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"Marty after JD won"

Posted by photokitty on 09-21-05 at 03:09 AM
After the announcement & his goodbye speech, he came over to The Rawkers, where they all engulfed him in hugs. Someone approached him for an autograph, and he said "After the show, ok?" and he continued talking to the others. He sure seemed fine with things.

Later on, I looked over and saw he was on the floor, a few feet away, signing autographs & talking to people. I chose my moment, and went over to him and said, "I was voting for you the whole time, man..." Maybe I looked a little bereft...he gave me a sincere "THANK you so much" and gave me a hug. (!!!) He said he was "proud of JD," then he said, "Good things, good things..." then I asked him if Lovehammers was releasing Trees (yes.)

So, as I stood there talking to Marty, looking up into his eyes, with his arm around me, in my hair, and my hand on his tricep, well, My Darlings, I just want to say, "Oh yeah. Marty is sexy."

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"RE: Marty after JD won"
Posted by trigirl on 09-21-05 at 07:26 AM
I was so impressed! He seemed genuinely happy for JD. Although I am a JD fan, not sure if JD would have been so pleased had things not turned out the way they had.

Good on ya, Marty!

Posted by Glow on 09-21-05 at 07:33 AM
<--- jealous

"RE: eeep"
Posted by Moother on 09-21-05 at 08:28 AM
I think Marty is a very capable guy and knows it. He is going to be successful no matter what.
My impression was that with Marty he would like to win because of a competitive nature but he wasn't going to freak out if he lost. With J.D. he seemed so wrapped up in in "Being INXs" that if he lost he would have been devastated.
All things happen for a reaon.

By the way PhotoKitty....YOU LUCKY GIRL!

"RE: eeep"
Posted by LaLaLisa on 09-21-05 at 09:04 AM
Yeah, my honey just saw the last 10 minutes of the show - he has only watched the episodes I've foisted on him, so he knows a little, but is not invested in it. Anyway, he said he was very happy for JD, you could see how much it meant to him.

I know there has been some conversation back and forth about whether or not it's important who wants it more. As INXS, I can see in a close race, how it would be hard to turn someone down that wants to live and die with you. I know everyone is expecting this to go one album and out, but it's a nice idea that it could really be something more.

"RE: Marty after JD won"
Posted by dragonflies on 09-21-05 at 09:08 AM

"RE: Marty after JD won"
Posted by jkokoj on 09-21-05 at 09:12 AM
Awesome Photo...thanks so much for sharing all of this. Sounds like it was a wonderful time!

my syren special!

"JD after JD won"
Posted by LaLaLisa on 09-21-05 at 09:21 AM
Yes, Marty was a complete class act! So was MiG - that had to hurt especially because he thought it was down to him & Marty. Anyway, great to see they were both so gracious.

I just have to say how unbelievably cute and endearing JD was after he won. The way he hit the stage and stayed curled up like a turtle - like he just was flooded with emotion and overwhelmed...I really felt for him.

And it was great the way Tim whipped off his shades to tell JD "yes."

And I also loved the way they all thanked everyone for the opportunity but also how they've grown as a person. I was so happy with all the people involved tonight (except the former rawkers) but disappointed with the show. Yeah, they definitely need a miniconcert.

Someone said they will be on CBS late night show on Friday.

"RE: JD after JD won"
Posted by dragonflies on 09-21-05 at 10:30 AM
Yes, according to SeeBS website, they will be on Late Late Night with Craig Ferguson.

eek! A scary sig by Bob (with a MONSTER!)

"RE: JD after JD won"
Posted by photokitty on 09-21-05 at 01:58 PM

>And it was great the way
>Tim whipped off his shades
>to tell JD "yes."

You just made me realize what INXS did all that time they were backstage, "deliberating." They must have been deciding what to say and how to say it! With shades, take off the shades, should Tim say it, should everyone say it...

"RE: Marty after JD won"
Posted by queenbee on 09-21-05 at 09:57 AM
Wow, PhotoKitty. I'm jealous too. And I don't know why people are saying Marty isn't sexy. He certainly does it for me!

