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"Rock Star Love List: Week 2"

Posted by dreamerbeliever on 07-20-05 at 01:46 AM
Week two performances have come and gone. Have your feelings of admiration for some or loathing for others been changed? Time to fess up. Who are you diggin’ and whom would like to help show the door too?

1. Jordis Unga (2 last week) – Absolutely blown away by her! Clearly it makes no difference what song she chooses because anything sounds great from her. While others try to turn a rock ballad into more of a jam, she went with it and hit a homerun. More like a grandslam! Looked fantastic and her voice range is unbelievable. Just can’t praise this girl enough.

2. Heather Luttrell (4) – Another solid performance. Butterfly girl is flying high with me.

3. J.D. Fortune (13) – Biggest love list gainer. More like he just rocketed up my charts. Fantastic job doing Hand in my Pocket. Big risk and it paid off. Nice to see that he has gotten over his epileptic fits. Was it just me or did he look exactly like Billy Joe from Green Day?

4. Marty Casey (6) – Steady.

5. Daphna Dove (1) – Hate to drop my #1 from last week but the butch look is not for her. Absolutely no intensity with a very powerful female song. She’s no Joan Jett but that’s okay because I’m still in love with her

6. Deanna Johnston (3) – Her not wanting the R.E.M song really showed. The pipes are still there.

7. Ty Taylor (5) – Not sure if his performance warranted the slam he got from Dave and the band. Clearly they were sending a message to the voters that Ty may not be right for the band.

8. Suzie McNeil (14) – mucho mucho better. Hard for me hear Roxanne without the movie 48 Hours popping into my head. Much better than Eddie Murphy.

9. Brandon Calhoon (10) – Big fan of Lynyrd Skynyrd and I was entertained. Has got to do something about the look however! The just out of the homeless shelter look is not in style anymore.

10. Tara Slone (8) – Brave in taking on Paranoid but really didn’t knock it out.

11. Mig Ayesa (12) – shows a lot of heart but IMHO, he has the weakest voice of all the contestants.

12. Neal Carlson (11) – ehh whatever. His sub-par performance this week almost made me want to see a little Jagger strut again.

13. Jessica Robinson (9) – horrid! Jimi just rolled over in his grave.

Booted - Wil Seabrook - Must admit that I was a little surprised by him getting the boot. Didn’t think he would be winning or was right for the band but being the second boot was a bit of a shocker.

I showed you mine, now you show me yours? BTW this line was used on me back in the 3rd grade by a girl named Karen. It worked but I was scared out of my mind! Ahhh memories

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"RE: Rock Star Love List: Week 2"
Posted by calamityc on 07-20-05 at 02:08 AM
1. J.D. I think he has the look and the charisma, even without bouncing around the stage.
2. Jordis. Beautiful voice. Really it is hard for me to choose between 1 and 2.
3. Marty. I got a kick out of his performance and I hadn't really noticed him that much before.
4. Heather.
5. Daphna
6. Deana-she didn't mess it up for me as much as she did for the band.
7. Suzie
8. Ty
9. Mig
11. Brandon-totally have to agree with you about his image.
12. Tara
13. Jessica

"RE: Rock Star Love List: Week 2"
Posted by Glow on 07-20-05 at 09:05 AM
1. JD - Hand in My Pocket - love his stage presence and originality
2. Jordis - The Reason - unbelievable voice
3. Marty - What I Like About You - I too love his use of the stage. There was something in his enunciation that was bothering me though.
4. MiG - Walk This Way - I like him. I'm glad he got all the words right.
5. Heather - Only Rock & Roll - I wasn't liking it at first but it grew on me.
6. Neal - Summer of '69 - I love this guy. I love his comfort up there. He's a natural. I would pay big money to go to one of his shows and I'm going to buy his band's CD. I don't believe he has any intention of winning this competition.
7. Daphna - I Hate Myself (for loving you) - She's hot. Not just her looks either.
8. Suzie - Roxanne - seems to be getting better
9. Deanna - The One I Love - I don't think she did as badly as the band made it sound. I just wasn't crazy about it. But many kudos to her for doing it when nobody else wanted to.
10. Brandon - Sweet Home Alabama - hmm. I think I like him but there's a possibility that I don't. Either way, that is a safe and boring song for a competition. (Love the song otherwise.)
11. Tara - Paranoid - it just didn't seem natural. You could tell she forced that performance.
12. Ty - Somebody Told Me - I don't know. I'd probably go to see him in a play or something. If somebody else bought me the ticket, of course. *shrug*
13. Jessica - Kiss the Sky - patoo. Please make her go away.

