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"Video interview with JD and Kirk"

Posted by Loree on 09-21-05 at 05:40 PM
Here is a link to a video interview with JD and Kirk. It is sweet that JD is still calling INXS "them" and Kirk reminds him you are one of us now. Then Kirk goes to explain when he realized JD was the one was during the song writing clinic.


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"RE: Video interview with JD and Kirk"
Posted by CattyChat on 09-21-05 at 06:45 PM
Another great link, Loree. THANKS! Enjoyed the video, especially Kirk reminding J.D. he is one of them now & how they recognized J.D. had a clue during the collaboration clinic. I knew his standing by his creative integrity & not wanting to churn out fluff & sticking by his "I am here to make J.D. known to INXS" by writing good songs was going to be a good thing rather than bad.

"Sticking to your musical guns"
Posted by LaLaLisa on 09-22-05 at 09:05 AM
I'm just piling on here, but I can't help it!!!

He took so much effing heat for that and that was the beginning of the end for everyone else!!!!!!

Maybe all those people who were so upset at the big, bad, dangerous oh what a callous meanie JD was should go watch American Idol. Sheesh! It was more on other boards than this one, but people were SO ridiculous!

"RE: Video interview with JD and Kirk"
Posted by Loree on 09-21-05 at 06:47 PM
I watched ET Canada and it was hilarious. They had JD and Tim sitting together and they showed them a clip of MiG in an interview. MiG was complaining about JD behind his back and talking about him being a bad boy. They asked JD if it was all sour grapes how some of the rockers feel about him. JD still said MiG was a nice guy, blah blah blah. Then Tim said the reason they picked JD was because MiG called him a bad boy. They wanted a bad boy. It was funny. But Tim agreed that it was the song writing clinic when they realized JD was the one. Tim and JD looked really tired and they were punching each other in the arm like little boys and giggling.

"RE: Video interview with JD and Kirk"
Posted by photokitty on 09-21-05 at 07:01 PM
Aaaahhh, the early bloom of love...I wonder how long the honeymoon will last?

So, JD is 31, right? The other band members must be 45-50. That's a 15-20 year age difference. At first, I thought those guys were old enough to be his father, but rather than fatherly attitudes toward him, perhaps the feeling will be more like older brothers. Or, a combination of the two.

"RE: Video interview with JD and Kirk"
Posted by CattyChat on 09-21-05 at 07:19 PM
Actually, J.D. just turned 32. I'm not concerned of the age gap because, number one, men never grow up, just get older & number two, J.D. is going to reivigorate them & make them feel young again.

I, for one, really believe this is the start of a serious comeback. Can't wait for J.D. to add his lyrics to more of Andrew's music. . . J.D. has some extra inspiration now

"May September Musical Romance"
Posted by LaLaLisa on 09-22-05 at 08:55 AM
I heard a great interview Bob Edwards did with a musician who started REAL young and met & worked with Bob Dylan in the studio for the first time as a teenager. He was alwayw with guys waaaaaaaay older. Anyway, he said it didn't make a difference because he didn't act like a kid and they were all talking music, and music has no age.

It reminds me of what Dave has said about the rawkers - as time went on, there was less mentoring - they were all musicians. I think that's why he keeps offering to play on their albums - there's this real fraternity.

So, while I won't make any comments about shoe size - age doesn't matter.

"RE: Stages Of Life"
Posted by photokitty on 09-22-05 at 02:03 PM
Yeah, OK, I get that age doesn't matter in the studio or on stage. I guess I was thinking about the difference in their life stages and experience levels. Aren't all the original members married, with kids? They're past the party all night with groupies stage, you know? I know JD is just turned 32, but he seems younger than that to me. Being new to the whole Rockstar experience, you KNOW he's going to be at least drinking alot, enjoying his sudden influx of cash & attention from...everybody. Let's hope his new brothers keep him on a short leash so he doesn't self destruct.

"RE: Stages Of Life"
Posted by LaLaLisa on 09-22-05 at 03:53 PM
"Let's hope his new brothers keep him on a short leash so he doesn't self destruct."

Yeah, I remember reading where he had problems with alcohol (& drugs?) before. Might've been in his blog.

They may be exactly what he needs - sudden fame or even slow gaining fame has been the ruin of many a person. Having 5 "older brothers" to watch over him (especially after losing a MH to the dark side) may save his life.

And one of them, Garry maybe, has a fiancee. Maybe they all have their mid-life crises with him.

"RE: Stages Of Life"
Posted by photokitty on 09-23-05 at 02:08 PM
>they all have their mid-life
>crises with him.

Yikes, I hadn't thought of that, until now. Instead of they being a good influence on JD, maybe JD will be a bad influence on them!

"RE: Video interview with JD and Kirk"
Posted by Loree on 09-22-05 at 02:40 PM
I read an interview with Kirk where he admitted he didn't like JD at first. But then he got to know him and turned around. Now they are referring to JD as their bright new shiny bumper.

"RE: Video interview with JD and Kirk"
Posted by photokitty on 09-22-05 at 03:18 PM
Ummm, they do mean the auto part, right?

"RE: Video interview with JD and Kirk"
Posted by weltek on 09-22-05 at 03:28 PM
*snort* Funny, I was thinking the same thing!

"RE: Video interview with JD and Kirk"
Posted by KimD on 09-22-05 at 05:17 PM
Oh man - LOVED that interview! It gave me goosebumps all over again... it's so awesome to see "true love" in the making!

Hopefully this will send the message to a lot of people that trying to be or do what you think other people want just doesn't work.

Not sure what it says about me, but I could watch hours and hours of JD and the rest of INXS interacting...even if they're not singing. Watching them just gives me the biggest warm and fuzzy feeling...

Finally, a truly happy ending...


"RE: Video interview with JD and Kirk"
Posted by Loree on 09-23-05 at 04:54 PM
I watched an interview that Kirk, Tim and JD did with an Aussie TV station. The interviewer gave JD a tie that was for some Sydney sports team and asked him if he knew what it was. Tim said "It has nothing to do with sex JD". And at one point the interviewer mentions Michael leaving some big shoes to fill. And Kirk points at JD's feet and says "Have you seen the size of his feet?" To which JD elbows Kirk in the side. It was a cute interview.

"RE: Video interview with JD and Kirk"
Posted by CattyChat on 09-23-05 at 05:28 PM
Awww, the blossoming of a great relationship. I wish they would air interviews on U.S. stations.

"RE: Video interview with JD and Kirk"
Posted by LaLaLisa on 09-23-05 at 06:53 PM
Me, too!

Thank goodness we have Loree around to give us the scoop.

You notice how she never divulges her sources? I'm thinking she's a pro. I mean Australian tv? What cable system gets that?

"RE: Video interview with JD and Kirk"
Posted by Loree on 09-24-05 at 03:24 PM
I got it off a download from an Aussie fan. She had it from an Aussie show called the Today show. It was done in LA by an Aussie reporter. They were welcoming JD to Sydney. And Tim was all excited and telling them that "Pretty Vegas" was already the #1 download in Canada. JD was telling how he was sure that Tim was getting ready to tell him he wasn't right for the band and he said he could feel himself falling forward. Tim got a great kick out of how he had JD fooled.