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"East Coast Discussion Thread 7/18"

Posted by SherpaDave on 07-18-06 at 08:29 PM
Nobody started one last week and I really missed it. *sniffle* Of course, I'm on the west coast, so I don't chime in until much later, but I still like having the comments from during the show in a nifty li'l fun box to read. So post, ya yankees!

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: East Coast Discussion Thread 7/18"
Posted by Glow on 07-18-06 at 08:46 PM
DH and I don't watch shows at their normal times. We DVR and then watch commercial free. We're just getting set to watch BB in a few and then we'll watch RS. However. I did watch Lukas already. Several times. But I'm anxiously awaiting to see him on the big screen in surround sound.

“Music has been my best friend my whole life, because music doesn’t betray you.” - Lukas Rossi

"RE: East Coast Discussion Thread 7/18"
Posted by nailbone on 07-18-06 at 08:50 PM
Patrice - Helter Skelter

Sounded pretty good, but I disagree with Jason. I think she coulda really rocked it, but she played it kinda tame.

Holey carp! My blog! MySpace!
Official OT Tassel Adjuster and OT Fantasy Football Champ! o-

"RE: East Coast Discussion Thread 7/18"
Posted by Glow on 07-18-06 at 10:30 PM
My first thought? This band kicks a$s. She sounded great but smiles too much.

“Music has been my best friend my whole life, because music doesn’t betray you.” - Lukas Rossi

"RE: East Coast Discussion Thread 7/18"
Posted by Loree on 07-19-06 at 12:41 PM
>My first thought? This band
>kicks a$s. She sounded
>great but smiles too much.

I agree about the smiling. And I have that problem with Josh too.

"Josh - Come As You Are"
Posted by nailbone on 07-18-06 at 08:52 PM
WAY too clean cut for that song. Gravelly growl seems forced.

Holey carp! My blog! MySpace!
Official OT Tassel Adjuster and OT Fantasy Football Champ! o-

"RE: Josh - Come As You Are"
Posted by Loree on 07-19-06 at 12:43 PM
I kept wondering what he was trying to do with his voice. I don't know if he was trying to add an accent or what he was trying to do. But I didn't like it. Loved JD's performance of this much more last season.

"RE: Josh - Come As You Are"
Posted by weltek on 07-19-06 at 01:10 PM
Did someone say JD? *perks up*

"RE: Josh - Come As You Are"
Posted by Glow on 07-19-06 at 01:58 PM
Boner, get the hose.

“Music has been my best friend my whole life, because music doesn’t betray you.” - Lukas Rossi

"Storm - Just what I needed"
Posted by nailbone on 07-18-06 at 08:54 PM
Hot!! She really is just what I needed!!!

Holey carp! My blog! MySpace!
Official OT Tassel Adjuster and OT Fantasy Football Champ! o-

"RE: Storm - Just what I needed"
Posted by nailbone on 07-18-06 at 08:58 PM
"Six letters...Google"


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Official OT Tassel Adjuster and OT Fantasy Football Champ! o-

"RE: Storm - Just what I needed"
Posted by Glow on 07-18-06 at 10:31 PM
She's all kindsa hot. And if you haven't Googled her, I suggest you do so.

“Music has been my best friend my whole life, because music doesn’t betray you.” - Lukas Rossi

"RE: Storm - Just what I needed"
Posted by nailbone on 07-19-06 at 08:50 AM
Oh, I have. Even before last night's comment.

Holey carp! My blog! MySpace!
Official OT Tassel Adjuster and OT Fantasy Football Champ! o-

"RE: Storm - Just what I needed"
Posted by Loree on 07-19-06 at 12:48 PM
I enjoyed Storm alot more at the beginning of the competition. Now I find myself distracted by the facial expressions and I swear she was doing what Suzie always did with her eyes last season. I like her singing. But the look is starting to bug me. Hopefully I'll get back to really liking her again next week.

"RE: Storm - Just what I needed"
Posted by SherpaDave on 07-19-06 at 04:39 PM
I agree. I loved her at first, but I'm finding her more and more a schmeater type.

