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"Song Selections this week"

Posted by Loree on 07-23-06 at 11:25 PM
Lukas – Bittersweet Symphony (The Verve)
Zayra – Call Me (Blondie)
Dana – About a Girl (Nirvana)
Patrice – Remedy (The Black Crowes)
Toby – White Wedding (Billy Idol)
Magni – Heroes (David Bowie)
Ryan – I Alone (Live)
Jill – Brown Sugar (The Rolling Stones)
Phil – One Headlight (The Wallflowers)
Dilana – Time After Time (Cyndi Lauper)
Josh – No Rain (Blind Melon)
Storm – Anything Anything (Dramarama)

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: Song Selections this week"
Posted by Glow on 07-23-06 at 11:35 PM
I'm not going to comment too much on this (since I just read about the performances) but they NEED to cool it with the Nirvana songs. These should be taken off their lists. *sigh*

Can't wait to see... well... Lukas of course(duh), Storm and Ryan.

“Music has been my best friend my whole life, because music doesn’t betray you.” - Lukas Rossi

"RE: Song Selections this week"
Posted by dreamerbeliever on 07-23-06 at 11:52 PM
Was gonna wave to Glow at the spoiler site but wasn't sure if there was a Glow imposter out there

BTW, I will have a punchbowl full of Dilana kool-aid for anyone who is ready to jump on the Dilana bandwagon with both feet instead of just dipping their toe in!

"RE: Song Selections this week"
Posted by Glow on 07-24-06 at 08:40 AM

Does the Lukas LOVE and adoration give me away?

I'm pretty much about to jump off the Dilana bandwagon, quite frankly.

I'm sending you a PM...

“Music has been my best friend my whole life, because music doesn’t betray you.” - Lukas Rossi

"RE: Song Selections this week"
Posted by Glow on 07-24-06 at 09:03 AM
LAST EDITED ON 07-24-06 AT 09:45 AM (EST)

Here's a post of mine from over there:

For me, Dilana knocks herself down a peg or two every week. I loved her the first week. LOVED her. Since then, I like her less and less every time I see her. Maybe it has a lot to do with the mansion shows but I like to think I'm mature enough (*looks around giving evil eye*) to not let that sway me. But to me, her "Lithium", whatever the second song was, and "Zombie" were way too likey likey same same. I liked that she pulled the tambourine out in "Zombie" because at least that was something new. I'm really hoping I like her this week so I can say that my Love for Lukas hasn't blinded me totally to her highness. I also think it's the SP tongue baths she gets that turn me off a bit too. Too bad I have to endure more of that this week.

They better lick all over Ryan and Storm this week.

etf italics

“Music has been my best friend my whole life, because music doesn’t betray you.” - Lukas Rossi

"RE: Song Selections this week"
Posted by dreamerbeliever on 07-24-06 at 01:13 PM
Woo and Hoo got a PM from Glow! Feel all warm and fuzzy now.

Please don't jump off the Dilana bandwagon yet! If you do, I might just have to leap off the Lukas caravan Maybe her doing Time After Time will put you back on with both feet planted for good. Not saying you need to help drive her gravytrain, but it's still way to early to be getting off.

Let's make a truce, we'll support each others fav until the finally, then we have a knockdown drag em out battle as to who is better ... Lukas or Dilana

"RE: Song Selections this week"
Posted by Glow on 07-24-06 at 01:43 PM
Warm fuzzies are cute.

She's just so manipulative. *sigh* Believe me, I'm not saying she's a bad performer. She is riveting. Her performances just kinda blur together for me. But if I like her performance, I'll hang in the sidecar. I won't abandon it yet.

Who is better? I already know the answer to that, baby.

“Music has been my best friend my whole life, because music doesn’t betray you.” - Lukas Rossi

"RE: Song Selections this week"
Posted by dreamerbeliever on 07-24-06 at 04:37 PM
She's just so manipulative

Hmm must be an online reality house episode thing. Was planning on watching those but my dial-up connection is brutal for playing video. In a word ... buffering!

When the video has to re-buffer itself every 3 or 4 seconds, just not worth the hair pulling it causes me. Tried to struggle threw this weeks song writing clinic and just got to frustrated. Closed it out after about my 25th buffer and only got maybe 2 1/2 minutes into the episode. Really need to go DSL one of these days.

Actually if anyone knows of a blow-by-blow non-biased description of the house episodes, would love to know the link. Most I've found are just reactions and have a spin depending on if they do or don't like the particular contestant. I form my own opinions and don't want to be spun.

And I'll keep that sidecar ready for ya Glow. Bet you would look fantastic with your hair blowing the breeze as you go for the ride

"RE: Song Selections this week"
Posted by Glow on 07-24-06 at 07:39 PM
Yep. The mansion shows.

