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"Ratings off to bad start"

Posted by Meemo on 07-14-05 at 10:00 PM
Initial ratings for Rock Star are not great. Hopefully the show can rebound:


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Posted by Glow on 07-14-05 at 10:07 PM
This link is being very slow for me. Stupid dial-up. {grumble}

I am doing my part by telling everybody I know that they need to watch this show. I am really enjoying it. I hope it catches on. I'm thinking that replaying Tuesday's (I think?) episode on Saturday night after BB will give it a boost in the right direction.

"RE: Ratings off to bad start"
Posted by dreamerbeliever on 07-14-05 at 10:46 PM
ehh I wouldn't worry too much about it. Reality shows need a few episodes worth of “buzz” before the numbers pick-up or totally tank out. I bet Survivor season one/episode one didn't do great numbers either. Plus the premiere of Rock Star was on a Monday night ... purgatory. According to Zapit.com overnight numbers, Rock Star increased its viewers on Tuesday. Believe it was a 4.6 share.

I would expect Monday nights with the song picking and house living tensions to continue to pull the weakest numbers, Tuesday or performance night to pick up viewership significantly for the hour long show, and then Wednesday the booty night to do something in-between. This is all speculation on my part of course

"RE: Ratings off to bad start"
Posted by calamityc on 07-19-05 at 02:52 AM
I like the performance nights. After watching tonight I think I would be safe just watching those. I can always check here for who gets booted! The scrambling for clothes and songs just wasn't must see t.v. for me tonight.

"RE: Ratings off to bad start"
Posted by Tahj on 07-15-05 at 11:15 AM
I was curious as to how it would do in the ratings. I knew it wouldn't come close to AI. It has a much narrower audience appeal. Still, I hope it does well enough to continue.

Moves courtesy of Syren

"RE: Ratings off to bad start"
Posted by Seana on 07-15-05 at 02:01 PM
Like dreamerbeliever mentioned: perhaps it just needs to build a following. I don't know how many episodes it's slated for, but I've only just discovered it this week. I was channel-flipping Tuesday night and was distracted from flipping past for just long enough to realise that I liked the song, and the singer wasn't too bad.

I don't really enjoy AI, so I didn't intend to watch this, but damn! These people have some spirit and some indiviuality and they're not all singing annoying pop-y balads and showing how they can hold a power note off-key for a really long time.

I've been told about the repeat on Saturday, *waves to Glow* so I'll watch to try to learn some names and to see what I missed.

Love this show.

"RE: Ratings off to bad start"
Posted by seahorse on 07-18-05 at 10:35 AM
They are only eliminating one competitor a week. I think they are trying to milk this show a little too long, especially at 3 shows a week.

Handcrafted by RollDdice

"RE: Ratings off to bad start"
Posted by seahorse on 07-22-05 at 09:19 AM
Has anyone heard how the week 2 ratings went?

Handcrafted by RollDdice

"RE: Ratings off to bad start"
Posted by Wacko Jacko on 07-22-05 at 09:31 AM
LAST EDITED ON 07-22-05 AT 09:32 AM (EST)

I think I will continue to watch this show although I may have a hard time committing 3 nights a weak to a show during the middle of the summer. I am sure others feel the same way. What saves this show for me in comparison to Big Brother is at least this show is on later in the evening. I can't commit myself to the tv 3 nights a week with an 8 o'clock time slot.

The problem with this show is there are so many weeks and after watching these performers for say 15 weeks I am sure I will have a good idea who will win before the show finishs. It might get old watching the same performers that many weeks also.

I could not get into American idol because it was too much like Karoake. I will not watch Karoake on tv when I HATE it at the bar. Also, I haven't thought the performers on AI are all that good. With the publicity the AI performers get I would think they would sell more records than they do.

"RE: Ratings off to bad start"
Posted by beatinhrtbaby on 07-23-05 at 02:43 PM
Yeah I know what you mean. But I am getting way more into this then I ever did with American Idol. Do you have a favorite yet?

"RE: Ratings off to bad start"
Posted by Wacko Jacko on 07-23-05 at 05:56 PM
It will be one of these three:

Brandon, Marty or JD. Maybe Mig but I wasn't impressed with his rapping last week and that was the only time I saw him perform.

"RE: Ratings off to bad start"
Posted by beatinhrtbaby on 07-23-05 at 09:11 PM
Yeah but JD kind of sealed his fate with that comment he made when they told him he did a good job.