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"MSN chat"

Posted by Loree on 09-26-05 at 02:37 PM
MSN just did a chat with JD and Garry. They said they are doing the video for "Pretty Vegas" this Friday and it should be out in about 3 weeks.

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: MSN chat"
Posted by weltek on 09-26-05 at 02:59 PM
*jumps up & down with glee*
I forgot about videos. Must be a sign I'm getting old.

"RE: MSN chat"
Posted by CattyChat on 09-26-05 at 03:04 PM
"*jumps up & down with glee*"
I'm joining you, Weltek. Yipee!!

"I forgot about videos. Must be a sign I'm getting old."
No, not that we're getting old, it's because the music channels don't play that many videos anymore.

I can't wait to see how the video turns out. Need more J.D., suffering withdrawal. . .

"RE: MSN chat"
Posted by geg6 on 09-26-05 at 03:15 PM
LAST EDITED ON 09-26-05 AT 03:15 PM (EST)

>"I forgot about videos. Must
>be a sign I'm getting
>No, not that we're getting old,
>it's because the music channels
>don't play that many videos

I know, I forgot about it, too! You can watch videos on VH1's Top Twenty/Ten Countdown. I'm willing to bet they'll be showing the new INXS video. If you have digital cable or satellite, the MTV and VH1 sister (MTV2, etc.) channels show a lot of videos. They're more like how MTV was in the beginning.

>I can't wait to see how
>the video turns out.
>Need more J.D., suffering withdrawal.

I had to watch the rerun of the finale on VH1 Saturday afternoon. It was as hot as I remembered.

I'm such a slut for the blues.

"RE: MSN chat"
Posted by CattyChat on 09-26-05 at 03:38 PM
Thanks for the VH1, MTV & MTV2 info. I don't watch them too much, so I'll have to "channel surf" occasionally & check them out.

>"I had to watch the rerun of the finale on VH1 Saturday afternoon. It was as hot as I remembered."

OMG, me too. I actually taped J.D. & INXS's appearance on Ellen (my own little video ) So, I popped that same tape in & taped strictly J.D.'s performances only from the finale & of course when he is announced the winner & falls to his knees. I could watch him for hours . . .