I watched them when I was still on dialup (I switched to high speed just over a week ago. It was Lukas motivated.) through WMP (the links that are provided on rockband). It wasn't too brutal. Even with this Lukas-motivated high speed connection, I can't watch from the MSN site.

Sorry, I don't know a blow-by-blow non-biased description. It must be frustrating trying to get details and instead reading everybody debating. If I hear of anything, I'll let you know.

We'll see. I'm still firmly aboard the Lukas Love Train. First class charter member. And I don't see that changing anytime soon.

“Music has been my best friend my whole life, because music doesn’t betray you.” - Lukas Rossi

"RE: Song Selections this week"
Posted by SherpaDave on 07-24-06 at 06:10 PM
Hmmm. Must be something in this week's ep (which I haven't watched yet), cuz I haven't seen anything from her that seemed manipulative...

"RE: Song Selections this week"
Posted by Savahnna on 07-24-06 at 02:21 PM
wow....I can't beleive there's someone ANYWHERE that sees things the way I do!

I wasn't doing cartwheels over her Lithium myself....and I love that song......I'm hoping you'll all hold the eggs while I say to me she may be a "one trick pony".....ouch...felt that egg!

Big leap between Nirvanna and Cyndi Lauper. I think she just may pull it off to please the "band"...and Dave...but I'm not buying it......and I haven't even heard it.....

AND...I am a total Phil fan. What he did with White Rabbit was amazing.....he made it his own without ruining it. I don't mind looking at him either.

"RE: Song Selections this week"
Posted by Glow on 07-24-06 at 03:00 PM
There are a few someones who see things that way.

I was doing cartwheels over Lithium even though I love the song and HATE when people try to cover Nirvana.

Oh come on we all KNOW the "band" will love it. I haven't heard it yet so I'm trying to reserve judgement until I do. I'm hoping to actually want to sit in that seat on Dilana's love train sidecar that I told DB I'd keep. The chick is a ticking timebomb. Makes for great television, I suppose. Her anger and aggression towards certain people *ahem*(though admittedly most probably a product of editing) is way uncalled for.

White Rabbit was great. Phil is great.

“Music has been my best friend my whole life, because music doesn’t betray you.” - Lukas Rossi

"RE: Song Selections this week"
Posted by Savahnna on 07-24-06 at 03:40 PM

> I'm hoping to actually
>want to sit in that
>seat on Dilana's love train

Well.....you can enjoy the Dilana love train ride. lol.
I'm not wild SN so I can't get emotional one way or the other if Dilana makes it.

"RE: Song Selections this week"
Posted by rockdog on 07-24-06 at 08:14 AM
You are so right about the Nirvana Songs. Lukas and Dilana are the only two with talent the rest just don't cut it for me. I feel like I am watching Spinal Tap 2006 sometimes.

"RE: Song Selections this week"
Posted by Glow on 07-24-06 at 08:48 AM
Oh I don't think they're the only two with talent. Not by a long shot. Storm and Ryan were early favorites (pre-preformance) of mine and from what I'm hearing, they're about to back that up for just about everybody. Toby? talented and hot. Magni? mad talent. Josh? oh so talented. Can't wait for his solo career to take off. Phil? he rocks. Crazy talent there. It's just not a style that everybody gets. Patrice? her history backs up her talent. Zayra? is nuts, man. I would never say she's not talented.

I may be TOTALLY biased towards my baby but I can't deny the talent of the rest of them (minus a couple).

I cannot cannot stress enough how important it is to listen to original stuff. Do I think they all fit with SN? No. Of course not. But that doesn't mean they're not talented.

“Music has been my best friend my whole life, because music doesn’t betray you.” - Lukas Rossi

"RE: Song Selections this week"
Posted by Jay1205 on 07-24-06 at 03:12 PM
With the song selections for this week, I'm predicting a bottom three of Dana, Ryan and Phil. Floating, but saved at the end, will be Zayra and/or Josh.

I'm quite looking forward to Toby and Magni.

"RE: Song Selections this week"
Posted by SherpaDave on 07-24-06 at 03:27 PM
Man, I hope Lukas COMPLETELY rearranges that song, because it is Number One (and no other song is even close) on my all-time most-hated song list. It's a bittersweet Barney Theme. Hate it, hat it, hate it. Worst. Song. Ever.

"Reality episode"
Posted by Loree on 07-24-06 at 07:56 PM
I watch these with suspicion. I do not trust the MB editing. So what we see is not always what is really happening. I still don't like Jill though. She comes off as a little beyotch. And I don't think that is all editing.

In this ep I was left with questions. Why did Dilana really choose Lukas? I get the feeling she feels he is her biggest competition and she did not want him on a team working against her. But yet the look on her face after Tommy praised Lukas for his part of the song. Well her look was sending daggers.