"Lukas - Let's Spend the Night Together"
Posted by nailbone on 07-18-06 at 09:00 PM
Hated it. I'm gonna start calling him Mumbles.

They're gonna love it, though.

Holey carp! My blog! MySpace!
Official OT Tassel Adjuster and OT Fantasy Football Champ! o-

"RE: Lukas - Let's Spend the Night Together"
Posted by Glow on 07-18-06 at 10:32 PM
Does "they" mean me? Because I did indeed love it. A lot.

“Music has been my best friend my whole life, because music doesn’t betray you.” - Lukas Rossi

"RE: Lukas - Let's Spend the Night Together"
Posted by nailbone on 07-19-06 at 08:51 AM
Nah, I meant the band. You loving it is a given.

Holey carp! My blog! MySpace!
Official OT Tassel Adjuster and OT Fantasy Football Champ! o-

"RE: Lukas - Let's Spend the Night Together"
Posted by Loree on 07-19-06 at 12:45 PM
I loved this performance. Although I hated his belt. But I liked the way he was all over the stage. I couldn't take my eyes off him.

"RE: Lukas - Let's Spend the Night Together"
Posted by LittleFox on 07-19-06 at 02:44 PM
Wow - I loved Lukas last night - he is a born performer! May be too good for this band though!

"RE: Lukas - Let's Spend the Night Together"
Posted by SherpaDave on 07-19-06 at 04:40 PM
I thought it was great, although I don't particularly like him on a personal level. Seeing the online episode and how terrified of the vocal coach he was... and the questions he asked others... for all his bravado, he seems to have much less self-knowledge than I initially thought. But the performance was great.

"Jill - Alright Now"
Posted by nailbone on 07-18-06 at 09:03 PM
This was as good a choice for her as Helter Skelter woulda been. I definitely think she redeemed herself from last week's mess.

Holey carp! My blog! MySpace!
Official OT Tassel Adjuster and OT Fantasy Football Champ! o-

"RE: Jill - Alright Now"
Posted by Loree on 07-19-06 at 12:50 PM
Jill is someone I just don't really care for. I think she is probably a good singer. But for some reason I don't really like her.

"Ryan - Fortunate Son"
Posted by nailbone on 07-18-06 at 09:06 PM
Got a phone call and missed most of it, but it sounded OK. Band is kinda critical.

Holey carp! My blog! MySpace!
Official OT Tassel Adjuster and OT Fantasy Football Champ! o-

"RE: Ryan - Fortunate Son"
Posted by Loree on 07-19-06 at 12:51 PM
I thought this was one of Ryan's better performances.

"RE: Ryan - Fortunate Son"
Posted by SherpaDave on 07-19-06 at 04:42 PM
If I close my eyes, he's pretty good. But when I look at him... in college, I remember the fraternity next door to mine always had enormous pledge classes. It was the house that was filled with guys who just desperately wanted to be in the Greek system, but weren't interesting enough to capture any other house's attention. That's what he reminds me of: an Alpha Dink.

"Phil - White Rabbit"
Posted by nailbone on 07-18-06 at 09:12 PM
Jason performs with him.

Phil seems inspired by that. He's doing it justice.

Holey carp! My blog! MySpace!
Official OT Tassel Adjuster and OT Fantasy Football Champ! o-

"RE: Phil - White Rabbit"
Posted by Glow on 07-18-06 at 10:33 PM
Almost made me swoon. That might have been Jason though.

“Music has been my best friend my whole life, because music doesn’t betray you.” - Lukas Rossi

"RE: Phil - White Rabbit"
Posted by Loree on 07-19-06 at 12:53 PM
I really enjoyed this performance. But I wasn't sure if it was because Phil was really doing great or just because I was enjoying Jason on stage. It had to add to Phil's performance. So this is a hard call. Would all of the others have performed and looked better with Jason on stage too?

"RE: Phil - White Rabbit"
Posted by Tahj on 07-19-06 at 02:29 PM
Didn't anyone see how Jason bumped into Phil and nearly knocked the air out of him while he was jumping around like an idiot? That wasn't shadowing. I thought Dave or someone might make a note of that and give Phil kudos for not letting it affect his performance.

