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"Chat Transcripts for Mac users Dave Navarro"

Posted by LaLaLisa on 09-15-05 at 03:35 PM
Digital Dish Diva says:
Welcome to MSN Live! This afternoon we are excited to chat with "Rock Star: INXS" host Dave Navarro.

Digital Dish Diva says:
Dave, thanks for being here!

Dave Navarro says:
Hey what's up?! It's Dave.

akasha12 in Onstage_1 asks:
Hi Dave besides getting to work and play alongside the awesome INXS, what made you want to be a part of the show?

Dave Navarro says:
I love reality television and I love rock and roll and the two combined seemed like a winning combination.

Digital Dish Diva says:
What is one of your pre-show rituals?

Dave Navarro says:
Lots of black coffee.

MelT_80 in Onstage_1 asks:
Who do you think will fit most with the band? Some of the rockers (Jordis, Ty, etc.) are obviously talented, but don't seem much like they'd fit in with a rock band.

Dave Navarro says:
I'm not at liberty to say.

Nadorno-PuertoRico1 in Onstage_1 asks:
Who do you think was the best performer at last night show?

Dave Navarro says:
Jordis was hands down my favorite performer last night.

Musical_Consciousness in Onstage_1 asks:
Hey Dave. I've been loving the show. Last night was great, but missing one thing ... nobody gave props to Nate for that smokin drumming in Everlong. Will you do that for me?

Dave Navarro says:
We're looking for a lead singer, not a drummer, but I will tell him in my off time that you said, "What's up?!"

OneAzureStar in Onstage_1 asks:
Hello, Dave. When making the final decision on who will be the new singer for INXS, is the singer's personality, offstage, taken into consideration? How well they may work with the band INXS, etc., or is it being based solely on their performances?

Dave Navarro says:
You know, I don't have a part in the band's final decision so I don't know what they are making their choices based on.

gltrgirl420 in Onstage_1 asks:
Dave I just wanted to say that I love the songs that are selected for the performers. Do you have anything to do with the songs that are offered to the performers?

Dave Navarro says:
The answer to that question can be revealed in the reality portion of this show on Sunday nights at 8pm on VH1.

alf2763 in Onstage_1 asks:
Is Inxs looking for the next Michael Hutchence type personality or going in a new direction and new style music ?

Dave Navarro says:
Once again I am not a member of INXS so I don't know. I'm there to give my outside opinion and advice and to be a mentor to the artists within the show.

wrkn4pnuts in Onstage_1 asks:
Hey Dave, thanks for being here! How much of the behind the scenes does INXS see?

Dave Navarro says:
I don't know, probably as much as you do. I mean that honestly. What you see on the reality show is what INXS has seen.

Hgplady3 in Onstage_1 asks:
Hello Dave. Is INXS factoring in the Monday night shows into their decision for their next lead singer?

Dave Navarro says:
I would say more than likely, however I'm not in INXS so I really don't know. But if it were my band, I would seriously consider the Monday night information.

Digital Dish Diva says:
As a mentor, what's the most often asked question from a contestant?

Dave Navarro says:
"Do these pants make me look fat?"

kbieker in Onstage_1 asks:
Hey Dave! Love the show. What is your favorite INXS song?

Dave Navarro says:
My favorite INXS song is "Don't Change."

luvmykids9600 in Onstage_1 asks:
Hi Dave, just wanted to let you know that I appreciate how you critique the performers. It is candid, genuine and you can tell you care about them.

yolad216 in Onstage_1 asks:
I know you love Woody Allen, besides Annie Hall what is your favorite film of his?

Dave Navarro says:
Yes, absolutely. "Stardust Memories."

Alwaysalready4 in Onstage_1 asks:
Do you get to do a lot of "mentoring" for the performers?

Dave Navarro says:
I actually see myself as a member of their family at this point and anything they want to come to me and ask they are free to. I see them as equals, because at the end of the day we're all just artists.

skyyylar23 in Onstage_1 asks:
Dave last nights show was the best by far how much time do you get to spend at the house each week? You looked very hot last night!

Dave Navarro says:
I spend roughly 5-6 hours at the house a week and most of that time is hanging out with the singers and going over material for future shows. Thank you for the compliment.

julee1211 in Onstage_1 asks:
Dave, I was wondering how much fun you are having with the show?