And when Lukas was out by the pool supposedly drunk and not helping. There was someone else off camera to the left. We could see the bare feet on the chair. Who was that? They made it look like Lukas was out there alone talking to himself about Jill. But someone else was also out there taking a break.

I really like how Storm was portrayed on this episode. And we saw Ryan get sneaky with Dana. He was sure steering her away from "I Alone" so he could have it. And she just thought he was helping her and suggesting Nirvana.

I liked parts of all 3 songs the teams came up with. But without hearing the whole song it was hard to tell which was the best.

Magni was definitely getting fed up with Jill. But then who wouldn't?

"RE: Reality episode"
Posted by Glow on 07-24-06 at 10:17 PM
LAST EDITED ON 07-24-06 AT 10:43 PM (EST)

oh yeah. There's evil editting in there for sure.

Jill can't get off my television fast enough to please me.

Yep yep. Right there with you on Dilana. (I'll elaborate more later. I feel lazy right now. Plus I need a beer. Can I get you anything? *grin* He is soooooo cute.)

I think it was most likely Storm out by the pool with Lukas. The feet kinda gave it away. She has nice feet.

More Storm and Ryan makes Glowie happy.

I thought all three songs sounded pretty good. With Toby's being the weakest. <-- that seems to be the popular opinion (tough for me to say since Jill was in Magni's group)
For those who didn't see it... They were divided into three groups. The three who had the encore got to pick the teams. Dilana first since she had the first encore. She picked Lukas for manipulative conniving reasons. Toby next. He picks Phil. Magni next. He picks Josh. Lukas and Dilana pick Ryan and Storm. Toby and Phil pick Patrice and Zazoo. Magni and Josh pick Jill and get "stuck with" Dana - her words not mine. Though it's appropriate and I would have said it if she didn't. The teams are given a track of SN music and told to write lyrics. Lukas whips out the chorus in .2 seconds and wanders around drunk the rest of the time. Dilana gets irritated and can't focus. Ryan and Storm want to kill people. Jill thinks she's brilliant and keeps disturbing Magni with her shrillscreamsinging. He asks her politely to STFU. She doesn't. He asks her not so politely. She whines and cries and stomps outside. Lukas looks at the bare feet and says "ugh. I couldn't be on that team." Then Josh (being the cool mature guy that he is) wrangles her up and they finish the song. Patrice hits play and loses the track. (we weren't shown much of Toby's group) Lukas keeps going into Magni's group's room for beer. They all yell "There is no beer. We just told you that fifteen minutes ago." Lukas drank all the beer. He's sooo cute. Not because he drank all the beer, mind you. Just his actions during this episode. I want to cuddle him. Anyway. Dana belts out a verse she wrote. Sounded pretty good. Magni and Josh told her as much. Jill pooh poohed it and whined some more. "I couldn't understand what you were saying." (somebody please get her off of my television) Lukas didn't want any part of writing the rest of their song. So we're lead to believe. I think the more likely full story is that he was told they're using his chorus and they all wanted a hand in the writing. And rather than sit around the room, he went out for cigarettes and beer runs. They perform the songs in front of SN. TLee "gets chills" with DLSR's song and asks who wrote the chorus (Lukas wrote the chorus AND the melody, tyvm) and they all point to Lukas. TLee says something complimentary (sorry this is all memory from last night. I haven't watched it yet today.) and Dilana shoots daggers and fireballs out of her eyeballs at Lukas. TPPZ's song sounds cool. Jason calls it eclectic (I think it was Jason. Or was that me? Have to rewatch.). That's a fitting word. It was cool. MJJD's song is very harmonized. Kinda nice. Would have been better if you could hear anybody but Shrill.

Somebody said they thought Magni was a nicer guy than that and they were kind of put off. To me, this proved how annoying Jill must really be to get on Magni's nerves. Guy's a total sweetheart.

ETA: The only real thing of note about the rest of the episode is song selection and you can all see that up there. Phil opens a letter from Gilby that says whoever does "Brown Sugar" will get him on guitar. This doesn't cause as much of a stir as I believe it should. Ryan and Dilana both want "I Alone". It's sentimental for Ryan. First song he performed live (I believe that's what it was. Have to rewatch.) Dana says she wants Nirvana or "I Alone". Ryan suggests she do Nirvana. heh. She takes his advice. Storm says she'll do "Anything Anything" since nobody else knows it (nor did I).

“Music has been my best friend my whole life, because music doesn’t betray you.” - Lukas Rossi

"RE: Reality episode"
Posted by cheesybread on 07-24-06 at 11:11 PM
Good recap Glow.

It was kind of funny for Dilana to have her little all-in-the-name-of-music speech last week and then she pick's Lukas specifically to make sure that if his song is best, so is hers.

