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"It's Started! It's Started!!!"

Posted by LaLaLisa on 09-20-05 at 09:57 PM
Am I the only one sitting here by the pc with my TV at full blast?

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"RE: It's Started! It's Started!!!"
Posted by goldie1000 on 09-20-05 at 10:19 PM
Me too !
Wouldn't miss this for the world !

"RE: It's Started! It's Started!!!"
Posted by CattyChat on 09-20-05 at 10:20 PM
Whew!! That was a right first cut. MiG expressed his "successful theatre career" ten times too many.

"RE: It's Started! It's Started!!!"
Posted by photokitty on 09-20-05 at 10:33 PM
Hey, y'all!

I'm here, at 7:40, watching the clock. I can't wait for the show to air! I want to see the performances again, I want to see what survived the edit...

I'm blasting Shabooh Shoobah. Man, I love that album. I'm surprised they didn't do more songs, like Black and White, or Jan's Song, or Here Comes, or To Look At You. Maybe it was just TOO Michael. Maybe I'm not that surprised...wasn't Kick considered their breakthrough album, the first one with mass appeal?

So...what did you think of MiG's Bo Rap? I liked Suzie's better, but I thought he did a good job.

"RE: It's Started! It's Started!!!"
Posted by CattyChat on 09-20-05 at 10:36 PM
>So...what did you think of MiG's
>Bo Rap? I liked Suzie's
>better, but I thought he
>did a good job.

At times, he really sounded good & then he'd scream a bad note & YIKES. Mostly, I couldn't get out of my mind that he is doing his part of Galileo.

He's great, just not for INXS & he dug his own grave.

"RE: It's Started! It's Started!!!"
Posted by photokitty on 09-20-05 at 10:43 PM

>Mostly, I couldn't get out
>of my mind that he
>is doing his part of

Do you mean he did his own plus someone else's?
I think that happened.

"RE: It's Started! It's Started!!!"
Posted by LaLaLisa on 09-20-05 at 10:53 PM
"So...what did you think of MiG's Bo Rap? I liked Suzie's better, but I thought he did a good job."

It's soooo different watching it on TV. I thought his was waaaay better than Suzie, but I think she never translated well to TV.

His performance still reminded me of a CD I bought of West Side Story. It wasn't the orignal cast, but there were all these liner notes about the original show and how they weren't pros - singers or dancers - that was the point. It was rough, unpolished. Well, on this CD, it was Placido Domingo and other opera singers. It was the worst thing I've ever heard! Imagine an opera singer trying to do Nirvana.

Anyway, that was a long way of saying that MiG still sounds like a theater singer, working on his diction, like he'd been doing scales (anyone remember doing babadoo before a high school musical?)

"RE:Opera singer doing Nirvana"
Posted by photokitty on 09-21-05 at 00:08 AM
Ever hear Paul Anka's swingin' version of "Smells Like Teen Spirit?"

"RE:Opera singer doing Nirvana"
Posted by LaLaLisa on 09-21-05 at 00:10 AM

That's just so wrong.

"RE: It's Started! It's Started!!!"
Posted by Loree on 09-21-05 at 11:08 AM
>So...what did you think of MiG's
>Bo Rap? I liked Suzie's
>better, but I thought he
>did a good job.

I kept thinking without all the fancy visual effects and the great House Band singing... was MiG really that great?

It actually looked like Garry Gary looked like he was trying to keep from laughing.

"RE: It's Started! It's Started!!!"
Posted by CattyChat on 09-21-05 at 03:54 PM
>It actually looked like Garry Gary
>looked like he was trying
>to keep from laughing.

I noticed that too, like he was choking back the laughter after MiG's high & off-pitched squeals at one point.

"RE: It's Started! It's Started!!!"
Posted by CattyChat on 09-20-05 at 10:34 PM
OMG it's almost time!! I'm biased, but J.D. kicked a$$!! You can see it in his eyes, he wants it so bad -- great interaction with INXS during What U Need. I'm ready to buy my ticket . . .

"Perfect Ending"
Posted by CattyChat on 09-20-05 at 10:54 PM
My dream has come true & I can't wait to see the new INXS next year. J.D. was the best to fill Michael's shoes & I think it is great that Marty & his band the Lovehammers will have the opportunity to be the opening act for the world tour. Everybody is happy.

Hope they start the U.S. portion of their tour here on the east coast -- are you ready for the concert, LaLa?? What a time we will have!!