Moves courtesy of Syren

"RE: Phil - White Rabbit"
Posted by Glow on 07-19-06 at 02:37 PM
Ever watched any of DirtyPhil's videos?

“Music has been my best friend my whole life, because music doesn’t betray you.” - Lukas Rossi

"RE: Phil - White Rabbit"
Posted by Tahj on 07-19-06 at 04:10 PM
Only the porn.

No. Who's he?

Moves courtesy of Syren

"RE: Phil - White Rabbit"
Posted by Glow on 07-19-06 at 06:19 PM
LOL. perv. DirtyPhil w/ Lennex

“Music has been my best friend my whole life, because music doesn’t betray you.” - Lukas Rossi

"RE: Phil - White Rabbit"
Posted by Tahj on 07-20-06 at 12:35 PM
Why is he called DirtyPhil?

Moves courtesy of Syren

"RE: Phil - White Rabbit"
Posted by Glow on 07-20-06 at 01:03 PM
Because he is apparently dirty.

“Music has been my best friend my whole life, because music doesn’t betray you.” - Lukas Rossi

"RE: Phil - White Rabbit"
Posted by SherpaDave on 07-19-06 at 04:43 PM
Over on the rockband site where they spoil the show, one of the folks who was there commented that Phil was actually bleeding from a head butt or something of the sort. I was diggin' it. This, for me, is the encore this week, and I was by no means a Phil phan.

"Dana - It's My Life"
Posted by nailbone on 07-18-06 at 09:15 PM
LAST EDITED ON 07-18-06 AT 09:16 PM (EST)

I wouldn't have followed up "Born to be mild" with Bon Jovi, but she did. And not that well.

Baby, it may be rock, and you may wanna yell, but you gotta hit close to the notes.

Holey carp! My blog! MySpace!
Official OT Tassel Adjuster and OT Fantasy Football Champ! o-

"RE: Dana - It's My Life"
Posted by Loree on 07-19-06 at 12:54 PM
This was the worst performance of the night for me. I want Dana to go home NOW.

"Toby - Runaway Train"
Posted by nailbone on 07-18-06 at 09:22 PM
A bit pitchy, like Dana, but not too bad.

Holey carp! My blog! MySpace!
Official OT Tassel Adjuster and OT Fantasy Football Champ! o-

"RE: Toby - Runaway Train"
Posted by Loree on 07-19-06 at 12:57 PM
This was the first time I haven't enjoyed Toby. I didn't like it. He sounded off. Too bad. I like the guy and thought he was great the first 2 weeks.

"Magni - Plush"
Posted by nailbone on 07-18-06 at 09:25 PM
Nicely done!!

Holey carp! My blog! MySpace!
Official OT Tassel Adjuster and OT Fantasy Football Champ! o-

"RE: Magni - Plush"
Posted by Loree on 07-19-06 at 12:59 PM
I did not like Magni the first week. He was making some strange facial expressions. But I really think he has done well the last 2 weeks. Hopefully he will keep improving. He is at least going in the right direction, unlike some of the others.

"Zayra - Everybody Hurts"
Posted by nailbone on 07-18-06 at 09:27 PM
She needs to stick to Tejano/Latin.

Holey carp! My blog! MySpace!
Official OT Tassel Adjuster and OT Fantasy Football Champ! o-

"RE: Zayra - Everybody Hurts"
Posted by Glow on 07-18-06 at 10:34 PM
I thought it was one of the best performances of the night. Firmly in my top half anyway.

“Music has been my best friend my whole life, because music doesn’t betray you.” - Lukas Rossi

"RE: Zayra - Everybody Hurts"
Posted by nailbone on 07-19-06 at 08:53 AM
It was OK, but it's still pretty easy to tell that English isn't her primary language.

Holey carp! My blog! MySpace!
Official OT Tassel Adjuster and OT Fantasy Football Champ! o-

Posted by Glow on 07-19-06 at 08:23 AM
and speaking of Lukas Did y'all see him give Z props. He is such a sweetheart.

“Music has been my best friend my whole life, because music doesn’t betray you.” - Lukas Rossi

"RE: Zayra - Everybody Hurts"
Posted by Loree on 07-19-06 at 01:00 PM
This was her best performance. But I still can't get past the fact she is a really bad fit for this band.

