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Posted by angus99 on 09-21-05 at 01:54 AM
I will never buy another INXS CD again. Give me a break - JD over Marty. Marty's performance tonight was by far the best. JD should have never won.


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"RE: Finale"
Posted by brainerd on 09-21-05 at 02:04 AM
Marty is an awesome singer and deserved to be there in the final 2.
But... JD was a better fit for their band.
Marty is too introverted to front INxS. The image doesn't fit. If Nirvana ever had a competition like this... it would be Marty's gig.
However, tonite, the right person won.

Does anyone have the concert tour schedule?

Mig.... haaaa. so much for the conspiracy. The guy that wrote it was just a sore loser.

"Tour Schedule"
Posted by LaLaLisa on 09-21-05 at 09:11 AM
"Does anyone have the concert tour schedule?"

It hasn't been released, yet. But if you go to their web site




Okay, calming down....if you go there, you can sign up for their newsletter and get advance notice of the tour schedule. The only thing they say now is that it starts Jan 06.

Anyone on the east coast want to join CattyChat and me for a concert?

"RE: Finale"
Posted by SherpaDave on 09-21-05 at 02:24 AM
Perfect. Fit.

"RE: Finale"
Posted by geg6 on 09-21-05 at 08:41 AM
Succinct and to the point.

What Sherps said.

I'm such a slut for the blues.

"RE: Finale"
Posted by Moother on 09-21-05 at 08:55 AM
>I will never buy another INXS
>CD again. Give me
>a break - JD over
>Marty. Marty's performance tonight
>was by far the best.
> JD should have never

I agree...Marty was my man but J.D. will do alright.

"RE: Finale"
Posted by Flamingo12a on 09-21-05 at 12:24 PM
>>I will never buy another INXS
>>CD again. Give me
>>a break - JD over
>>Marty. Marty's performance tonight
>>was by far the best.
>> JD should have never

I made this same statement a while back. But, I do have to say, while Marty was really good last night, JD nailed it, and I'm happy he won. Marty does not interact with the audience, or with the band, JD does, he is charasmatic, and a very good singer. Marty is fabulous, but for me, isnt suited to front this kind of band, as a solo, he will go VERY far.

"RE: Finale"
Posted by jkokoj on 09-21-05 at 09:14 AM
I was rooting for Mig...there was something about him that I just really loved.

However, JD is the fit for this band. He will do well and was sincere in winning.

my syren special!

"RE: Finale"
Posted by NanIndy on 09-21-05 at 09:19 AM
I am very happy JD won, he is the perfect fit for the new singer of INXS~! Yea Marty has his own unique style and will go far, but just not right as their front man. JD will bring in the crowds.
I know I will go see them, hopefully they will stop in Indianapolis! Anyone else in Indy area?? I can't wait. Wonder what band will be next to showcase? It's been a fun summer!! Way to go JD!!

"RE: Finale"
Posted by weltek on 09-21-05 at 09:23 AM
What was up with Mig last night? His hair was horrible, skin was pasty and he looked bloated. I think Suzie did Bohemian Rhapsody better. Never thought I'd say that.

Marty was so gracious. I'm not convinced he really wanted to win. I think he's quite happy with his experience and is quite happy to go back to making his own kind of music.

I hope INXS gets back in the swing of things. They looked a little flat on stage.

When the new INXS performed Easy, Easy, the volume went weird on my tv...did it on everyone else's? Sounded muffled. And how obvious was it Brooke was in front of a green screen? I expected a little more from MB.

I was a bit disappointed in the finale. It seemed a bit rushed and chaotic. I was extremely happy with JD winning, though. And it was so cute when he heard them announce it.

"RE: Finale"
Posted by Bravegirl on 09-21-05 at 09:57 AM
"JD was a better fit for their band.
Marty is too introverted to front INxS"

While I agree that JD is a better fit for INXS, the LAST word I would use to describe Marty is 'introverted'!??????

I'm on the east coast and up for an INXS concert, as long as Marty is the opening act. I wonder who he'll perform with??? The Lovehammers or the house band??????

"RE: Finale"
Posted by skye on 09-21-05 at 11:40 AM
Please. Marty's version of "Don't Change" was unrecognizable. That's what lost it for him.

"I don't think witchcraft is a religion." George W. Bush

"RE: Finale"
Posted by triednottowatch on 09-21-05 at 12:07 PM
I don't believe that is what lost it for him. INXS has known for AT LEAST a week who they were going to pick. There is no way they made the decision during the course of the show. At that point it was all window dressing and entertainment, leading up to the shows climax.

"RE: Finale"
Posted by Shypappy on 09-21-05 at 11:52 AM
Out of the final 3, I thought JD was the only one that would work!

Marty did a great job of Don't Change, but that song seems to suit him. I doubt that he'd sound as good doing other INXS tunes!

