get a room. That way you can scream and grind your little itty bitty heart out, but we don't have to watch you. I've liked some of her performances, but she just seems so fake.

Josh Logan – Blind Melon “No Rain” - This is so not the competition for you, oh cute one. He can sing, but he's not right for this band.

Patrice Pike – The Black Crowes “Remedy” - Oh, I hate doing this, since I've enjoyed her performances, but she was Blandsville this week.

But there's not doubt whatsoever who belongs in the basement. And when I mean basement, I mean in the Desperate Housewives sense of basement - locked away in chains where she can't bother anybody anymore.

12. Zayra Alvarez – Blondie “Call Me” - Go.home.now.

"RE: Supernova Love List: week 4"
Posted by geg6 on 07-26-06 at 08:54 AM
People were all over the place for me last night. I only saw a couple (okay, three) standouts last night. The rest ranged from okay to meh to downright horrendous.

1) Storm Large – Dramarama “Anything Anything” - That was just an amazing performance. I'm no big fan of Dramarama, but she amped that song up and gave me chills. And she is totally hot, hot, hot. I could turn gay for her.

2) Lukas Rossi – The Verve “Bittersweet Symphony” - But Lukas' performance makes me glad I'm hetero. Not that I have the squishies for him like Glow does, but that was great. The growl went nicely in that song, but I agree that I'd love to see him really let it go just once.

3) Ryan Star – Live “I Alone” - OMH, he was right to scheme to get that song. He blew me away, as much for how I didn't expect that as for how great that was. And he proved he can give us a show. I gave him the living room standing O.

4) Dilana – Cyndi Lauper “Time After Time” - It was okay. But not great. I think I really am getting bored with her. Unlike others here, I felt that was just an extension of the one trick pony act.

5) Magni – David Bowie “Heroes” - A very nice David Bowie imitation you got there, hon. But that's all that was.

6) Dana Andrews – Nirvana “About a Girl” - Nice job with keeping that edge she found last week. Not nearly as good, though. And I agree with Glow about giving Nirvana a rest. I loved that band and still do, but they are about killing them for me this year.

7) Josh Logan – Blind Melon “No Rain” - Never could stand this band or this song. It might have been better that I thought just because I'm so prejudiced against the song. It was serviceable, I guess.

8) Toby Rand – Billy Idol “White Wedding” - He only goes below Josh because I feel he really is missing something, especially performancewise. He's gorgeous and should be mesmerizing. But he's not. I kept thinking that I would have liked it better if I'd only heard it and not watched it.

9) Phil Ritchie – The Wallflowers "One Headlight” - Oh, Phil. After a great week last week, this was not the way to follow up. There was nothing special about that.

10) Patrice Pike – The Black Crowes “Remedy” - Zzzzzzzzzz. Whuh? Oh, she sang? Oh. Okay.

11) Jill Gioia – The Rolling Stones “Brown Sugar” - Gads, I hate her. She is, I think, a refugee from the pole in the "Girls, Girls, Girls" video. Used up and rough. Icky. But she didn't completely suck the air out of the room quite like the next one did.

12) Zayra Alvarez – Blondie “Call Me” - Sorry, I have to have a mini rant here. I actually saw Debbie Harry and Blondie live at CBGBs in the late 70s. I wanted to be Debbie Harry then. So gorgeous. So tough. Impossible to take your eyes off of her. So, I am absolutely outraged by this performance and by her (I must assume) attempt at humor with that outfit. The least she could have done to cover up the horrible and weak vocal was to conjure up some Debbie Harry magic. You know, look impossibly chic like you just stepped off a Paris runway, but with unexpected rough edges. Be fabulous if you can't be talented. Instead, we get the nutcase that wandered in from the Star Trek convention. Get her out of here. Now.