"RE: Rock Star Love List: Week 2"
Posted by Wacko Jacko on 07-20-05 at 09:45 AM
LAST EDITED ON 07-20-05 AT 09:47 AM (EST)

1. Brandon-They saved the best for last in my opinion. Also has a shot at winning...Only a male does.
2. Marty. Was my winner until the very last performance.
3. J.D. Good.
4. Jordis. Ok, but will not win.
5. Ty - very talented and dynamic performance, but as INX said this guy would just take over the stage.
6. Tara - I thought she was good, better than the rest of you.
7. Heather - Don't remember....which aint good
8. Suzie - Don't remember...which aint good
9. Mig - Rap, tough to judge
10. Neal- Off key and not very good
11. Deana- Voice off key and wanted to rock so took this song in the wrong direction
12. Daphna - Was she the Joan Jett girl...she was terrible.
13. Jessica - Cher doing Jimi Hendrix

"RE: Rock Star Love List: Week 2"
Posted by weltek on 07-20-05 at 11:41 AM
Tier 1-My frontrunners
1. J.D.
2. Jordis
3. Marty

Tier 2-Good, but not INXS good
4. Daphna (something about her still bugs me)
5. Mig (tough song, but I still like him. Great effort)
6.. Brandon

Tier 3-Inconsistent or just plain bad.
7. Jessica (just quit being so overt & concentrate on singing)
8. Heather
9. Tara
10. Ty (Where The F did last night carpo performance come from?)
11.Neal (I used to love you, but you can't sing melody)
12. Deana (horsey face, go home. Your voice bores me)

Did not see Suzie's performance, so can't rank her.

Posted by Glow on 07-20-05 at 11:58 AM
What's melody? *grin*

"RE: Rock Star Love List: Week 2"
Posted by evilj9 on 07-20-05 at 12:21 PM
Okay, here's my love list, and my ever so humble opinions.

1. Marty - Every time I look at him, I see a cross between Richard Butler from the Psychelic Furs and David Bowie. However, he can sing, has good stage presence and I think would fit into the band quite well.

2. Jordis - It pains me to not place her first. Her voice is awesome, and I think she hated that song as much as Deanna hated REM, but didn't make a deal out of it. Kudos to the band for recognizing that beautiful isn't a size 0 with long straight blonde hair.

3. JD - I give him credit for being able to rearrange the music to suit his vocal needs. He lost points with the a$$ kissing "i don't need to focus on learning the INXS songs, because I loooove them so much" We aren't 10 years old here. Leave the sphincter munching to corporate america. Also, if he rearranges every song every week, one has to wonder if he thinks he can do that to the INXS classics? I personally don't want to hear new versions of their songs.

4/5 (Tie) Daphna/Heather - I think both did well on their songs. I was a little put off by Heather's strip tease act, as I didn't think it was necessary. I think that Daphna is more versatile than Heather, and seems to be listening to the advice offered by the band.

6. Ty - I too am tired of the hairdo. He sounded good, and does have a good stage presence. Is he right for INXS? I'm still on the fence.

7. Tara - 100% improvement from last week. Kudos for belting out Paranoid, but she still has points to recover for that Eagles crud last week.

8. Suzie - She has potential, but needs to show it quick. Not every rock song needs to be screamed out. . .

9. Mig - How does someone over the age of 25 NOT know the lyrics to Walk this Way? I mean EVERY aor station has had the aerosmith version on daily play since it came out, and anyone born after 1980 has heard the RUN DMC/Aerosmith version. Hell, my 12 year old nephew knows all the words and he doesn't claim to be a rock star. There's just something squirrely about him.

10. Brandon - I HATE LYNYRD SKYNYRD. Yes he was better this week, while playing guitar but does INXS need another guitarist? He's only comfortable when standing in one spot, behind his guitar. That will not work with INXS.

11. Deanna - Didn't do too bad of a job with the song, but it was apparent that she didn't like the song, didn't want to sing it, and wasn't going to act like she did. Put your personal feelings aside and put the music and the fans first. Buh Bye!

12. Jessica - Everthing she does seems the same. No difference in emotion, style or substance. Buh Bye!

13. Neal - He makes my skin crawl. I HATE BRYAN ADAMS almost as much as I hate Lynyrd Skynyrd. He claims that he took the bands direction and picked a more melodic tune, but was wrong. Add in that he thinks he nailed it, and that shows he's a complete moron. Who cares how cool your pants are if you can't sing. I just don't see him able to handle the vocals of Original Sin, To Look At You, or any of the INXS catalogue. If he's not voted off, I'll be geniunely surprised.

