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"why do they complain?"

Posted by jdmac44 on 07-18-06 at 11:10 PM
Why the F@#k do they complain about the competetors song selections when they give them such mellow pop s%$t to choose from??? Everybody Hurts??? How the hell is anyone supposed to rock that one out? Jesus guys, gimme a break! Half of the songs they offer do not appeal to a band with the likes of an ex-Metallica, ex-Motley Crue and ex-Gun's n Roses. Okay, it's a show that's trying to appeal to a mass audience, but if they're going to put pop songs on, they need to stop bashing the performers for song selection or get a softer band to find a singer for. How about some Audioslave? In any case, it's not the singer's fault.

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"RE: why do they complain?"
Posted by nailbone on 07-19-06 at 09:04 AM
I agree completely!! If you don't like the songs they choose, give them different choices, or let them pick their own!

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"RE: why do they complain?"
Posted by HistoryDetective on 07-20-06 at 12:46 PM
Yeah, the more I watch, the more convinced I become that the three guys in Supernova are all tools. Some of the potential Rock Stars will actually win by losing.

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"RE: why do they complain?"
Posted by Wacko Jacko on 07-19-06 at 10:01 AM
LAST EDITED ON 07-20-06 AT 12:37 PM (EST)

There is more to it than having just pop songs. Each song showcases certain aspects of one's voice. For example Everybody Hurts showcases ones vocals better than other songs simply because of it's temple. Sure it is pop, but Zayra used that song perfectly last night....so you can not fault her for her selection even though it is a pop song. Playing the proper song and the proper time is a great strategy....Everybody Hurts would of been a bad song selection for Jill, Jenny, Dana, Josh, Ryan, etc. These people are at the point where they need to show they can rock...others like Magni, Dilana, Phil, Zayra.....may want to showcase their vocal talents better and Everybody hurts would not be such a bad song for them to do.

I touched on Tainted Love........Marilyn Manson covered that song.....it was harder driven.......so that song can go many ways....just Jenny is absolutely clueless.

As for Duran Duran, Matt was totally clueless pulling that song out when he needed and was told he needed to rock more. Playing Duran Duran for Matt was a death sentence....might as will played N'Sync.

Song choice is important. I think Phil who seems to lack talent is using his song choice perfectly and will get far in the game just because of his song choices.

"It's part of the challenge..."
Posted by Cathy the Canadian on 07-21-06 at 06:53 AM
LAST EDITED ON 07-21-06 AT 04:08 PM (EST)

I agree with Wacko Jacko, I think these songs are part of the challenge. They want to see what you'll do with it - do you have any creativity.

Remember Marty reworking a Brittney Spears tune last season? And of coarse J.D. reworked most of his stuff.

And already we have Lukas regularily reworking his stuff. And Dilanna did a great job with Ring of Fire, which certainly isn't a heavy song.

If they always picked their own songs, there would be no reason for them to come out of their safety zones, and try something new. It would be BOOORING!!!!

"RE: It's part of the challenge..."
Posted by Glow on 07-21-06 at 09:26 AM
Yep. Yep. I agree with Wacko and Cathy. I think they're definitely looking for somebody who can take a song and put a spin on it "exactly the way" they would.

I'm not so sure though that Jenny was clueless as much as she was just not "roit" for the band. I actually kind of like her. I'd enjoy watching her perform with some of the chick performers that I dig. Lilith Fair, anyone?

And as far as reworking the songs, I think the ONLY one in trouble there would be Dana. I think the others have the definite ability to do it. It all comes down to who wants the gig badly enough and that's where you find your true contenders. Phil, for instance, is openly honest about his wanting to get recognition for his band (Lennex). Not saying Phil isn't a contender, because he definitely is but I just don't think he WANTS this as much as say Lukas (yeah yeah okay and Dilana).

“Music has been my best friend my whole life, because music doesn’t betray you.” - Lukas Rossi

"RE: why do they complain?"
Posted by Reality_Tv_fan_90 on 07-20-06 at 11:40 AM
I know! If the contestants got to choose their own songs then maybe Supernova would have some "song choice" to b!tch about. I'm not sure if it is Supernova or Rockstar producers/executives that choose the songs, but it is the most retarded thing when they complain about song choice.

"RE: why do they complain?"
Posted by geg6 on 07-21-06 at 08:14 AM
I'm not really sure if the complaints about song choices is really that. I think what they really mean is that if you choose a more "poppy" kind of song, how creative are you about presenting/re-working it to make it fit.

Like others here, I would point to Marty and JD from last year. They did this on a regular basis and it was amazing. Instead of doing Duran Duran like Duran Duran, do it like, say, Radiohead.

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