Dave Navarro says:
A lot! I'm having a great time getting to know everybody and be a part of this family. It's just hard to see a member of our family go home every week.

wrkn4pnuts in Onstage_1 asks:
When are YOU going to go perform with some of contestants??

Dave Navarro says:
If and when I choose to play with some of the contestants it will be more of an impromptu thing than something that is planned out.

biker469650 in Onstage_1 asks:
Dave how do we know its really you? Will you say something on the show to let us all know it was really you?

Digital Dish Diva says:
It really is Dave! C'mon!

Nadorno-PuertoRico1 in Onstage_1 asks:
Are you planning a tour at the end of the show with all of the contestants?

Dave Navarro says:
I'm not. I'm not sure if there will be one. There are certainly some of these kids I would love to see go out and do shows. I would definitely support that.

Thebigsmooth6 in Onstage_1 asks:
Dave, you have it good, great show, great artist, beautiful wife always making cool music, can you do us a favor??? HELP TARA!! I feel bad for her, please??

Dave Navarro says:
Tara and I have gotten close and I can assure you that whatever the future holds for her, it will be bright.

biker469650 in Onstage_1 asks:
Do you think that INXS is open minded enough to take on a female vocalist like for instance Jordis? Lots of people are saying they won't pick a girl. Do you agree?

Dave Navarro says:
I'm not a member of INXS and I don't know what they are looking for. I'm glad I'm not because it would be hard for me to make that decision.

sdennis_007 in Onstage_1 asks:
DAVE, YOU ROCK. What was the process for you getting this gig, did you audition or did they approach you?

Dave Navarro says:
I was approached by one of the producers after he heard my morning show in L.A. on Indy 103.1 FM.

RobynHode in Onstage_1 asks:
Dave, I think Marty and Jessica have improved their chances greatly. Who do you think has improved the most from the first show?

Dave Navarro says:
I definitely agree that Marty has improved considerably. I was impressed with Jessica's ability to step up her performance last night.

ForgottenAshley in Onstage_1 asks:
Which contestant have you bonded with the most?

Dave Navarro says:
I have bonded with all of them in different ways.

akasha12 in Onstage_1 asks:
I'm a real fan of reality TV too, and Rockstar INXS is the best!...the talent is incredible....how difficult is it to critic the artists when this show is such a life altering experience for them?

Dave Navarro says:
It's ultimately not that hard because any comments are not of a personal nature and meant to help them. We don't feel we have all the answers, we just offer our perceptions.

amanda-loui in Onstage_1 asks:
I noticed you getting choked up last night, is it often a performance will move you like that?

Digital Dish Diva says:
For more on Dave visit http://rockstar.msn.com

Dave Navarro says:
If it was easy for performers to move an audience like Jordis did we wouldn't have a competition. It's magical what she did on stage.

Paralyzed_Dream in Onstage_1 asks:
Will you be doing a solo record soon?

Dave Navarro says:
I've been working on a band called The Panic Channel and our record should be out in 2006 and hopefully after that I can get back to another solo album.

Skiraskal2 in Onstage_1 asks:
Everyone of these artists are so talented and will surely go far. How difficult do you think the final two will be to choose from?

Dave Navarro says:
Once again, I'm not a member of INXS so I don't have any idea. It's not hard for me to choose because I don't have to choose, however it will be difficult for me to see someone come home.

ShotOutEye in Onstage_1 asks:
Is your role an advisory, as well as an "emcee" one?

Dave Navarro says:
I would say that my role is that of a co-host and mentor.

Paralyzed_Dream in Onstage_1 asks:
Just wanted to say thanks for putting your blog up. I enjoy it immensely.

Dave Navarro says:
Thank you for visiting us.

wrkn4pnuts in Onstage_1 asks:
It seems that JD has had some humbling lately. Are you seeing it too?

Dave Navarro says:
That is what we call the magic of editing. (laughs)

OldRockerDude1 in Onstage_1 asks:
Are there plans to open the contest up and add song writing and, perhaps, a duet?

Dave Navarro says:
I can't comment on future programming.

MerlinsGenie in Onstage_1 asks:
Of all the performers left who has made the most progress and used the advice you given them the best?