Goddess of the Steeler Nation

"RE: Supernova Love List: week 4"
Posted by Glow on 07-26-06 at 09:15 AM
Two things re: Toby.
1) I forgot to mention the "boo ya" before he started to sing. Loved it. Have to assume it was a shout out to his buddy Lukas.
2) Toby has gorgeous eyes. Stunning, in fact. They just seem soulless or something. There's no feeling in them at all when he sings. He has such a good voice and his stage antics are pretty good. It's the passion that's missing. Almost like he does this because he looks good and can sing, not because he loves music. I hope I'm wrong but I found a picture that perfectly demonstrates what I'm saying:

“Music has been my best friend my whole life, because music doesn’t betray you.” - Lukas Rossi

"RE: Supernova Love List: week 4"
Posted by geg6 on 07-26-06 at 09:28 AM
I just don't know what it is. I should be melting in a puddle when he sings, but I don't (at least not since week 1 or 2). I closed my eyes at one point to see if that was the problem and I really do think it's his visual performance. He sounded great. But when my eyes were open? He didn't make my heart pound.

And, jeebus! He's such a hottie, he should totally have my heart jumping out of my chest.

Goddess of the Steeler Nation

"RE: Supernova Love List: week 4"
Posted by Tahj on 07-26-06 at 11:19 AM
Are you sure it's not just the botox?

It's a Tribe!

"RE: Supernova Love List: week 4"
Posted by xwraith27 on 07-26-06 at 09:20 AM
LAST EDITED ON 07-26-06 AT 09:23 AM (EST)

IMHO, one of the better weeks for the show. A lot of people really brought it this time around, and I really liked all but three people. I was too lazy to write down comments so I just ranked them from my best to worst.

1. Storm Large - Anything Anything
2. Lukas Rossi - Bittersweet Symphony
3. Dilana - Time After Time
4. Ryan Star - I Alone
5. Toby Rand - White Wedding
6. Dana Andrews - About A Girl
7. Magni - Heroes
8. Phil Ritchie - One Headlight
9. Patrice Pike - Remedy
10. Jill Gioia - Brown Sugar
11. Josh Logan - No Rain
12. Zayra Alvarez - Call Me

If Storm gets the encore and Zayra leaves this week, I think anyone can barge into my house then torture and kill me, but I'll still be able to say that I died happy.

"RE: Supernova Love List: week 4"
Posted by Wacko Jacko on 07-26-06 at 10:11 AM
The performances just keep getting better.

1. Dilana – Cyndi Lauper “Time After Time”. Something about her. I just really focus in on her performances. I am glued to see what she does every week. But, next week she needs to do another rocker.
2. Lukas Rossi – The Verve “Bittersweet Symphony”. Very much like Dilana. I am glued to what he does, but just a little less than Dilana.
3. Toby Rand – Billy Idol “White Wedding”. Still my favorite performer. Has nice intensity.
4. Storm Large – Dramarama “Anything Anything”. Still annoyed by her stage antics. I feel like she is doing Cats with each performance. She tuned it down this time and used it more appropriately. Her voice sounded good.
5. Ryan Star – Live “I Alone”. Perfect song for him. Great performance. Needs a little work on his stage pressence but I think it can be couched.
6. Magni – David Bowie “Heroes”. Watched his performance twice. THe second time I saw what SN and agree. His performance was way too laid back. Great vocal performance and I still enjoyed it.

7..Josh Logan – Blind Melon “No Rain”. I really enjoyed his performance. Showed two sides to his vocals. Still got that laid back sound in parts here but on the rocking parts he did well.
8. Jill Gioia – The Rolling Stones “Brown Sugar”. I enjoyed her performace. Is it right for SuperNova? No.
9. Zayra Alvarez – Blondie “Call Me” I still enjoyed her performance. She was a little week on the vocals though. Her accent plays a role in it...needs a vocal coach. But I don't think she sucks. I think she is still quite good and like watching her every week. This is not American Idol so vocals can lack a little.
10. Dana Andrews – Nirvana “About a Girl”. Not impressed. She has great vocals. American idol would be better for her. I am sorry, you just can't mess your hair up and appear angry and be a rocker. What is next - a cigarette and tattoos? She is trying way too hard.
11. Phil Ritchie – The Wallflowers “One Headlight”. I don't see it with this guy. He has lousy stage presence and vocals aint much to shine about either.
12. Patrice Pike – The Black Crowes “Remedy”. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ

"RE: Supernova Love List: week 4"
Posted by Loree on 07-26-06 at 09:41 AM
The order of my faves changed this week.

1. Lukas - he is the performer I most look forward to each week and I am never bored watching him. I loved the lighting this week. And the more I watch this performance the more I love it.

2. Ryan - he really moved up my list this week. I thought he did a very good job of this song. I liked his performance more than Marty's last year. If Ryan could keep this up he would be around for awhile.