But, I like to keep my fantasies as realistic as possible, so tell me this...HOW TALL IS HE?? He looks tall, but usually everyone is smaller than they seem on TV. Tall is good.

So does anyone know?

Anyone??? Anyone??? PhotoKitty????

"RE: Marty after JD won"
Posted by Bravegirl on 09-21-05 at 10:02 AM
Photokitty, you are one lucky chick! I'm so glad to hear that Marty was ok after the decision. I truly believe that he is better off on his own. JD is definitely the better fit. I felt so sorry for Mig though. He was so gracious. He is really very sweet. Did he seem ok also??????

"RE: Marty after JD won"
Posted by photokitty on 09-21-05 at 01:47 PM
MiG seemed more sad or subdued than Marty, but still ok.

"RE: Marty after JD won"
Posted by LaLaLisa on 09-21-05 at 10:39 AM
I thought Marty looked really handsome last night - I'm a sucker for blue eyes.

Speaking of height - I noticed in the pool shots and other shots, Marty looked the tallest of the three (MiG being the shortest.) But last night, Marty & JD looked the same height or maybe JD was even a little taller.

I just went looking for other pics and one on the web with the last 4 has JD being obviously taller.

Do these guys wear lifts? Cowboy boots?

"RE: Marty after JD won"
Posted by Loree on 09-21-05 at 12:14 PM
I have no idea how tall Marty is. But it has been reported that JD is 6'2" and wears a size 13 shoe. That shoe size is always mentioned. Huh, I wonder why?

"RE: Marty after JD won"
Posted by cheesybread on 09-21-05 at 12:43 PM
>I have no idea how tall
>Marty is. But it
>has been reported that JD
>is 6'2" and wears a
>size 13 shoe. That
>shoe size is always mentioned.
> Huh, I wonder why?

That's funny! Last night I finally figured out what looked strange about his one-foot-forward-toe-up-back-on-the-other stance. It's that he has huge feet! I mentioned it to my wife, who gave the obligatory shrug. I think when he wears boots it made his feet look even bigger.

As a hetro male I can't comment on any significance of his shoe size, however.

"RE: Marty after JD won"
Posted by photokitty on 09-21-05 at 01:45 PM
I estimate Marty is around 5'10" or so.
I didn't notice his shoes, either for heel height or size!

I mentioned before, MiG is an itty bitty thing, very small boned, maybe 5'3" or so.

I was busy getting out of JD's way & don't have an estimate, but I believe the report that he's 6'2" though that may be in 2" heels!

"RE: Marty after JD won"
Posted by Iam_Xtreme on 09-21-05 at 10:58 AM
Congrats to JD and all of his fans! I am a huge Marty fan and I know he will do just fine on his own. It does not surprise me that Marty acted with class after the winner was announced because IMO he has acted with class throughout the entire show.

I think Marty is going to go far and end up being very big! I know I will miss seeing and hearing him perform every Tuesday. I agree (though it took me weeks to get to this point) that JD was better suited to front INXS.

I wish them all the best of luck in their future endeavors.

Signature Created By: tribephyl

"RE: Marty after JD won"
Posted by photokitty on 09-21-05 at 02:12 PM
Yeah, I agree.
It seems that the best possible outcome occurred.
JD's voice tone is best suited for the INXS back catalog, Marty gets to move forward and not have to fight to be himself, Lovehammers opening on the INXS world tour (though Tim did say "We want to talk to you some more about possibly opening.") Also, did he say "for some dates" or did he say "on the world tour" meaning all of it? I forget.

"RE: Marty after JD won"
Posted by riverrocker on 09-21-05 at 01:33 PM
Oh WOW! That is fantastic! And even though I'm old enough to be Marty's mom, I would have been right there too!

Now, aren't you glad, Photokitty, that you listened to all of us and WENT to the show???

"RE: Marty after JD won"
Posted by photokitty on 09-21-05 at 01:51 PM
You betcha!

"RE: Marty after JD won"
Posted by Tahj on 09-21-05 at 02:09 PM
Wow! That's great! Too bad you weren't able to get a photo with him.

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