"RE: Finale"
Posted by PhoenixMons on 09-21-05 at 12:44 PM
Well, I loathe JD (as a singer) and was a pretty big INXS fan growing up. While I, too, much preferred Marty, I have to say that JD is musically and stylistically a better fit for INXS. That doesn't mean I like JD (I think his voice is horrid and he comes off far too contrived and choreographed for me - but I'm not a 'rock' fan so what do I know?) but I understand their choice (and expected it). I don't know how much I'll be listening to new INXS stuff (I liked their new song Easy Easy well enough) with JD as frontman, but I think they probably made the right decision. JD did do some great arrangements (about the ONLY thing I liked about him throughout the show) and that couldn't have hurt his chances.

I wish them luck with JD...I don't think they'll have much of a comeback, but we'll just have to see.

Got blog?

"RE: Finale"
Posted by angelworth29 on 09-21-05 at 01:09 PM

What Phoenix said.

"RE: Finale"
Posted by geg6 on 09-21-05 at 01:16 PM
As a huge rock fan (don't listen to much else except the blues) and a giant INXS fan, JD was the only choice for the band. I like Marty quite a bit, but he was not suited to the band's back catalog or for where they seem to want to head for the future. "Pretty Vegas" could be on the INXS Greatest Hits CD for how well it fits into their lyrical style.

I said it consistently from the second concert show: JD is the only one with the charisma, musical style, vocals, and erotic physicality to make me NOT yearn for Michael Hutchence when INXS plays. I think that most of the band knew weeks ago (pretty much since the songwriting clinic and the photo shoot)that they wanted JD. The interview and the collaboration session only cemented that impression for me. The standing O he got on last night's show from band members sealed the deal. I popped open the celebratory wine right after "You Can't Always Get What You Want." No doubt at that point.

As for how big their comeback will be, I can only gauge that from what I see. And everyone I know who has been watching the show (from old INXS fans like me to new fans) are crazy about "Pretty Vegas" and JD. I will definitely be buying the new CD and, if they stop in Pittsburgh, I'll be there with a crowd of like-minded friends.

I'm such a slut for the blues.

"RE: Finale"
Posted by CattyChat on 09-21-05 at 03:33 PM
Ditto La Geg.

"RE: Finale"
Posted by angelworth29 on 09-21-05 at 01:31 PM
I just had to stop by and say that I'm listening to an old INXS song on the radio right now, and JD does not have the chops to pull this stuff off. He sucks. That's all I have time for right now. I'll talk about how much I hate him later.

"RE: Finale"
Posted by weltek on 09-21-05 at 02:08 PM
Funny, we listen to our old INXS cds often now and think JD does have the voice to pull it off.

Be reminded, he never had any formal vocal training & I'm sure INXS will have him working with a vocal coach to improve his range.

"RE: Finale"
Posted by bystander on 09-21-05 at 03:53 PM
I have to agree here, I think he was the best match for INXS. I can't imagine Marty singing some of INXS' songs.

He may have to Yell them into the microphone.

"RE: Finale"
Posted by toddE on 09-21-05 at 02:05 PM
Don't feel bad, angus. Hardly anyone will ever buy another INXS CD. But that would have been the case if Marty had won, too.

I actually quit watching this show 3 weeks ago, and came here to see who won. Now that I see, I am extra super glad I quit watching.

And don't worry about Marty (or, say, my fave Jordis) because, as many have said, "losing" on this show is probably a blessing in disguise, especially for those who "lost" after receiving decent exposure.

Now, everyone who thinks they will ever hear, even one single time, any INXS songs recorded with JD on the radio: Please raise your hand:

I don't see any hands;)

"RE: Finale"
Posted by weltek on 09-21-05 at 02:11 PM
whatevah. To each their own. I heard a ton of people call into a hard rock radio show quite excited that JD won. I think if they market the band better than this show was marketed, they'll enjoy more success. As much as before? Probably not, but they'll be fine.

"RE: Finale"
Posted by Tahj on 09-21-05 at 02:26 PM
I'll be interested to see how the band does from here on out. It was pretty smart of them to choose a new singer the way they did. It gave them new exposure to a younger audience and built up a ready-made fan base for JD, so that when they go on tour, at least the JD fans will be there.

Even though he seemed to be the best choice, I still think there will be problems because of JD's ego. That there are going to be adjustment problems on both sides is a given. Once the thrill wears off for JD and he starts trying to assert himself is when the real problems will begin.

Moves courtesy of Syren

"RE: Finale"
Posted by goldie1000 on 09-21-05 at 10:03 PM

I still
>think there will be problems
>because of JD's ego.

Trust me, he will fit right in !

Way to go JD - You made Canada proud last night bud !

"RE: Finale"
Posted by Loree on 09-22-05 at 01:30 AM
Dave Navarro said he thought JD had the perfect mix of vulnerability and ego to be a great frontman.

"RE: Finale"
Posted by geg6 on 09-21-05 at 02:27 PM
I don't understand all this complete disdain for JD and INXS, do you?

I wasn't pulling for Marty, MiG, or Jordis to win, but I certainly don't feel the need to put them down and call them losers. Much less the band, who I have loved for years.

Although I was a JD fan from the start, I totally appreciate the talents of the others from the final five. I think all of them will have amazing careers. But I also think that INXS and JD are also going to be a huge success. "Pretty Vegas" is already doing well, the ratings of the show went up and up and up after a slow start, and the press (including the most mainstream publication of them all--The New York Times) is giving the show and the band's choice universal praise.