3. Toby - in some ways I wanted to like this performance more than I did. I liked it better than the people below him on this list. But there is a distance between my #2 & #3. Toby has to change it up or he will get boring.

4. Dana - I can't believe she is this high on my list. But she deserves it this week. She has been listening to instruction and she did the best performance yet for her. I still do not want her to win. But I do like that she entertained me.

5. Dilana - she is slipping on my fave list. I am getting bored with her. And I don't know if I would want to listen to her for 2 hours. She needs to really bring something special next week to get my attention back.

6. Storm - she could have been #5 this week instead of Dilana. They are very close on my list. I really like Storm. She is my favourite woman in the house. But her theatrics on stage with the wide eyes are very distracting. If she toned that down I think she would move up my list.

7. Magni - he was better last week. But I did think he did a good job of his song this week singing-wise. But he kind of bored me.

8. Phil - he is interesting to watch. And I like his music that his band Lennex has recorded. But I don't think he will last too far in this competition. He is just not right.

9. Patrice - she is a good singer. But otherwise she is blah. She smiles all the time no matter what she is singing. And she does the same thing on stage every week. She would be a very boring lead singer for this band.

10. Josh - he is another one that can't stop smiling no matter what he is singing about. He just does not even want to be on the show anymore. He more or less told SN that. I thought I was listening to Ty Taylor talk about giving them soul while he was rambling along. He should be in the bottom 3 tonight.

11. Jill - oh please take her away. I do not like this person. And her personality has annoyed me so much that at this point she could be the best singer on that stage and I still would not want to listen to her.

12. Zayra - it is really her time to leave. She is so so wrong for this group. And even if she does have the body for these interesting outfits. Her singing is so off key. Bye Bye Zayra.

"RE: Supernova Love List: week 4"
Posted by thndrkttn on 07-26-06 at 10:03 AM
LAST EDITED ON 07-26-06 AT 10:04 AM (EST)

I am going with pretty much what everyone else said. Although, I want Lukas to sing instead of growl!! C'mon Lukas, I know you can do it!

Am I the only one that thought when Gilby got on stage, all of a sudden he was fvcking hot in those leather pants. Holy carp! Sitting there with the other guys? Meh. On stage, holding a guitar? Holy mother of all that is Good and Great was he immediately smoking hot. My husband giggled as he watched me straighten up and eyes widen when Gilby got on stage. He even commented "It's the leather pants and the guitar right?" Me: *droll* "Uh, yeah." *drool*

Proud member of The Tribe.

"RE: Supernova Love List: week 4"
Posted by Loree on 07-26-06 at 10:09 AM
Nope, you aren't the only one that thought that about Gilbey.

And I still love the House Band. They are what I watch when the singer is boring.

"RE: Supernova Love List: week 4"
Posted by arkiegrl on 07-26-06 at 10:28 AM
No, you're not the only one. I fell into immediate lust once he got on stage.

"RE: Supernova Love List: week 4"
Posted by thndrkttn on 07-26-06 at 10:53 AM
Whew! I am sooooo glad I taped it. Man, I don't know what it was but he was hot! Jeezus Christ was he hot. *melts*

Proud member of The Tribe.

"RE: Supernova Love List: week 4"
Posted by triednottowatch on 07-26-06 at 11:05 AM
But what was the deal with not liking Jill grinding on him? Made me have some doubts about Gilby's heterosexuality.

Jill, I would play guitar and let you grind on me any day. Obviously, so would Dave. LOL

"RE: Supernova Love List: week 4"
Posted by xwraith27 on 07-26-06 at 11:11 AM
I believe Gilby said that the grinding was too predictable, with women in rock selling sexuality together with their music. Personally, if it were Storm grinding with Gilby, I wouldn't really mind watching. But Jill? looks like a tired hookah.

"RE: Supernova Love List: week 4"
Posted by Glow on 07-26-06 at 11:13 AM
He didn't like it because it was forced and uncomfortable. Which is the same reason I didn't like it.

For those of you that felt lustful towards Gilby, take note of his eyes.

“Music has been my best friend my whole life, because music doesn’t betray you.” - Lukas Rossi

"RE: Supernova Love List: week 4"
Posted by thndrkttn on 07-26-06 at 11:15 AM
"take note of his eyes"

I don't get it Glow. Help a clueless peep out. In a good or bad way?

