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"East Coast Discussion Thread - Results Show 7/19"

Posted by nailbone on 07-19-06 at 08:04 PM
LAST EDITED ON 07-19-06 AT 08:13 PM (EST)

Keep it all here until the Left Coast gets to see the show.

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Posted by nailbone on 07-19-06 at 08:04 PM
LAST EDITED ON 07-19-06 AT 08:12 PM (EST)

got the "anchor"

"Bottom 3"
Posted by nailbone on 07-19-06 at 08:06 PM
LAST EDITED ON 07-19-06 AT 08:12 PM (EST)

At the end of last nights show, Bottom 3 was Jenny, Dana, and Ryan

Others in the Bottom 3 at some point were Zayra and Josh.

"RE: Magni"
Posted by weltek on 07-20-06 at 09:02 AM
It's much more fun to call it the anchor. For this, a sincere thank you to Savanna.

"RE: Magni"
Posted by Bebo on 07-20-06 at 09:21 AM
It is so cool to witness the birth of a new addition to the RTVW lexicon. I was there for gellus, and now I can say I was there for anchor.

"RE: Magni"
Posted by Savahnna on 07-20-06 at 09:31 AM
>It's much more fun to call
>it the anchor. For
>this, a sincere thank you
>to Savanna.

hahaha....sure,,,anytime. No spell check spells fun I guess in my case.

"RE: Magni"
Posted by geg6 on 07-20-06 at 10:49 AM
Agreed. I've been a virgin for RTVW words. I'm proud to be here for this newest one.

Oh, and I don't think Magni did as well doing the anchor as he did with his original performance.

Goddess of the Steeler Nation

"RE: Magni"
Posted by Loree on 07-20-06 at 03:59 PM
People that were at the live show said that they made Magni sing his encore song twice. Not sure what the reason was. Maybe there were sound or camera problems. But I think we got to see the second version.

Posted by nailbone on 07-19-06 at 08:11 PM
LAST EDITED ON 07-19-06 AT 08:13 PM (EST)

First in the Bottom 3. She sings "Vaseline" by STP to show that she can "get hard".

"RE: East Coast Discussion Thread - Results Show 7/19"
Posted by Snidget on 07-19-06 at 08:12 PM
I really liked that some of the other girls worked with Dana to see what it was that was making her pop.

I know it is a competition, but it is nice to see people wanting it to be a contest of people doing their best.

"RE: East Coast Discussion Thread - Results Show 7/19"
Posted by nailbone on 07-19-06 at 08:27 PM
Agreed. If you wanna be seen as the best, you gotta beat the best. Dilana and Storm know this. Sounds like Ryan may not.

"RE: East Coast Discussion Thread - Results Show 7/19"
Posted by Loree on 07-19-06 at 08:55 PM
I agree. I liked the comment that Dilana told her to get her legs apart.

But they only make themselves and the show look better if they help Dana to improve. It isn't like they should be threatened by Dana.

"RE: East Coast Discussion Thread - Results Show 7/19"
Posted by Bebo on 07-19-06 at 10:09 PM
I know it is a competition, but it is nice to see people wanting it to be a contest of people doing their best.

Dilana sent a strong message tonight. She's not going to change who she is and is going to remain genuine. She's not going to try to play games, she's just going to go out and bring it to the performances. That made me an even bigger fan of hers. After watching Lukas playing his head games, and listening to Ryan trashing Dana (even though he hasn't exactly been burning things up himself), I thought it was great for Dilana to just matter-of-factly display her confidence.

"RE: East Coast Discussion Thread - Results Show 7/19"
Posted by tamarama on 07-20-06 at 11:20 AM
>>Dilana sent a strong message tonight. ... That made me an even bigger fan of hers.<<

Amen to that!

You can be confident & tear up the stage...and NOT be an arsehole.

I don't think I could love Dilana more than I do.

Posted by nailbone on 07-19-06 at 08:15 PM
LAST EDITED ON 07-19-06 AT 08:16 PM (EST)

#2 in the Bottom 3. No big surprise.

She sings "High Road Easy" by Sass Jordan, also to show that she can get hard.

ETA: boots are HOT!!!

"RE: Dana"
Posted by gwennylou on 07-19-06 at 08:23 PM
I thought she rocked that song though. I think so far, Jenny willl go home before Dana I think.

"RE: Dana"
Posted by nailbone on 07-19-06 at 08:28 PM
I think so, too.