I liked all of the songs but I wish we could see/hear more of them.

Jill is a spoiled little brat. She mentioned her Courtney Hole dress a couple of times during song selection trying to make a joke about White Wedding. I'm not sure anyone but the microphone heard her. Why did Josh go get her? Why? Let her pout on her own. Maybe they didn't want a Pretty Vegas on their hands. Keep together.

Storm is awesome. I have never heard the song she will sing, so I can't wait to hear her do it. Then listen to the original on line and compare.

Ryan doing I Alone seems fitting. Live is one of those bands that insists they are not ultra-serious but always come across that way. Much like Ryan. (I'm not implying I don't like Live, I like them very much.)

The Lukas edit did seem heavy handed and deliberate.

I think that's all I think for now....good night.

"RE: Reality episode"
Posted by nailbone on 07-25-06 at 11:32 AM
Lukas didn't want any part of writing the rest of their song. So we're lead to believe. I think the more likely full story is that he was told they're using his chorus and they all wanted a hand in the writing. And rather than sit around the room, he went out for cigarettes and beer runs.

OR, he could be a big (ok, not so big) arrogant snot.

Holey carp! My blog! MySpace!
Official OT Tassel Adjuster and OT Fantasy Football Champ! o-

"RE: Reality episode"
Posted by SherpaDave on 07-25-06 at 12:53 PM
I know Glow doesn't want to believe it, but... the editing can only alter the reality so much. And the fact that both Storm and Ryan were annoyed, too makes me think that Lukas was, in fact, being pretty much a dick. Ryan I could see getting annoyed easily, but Storm seems a bit too much the embodiment of her LOVER tattoo to be easily cheesed off.

"RE: Reality episode"
Posted by Glow on 07-25-06 at 01:43 PM
Neither Storm nor Ryan mentioned said "Lukas is.." "Lukas does.." This leads me to believe that Dilana's fixation on what Lukas was doing and where he was happened to be irritating to them. *shrug* I've been wrong before. I just want to paint a different picture. People who aren't fans of Lukas will take what MBP shows us and twist it and turn it until Lukas is evil. I just like to paint the other side of the editing.

Josh is sitting. Close up of Jill (or was it Magni). Josh is on the other side of the room. Either that was spliced together or Josh has superpowers that I demand we see more of.

I'm not naive enough to believe these people are 100% who I see on my television or in my computer. I don't believe Dilana is all consumed with what Lukas is doing. And I don't believe Lukas wrote a chorus and abandoned his group to go get drunk.

I apologize (not sincerely but necessarily) if I offend any of you in some way. I just like to do my part to defend my favorite. Don't we all do that with our favorite shows and our favorite characters? And isn't that who these people are? At least what we're shown of them.

“Music has been my best friend my whole life, because music doesn’t betray you.” - Lukas Rossi

"RE: Reality episode"
Posted by nailbone on 07-25-06 at 02:28 PM
I just like to do my part to defend my favorite. Don't we all do that with our favorite shows and our favorite characters? And isn't that who these people are? At least what we're shown of them.

And I'm just doing my part to mess with you, my darling. Hence the at the bottom of my post.

Holey carp! My blog! MySpace!
Official OT Tassel Adjuster and OT Fantasy Football Champ! o-

"RE: Reality episode"
Posted by Glow on 07-25-06 at 02:45 PM
I know, baby. *smooch* Chalk it up to misplaced aggression.

“Music has been my best friend my whole life, because music doesn’t betray you.” - Lukas Rossi

"RE: Reality episode"
Posted by SherpaDave on 07-25-06 at 04:03 PM
You don't offend me at all. I'm just not as huge a fan of Lukas as the weeks have worn on as I was in week one. My progression with him seems to be mirroring yours with Dilana.

"RE: Reality episode"
Posted by Deekeryu on 07-25-06 at 04:27 PM
I don't like these song selections. Need more heavy songs. No Rain, Bittersweet Symphony , and One Headlight will be boring. I like I Alone the best but since Ryan is singing it and has no performance skills at all and looks unauthentic, he will just ruin the song.

Dilana, I will never like and Lukas was good 1st two weeks, but last week his vocals weren't strong.

"RE: Reality episode"
Posted by Loree on 07-25-06 at 06:04 PM
I think Dilana was more upset with Lukas than Storm or Ryan were. I just read an interview done with Ryan this week and he listed Lukas as one of his best friends in the house. And it looks like it is Storm that Lukas was out by the pool with when he commented on not wanting to be on Jill's team.

I just wonder if complaining about Lukas may backfire on Dilana. She seemed really upset that he kept going in and out of the room and interrupting her. But if she gets this job she will be working with Tommy Lee. And he is much more hyper than Lukas. So if she complains that Lukas was hard to work with because he couldn't sit still. I really wonder about her with SN.