Proud member of The Tribe.

"RE: Supernova Love List: week 4"
Posted by Glow on 07-26-06 at 11:20 AM
Good. It's all good.

“Music has been my best friend my whole life, because music doesn’t betray you.” - Lukas Rossi

"RE: Supernova Love List: week 4"
Posted by thndrkttn on 07-26-06 at 11:26 AM
Glowy are his eyes blue?

I think my lust has something to do with the way he holds his guitar.


"RE: Supernova Love List: week 4"
Posted by Glow on 07-26-06 at 11:30 AM
They are blue, yes.

Do you watch the mansion shows? When he was talking about his daughter playing guitar, his eyes lit up, dude. It was really something to see. Touching.

“Music has been my best friend my whole life, because music doesn’t betray you.” - Lukas Rossi

"RE: Supernova Love List: week 4"
Posted by Buggy on 07-26-06 at 11:46 AM
oh WOW!

Thak you TK, Thank you. You are my favorite today.

"RE: Supernova Love List: week 4"
Posted by thndrkttn on 07-26-06 at 11:50 AM
Thanks Bug!

And to think, there were many a day that both Gilby and the dude below, Duff McKegan, shared the stage. How the hell did the place not burn down? Good GRIEF! *panty sweaty swoon*

"RE: Supernova Love List: week 4"
Posted by arkiegrl on 07-26-06 at 12:57 PM
Is he holding a guitar here? It was hard to force my eyes down that far. *Swoon* *thud*

"RE: Supernova Love List: week 4"
Posted by Loree on 07-26-06 at 02:26 PM
>But what was the deal with
>not liking Jill grinding on
>him? Made me have
>some doubts about Gilby's heterosexuality.
>Jill, I would play guitar and
>let you grind on me
>any day. Obviously, so
>would Dave. LOL

Alot of people thought Gilbey's wife and daughter were in the audience. So that might be why he made such a big fuss about it. Plus he might just not like Jill.

"RE: Supernova Love List: week 4"
Posted by michel on 07-26-06 at 10:35 AM
The Front-Runners:

1- Lukas Rossi – The Verve “Bittersweet Symphony”: The guy is a rocker. He may already have the job.

2- Dilana – Cyndi Lauper “Time After Time”: The first performance I saw from her 3 weeks ago is what made me tune back in. She always surprises me and we’ll hear from her no matter what.

3- Storm Large – Dramarama “Anything Anything”: Another huge talent but will they pick a woman?

The rest have ways to go I think:
4- Ryan Star – Live “I Alone” Moved up in my mind but it still didn’t grab me.

5- Magni – David Bowie “Heroes”: He moved down by not delivering this week. It takes a better voice than that to tackle Bowie’s material.

They don’t have a chance:
6- Jill Gioia – The Rolling Stones “Brown Sugar”: She is a rocker but not for this level. Try cover bands!

7-Toby Rand – Billy Idol “White Wedding”: Poor performance.

Wrong Place, Wrong Time:
8- Zayra Alvarez – Blondie “Call Me”: What the F… was that? She isn’t in her place but she does have a voice and is expressive. She may have a future but not in Rock. Should’ve gone for that crap AI

Dana Andrews – Nirvana “About a Girl”: Interesting interpretation but she wasn’t comfortable.

Phil Ritchie – The Wallflowers “One Headlight”
Josh Logan – Blind Melon “No Rain”
Patrice Pike – The Black Crowes “Remedy”

"RE: Supernova Love List: week 4"
Posted by cheesybread on 07-26-06 at 10:54 AM
The competition is getting better and better. As the lesser talents are eliminated, the show gets more and more intense. I hope for a two-fer this week to really up the ante in the performances.

1. Storm Large – Dramarama “Anything Anything”(1) - Phenominal. Anchor (encore) please!

2. Dilana – Cyndi Lauper “Time After Time”(5) - I don't like her the most, but I think she is the right choice for this band. Her voice and stage presence give any song she does an "edge". It would also differentiate SN from other "supergroup" bands to have a female lead.

3. Ryan Star – Live “I Alone”(4) - I like this guy. I like his voice. I like his energy. I think I figured out what holds him back on stage, though. He doesn't know what to do with his right hand while he holds the mic in the left. He wraps it around across his stomach. It makes it look as though he is in pain or is about to puke. He needs to find something to do with that hand.