"RE: Perfect Ending"
Posted by goldie1000 on 09-20-05 at 11:01 PM
JD did great tonight !
I am so happy for him

"RE: Perfect Ending"
Posted by Moother on 09-20-05 at 11:01 PM
LAST EDITED ON 09-20-05 AT 11:03 PM (EST)

I definitely was disappointed that Marty didn't win, but I thought he did not seem disappointed at all. I don't think he was really acting either. I have a feeling he will use this publicity for all it's worth and I will definitely be watching his band.

Edited to add: I love Mig but I liked Suzie's version of BR much better. He just has some problems with higher notes.
He is a great entertainer though and I will be watching for him again too!

"RE: Perfect Ending"
Posted by LaLaLisa on 09-20-05 at 11:09 PM
I don't see how anyone could not be disappointed after coming so close? I thought he was being incredibly, incredibly classy.

He definitely has the savvy to use this opportunity for all it's worth.

"RE: Perfect Ending"
Posted by LaLaLisa on 09-20-05 at 11:04 PM
"Hope they start the U.S. portion of their tour here on the east coast -- are you ready for the concert, LaLa?? What a time we will have!!"

Waaaaaaaaaahoooooooooooooooooooo! I'm ready! Concert AND a road trip!

I'm listening to my JD now..........

"RE: Perfect Ending"
Posted by CattyChat on 09-20-05 at 11:10 PM
I hope they post the songs from tonight, so I can download J.D.'s "You Can't Always Get What You Want" to finish my "Rock Star INXS" compilation CD, which contains every single fantastic song by J.D. (but Champions).

"RE: Perfect Ending"
Posted by LaLaLisa on 09-20-05 at 11:12 PM
Me, too! Brooke said they'd be there tonight but they aren't there, yet!

"The other rawkers"
Posted by LaLaLisa on 09-20-05 at 11:39 PM
Is it just me or did they look mostly annoyed/bored to be there? Except for Suzie & Jordis, the rest looked...I dunno, but they hardly looked excited. I thought Ty was the worst - there seemed to be this real pissed off look for a second then he turned to the audience and flashed a fake smile. It seemed like he was still thinking, "It should be me!" I guess they were all thinking that.

"RE: The other rawkers"
Posted by jpl68 on 09-20-05 at 11:50 PM
I'm just so glad this is over, I will hang around this and maybe one other message board for a while, but I am going to try to stay away from reality t.v. Survivor does look pretty good this year, though! It seemed obvious to me since California Dreamin' that J.D. was the only fit, and I think that was apparent tonight. My wife loves Marty but even admitted J.D. fit the part better. Hope they all do well.

I did miss the very first episode though, and tonight they showed a brief highlight of J.D. doing some wierd Elvis voo-doo dance to his crotch, . . . what what he thinking with that?? Glad I missed that episode, lol! Anyhow, I hope they release Pretty Vegas and I know what I'm putting on my X-mas list if I can wait that long. Everyone have a good night, I'm exhausted from stressing out for the last two days. Later.

"RE: The other rawkers"
Posted by photokitty on 09-21-05 at 00:33 AM
I was watching The Rawkers, I think your assessment is correct. Ty was definitely making cranky face, and sometimes the others looked pretty bored, until the camera came over, and then they instantly brightened. Jordis, too. They were all fullfilling their obligation. Except for Suzie, MiG & Marty, who were more recent residents of that perch.

I asked Ty if they were going to sing, and when he said no, I felt a little sorry for them. I thought they'd all get to sing again for da people. Instead, they were pretty much window dressing.

In the mini-concert, JD came over and sang to them, and then passed around the mic. It was a nice moment, and it got taped with the hand-held...did they show it? I forget what song it was, maybe By My Side, maybe not.

"RE: The other rawkers"
Posted by LaLaLisa on 09-21-05 at 00:40 AM
They didn't even show the full version of Easy, Easy!!! They had Brooke talking over it and stuff. Totally lame!

"RE: The other rawkers"
Posted by Loree on 09-21-05 at 11:16 AM
I heard from someone that was at the rehearsal on Monday that Marty, MiG and JD all performed "Easy Easy". And they even practiced with Brooke talking over them at the end.

And I heard that JD's version of the song was the best and more rock than Marty or MiG's.

And I also talked to someone that was at the After Party. They said JD looked absolutely exhausted. I think the boy finally needs some sleep.