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Posted by jpl68 on 09-20-05 at 11:31 AM
O.K., O.K., I know what I posted only a few hours ago, but I can not help it, I like a lot of you are competely obessed with the freakin show and the outcome. So here it goes, and I'm not intending to bash anyone, although there are some parts that I guess will come off that way, so let me apologize in advance as it is not my intent. There is just no way around saying some of the things that I will be saying. So here is what I have been thinking in the last two days, and hopefully posting this will be theraputic and allow me to get something constructive done today from now until show time.

(1) I thought several days ago that Mig was going to win, however, but I had a hard time supporting that conclusion in my head. The conclusion was basically based upon the various rumors out that the Mig was prechosen, which I find to have some credibility. I mean really, would INXS risk their reputation and would some big record company risk a bunch of money on some talent show to find a lead singer. It is also noteworthy that the two of the final three have only sung one INXS song during the show (I realize there has been some radio stuff not displayed on the show). The point is, it seems like there must be a lot of stuff going on behind the scenes and the pick can not simply be based upon what we see on the show. Mig certainly looks like he could be the lead singer of a band, has a lot of stage experience and is from Australia. Truthfully, I believe that it is possible he was preselected. However, if this is the case, I think the show has done a disservice to Mig and INXS. Mig started off strong, but lately the show has reduced him to some super nice non confrontational part time stripper. I think Mig is a lot more than that, and it is too bad. As for INXS, I don't see how they come out of this looking good after the editing of the show if they choose MIg. Mig may be popular in Europe and Asia, but lets face it, if you don't make it in the U.S., you really don't make it. Also, there has been a dark theme throughout and Mig simply is not dark at all. Finally, although Mig has sex appeal, it is not like that of J.D., which I believe is more in line with what MH had. J.D. is like Angelina Jolie, whereby Mig is like Pamela Anderson. Don't get me wrong, I would love to hook up with Pam, but if she were at a bar and we were talking and she said, he I'm going to the bar next door, I would continue drinking my beer and look around for another pretty girl. If Angelina told me she was going to the bar next door, I would put my beer down and follow her. That is just my take. However, I will not be suprised if Mig wins, but I do not think it is likely.

(2) Last night I concluded Marty is going to win. However, again, as with Mig, I really could not support that conclusion in my mind. Marty can front a band, he can sing, write songs and appears to be level headed. However, Marty is missing something in my mind for purposes of being in INXS. Marty has a dark side, but it is different than J.D.'s. Where J.D.'s is mysterious, Marty's is boarderline pychotic. Marty does not seem to fit with the guys either in terms of looks either. I think Mig and J.D. pull off the INXS look (no I can't describe it, it is just there), but I think Marty just looks way more punk/modern to me. Marty is a screamer, like it or not. I like it personally, but don't see how that fits into INXS. Most importantly, however, Marty has no sex appeal. Look, I'm a guy and I can even see that. Don't get me wrong, Marty will do fine with the girls after this show, but lets be real here, he is not sexy. I think that it is important to INXS based upon what made them popular before that the lead be somewhat dark and appealing in a sexual way. I just don't see that in Marty. The other problem I see with Marty, and I'm being somewhat serious here, is that how does INXS approach the encore when 30,000 plus are screaming to here "Trees". I don't see INXS making that one of their songs. I think Van Halen used to play some Sammy songs, but I don't consider that to be equal par with this situation. I can see Marty being picked, but frankly would be suprised.

(3) I think J.D. has most of what MH had in terms of what made him the great lead singer he was for the Band. J.D. has problems, they all do, but I think he fits in the best with the band, and I am basing this on the assumption that the band will not go in some drastic new and different direction. Sure they will update their sound and some things will be different, but it will still be grounded in what INXS has done in the past. I think that if you made a list of criteria that you wanted for the lead singer of INXS (using MH as a model), then J.D. would fit into more columns, or some part thereof, than Mig and Marty. Furthermore, I personally think J.D. has brought more to the table creatively. He has taken chances (some of which failed); he has rearranged songs, and written a hit song that INXS can actually use. I think the cards are in his favor. When I started waching the show originally, I was drawn to J.D. and felt he would win. After changing my mind every time I have seen or read something in the last few days, or becoming paranoid and the like, I have fallen back on what my gut originally told me. J.D. is going to win. If he doesn't, I will not be overly shocked, but mildly suprised. I hope he wins as I think that he truly is the best fit for the band. Regardless of what I think, however, we will know one way or the other in less than 10 hours.

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Posted by weltek on 09-20-05 at 11:39 AM
In the first few weeks I thought J.D. had the INXS sound & stage presence to win.

As JD had a few down weeks & his personality came into question, I considered Mig to be a frontrunner because of his stage comfort, Australian thing, and professionalism. He also had a smooth, confident voice. I thought he'd be a good safe bet for INXS.

Marty then started to show his softer side (Mr. Brightside) and was in the bottom three. He was really good on INXS songs. INXS really applauded him for his efforts.