4.Magni – David Bowie “Heroes”(2) - I was confused by the criticism. I thought he did a great job and showcased the song rather then himself, which I see as a good thing at times.

5. Lukas Rossi – The Verve “Bittersweet Symphony”(6) - I like Lukas less and less each week. I feel he is the true "one trick pony". He tries to growl through every song. Jason is correct to say that (my interpretation) what he needs is to work on opening up his voice.

6. Dana Andrews – Nirvana “About a Girl”(13) - I must confess that I missed her performance but heard some of it from the other room. She is this high because others have said it was good. She is this low because I, like others, am tired of Nirvana covers.

7. Toby Rand – Billy Idol “White Wedding”(7) - This song exposed his inability to produce a rough edge to his voice. A growl or snarl if you will. Everything was fine except he didn't seem to know what to do with the song. Just kind of sang it and moved on.

8. Phil Ritchie – The Wallflowers “One Headlight”(8) - The bobble head was back at it. Tommy likes it, Jason doesn't. I agree with Jason. His voice sounded much better this week, I thought.

9. Josh Logan – Blind Melon “No Rain”(10) - I would have liked to see him try to pump up the rock aspects of this song. Be a little less Blind Melon-y. But alas it was a boring attempt at a faithful cover.

10. Patrice Pike – The Black Crowes “Remedy”(3) - Lame performance made a less-than-exciting song, less exciting. Enough with the smiling. This is Rock Star, not Star Search. (This goes for Josh, too.)

11. Zayra Alvarez – Blondie “Call Me”(9) - I could only watch for a couple minutes. Then I walked away. Even the skin tight space suit wasn't enough to keep me listening.

12. Jill Gioia – The Rolling Stones “Brown Sugar”(12) - I don't care about grinding or no-grinding. The point is she has a good voice but is such a spoiled brat that I can't stand her. Let's hope for a two-fer this week with Jill and Zayra.

Bye, Bye Jenny I hope you can build on some of that name recognition on the Cafe tour of Canada.

"RE: Supernova Love List: week 4"
Posted by Velcrohead on 07-26-06 at 11:20 AM
A very disappointing week.

1) Dilana – Cyndi Lauper “Time After Time”
Top of the heap almost by default. The fact that she was willing to take the song on at all suggests she’s conscious of showing versatility. Frankly, it’s not a number you can do very much with other than keep it simple. I liked it. And I can’t take my eyes off her.

2) Storm Large – Dramarama “Anything Anything”
Excellent. Storm knows how to get a crowd going. I’m not at the stage where I’m giddy with excitement waiting for her to perform, though. Yet.

3) Magni – David Bowie “Heroes”
A perennial favourite well sung, if far from spectacular. Maybe Supernova were looking to knock him down a peg or two just for the sake of ‘keeping it real’ but I call BS on the whole guitar thing.

4) Ryan Star – Live “I Alone”
I thought he was good last week doing CCR and this kept the momentum going. One thing: you can almost imagine that him doing the song stemmed from some unrequited love at college/high school experience. And to which the reaction is more *cringe* 'oh, puh…lease' rather than ‘aw…how touching.’

5) Dana Andrews – Nirvana “About a Girl”
She deserves props because her voice, arguably the weakest on the show, could have bombed with an acoustic arrangement. It didn’t. An improvement but it’s clear she’s living on borrowed time.

6) Josh Logan – Blind Melon “No Rain” I don’t know this song. Josh did a competent job but there was little hook to it at all. My prediction is that if he’s in the bottom three he’ll be kicked out – he’s too pretty boy for Supernova and not enough a rocker.

7) Lukas Rossi – The Verve “Bittersweet Symphony”
Urban Hymns
was my de facto album in college and continues to resonate with me strongly. With apologies to Glow, I hated the way Lucas snarled throughout, an antithesis to the song’s title; it just came across angry and angst ridden. I am grateful, however, that he didn’t get the chance to take on "The Drugs Don’t work" instead – I do believe I would have had nightmares. Personally, the song would have been better for Josh (who might also have fitted Richard Ashcroft’s vocal style more).