I'll miss tonights show, thank god for Tivo!

As always, in evil, j9!

"RE: Rock Star Love List: Week 2"
Posted by CattyChat on 07-20-05 at 01:46 PM
I want to reiterate that as an "80's" teen, INXS was one of my FAVE bands & I take this seriously

Voted for my top 2 picks of last night:
1. J.D. -- So far my fave to win since last week's performance
2. Jordis -- WOW, she's great, I'm not sure for INXS, but who knows she may change my mind . . .

I was impressed by (in order):
3. Suzie -- LOVED her version of Roxanne -- great voice
4. Ty -- He's my co-fave to win, but I wasn't loving his song
5. Heather -- Last night she blew me away. Fantastic.
6. Daphna -- Great voice & look, especially with the shaggy hair away from her face

Honorable Mentions:
7. Mig -- Was my darkhorse choice to win. Props for tough song, but so-so voice last night, too inconsistent.
8. Marty -- Great performer, but something about him bothers me
9. Brandon -- He's great, but not for INXS

No Opinion:
10. Jessica
11. Tara

12. Deanna -- Doesn't feel REM?!? & she wants to front INXS?? GOODBYE!! She's too "truck driver" for INXS, anyway.
13. Neal -- NOT a fan & horrible performance last night. I don't want to seek that scrawny pre-pubescent half-naked body again.

"RE: Rock Star Love List: Week 2"
Posted by tinybubs on 07-20-05 at 08:17 PM
1. Suzie – did a great job on a tough song. Shame she had a poor start on her first two performances, the last two have been outstanding.
2. Heather – A throwback to the great women rockers of the late 60s
3. Marty – Enjoy his energy and really captures the crowd. Would like to see him try a different style.

4. MiG – Vocals could be stronger but I find him entertaining.
5. J.D. – A serious talent. Lack of class dissing his fellow competitors from the stage; say what you want off stage but on stage be a professional.

6. Jordis – Great voice and great promise, but hasn’t done anything special for me.
7. Deanna – A good but not great job on a song that she didn’t feel.
8. Ty – A one style wonder, starting to tire of the act
9. Brandon – He’s okay.

10. Tara – Great voice but no imagination, doesn’t make a song her own, every verse sounds the same. A very talented karaoke singer.
11. Daphna – She’s got sultry rock & roll looks, but hasn’t impressed me with her performances. Maybe a career in modeling?
12. Jessica – Reminds me too much of Brittany Spears, at least Jessica has some talent.

13. Neal – Bad performance and a bad attitude towards the band, not a good combination. He’s toast.

"RE: Rock Star Love List: Week 2"
Posted by djandy on 07-20-05 at 11:43 PM
1.) Jordis
2.) Deanna
3.) Brandon
4.) Suzie
5.) Marty
6.) Daphna
7.) Mig
8.) J.D.
9.) Ty
10.) Heather
11.) Tara
12.) Jessica
13.) Neal

I'm glad Neal's gone. All 3 of the bottom 3 this week need to go IMO.

S8 ABC Red Ink Champ, S7 ABPABC Red Ink Champ, CMY FOMO Red Ink Champ

"RE: Rock Star Love List: Week 2"
Posted by KCIrish on 07-21-05 at 09:29 AM
It's seems like I agree with a lot of people here!

1. JD - REALLY talented, weird the 1st time but after that great
2. Jordis - I would have her as #1 but I do think it should be a guy that wins, she'll go on to great things I really like her.
3. Marty - Everything about him is good, I'd be happy if he won too.
4. Heather - incredible! Definitely one of my favorites but not for INXS.
5. Deanna - she has grown on me even though this week wasn't great she has a really good voice.
6. Daphna - she has a good voice but there is something about her I just don't like, and she is almost too pretty. Seems like she should be a model instead...
7. Suzie - she doesn't have the confidence, her voice is good. Something about her from the beginning rubbed me the wrong way.
8. Mig - Better off in the musicals.
9. Neal - Liked him in the beginning, great performer but just doesn't sing that well.
10. Tara - Sounds like she could only be in a bar band every time.
11. Brandon - Just don't like him! Sorry.
12. Ty - Theatrical, good in musicals, definitely not for INXS
13. Jessica - the next to go for sure.