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"Who deserves to go?"

Posted by Aussiemama on 08-31-05 at 09:37 PM
From those three songs? Jordis - agreed?

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"RE: Who deserves to go?"
Posted by LaLaLisa on 08-31-05 at 10:18 PM
Yeah, but it isn't based on those three songs.

And if there was any doubt about Ty being deserved to be booted before, his comments tonight should erase all doubt. The fact that he couldn't accept that he wasn't a good match is galling. He said it himself - he's soul. Has anyone ever described INXS as soul?

"RE: Who deserves to go?"
Posted by HauntedOne on 08-31-05 at 11:20 PM

>anyone ever described INXS as

Has anyone ever described INXS as good?

"RE: Who deserves to go?"
Posted by nashtheslash on 08-31-05 at 11:36 PM
INXS did let Jordis off the hook as she forgot a whole line and buried her face but no comment was made afterward ....

Lets face it, all bottom three tonight were bad - anyone could have gone (wish it was JD). Kudos for INXS for admitting that they all stunk tonight.

I used to like Jordis but she has definetly fallen off lately - can't seem to perform under pressure.

"RE: Who deserves to go?"
Posted by leianawd on 09-01-05 at 02:15 PM
I used to love Jordis but it seems like she isn't trying all that much. I don't know if it is the stress or what it is. Look how she was at the songwriting clinic instead of wanting to make the song she was writing really good she just saw it as a project that needed to be done. Honestly, I think her performances since "The Man Who sold the World" have been downhimm with the exception of this weeks performance doing "Imagine" which I thought was done very beautifully it brought tears to my eyes.

"RE: Who deserves to go?"
Posted by okaychatt on 09-02-05 at 11:12 PM
<I used to love Jordis but it seems like she isn't trying all that much

I think she wants out of the spotlight.

She should have gone the previous week, and her reprieve made her feel guilty.

She can't figure out why she's still there. I think it's because INXS wants to keep two women in the performance mix.

Don't worry - Jordis won't win.

Everyone is entitled to my opinion.

"RE: Who deserves to go?"
Posted by Shypappy on 09-01-05 at 10:01 AM
>Has anyone ever described INXS as soul?<

If you don't think INXS is a soulful band, you're on crack!

Ty would have been a better fit than Marty, or Jordis!
No doot aboot it!

"RE: Who deserves to go?"
Posted by queenbee on 09-01-05 at 01:04 AM
NOT Jordis. Definitely JD!!! I really hate him more and more every week. But all three were weak tonight as they said.

My top four -- in order:


"RE: Who deserves to go?"
Posted by shanana banana on 09-01-05 at 01:20 AM
I think Jordis should have got the boot tonight. She's a good singer, but NOT suited for INXS. I knew she wouldn't get booted over Ty, though, and neither would JD, simply because they wouldn't boot a "newbie" to the bottom over somebody's third trip. Which is a stupid setup really --- I mean, how do they even know if the last people left will even be the best at singing their music just because they managed to avoid being in the bottom three? Although I don't think Ty was right for the band either, he's a better fit than Jordis, probably better than Susie, and after JD's horrible performance tonight, possibly better than JD.

I think it comes down to Marty or MiG. Thank goodness, a nice guy will probably finish "first" at the end.

"RE: Who deserves to go?"
Posted by Moother on 09-01-05 at 09:21 AM
J.D. should have been the one to go for so many reasons but mainly because I thought his song was soooooooo underwhelming. For someone that says they live and breathe INXS songs his performance was bad!
I think they keep him because of the drama and attention he brings to the show but I sure hope he is gone next week!

"RE: Who deserves to go?"
Posted by riverrocker on 09-01-05 at 09:45 AM
Moother, I TOTALLY agree! You've expressed my sentiments exactly!

But all three of them were b-a-d--as in "awful"--in MHO. Personally, I would have liked a double or triple elimination!

Of course, the 'drama' that J.D. brings also keeps viewers--and remember, this IS a Mark Burnett production!

"RE: Who deserves to go?"
Posted by LaLaLisa on 09-01-05 at 10:13 AM
LAST EDITED ON 09-01-05 AT 04:10 PM (EST)

And yet, you just can't stop talking about him, can you?

Man, I remember reading a few weeks ago about how bad everyone felt for the poor bottom three singers - having to jump up and sing with no prep after just finding out they were losing and how hard that must be. Add to it, being grilled and having to sit there while your competitors are given the chance to tear you down. yeah, that's got to be the warm-up routine of every great performer.

I will give this to INXS - they do seem to pick songs that will fit the singer or what they are going through (i.e., this time is the last time we'll fight.) But none of the song choices last night were my fav INXS songs. Why can't the singers pick their own INXS song to sing?

"RE: Who deserves to go?"
Posted by Hoobie on 09-01-05 at 12:23 PM
LaLa - every time I read one of your posts, I just smile. I agree totally.

JD was actually the ONLY one of the bottom 3 last night to not have messed up the words. It was a good performance. Not great compared to what we're used to, but superior to a lot of the F6 of AI.

