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"I went to the finale! NO SPOILERS"

Posted by photokitty on 09-20-05 at 07:27 PM
It was SO FUN! I'm so glad I went! Thanks you guys, for nudging me towards going. Now, I can't believe I was thinking of skipping it.

I'm eager to share my experience, and will only say what won't indicate who wins. Tomorrow, I'll have more to dish! That's part 2, after it won't spoil anything.

Let's see. After MONTHS of no rain, it rained today. HARD. So, it took me an hour to drive 10 miles down Beverly. (Hoobie knows what I'm talking about.) I got there at 8:30. Whew! I actually got in line behind Marty's aunt (remember, she gave him a hug on tv) and his cousin, who was really nice. She stayed in line and chatted while her mom went to see if they actually had to wait in line (they didn't.) I stood in line in the rain for more than an hour, then got to the benches. All the while, I was never sure I was actually going to get in. But, at last, I did.

We had the choice of sitting or standing, and family & friends were sent to the balcony. It was explained to them that there was a concern that seeing them in the audience might adversely affect the performances...whatever.
I opted to sit down rather than stand, and was ushered to seats that were for the press that weren't needed. I was about 15 feet directly behind the "thrones" where Dave & INXS sat. I could see them in profile as they listened. Kirk did his head bopping thing. I had a straight sightline to the runway, a guitarist whose name I forget, and Nate, the drummer. My view of Sasha & Rafael was blocked by a big ol' tv camera.

MiG, JD & Marty each sang a cover song. Each did VERY WELL. By then, I was realizing I had made a mistake by sitting, because I felt sort of removed from things, I couldn't really see the details of their faces, and was watching the monitors. I didn't come here to watch it on tv! INXS left to deliberate, and they stopped taping, so I asked permission to go to the floor, which was denied. (Mistake! Never ask permission, especially of an usher!) So, when they were doing something else, I just went onto the PACKED floor. I started at the far left, where the opportunity was, and then did "excuse me, sorry" across the room over to where the Rejected Rawkers were perched, and I could turn around to watch Dave & INXS react, and also had a clear view of the stage. Excellent! I'm so glad I left my seat--much better to be in the thick of things!

I wanted to talk to Suzie. I shook her hand, and said in her ear what I wanted to say, and we had a moment of sincere connection. She was nice. I also shook Ty's hand, and Jordis, too. I asked Ty if they all were going to sing today (no) and showed my disappointment. Dana looked beautiful, like a goddess. She had 3 sparkly dots on her forehead. GLOW, I was 10 feet away from Neil. He stayed put, though, so no touching. Sorry.

It was so quiet when INXS came back with their verdict. Tim dragged it out, of course. JUST SAY IT! I was so nervous. Then, the cut was made. Done. Come say a proper goodbye. Then That Person went to join the others on their perch.

INXS took the stage, and the remaining two each sang one song with them, in quick succession. A new visual effect was added to the Rock Star: INXS experience...shall I tell you? No. I won't. Both performances with INXS were great. I'll have more to say about that tomorrow. Then, INXS went to deliberate again, for what seemed like a long time. More chatting with Suzie, & beatific eye contact with Deanna, Dana, Daphna. People were now getting autographs, but I'm not into that...later I realized I could have had everyone sign my ticket, then sell it on eBay! Oh well.

The verdict is in! I WAS SO NERVOUS! I don't even know these people! The announcement was made, after much dramatic pause, and people jumped for joy, or politely clapped, depending on what they had wished for. Then, The New Singer sang a very new song with INXS, with a lyric sheet in hand! Then another song, then, they re-did the other one, sans lyric sheet. Goodnight, and send in your tapes for NEXT YEAR'S SHOW!

Then, we were treated to a mini-concert by the new, complete INXS. Good stuff! It was fun to see the band finally play! My arms were exausted from so much clapping! Then, it's over. Everybody please exit. Wow, it's 1:00.

Hey, who knows, maybe I'll get some airtime. I was right next to The Rawkers, after all. I have waist length dark blonde hair, & wore a scoop-necked denim top & a black cardigan (the cardigan came off later.) It was so excellent to be there! Whew!

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: I went to the finale! NO SPOILERS"
Posted by QueenV on 09-20-05 at 07:37 PM
Goodnight, and send in
>your tapes for NEXT YEAR'S

HUH? Did you just decide to throw that in there and not explain?? UGH!! Is the new singer only under contract for one year?Or...could it be...that the person they chose prolly won't last for more than a year? UGH!! The suspence is KILLING me!!! I know, I know, I have to wait.

~*~"Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History"*~*

"RE: I went to the finale! NO SPOILERS"
Posted by photokitty on 09-20-05 at 07:51 PM
No, none of that.
I think EPMB is hedging his bets, in case a show next year is an option. (OH! That reminds me, as I was "sneaking" onto the floor, I walked by Mark Burnett himself, & as he was walking toward me, he smiled & said "Hi!" So surreal.) Anyway, the feeling I got was that it would be for another band, or just as general "rockers," in the same way that American Idol contestants aren't out to front a particular band. After she said that, & the cameras were off, the emcee/entertainer/clown was eliciting opinions from the audience about who the band should be for the next show. Queen & Van Halen were mentioned, natch.

"RE: I went to the finale! NO SPOILERS"
Posted by byoffer on 09-21-05 at 10:16 AM
I found this excerpt on the net:

Meanwhile, show mastermind Burnett said he's already looking forward to a new edition of Rock Star with a different band. "We're in a lot of discussions with people," he told E! Online. "I think that you're very, very likely to see Rock Star: Season Two."