Dave Navarro says:
My favorite example is when Neal chose not to take my advice, thus proving himself to be a true artist.

melchork in Onstage_1 asks:
HELLO DAVE SO COOL TO BE HERE. Who Rocks your world?

Dave Navarro says:
You do.

sdennis_007 in Onstage_1 asks:
Is continuing in TV something you are interested in after the show is done?

Dave Navarro says:
It's something I'm open to if the project is right.

miss_anet in Onstage_1 asks:
Where you surprised when two people where voted off last week or did you expect it because of the way they preformed?

Dave Navarro says:
I was very surprised because I have no idea what the band is deciding when they are deliberating.

DesertPrincess6605 in Onstage_1 asks:
Dave, are all the contestants professional singers?

Dave Navarro says:
I don't know.

Dave Navarro says:
They are now.

RocknRollNursie in Onstage_1 asks:
Dave? Do you think Ty is too theatrical in his approach?

Dave Navarro says:
Sometimes, but I've also noticed he's begun to work on that and is much better.

jess_r12 in Onstage_1 asks:
What is your favorite part of being on the show?

Dave Navarro says:
When someone says, "OK, people, that's a wrap."

Kheart111 in Onstage_1 asks:
Is there any way to keep track of the people who are voted off?

Dave Navarro says:
I put a GPS locator under their skin and monitor their movement via satellite. Like ducks.

grapity_slush in Onstage_1 asks:
It was time for a rock show!! I love it and you too!

Dave Navarro says:
Thank you, I love you as well.

xphoenixrisenx in Onstage_1 asks:
What is the best advice for an up and coming rocker? How do you get through the hard times like paying rent?

Dave Navarro says:
If I had an answer to that my current singer would be a lot more comfortable.

JoMultiMama1 in Onstage_1 asks:
Can anyone really learn to be a rockstar or do you either have "the it factor" or not in your opinion? for me, the performers that shine on the show are not trying to "be" stars as much as just "being" who they are. They've either got it or not. Kwim?

Dave Navarro says:
Good question, it's something that can't be taught, it's inherent within a certain performer. We are trying to help them hone in to their talent prior to the voting.

Paralyzed_Dream in Onstage_1 asks:
lol Do you think JD is just misunderstood?

Dave Navarro says:
No, I think he's totally understood. (laughs)

elena0054 in Onstage_1 asks:
Win or lose do you think Jordis IS A STAR ?

Dave Navarro says:
Absolutely, without a doubt, a shining star. I love Jordis.

Wizard69697 in Onstage_1 asks:
Dave, I saw you playing poker on celebrity poker, do you get to play often?

Dave Navarro says:
I have a home game once a week and I make it down to casinos a couple times a month. So, yes.

Digital Dish Diva says:
The question we ask every guest: What is your idea of a perfect day?

Dave Navarro says:
A brand new boxed set of television I have not seen and a carton of ice cream.

Digital Dish Diva says:
Dave, I know you're busy with the show today. Thanks for joining us today on MSN Live!

Dave Navarro says:
Thank you all for your support and for watching the show. I wish I could stay longer but I have Season 1 of "Monk" waiting. I love you all.

Digital Dish Diva says:
Thanks to Dave Navarro for being our guest today on MSN Live! Watch "Rock Star: INXS."

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: Chat Transcripts for Mac users Dave Navarro"
Posted by photokitty on 09-16-05 at 11:11 PM
Thanx LaLaLisa!

Hey, Dave said that the show on VH1 reveals how the songs are selected...I think he misunderstood the question. The person wanted to know how the songs were selected for presentation to the rockers, as in how do they get onto the board in the first place? Dave answered as if the question was the standard how do the singers pick their songs question.

Am I wrong about this? Or, does the VH1 show (which I can't watch) actually reveal how the songs get onto the board?

From another chat, I know that licensing rights factor into the process...

"RE: Chat Transcripts for Mac users Dave Navarro"
Posted by LaLaLisa on 09-18-05 at 07:13 PM
No, it doesn't address that on VH1. I think somewhere on the webpage in all the glorious testimony to the genius of EPMB, he says something about it being the first time over 200 of the best rock songs of all time have been licensed together or something like that. Mighta been a press release I saw. Anyway, I believe the songs were chosen well before the show started and performers.