JD then stepped back up & Mig's theatrical presence wouldn't go away. Mig wasn't proving he could really rock & his creative side wasn't on the same vein as INXS's.

In the last three weeks, I've thought it could be a toss up between Marty & JD. I was actually impressed with Mig's INXS song last week, but still don't think he's a good fit creatively.

In the last two weeks, it's become obvious that JD has the same creative side as INXS does and his vocals are a perfect fit. Marty's creativity & vocals just aren't the right fit.

JD wins.

Posted by LaLaLisa on 09-20-05 at 11:44 AM
The thing about JD's so-called chaotic side, is that MH was no stable mabel himself. They've been missing crazy.

It's like IF IF IF John Lennon left the Beatles, they wouldn't be looking for a new Paul McCartney, they'd be looking for another cynic like Lennon.

So, no one else likes the idea of MiG & Marty teaming up to balance the light & dark like Lennon & McCartney? I think it'd be brilliant.

Posted by lilbuns on 09-20-05 at 01:23 PM

2) >Marty has a dark side,
>but it is different than
>J.D.'s. Where J.D.'s is
>mysterious, Marty's is boarderline pychotic.
> Marty does not seem
>to fit with the guys
>either in terms of looks
>either. I think Mig
>and J.D. pull off the
>INXS look (no I can't
>describe it, it is just
>there), but I think Marty
>just looks way more punk/modern
>to me. Marty is
>a screamer, like it or
>not. I like it
>personally, but don't see how
>that fits into INXS.
>Most importantly, however, Marty has
>no sex appeal. Look,
>I'm a guy and I
>can even see that.
>Don't get me wrong, Marty
>will do fine with the
>girls after this show, but
>lets be real here, he
>is not sexy. I
>think that it is important
>to INXS based upon what
>made them popular before that
>the lead be somewhat dark
>and appealing in a sexual
>way. I just don't
>see that in Marty.....
>can see Marty being picked,
>but frankly would be suprised.
>(3) I think J.D.
>has most of what MH
>had in terms of what
>made him the great lead
>singer he was for the
>Band. J.D. has problems,
>they all do, but I
>think he fits in the
>best with the band, and
>I am basing this on
>the assumption that the band
>will not go in some
>drastic new and different direction.
> Sure they will update
>their sound and some things
>will be different, but it
>will still be grounded in
>what INXS has done in
>the past. I think
>that if you made a
>list of criteria that you
>wanted for the lead singer
>of INXS (using MH as
>a model), then J.D. would
>fit into more columns, or
>some part thereof, than Mig
>and Marty. Furthermore, I
>personally think J.D. has brought
>more to the table creatively.
> He has taken chances
>(some of which failed); he
>has rearranged songs, and written
>a hit song that INXS
>can actually use. I
>think the cards are in
>his favor. When I
>started waching the show originally,
>I was drawn to J.D.
>and felt he would win.
> > J.D. is going to
>win. If he doesn't,
>I will not be overly
>shocked, but mildly suprised.
>I hope he wins as
>I think that he truly
>is the best fit for
>the band. Regardless of
>what I think, however, we
>will know one way or
>the other in less than
>10 hours.

I loved your post and agree with just about the entire thing. One part really interested me, since it's something I've said for a while now, never getting much response from posters. Marty is not sexy...not the way JD is. Oh, he's appears at times to be sort of cute, but when you really watch him, he's downright odd looking, not to mention his odd pronunciation of words. He truly IS a screamer, and while he CAN actually sing a ballad, he prefers to scream and shake, which can get tiring. JD is a bit more diverse in his performances and does them all with ease to my eyes and ears. He is also one of the sexiest singers I've seen in a LONG LONG time!

Posted by EnglProf on 09-20-05 at 02:15 PM
J.D's sex appeal seems completely manufactured and way too slick. In other words, sexy is in the eye of the beholder and J.D. is completely unsexy.

Marty, on the other hand, is raw and passionate and on fire when he sings. It's just hot. He may not be "hot" when he's not performing, but he definitely does it for me when he is. Very mesmerizing.

J.D doesn't feel his performances (in my opinion); he usually just pretends to feel it (there have been isolated instances when this isn't the case, but he still didn't measure up to Marty) and therefore I don't give a whit when he performs.

But I do recognize that there's no true definition of sexy.

Handcrafted by RollDdice

Posted by jpl68 on 09-20-05 at 02:24 PM
My wife is into Marty as well, so I hear what you are saying. Having said that, I will say to you what I say to her, . . . you're kidding right? Anyhow, I think you have to be in the minority, but yes, it is all in the eye of the beholder.

Posted by Glow on 09-20-05 at 02:37 PM
Humperdink! Where have you been all my life? I've missed you.

And I totally get what you're saying. Marty is hot on stage. He gives my goosebumps goosebumps.

Posted by trigirl on 09-21-05 at 07:56 AM
Marty is hot on stage.

Glow, Neal's body is not even cold yet and your cheatin' on him?

Posted by Glow on 09-21-05 at 08:19 AM
Cheat on Neal? Oh goodness no. I'd never let his body go cold.

