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Thread Number: 266
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"I'm back"

Posted by LaLaLisa on 11-29-05 at 03:51 PM
LAST EDITED ON 11-30-05 AT 01:31 PM (EST)

Hi there. I know, I know it's been awhile. I'm home sick today and catching up on all sorts of stuff.

I admit I've had my priorities all screwed up over the past few weeks. I've been unfaithful - I've been spending time on other message boards. Shocking, I know. And shameful. I fell victim to the siren song of the wedding-industrial complex.

I got scared straight today after reading one too many posts asking if it is impolite or wrong to use store bought thank you cards or someone wail because her save the date magnet is in periwinkle instead of pink.

I'm better now.

Also in the past few weeks I've been dealing with a sick dog. He wouldn't eat! When Sparky doesn't eat, you want to check gravity to make sure it still works. They finally had to do exploratory surgery (an intestinal blockage was suspected) to find out what was wrong.

They didn't find something simple, like a chunk of rawhide or a bone. No, not in my dog. The dog who has survived eating (among other things) mounds of chocolate, candles, an ant trap and a razor blade. No, what felled my dog was some kind of fabric that bunched his intestines into knots and required multiple incisions which later turned out to be a pair of my favorite underwear!

I'd laugh harder about it if it hadn't cost over two grand. And cost me three weeks of very little sleep - taking him out several times a night. He's almost all better now.

So, that's where I've been. Sorry for the dissapearance. I'm ready to fixate again.

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: Hey"
Posted by goldie1000 on 11-29-05 at 08:14 PM

That exact same thing happened with my dog, except mine ate a knee high nylon stocking. It had to be surgically removed and the grand total $1980.00 Canadian Dollars.
And my incident happened right before Christmas also !
So now I am very careful as to what I leave lying around the floor. You would never think the dog would be dumb enough to eat something like that but thats just what dogs do.
"The vets have named my dog garbage gut"

So your dog will be recovering, I hope Sparky is ok now.
That is quite an ordeal to go thru.
I made a post in another thread about seeing INXS live on Friday at MM in Toronto, and it was great !!!

JD is getting hotter by the day

"RE: I'm back"
Posted by weltek on 11-30-05 at 10:31 AM
Ok, sorry, I had to laugh! No more undies for Sparky!

Ok, time to go buy your INXS cd & pop the Rockstar DVD in...then join us in the fun!

"RE: I'm back"
Posted by Iam_Xtreme on 11-30-05 at 10:53 AM
It is nice to have you back LaLaLisa. I too have been very busy and not been on the boards a lot lately. Though I have only posted a little over 100 posts I do feel that I have made some new friends on this board.

It is nice to come on and chat with everyone. I got the new INXS CD and much to my surprise --- I love it!!!

I am glad to hear that you and your dog are doing better. I must admidt I laughed really hard over the underwear

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"RE: I'm back"
Posted by CattyChat on 11-30-05 at 04:08 PM
Welcome back, Lisa. Sorry about your dog, but glad that he is okay now. What is it with dogs that will eat ANYTHING? I haven't had a dog in years, because I was living in the city and I remember he would eat himself sick -- especially when he was a puppy.

I was wondering where you've been & figured the wedding planning had you bogged down. I've been spotty on the boards the last month, when I FINALLY moved into my new house last month after 4 months of painting, hardwood floors, redoing bathrooms & kitchen. I am now broke, but enjoying my house. Good thing I bought my tickets to INXS before I spent all my money on this house .

I was finishing my Christmas decorating this morning, with the T.V. on in the background and to my gleeful surprise -- INXS on The View. They sang Pretty Vegas -- sounded great. They look great & happy together. Nice chat with J.D. & the band before their performance where Ms. Obnoxious, Holier-than-thou, Ignorant Star Jones, proceeded to comment about the sad death of Michael Hutchenson. She gets on my nerves & that was icing on the cake. If you're going to open your big mouth, GET THE NAME RIGHT!!!

Anyway, I sat glued & drooling at the screen & my man J.D. & the guys performed. Can't wait for February. . .

Also, like Xtreme says, SWTICH IS GREAT!!!! Looking forward to my copy of the RockStar DVD soon, so I can reminisce.

Again, glad to hear from you Lisa. Good luck with wedding planning and poochie

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"RE: I'm back"
Posted by weltek on 11-30-05 at 04:21 PM
Star Jones has a special place on my Most Hated Celebs list.

"RE: I'm back"
Posted by Bebo on 12-01-05 at 08:51 AM
Folks, this sort of discussion should be taking place on the off-topic forum, not a show forum.