I'm such a slut for the blues.

"RE: Finale"
Posted by CattyChat on 09-21-05 at 03:40 PM
Again, what Geg said. J.D. was it for me, but I really enjoyed many of the other contestants and the different stuff they brought to the table. With Marty, his style is one of my least favorites, but for the last few weeks I have really admired that he does what he does really well. It's not my bag, but he is terrific nonetheless.

Also, I already have Pretty Vegas (both peformances downloaded) I WILL be buying the next INXS CD to add with the 3 others I have, I WILL be going to their concert & I KNOW I will enjoy it as much this time around as I did 20-or-so years ago & I know I'm not the only one.

"RE: Finale"
Posted by bystander on 09-21-05 at 03:59 PM
I will enjoy it as much this time around as I did 20-or-so years ago

Cool, you also listened to INXS in kindergarden. I thought I was the only one.

"RE: Finale"
Posted by CattyChat on 09-21-05 at 04:35 PM
OMG, I just realized how old my math gaffe just made me. I meant to say, I will enjoy the INXS concert as much as I did -- let's see, was it '88 or '89? I guess that's about 15-16 years ago & unfortunately I was 18-19. Lucky for me, I am a 35-y-o woman who looks & feels like she is still in her mid-20s. Can't believe it was so long ago. . . 35 is the new 25 .

"RE: Finale"
Posted by photokitty on 09-21-05 at 07:53 PM

>35 is
>the new 25

Yeah, baby! And 45 is the new 35.

"RE: Finale"
Posted by byoffer on 09-21-05 at 04:55 PM
I raise my hand, even if the INXS song is just Pretty Vegas. I think that song is some excellent rock, and a catchy tune.

That's the thing with INXS, they write catchy music, which is radio-friendly. The industry has changed, and its all about the band's publicist getting the image out. INXS will get a lot of air time because of this show, and air time will beget more air time, and they will rise on the charts.

"RE: Finale"
Posted by Tahj on 09-21-05 at 02:17 PM
It was pretty obvious to me who was going to win. Even if you thought Marty's performance was better, which I did not, I could tell from the way the two performers interacted with the band when they performed with them. Marty didn't interact at all from what I could tell and JD was clearly all about relating to them during the song. He's definitely a better fit than Marty.

Moves courtesy of Syren

"RE: Finale"
Posted by jpl68 on 09-21-05 at 02:39 PM
Two things I thought about along the way, although not enough to ride the emotional roller coaster of thinking Mig or Marty might win during the last two days. When Marty sang "Trees" and smashed his guitar, I couldn't help but think that was his way of saying, I really don't want this gig. Some may disagree, but even in Trees Marty brings out the scream here and there. I think he would have liked to win, as would have any of us competing in a competition, however, I think he also was like, I'm not going to change, and if I don't win becaues of that I'll be O.K. (which of course considering that he was the most downloaded dude on msn, he will). Anyhow, when the band gave him "Don't Change" again, he had to know, so I don't think it was any suprise to him, and frankly, I think he might have even been relieved.

"RE: Finale"
Posted by photokitty on 09-21-05 at 03:36 PM

> I think he would
>have liked to win, as
>would have any of us
>competing in a competition, however,
>I think he also was
>like, I'm not going to
>change, and if I don't
>win becaues of that I'll
>be O.K. (which of course
>considering that he was the
>most downloaded dude on msn,
>he will). Anyhow, when
>the band gave him "Don't
>Change" again, he had to
>know, so I don't think
>it was any suprise to
>him, and frankly, I think
>he might have even been

I think that's right. (However, when Tim was giving each of them props, the FIRST thing he said to Marty was, "You adapt." WTF? Is that a complement?)

"RE: Finale"
Posted by Pretty_Kitty on 09-21-05 at 03:25 PM
I loooove me some JD! so glad he won have been rooting for him since day one Veeeery sexy voice (I have a weakness for the Canadian's what can I say but..yum!!)

"RE: Finale"
Posted by pumpkinqueen on 09-21-05 at 03:39 PM
i wasn't really a JD fan--loved Marty though! JD is a perfect fit. i think i could get used to him--he was so cute when he won--you could see how much he wanted it, and i think he deserved to win.

Posted by Undertow12345 on 09-21-05 at 09:21 PM
What cracked me up was when the house band handed the instruments to the INX band...the old rockers played a boring 2 songs with no punch. They need 200 strobe lights to make it intresting.
The house band blew these guys away!
What should happen is the Houseband join with Marty and go on a world tour and have InExess open for them!
Maybe the next show should be finding a lead singer for the house band.
I was thrilled that Marty lost so he would record his own music.
I'll buy it.
Let INExcess go on the Spinal Tap style tour for dying dinosaur bands.
If they play like they did last night I can get them a headliner for a puppet show!

Posted by Moother on 09-21-05 at 10:36 PM
I got the same feeling! They did seem kinda lackluster. The truth is those guys aren't ancient but the bloom is off the rose. They have been there and done that and now it is probably just a hobby for them instead of a total lifestyle. They would probably have done better with MIG'S personality.