"Here's the chat...."
Posted by Loree on 09-26-05 at 03:17 PM
DishDiva says: Welcome to MSN Live! We are pleased to welcome Garry and JD To MSN Live!
DishDiva says: Congratulations to you both!
MSNLive_Star says: JD: I want to say hello and thank you!
MSNLive_Star says: Garry: Hello to everyone who has enjoyed the series and thanks for all the well wishers to everyone for helping us find the perfect singer for our band.
448kelly448 in Onstage_1 asks: JD, what advice has Gary given you concerning your new found fame?
MSNLive_Star says: JD: hi Kelly. To be grateful for the experience. There are tools I can carry on in my musical journey, career.
MSNLive_Star says: Garry: I keep kidding him with quotes from "Karate Kid 2."
WBS-Karen in Onstage_1 asks: Which area of musicianship do you enjoy most--live performance, songwriting, rehearsal process, studio recording, MSN chats, etc.?
MSNLive_Star says: Garry: MSN Chats are down the loist because making music is what we are about.
MSNLive_Star says: Live performance is what we are about. It is immediate and only for the moment.
MSNLive_Star says: JD: Me too. There is something unique and hearing people sing back. It is definitely the moment.
RDMissFortune2 in Onstage_1 asks: JD - you looked a tad bit nervous on Ellen - were you?
MSNLive_Star says: JD: Yes, I was a bit nervous. It is more of an excited nervous. I thought every tiem I looked behind me I thought Oh my God. It's INXS and that mad me really happy.
milajoy123 in Onstage_1 asks: Jd: Congrats! Has it hit you yet, that you've had your dream come true?
MSNLive_Star says: JD: No, I haven't really thought about it. I am still reeeling from teh finale show. If anything teh band welcomed me with open arms. Now I get to be part of this great rock band and movingf orward.
danigirlfab5 in Onstage_1 asks: How long do you think the tour will last?
MSNLive_Star says: Garry: Well, we are in the early stages of planning and we will tour for as long as it takes to get to all the fans. We are finalizing teh first lega nd we will keep going until we reach everyone we need to reach.
MSNLive_Star says: Garry: I have a feeling we will be doing a lot of touring in Canada.
DishDiva says: You can submit questions for both JD and Garry.
Cindy_aka_Lizzie in Onstage_1 asks: I think you picked the right person! Congrats, J.D.!! What was the deciding factor that tipped the scales in J.D.'s favor?
MSNLive_Star says: Garry: At the end of the day there were only two people who discovered the inner power they had. JD and Marty. The real swing was getting onstage with them and with JD it really like a band.
XSFortune in Onstage_1 asks: Congrats! You guys rock. JD, I was lucky to acquire a piece of your "money" did you write the sayings on them yourself?
MSNLive_Star says: JD: On my personal bills I write "You are not a slave." Most of that money was written on by the art dept. They snuck in some of their own sayings.
MSNLive_Star says: JD: if you ever find a real bill with that saying in Sharpie marker i is probably one of mine.
Winston-dog1 in Onstage_1 asks: have you started recording in the studio? How has that been?
MSNLive_Star says: Garry: We are in the studio as we speak. We did get to do much preliminary until we had our singer.
vampdruidess in Onstage_1 asks: JD...where you shocked to be picked?
MSNLive_Star says: JD: Of course I was shocked. For a split second I though I was being sent home. I thought I would have to knock on their tour bus as it was pulling away. I was in shock to put it mildly.
ReginaLouMe in Onstage_1 asks: When will the first new video be out?
MSNLive_Star says: Garry: We are going to film our first new video this week, this Friday. It will be released in about three weeks.
JennyD27 in Onstage_1 asks: Garry - You guys seem so sweet with JD, fatherly, brotherly, encouraging, are we really seeing the relationship as it is?
MSNLive_Star says: Garry: Of course, you are, This is about music.
MSNLive_Star says: JD: There is no BS. People can see through BS. INXS is a genuine band.
INXSFANPAM in Onstage_1 asks: Garry, at the end of the show something was said to Marty about being ya'lls opening act for the tour. Is he going to do that?
MSNLive_Star says: Garry: We talked with Marty and is family and he is very excited about it. We are definitely trying to work that out. We found some amazing talent on the show. It will be great to have him there with us.
christae4 in Onstage_1 asks: Are you going to do a music video for Pretty Vegas?
MSNLive_Star says: JD: Yes.
MSNLive_Star says: JD: Ironically the title of the video is gointg to be called "Pretty Vegas" as well too.
x_darrah in Onstage_1 asks: JD, I cried because I was so happy for you! Did your family attend the finale?
MSNLive_Star says: JD: Yeah, my momd, dad, stepmother and cousins were there. My mom and dad haven't been in the same room for a long time and it was great.,
Thank you! Our guest has received your question and will make every effort to answer it. However, due to the large number of questions submitted, not all questions can be answered.
MSNLive_Star says: Garry: We had his family in the green room and it was pretty amazing.
MSNLive_Star says: JD: I couldn'
MSNLive_Star says: t look at my mom or I would have started crying.
gardeninbloom in Onstage_1 asks: JD and Garry are you aware how many fans are excited right now about the band and the tour?
MSNLive_Star says: Garry: I guess it is dawning on us that the singel si doing so well in the states and Canada.,
MSNLive_Star says: Garry: We were so busy making teh show and preparing teh album we weren't paying attention to how popular the show was.
MSNLive_Star says: JD: And how important the fans are.
MSNLive_Star says: JD: It is funny on Nov. 29 when the record comes out we will be making an even deeper connection.
448kelly448 in Onstage_1 asks: JD you have all of these great sayings that everyone is quoting now - where do you come up with this stuff? We love it!
MSNLive_Star says: JD: I have a very small brain. I grew up in a family that had humor. When things are tight and tough and you can laugh, it is good free medecine. If you can make somebody laugh it is all the better. I just li to see people smile. That is all.
BMoreMD72 in Onstage_1 asks: JD - do you or have you spoken to any of the rockers that got eliminated?