"RE: Zayra - Everybody Hurts"
Posted by LittleFox on 07-19-06 at 02:45 PM

"RE: Zayra - Everybody Hurts"
Posted by SherpaDave on 07-19-06 at 04:47 PM
I'll give her some props for this song, because I expected my ears to bleed: a singer I can't stand performing a song that makes me cringe. Her pitch was a little off at times, but she made me imagine how the song could sound if Bjork did it. And I found myself thinking, "Maybe this song isn't THAT awful." Never would have thought I'd think that about "Everybody Whines." So, I give her props. But she's still wrong-wrong-wrong for the band. And if she has a career beyond this, she'll be one of those voices that gets corrected/enhanced in the studio every single time.

"Jenny - Galt"
Posted by nailbone on 07-18-06 at 09:34 PM
Eh. I think she's gonna get the same Bottom 3 scare again this week.

Holey carp! My blog! MySpace!
Official OT Tassel Adjuster and OT Fantasy Football Champ! o-

"RE: Jenny - Galt"
Posted by Loree on 07-19-06 at 01:02 PM
I liked her boots.

I think Jenny is good at what she does. But that isn't going to work for this band. And the hair stuck to her eyelashes was very distracting.

"Dilana - Zombie"
Posted by nailbone on 07-18-06 at 09:36 PM
Not bad, but she's in danger of becoming a one-trick pony. A crazy serial-killer-trick pony.

Holey carp! My blog! MySpace!
Official OT Tassel Adjuster and OT Fantasy Football Champ! o-

"RE: Dilana - Zombie"
Posted by Cathy the Canadian on 07-18-06 at 09:46 PM
Who's the bottom 3? I missed it.


"RE: Dilana - Zombie"
Posted by nailbone on 07-18-06 at 09:55 PM
Jenny, Dana, Ryan

Holey carp! My blog! MySpace!
Official OT Tassel Adjuster and OT Fantasy Football Champ! o-

"RE: Dilana - Zombie"
Posted by Cathy the Canadian on 07-18-06 at 10:06 PM
Thanks Nailbone.

Jenny - Totally deserves it. She sucks large.

Dana - Just not ready for the big time.

Ryan - Just something annoying about that guy.

"RE: Dilana - Zombie"
Posted by Bebo on 07-18-06 at 10:33 PM
Definitely an appropriate group for the bottom 3, but I wouldn't mind seeing Josh fall in there after that completely blah performance this week.

Phil and Magni both moved up in my book this week. Lukas and Toby went down.

"RE: Dilana - Zombie"
Posted by Glow on 07-18-06 at 10:35 PM
I'd throw Josh and Toby in there before Ryan.

“Music has been my best friend my whole life, because music doesn’t betray you.” - Lukas Rossi

"RE: Dilana - Zombie"
Posted by stephanne on 07-18-06 at 10:21 PM
What was her fist song choice in the first episode? What is also Zombie I can't remember...

"RE: Dilana - Zombie"
Posted by nailbone on 07-19-06 at 08:52 AM
The first week she did "Lithium" by Nirvana.

Holey carp! My blog! MySpace!
Official OT Tassel Adjuster and OT Fantasy Football Champ! o-

"RE: Dilana - Zombie"
Posted by Loree on 07-19-06 at 01:05 PM
This was the first time I didn't find her riveting to watch. Maybe it is all starting to sound or look the same. But I just wasn't loving her as much this week as the last 2. But the band still seems to love her. So she will probably get the encore again.

"RE: Dilana - Zombie"
Posted by jkokoj on 07-19-06 at 02:33 PM
I still like her but agree she does need to change it up a bit from week to week.

"RE: Dilana - Zombie"
Posted by SherpaDave on 07-19-06 at 04:48 PM
I still like her a lot, but based on hearing that this song is part of her regular repertoire, I was expecting to be blown away by this and wasn't.

"RE: Dilana - Zombie"
Posted by LittleFox on 07-19-06 at 02:47 PM
Wow - I'm just enthralled by her voice....