8) Toby Rand – Billy Idol “White Wedding”
Toby is regressing and with each passing week is being exposed as having more style than substance. Compared to when Lucas did "Rebel Yell," this was dross

9) Phil Ritchie – The Wallflowers “One Headlight”
Either the band was too loud or Phil was in limp mode. No oomph, no depth, very little of anything. Barely beyond the minimum pass mark, IMO.

10) Jill Gioia – The Rolling Stones “Brown Sugar” What.Was.That.

Not worth ranking:

Patrice Pike – The Black Crowes “Remedy”
Excrutiatingly dull. The only thing worse than being bad is being forgettable.

Zayra Alvarez – Blondie “Call Me” Um, the whole performance began and ended with that outfit. Racy, curve-hugging, fetching……in a Cirque-du-Soleil kind of way. The singing? I’ve banished that to the far reaches of my memory and that’s not even remotely far enough. Out of tune, out of here. I’m begging.


"RE: Supernova Love List: week 4"
Posted by ginger on 07-26-06 at 11:51 AM
1) Dilana – Cyndi Lauper “Time After Time”
Just basking in the Dilana goodness. Plus, I like the way she growled at the end, rather than sticking to the pretty pretty sweet delivery.

2) Storm Large – Dramarama “Anything Anything”
Surprised and impressed. She's really growing on me. She threw herself into the song so much she wound up clutching an air penis. And I mean that in a good way.

4) Magni – David Bowie “Heroes”
The judges need to STFU sometimes. David Bowie stood stock still singing this puppy. Of course, he was also David Bowie. He could pick his nose elegantly. Magni is just a simple guy from Reykjavik. Still, I like the way he does not have this L.A.-trained phony voicetrick repertoire, as even the best of the rest of them do (see Lukas below). There is something to be said for the Outsider's Ear. Or maybe I still just like saying "Reykjavik."

5) Lukas Rossi – The Verve “Bittersweet Symphony”
I think he kind of phoned it in. Great song. Still can't believe the Stones sued for all the royalties because of that weird sample of "The Last Time." Anyway, I pretty much GET Lukas, but intriguingly -- because she is far more the target audience, one would think -- Sneetch does not. She thinks he's a poser and agrees with the negative comments Metallica Guy made re holding the voice in the throat.

Tie for "Meh" Place :

Josh Logan – Blind Melon “No Rain”
No one should be metalling up and singing this song. Let Hoon rest in peace. Josh bores me.

Toby Rand – Billy Idol “White Wedding”
Just too nice a guy. Toby bores me.

Dana Andrews – Nirvana “About a Girl”
ENOUGH NIRVANA. STOP STOP STOP. There are, truly, other worthy bands out there to regurgitate. Dana bores me.

Phil Ritchie – The Wallflowers “One Headlight”
Bores me.

Zayra Alvarez – Blondie “Call Me”
Just weird. I kind of enjoy watching her like some novelty routine that comes in between acts, but time to go.

Jill Gioia – The Rolling Stones “Brown Sugar”
Competent and boring boring boring boring. Although I thought the criticism of her grinding was overthetop prissiness.

Patrice Pike – The Black Crowes “Remedy”
Superyawn. Go home, and take Jill with you.

"RE: Supernova Love List: week 4"
Posted by Glow on 07-26-06 at 12:08 PM
You have Ryan at #3, I assume?

“Music has been my best friend my whole life, because music doesn’t betray you.” - Lukas Rossi

"RE: Supernova Love List: week 4"
Posted by LittleFox on 07-26-06 at 12:36 PM
Dilana gave me shivers. How on earth is this unique performer not wildly famous yet?

Lukas was awesome too.

All the rest can be in the bottom! haha

"RE: Supernova Love List: week 4"
Posted by ginger on 07-26-06 at 01:17 PM

Sorry, Glow - I have Ryan at "Meh." I just numbered wrong.

"RE: Supernova Love List: week 4"
Posted by Glow on 07-26-06 at 01:22 PM
If you're going to apologize to me, you're apologizing about the wrong person. *smirk*

“Music has been my best friend my whole life, because music doesn’t betray you.” - Lukas Rossi

"RE: Supernova Love List: week 4"
Posted by ginger on 07-26-06 at 01:55 PM
Hey, I'm at least willing to have a cocktail on the Lukas Love Cruise. It's my offspring that thinks he's a poser.