MSNLive_Star says: JD: I have been trying to.
MSNLive_Star says: JD: I spoke with Ty and Marty. To be honest with you we ahve been so incredibly busy to finish this record on time.
MSNLive_Star says: JD: Everyine needs a good month to unwind. I wake up in the morning in a cold sweat thinking there is a camera around me. I will probably be in contact with them in about a month.
macykitty in Onstage_1 asks: Will you ever reveal what your infamous numbers mean?
MSNLive_Star says: JD: (laughs) No I am going to keep that one to myself. It is a lucky number and I'll leave it at that. Write down 448 and you will be amazed at how many times you see it in a day.
inxs4life in Onstage_1 asks: JD - will you move to Australia at any point?
MSNLive_Star says: JD: I am homeless right now. We are a band. If they go to Australia, I will go too.
MSNLive_Star says: JD: If they decide to move anywhere that is fine by me.
04guntrum in Onstage_1 asks: GB and JD ~ You were awesome on Ellen and Late Late Show. Will there be more TV appearances? Maybe SNL?
MSNLive_Star says: JD: there might be. We are on a need to know basis at the moment. We may be doing some stuff in October.
MSNLive_Star says: Garry: We really have to get our album done. We are focusing on getting our album out.
MSNLive_Star says: JD: The only place success comes before work is in the dictionary.
jordgabe8 in Onstage_1 asks: Do you have a name for your new album?
MSNLive_Star says: Garry: I am not sure it is official yet but the working title is "Switch."
LuVlyJD in Onstage_1 asks: Garry: Will you be re-recording any of the back catalog with JD!?
MSNLive_Star says: Garry: We will discuss it even for the fun of it. We will a new record out to the masses and anything else is an added bonus.
MSNLive_Star says: JD: Whatever happens to be, tour dates, you will hear everything.
MSNLive_Star says: Garry: An obvious way to do it is with a live recording.
Rockstar_Rabbit in Onstage_1 asks: First of all, congratulations to JD and INXS !!! Can't wait till Nov. 29, guys....how many tracks will u record on this album?
MSNLive_Star says: Garry: There will be twelve songs on the album. We will probbaly record more than that. Maybe 15 or 17.
MSNLive_Star says: JD: There might be some hidden tracks on there.
JennyD27 in Onstage_1 asks: Congratulations JD, I am a huge supporter and fan (just ask my husband). How will you keep true to yourself during this whirlwind of fame & fortune??
MSNLive_Star says: JD: Well, I have five brothers who will make sure I take care of myself. They have my back. I would do anything for these guys. That is what makes things easy when you know you have a friend.
duran2inxs in Onstage_1 asks: will the Virgin store appearance be performance or will it include a signing of some sort too?
MSNLive_Star says: Garry: probably a bit of both.
kiki072801 in Onstage_1 asks: JD - were you ever worried that the drama that sometimes played out in the mansion would keep you from winning?
MSNLive_Star says: JD: Only every secoind I was involved in that.
MSNLive_Star says: JD: I think that it was very hard to do that. What made it hard makes it great. I am here on the other side and a well rounded person becauseof that whole experience,
--Ingy-- in Onstage_1 asks: How much influence does producer Guy Chambers have on the INXS sound on the new album?
MSNLive_Star says: Garry: Pretty major. He has come along through songwriting with Andrew. He has so much musical knowledge.
MSNLive_Star says: Garry: We had to think on our feet. Guy is a master on staying on top of all the musical changes.
Angela_448 in Onstage_1 asks: JD & Gary - Aside from the INXS song, what was your favorite cover of JD's (to perform & hear.)
MSNLive_Star says: Garry: I would have to say "Money." That was areal musical experience for JD to go through.
MSNLive_Star says: JD: I learned the most from that song. It is brilliant. That mde me hear everything that is going on. That is happening now in the studio. I am hearing everything that is going on. It is incredible.
DishDiva says: Best moment so far?
MSNLive_Star says: JD: For me, coming into the studio the first day. It was just the band. The first day walking in because that is what I came in to do. It was the very first day on the job.
MSNLive_Star says: Garry: I guess for me even though we knew a worldwide serach was the best way to find teh right singer. Against all odds, we found the right singer for our band. When we played live it became apparent we found him.
MSNLive_Star says: Garry: That was what made it all exciting for me.
DishDiva says: JD, Garry, thanks for joining the fans here today on MSN Live!
MSNLive_Star says: Garry: Thanks so much for hanging in there and trusting us to do a tv show to find the right singer. We look forward to seeing you all.
The chat's topic has changed to: Pink Floyd co-founder Roger Waters Monday, Sept. 26 at 4pmPT, 5pmMTN, 6pmCT, 7pmET Official site http://www.roger-waters.com/
MSNLive_Star says: JD: Thank you to everyone that voted and watched the show to the INXS fans and I would like to say how grateful I am. I feel like we have a big family that is 30 million people across the world.
MSNLive_Star says: JD: I am working on Christmas cards right now for everyone. That will take about five years. (*laughs)
DishDiva says: Thanks to Garry an JD for joining us for this final Rock Star INXS chat event.
DishDiva says: We were inundated with questions so if we didn't get to yours, we're sorry!!

"RE: Here's the chat...."
Posted by CattyChat on 09-26-05 at 03:46 PM
Thanks for posting the chat, Loree. I was at the gym & lost track of time & missed it. Reading it gets me all teary eyed. It's a beautiful thing.

"RE: Here's the chat...."
Posted by Loree on 09-26-05 at 04:05 PM
I love all JD's quotes and JDisms. They just seem to come out of his mouth so naturally. No wonder he can write songs so easily.

"RE: Here's the chat...."
Posted by LaLaLisa on 09-26-05 at 04:13 PM
Yeah, he's a natural. I remember reading one his last few blogs and he's talking about the beautiful sunset and how he wished he could write! As if!

Oh wait, here it is:

September 20th
I’m sitting here after a long long day. The sunset is perfect. You know when it almost looks like someone painted it? I wish I was a better writer, I would be able to tell you why it almost makes me weep.