I think it was a great show. Way better than that American Idol candy crap. The challenge will be to keep the non-winning contestants from coming back. If it wasn't so sacrilegious, imagine Marty competing on Rock Star:Nirvana?

"RSI 2"
Posted by LaLaLisa on 09-21-05 at 10:23 AM
"If it wasn't so sacrilegious, imagine Marty competing on Rock Star: Nirvana?"

I used to think that, but now I think that given the choice between front Lovehammers or a new Nirvana, he'd pick Lovehammers, hands down. Not because he's so loyal (he was ready to leave them after all) but because I think he'd rather be THE draw, THE name as he would be for the Lovehammers - Nirvana is still a much bigger name than Marty Casey.

"RE: I went to the finale! NO SPOILERS"
Posted by jpl68 on 09-20-05 at 07:39 PM
I'm sure we all here will look for you.

"RE: I went to the finale! "
Posted by goldie1000 on 09-20-05 at 10:14 PM
Sounds like you had a RIOT !
I bet you were glad you went, for sure.
It's nice to be a part of something so big !
Thanks for sharing.

"RE: I went to the finale! NO SPOILERS"
Posted by SherpaDave on 09-21-05 at 02:28 AM
Not enough airtime on the rawkers! I kept my eyes peeled, but didn't see any close enough shots of that area to spot ya.

See Dave write. See Dave edit. See Dave blog.

Posted by Glow on 09-21-05 at 07:40 AM
"GLOW, I was 10 feet away from Neil."

So you didn't get a chance to give him my number? The only thing that could have made last night more perfect would have been to watch him perform.

<--- jealous

Posted by LaLaLisa on 09-21-05 at 08:56 AM
At least Neal was one of the few that looked happy to be there!

And couldn't Deanna had time to make a better shirt to promote her song? Or did the idea just come to her backstage?

"RE: Neal"
Posted by Glow on 09-21-05 at 09:05 AM
He's so sweet.

I thought that when she came out too. "hmm. Nice homemade shirt." Then I thought, "wow. Her boobs look huge." Maybe that's what she was doing. Calling attention to her boobs. Did they get bigger?

"Deanna's Boobs"
Posted by LaLaLisa on 09-21-05 at 09:25 AM
Nah, they didn't get bigger - remember, I'm the Only One? She was seriously testing the structural integrity of her little vest that night.

"RE: Deanna's Boobs"
Posted by byoffer on 09-21-05 at 10:19 AM
I wonder if Deanna was trying to get a guess role on Tyra Banks show...

"RE: Neal"
Posted by weltek on 09-21-05 at 09:35 AM
Maybe Ambah was backstage & had some paint leftover from her "I heart Rob" t-shirt.

"RE: Outfits"
Posted by photokitty on 09-21-05 at 12:57 PM
Yeah, Deanna, you're a gorgeous woman on national tv for (probably) the last time. WHY wear a tank top written on with a Sharpie?

Worse than her, I thought Heather looked horrid. Aaakk. That grey piece of cloth tied around her chest was NOT a good look. And those pigtails! Poor baby, did they not give you a mirror?

Dana looked beautiful and ethereal. Daphna, well, I didn't notice what she had on. I liked Suzie's mod-retro dress, and she had on boots that matched! They had a small stripe detail that was the same color as the aqua stripe on her dress.

"More Scoop Please"
Posted by trigirl on 09-21-05 at 08:55 AM
How long did it take for INXS to make their decision. I found it interesting in Loree's scoop from last week that it took 30 or 40 minutes to oust Suzie.

Why oh why did EPMB make this a one hour show when we had to sit through three bloody hours of the Donald?

"RE: More Scoop Please"
Posted by LaLaLisa on 09-21-05 at 09:27 AM
Yeah - to the scoop thing. But I have to imagine any time they took was just for show. Tim (or was it Kirk) had said in a chat last week they had "pretty much" made up their mind. They weren't seriously deciding yesterday.

"Why oh why did EPMB make this a one hour show when we had to sit through three bloody hours of the Donald?"
Yeah! to that, too.

"RE: More Scoop Please"
Posted by weltek on 09-21-05 at 09:36 AM
No sh!t. I'm right there with you on the Donald thing.

"RE: More Scoop Please"
Posted by geg6 on 09-21-05 at 10:30 AM
Put me in with you guys.

Who would you rather watch?

3 hours with the middle aged, paunchy guy with the bad combover?

3 hours of JD Fortune and INXS?

Missed opportunity!

I'm such a slut for the blues.

"RE: More Scoop Please"
Posted by Loree on 09-21-05 at 11:55 AM
I think we should all stalk Mark Burnett till he puts out a DVD with all the unseen footage and the mini concert on it.

"RE: More Scoop Please"
Posted by photokitty on 09-21-05 at 12:27 PM
Ooooohhh, yeah!
I thought they weren't taping it, until Hand-Held Camera Guy showed up behind JD walking through the crowd to The Rawkers. I thought maybe INXS just wanted to play/practice with The New Guy. Silly girl. OF COURSE EPMB would tape it.

"RE: More Scoop Please"
Posted by photokitty on 09-21-05 at 12:42 PM
Yeah, I don't know how long they were gone, I wasn't wearing my watch. When they came back, I asked people around me how long did they think they were backstage, but nobody I asked had been thinking about that. Who knows? Maybe they were just throwing back a few beeahs.

Dave Navarro was smoking between takes on the set. I was surprised by that--you'd think he'd have to leave because of the cameras, lights, and oh yeah, our lungs. It really stunk up the joint. *cough, cough*

Remember, not all Apprentice finales were 3 hours. After that first one, it was knocked down to 2 hours, then, I think the last one was only 1 hour. Networks seem to have learned their lesson about allocating that much time to something that isn't football or a movie.