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"Life after RockStar"

Posted by LaLaLisa on 09-09-05 at 03:28 PM
1) What in the world am I going to do with all the free time on my hands when it's over??

2) Saw this on the web; sounds plausible. Thoughts?

Rock Star: INXS still has five rockers vying for the position of lead singer of INXS: MiG Ayesa, J.D. Fortune, Marty Casey, Suzie McNeil and Jordis Unga. There are two more performance and elimination shows before the final three will appear on stage Tuesday, Sept. 20 for the finale and reveal of the new singer.

All 15 rockers involved in the contest are signed to limited contracts with Mark Burnett Records, which has a distribution deal with Sony/BMG's Epic Records. INXS is also signed to Epic.

Posted on September 02, 2005 in Rock Star: INXS

3) What do you WANT to have happen to any of the singers (or INXS or Dave or Brooke, whatever. Or should I say whoever? Whomever?)

4) What do you PREDICT will actually happen?

Points for creativy and humor.

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"RE: Life after RockStar - #3"
Posted by LaLaLisa on 09-09-05 at 03:33 PM
LAST EDITED ON 09-09-05 AT 04:12 PM (EST)

LAST EDITED ON 09-09-05 AT 03:56 PM (EST)

Okay, I get 0 points for this because I copying this from another website but it's too funny to waste:

Next up ? MiGgy the spirit squad captain. Can you say there are no SPIRIT FINGERS in rock? Yeah, you can, cuz it's so rock and roll to jump around like a preteen girl at her first sleepover shouting, "YAY! TAKING PICTURES IS FUN! WEEEE!"

Um, did someone tell Gidget meets Skelator that his pictures will scare other men? Oh yeah, they DID!


If you're gonna rag on a singer, at least make it funny. Hey, maybe ShyPappy can create Gidget meets Skelator????

So, my predictions are:

MiG gets a job as the new dance captain for the Laker Girls.

Jordis is the new smoking captain for the Laker Grrrrrls.

Ty at first disappeared but was eventually found hiding in the mansion muttering over and over again what a mistake INXS made. He refuses to leave and remains secluded with his faithul butler who plays Ty's performances over and over and over again.

Suzie tries to go back to Kid Music but has found that her stage name, "Jackrabbit" has been taken by Deanna because "Little Bunny with a Lion Voice" wouldn't fit on marquees. Stuck with the moniker, "Sweet Suzie McNeil" she's relegated to the folk music circuit.

Marty tries to get back with the Lovehammers, even sings them the Tree song. They refuse to take him back since they now have a gig with EPMB to star in next year's RockStar as they hunt for a new front man. Broken-hearted he's back to dingy clubs, searching for a band to join him on a "Will Scream for Food" tour.

JD gets a drunk & disorderly arrest and has to do 500 hours of community service performing as an Elvis impersonator at nursing homes.

"RE: Life after RockStar - #3"
Posted by CattyChat on 09-09-05 at 05:32 PM
Another great post, LaLa. I'll have to do something thinking on some zingers.

As an aside, I checked out the J.D. fan site & really enjoyed listening to his singing Imagine & Your Song.

"RE: Life after RockStar - #3"
Posted by Loree on 09-09-05 at 07:09 PM
It was "Your Song" that finally convinced my DH that JD was talented. He thought I was listening to the "Moulin Rouge" soundtrack & it was Ewan McGregor. When he realized it was JD he looked bewildered for a minute and said "Damn".

"RE: Life after RockStar - #3"
Posted by jpl68 on 09-09-05 at 11:33 PM
Where is the J.D. fan site you are talking about?

"RE: Life after RockStar - #3"
Posted by CattyChat on 09-10-05 at 08:10 AM
JPL, click on the link in post #1 (www.fortune448) and that will take you to the site. On the left-hand side, towards the middle there are two links to the songs sung by J.D. -- Imagine & Your Song. He sounds great, especially on Your Song.

Also, if you click on the message boards on the top-right of the page & scroll down to where there are posts from people who met J.D. in person, there are some good posts in there, very positive. Check it all out.

"RE: Life after RockStar - #3"
Posted by jpl68 on 09-10-05 at 02:25 PM
Thanks. Pretty cool site.

"RE: Life after RockStar - #3"
Posted by Shypappy on 09-09-05 at 07:03 PM
LAST EDITED ON 09-09-05 AT 07:04 PM (EST)


Mig might make a good replacement for that idiot in the Juicy fruit commercials! *cringe* As if they weren't annoying enough already!

Jordis can get a lead roll in the next Alien vs Predator movie! Queen-Pred! I can see it now!

Suzie would kick butt on Fear factor! After JD's toe juice, and ars cake, she's prepared for anything! (I love Suzie, but still....ew! LOL! Poor girl!)

Marty can go be a character on the new, revamped Fraggle Rock, and "Tree's" can be the new theme song!

JD will marry Lisa marie Presley, and they will attempt to spawn a better, faster, & stronger Elvis! (Twice the lip curl!!)
...The child will be born with Down-syndrome, and the unstoppable will to take over the world!

Finally, INXS, after deciding they didn't want any of the contestants, realize Shypappy is the only one for the job! ;)

Really, I'd like to see most of these finalists go somewhere after this show!