"RE: Supernova Love List: week 4"
Posted by Glow on 07-26-06 at 02:06 PM
Sneetch and I need to have a little sit down, I think. He may be many things, but that ain't one of them.

“Music has been my best friend my whole life, because music doesn’t betray you.” - Lukas Rossi

"RE: Supernova Love List: week 4"
Posted by ginger on 07-26-06 at 03:58 PM
I would lvoe to introduce you to Sneetch. Other than your respective feelings about Lukas, you would get a kick out of each other.

"RE: Supernova Love List: week 4"
Posted by Savahnna on 07-26-06 at 03:14 PM

>1) Dilana – Cyndi Lauper “Time
>After Time”
(1,1,1) Well I
>guess the one trick pony
>argument against Dilana is now
>put to rest.

Not from this jury.

It sounded the same to me as the rest did. Looks like I have no one to play with on this board. ......

I'm just not that into her. same song differnt words to me every time.

"RE: Supernova Love List: week 4"
Posted by SilverStar on 07-26-06 at 03:27 PM
I'm getting pretty bored with this show. I think it mostly has to do with the songs they are given to sing. Like others, I am SO SICK of the Nirvana. I am sick of them recycling songs from last season. I am sick of older songs, can't we get something current? Not one song this week was any newer than 5 years ago (an estimate. I'm not sure of the release dates on all those songs, might even be longer.)

But anyway, here's my list. I don't care enough to write comments.

1. Dilana
2. Storm
3. Ryan
4. Lukas
5. Toby
6. Magni
7. Dana
8. Jill
9. Josh
10. Phil
11. Patrice
12. Zayra

A Tribe work of art

"RE: Supernova Love List: week 4"
Posted by CattyChat on 07-26-06 at 06:04 PM
I was SWAMPED last night & all day today with a big job, so I am behind on my postings. I'm making this one a super brief one.

HORNS UP!!!!!!!

1. Dilana (1, 6, 1) -- I just love her unique sound, her presence and everything about her. I think she may just be my JD this year, she’s just lacking the right equipment for me . Who knows, maybe she could convince me to switch teams. Anyway she’s hot & super talented!!!

2. Storm (6, 2, 8) -- WOW, what a performance. Great vocals & energy and the dive at the end was the icing on the cake. Storm could be on the team, too

3. Ryan (10, 12, 9) -- DAYUM, what has he been waiting for to show us what he’s got? I hope he keeps it up, because his performance rocked.

4. Lukas (5, 3, 4) -- Yeah, he’s got it. I want his vocals to be better, but this guy oozes charisma. I can’t look away and he scares me in a good way. (He’s looking better every week to me, Glowie )

5. Magni (13, 7, 2) -- I thought he sounded great and I like him more each week. Boo on Gilby & Dave for their ignorant remarks.

6. Toby (4, 1, 7) -- His weakest performance, but it was still awesome. He’s a hottie who can rock AND carry a tune. I’d like to go down under this guy.

7. Josh (3, 4, 12) -- On the mild side, but I still liked it. Vocals were great. He's not right for the band, but I'd like him to stick around just for his talent.


8. Dana (9, 5, 11) -- I think she is very talented, but no matter how hard she scowles and tries, she just isn't a "dirty, damaged" rock star. I can't take her seriously as a "rock star" and when she scowles or tries to make some "rocker" comment, I just chuckle. It's like putting Shirley Temple in a porno, it's just wrong.

9. Phil (14, 10, 5) -- Whatever.

10. Zayra (2, 8, 3) -- I like her MUCH more than most around here. She has her own sound and style and she CAN sign. I also enjoy her energy on stage and most of the time she looks pretty hot -- last night was no exception. She was poured into that suit and it looked GREAT! I can see her with a very successful solo career and I wish her the best. I feel bad she gets trashed as badly as she does. At least INXS would praise a person's talent & just tell them they aren't right for what they are looking for.

11. Patrice (7, 11, 6) -- *Yawn*

12. Jill (12, 14, 10) -- I am so NOT a fan of hers. She spent the first 3 weeks annoying the heck out of me. Her vocals were better last night with minimal screaming, but I just don't like her.

Booted: Jenny Galt (11,13,13) – Coming soon to a cafe near you . . .

Kind Creation of ARNutz