Posted by nailbone on 07-19-06 at 08:26 PM
#3 in Bottom 3.

He sings "Heart-Shaped Box" by Nirvana, ALSO to rough it up.

"RE: Josh"
Posted by nailbone on 07-19-06 at 08:28 PM
Screaming and growling seem a bit forced.

"Bye bye, Jenny"
Posted by nailbone on 07-19-06 at 08:35 PM
No big surprise. I had it typed before he said it.

"RE: Bye bye, Jenny"
Posted by Loree on 07-19-06 at 08:58 PM
I heard a spoiler about who sang for the bottom 3 before I watched it. And I was told I would be surprised who didn't go home. So I knew Dana was going to be safe. Wasn't hard to figure Jenny was going home. But I was thinking they could have done a double elim and sent Josh home too. The more he tries the worse he seems to get.

"RE: Bye bye, Jenny"
Posted by tamarama on 07-20-06 at 11:28 AM
>>The more he tries the worse he seems to get.<<

Agreed -- his technique is beyond horrible and his style is sooooo affected. He's not really a rocker dude - please.

So when he tries too hard to be something he's not, he doesn't have the vocal tools to pull it off. That's why it sounds like 3-4 different voices coming out of his head -- the Kermit, the Growler & the Pop Guy.

(oooh, maybe he's possessed! His growly voice does sound a little bit like Mercedes McCambridge...hmmmmm.)

"RE: Bye bye, Jenny"
Posted by Loree on 07-20-06 at 04:01 PM
In his blog Dave Navarro said he thinks Josh should go and be the next Dave Matthews or Hootie. That is where Dave thinks Josh belongs and not with this band.

"RE: East Coast Discussion Thread - Results Show 7/19"
Posted by Glow on 07-20-06 at 12:03 PM
Worst episode ever. I can't wait for the mansion stuff to go up online. *sigh*

“Music has been my best friend my whole life, because music doesn’t betray you.” - Lukas Rossi

"RE: East Coast Discussion Thread - Results Show 7/19"
Posted by cheesybread on 07-20-06 at 02:45 PM

That's just because Lukas barely appeared in the episode.

Actually it is funny but the Wednesday episode is meant to showcase the worst of the talent. I know that's not the intent but that's what it boils down to.

However as the weeks continue the competition and talent level will rise. As will the drama. I am looking forward to that.

BTW, I also am looking forward to another 'reality' episode.

ABTW, I was watching the extended demo session video's from the first week and didn't see Storm at all. Did I skip it some how? Is there a way to see a simple list of all the video clips or do I have to start the first one and continue one by one?

"RE: East Coast Discussion Thread - Results Show 7/19"
Posted by Glow on 07-20-06 at 03:31 PM
Yep. He was the invisible man. And he looked so cute too! They didn't mention his or Storm's performances at all. I thought that strange. I guess they realize they'll be good throughout. *shrug* Maybe they were pissed at him for not participating in the sing along. Whatever. Keep him on the DL. Keep all the haters quiet for a few days.

It'll be a cool show when some of these other people are gone. I already think it's cool even when I have to suffer and cringe through some people's performances. So when it's down to the true contenders, it'll be even better.

I'm very much looking forward to Sunday night. This is way too long to go without a fix. *shakes* *puts Lukas CD in*

hmmm. Let me go look. Now that you mention it, I don't remember Storm either. (and there should be a simple list somewhere. I'll check it out and PM you if/when I find it.)

“Music has been my best friend my whole life, because music doesn’t betray you.” - Lukas Rossi

"After Jenny was booted"
Posted by Loree on 07-20-06 at 07:14 PM
I just saw Jenny interviewed on ET Canada. She said she thinks Lukas is the most suited for this band. And she thinks he should win. She has no hard feelings with him for saying she belonged in the bottom 3 the other week.

"RE: After Jenny was booted"
Posted by Wacko Jacko on 07-21-06 at 11:25 AM
Finally got to watch the show last night. Thought to comment a little on the guys from SuperNova.

People want to bash them for their comments, but what they did on this particular show deserves applause. They have been hard on Dana. She got up their and ripped out her performance. SuperNova knows they will not pick her but they provided her with a special moment last night. Afterwards Dana was beaming with satisfaction. We know that even watching that performance she is still not suited for the band, but SuperNova put that behind them and gave her a moment to remember for her lifetime. Great move guys! I applaud them.