<--- the perfect combination of loud, fast and sweaty

but if I were to maybe cheat on him (accidentally, of course) with say... Marty, I'm sure he'd be very understanding

Posted by LaLaLisa on 09-21-05 at 08:57 AM
"but if I were to maybe cheat on him (accidentally, of course) with say... Marty, I'm sure he'd be very understanding"

accidentally, huh?

Speaking of cheating, Dave Navarro was in my dream last night. he is so effin hot!

Posted by Glow on 09-21-05 at 09:03 AM
Accidentally. Yes. *nods innocently*

Dave is so effin hot. What's up with him asking everybody to put him on their album? Is he just being nice or trying to get a job?

Posted by LaLaLisa on 09-21-05 at 09:12 AM
He just loves to play! Hell, he was playing at my office - oh wait, that was my dream.

Posted by Wacko Jacko on 09-21-05 at 09:35 AM
LAST EDITED ON 09-21-05 AT 11:46 AM (EST)

Hey, I expected these to actually be final thoughts. Final Thoughts do not happen until after the final episode. Good points however.

I picked the final 5 in the right order. JD was the best fit. INXS saw everything we saw. JD was the best fit for INXS. For a minute I thought, INXS could pick Marty over JD but knew JD was the best choice. We have to remember that this is not a lifetime contract. In addition to JD sounding the most like INXS….I think these are some of the reasons why he was picked. JD showed the most creativity. It was even more obvisious after the three picked their final songs. MiG picked the Queen song….he performed Queen in the musical. Does Bohemian Rhapsody sound like INXS? No. Marty then picked a song he already sang and it was again another dark song….almost a grunge sounding song. JD picked a Rolling Stones song that isn’t that far from an INXS song. See when JD does a song he always tries to add in a little INXS. The others sing the songs the way they feel comfortable with.

Another major factor is JD’s Pretty Vegas. Again creativity in the INXS vain. Trees was a good song, but not something you can see INXS perform….unless they totally reworked it. INXS can record their new cd and release Pretty Vegas as the first single and the cd would be guaranteed to sell.

Also, Marty for sure was singing to be in a famous rock band. But I was never sold that he was singing to be in INXs. If he was he didn’t show it. I think he performed INXS’s Don’t Change very well. He added a modern twist to it….but I wonder if Don’t Change is the one song he feels most comfortable. I also wonder did INXS ask both JD and Marty to pick the song they wanted to perform. If Marty picked Don’t Change again…that was pretty lame. Show us something different Marty! Marty did everything the same. Actually, the lamest part of the series for Marty was when INXS asked Marty to perform Britney Spears. They wanted to see him do something different and instead of performing the song in INXS style he did it in grunge again.

As for MiG, the guy showed even less creativity than Marty. He was given three chance to perform an original song and all three were terrible.

Both Marty and MiG played it safe. Neither adopted to INXS. That is why JD won. Sure JD bombed a few times but the guy took chances creatively and when chosen INXS I am sure would love to get creative input from JD. It is a band and the band collaborates as a group. JD will work fine with INXs. I don’t see the pairing lasting more than 5 years, but this relationship will be good for INXS and good for JD. INXS made the right choice.

Posted by riverrocker on 09-21-05 at 09:48 AM
I knew it would be J.D. for certain when both Marty and he 'fronted' the band. How? Marty--blonde, long-hair, very 'California-surfer look'...but J.D.--dark-haired, just 'edgy,' maybe a bit more 'international' in appearance--he is afterall a Canadian--------- and probably a lot like what the young INXS looked like! Hmm. Do we pick people who look like us sometimes?

Both are great singers. I'm glad Marty will open for them. Will I buy their new CD? Nah. I'm into hard rock, heavy metal, and far-out alternative! It was just a nostalgia trip to hear all that OLD rock...but hey, I remembered ALL of it when it was NEW rock! Hubby got tired of my singing along on those songs!

Posted by queenbee on 09-21-05 at 10:19 AM
Yeah, I kind of saw the writing on the wall when they performed with INXS. Marty needs to do his own thing and I can't wait to see it. If he really opens for INXS, I'm there. If not, well, we'll see. I want to get a listen to this new music first and make my decision then.

But the tell-tale point for me was how Marty never acknowledged the band when he was performing with them. They made a point of saying that was important to them early on. JD did it. I'm sad, but I'll live.

I must say, you guys are very good at predicting endings. Someone even said they thought they'd offer the opening act to Marty! Sort of frightening, but nice work, everyone. Any suggestions about what to obsess over next?

Posted by LaLaLisa on 09-21-05 at 09:54 AM
I agree with most of what you said, Wacko. Now, there's something I've never imagined myself saying.

"Actually, the lamest part of the series for Marty was when INXS asked Marty to perform Britney Spears. They wanted to see he do something different and instead of performing the song in INXS style he did it in grunge again."

I remember thinking at the time that he didn't lighten it up like they advised, but I LOVE his version of that song. He did it his way, which is important for him as an artist and person, but just underscores your point about how he most likely was not trying out for INXS.