I am thrilled that Ty got called out on the lyrics. I told DH, as he was singing and I was met with, "Hoobie, the band doesn't care about a small slip-up like that". Oh yes they do.

JD wants to put an end to the drama and he was moved by "This Time" - maybe that's why it was only a good performance and not outstanding.

"RE: Who deserves to go?"
Posted by LaLaLisa on 09-04-05 at 03:32 PM
>LaLa - every time I read one of your posts, I just smile. I agree totally.
Dude, thanks for that - you made my day!

"RE: Who deserves to go?"
Posted by Iam_Xtreme on 09-01-05 at 10:11 AM
I think it comes down to Marty or MiG. Thank goodness, a nice guy will probably finish "first" at the end.

I agree! I love to listen to both MiG and Marty! In the end I think that MiG will be selected but I really like Marty and will definitely be seeking out his music if he is not picked to front INXS.

Jordis has a beautiful voice but she is not right for INXS and her performance of their song sucked! I grow to dislike JD more and more every week! JD tries to hard to be a Michael clone. I wish they had sent all three of them home not just Ty.

Ty playing the race card completely turned me off, he needs to learn to lose gracefully.

Signature Created By: tribephyl

"RE: Who deserves to go?"
Posted by okaychatt on 09-02-05 at 11:17 PM
<I grow to dislike JD more and more every week

I think the same is true for INXS. They aren't impressed by his lack of work ethics. Nor do they like the dissension he can sow so easily. They don't need that kind of prima dona (donna?).

Everyone is entitled to my opinion.

"RE: Who deserves to go?"
Posted by leianawd on 09-01-05 at 02:17 PM
I thought Ty's voice was a lil off key but I could be wrong about that. I think that it was basically between Ty and Jordis on who was going because I know they were asked what they felt they could bring to the band but I don't remember them asking J.D that.

"RE: Who deserves to go?"
Posted by okaychatt on 09-02-05 at 11:18 PM
<between Ty and Jordis

I could have lived with either of them going.

Everyone is entitled to my opinion.

"RE: So-called nice guys"
Posted by LaLaLisa on 09-01-05 at 04:27 PM
LAST EDITED ON 09-01-05 AT 04:38 PM (EST)

"I think it comes down to Marty or MiG. Thank goodness, a nice guy will probably finish "first" at the end."

Is criticizing someone on national TV nice?
Is criticizing someone to the national press nice?
Is criticizing someone on your official show blog nice?
Is talking about someone behind his back nice?

I must say, MiG made that one slip in the beginning (with the press) and apologized for that. Hasn't done much since except participating in the group gripefest and some good and bad in his blog. If he is so dang nice, though, why does he participate in the gripefest instead of stopping it? And why not just stick to positive comments in print?

"RE: So-called nice guys"
Posted by shanana banana on 09-02-05 at 01:01 AM
I think a nice guy doesn't step on others backs to get to the top. He does it on his own merits. And as much as I like JD's talent, I don't think he is a "nice guy" in that way. Everybody is going to slip up and make mistakes along the way, but it's how you deal with your mistakes that makes the man (or woman) out of you. I think JD *has* dissed his fellow contestants, both on stage and on closed camera interviews. He's subtle about it -- "killing them with kindness" -- and other such comments suggesting that he manipulated someone into thinking they were better suited for a certain song in order to get the particular song he wanted to sing, being rude in the team player aspect of the songwriting exercise, etc, etc, etc. Now, many of those may not be "public" comments in the sense that JD is speaking to a camera only when he says how he really feels, but since this is a reality show and it's obvious comments like that will be broadcast and undoubtably hurt people's feelings when they hear what JD has been saying about them "behind their backs," it's sort of the same thing.

The bottom line is, this is a reality show and you want to get to the end and win. I understand that. However, after watching Survivor and other such reality TV where the main themes are backstabbing and conniving and manipulating (of which I thoroughly enjoy, I admit) --- on a personal level, I also feel it's been downright refreshing to watch a competition show in which the contestants genuinely seem to get along and enjoy each other's company and can root each other on while still competing for the top prize. I only see one contestant, someone that I really admire talent-wise, mucking up the "love fest" and that is consistently JD. If it's bad editing, that is really a shame and is definitely not fair. But I suspect that a good deal of the root of it is brought on by JD himself, and that's due to comments right out of the horse's mouth. I don't think he's a villian. Just a bit oversensitive, insensitive, and egotistical. Sometimes can make for a bad combo.

And so, yes, I would rather see a winner who is a nice guy. I still think JD is a top contender for the job, and rightfully so, but it sure would be nice to see the prize go to someone with a bit more humility.

"RE: So-called nice guys"
Posted by geg6 on 09-02-05 at 08:22 AM
>And so, yes, I would rather
>see a winner who is
>a nice guy. I
>still think JD is a
>top contender for the job,
>and rightfully so, but it
>sure would be nice to
>see the prize go to
>someone with a bit more

I understand where you're coming from and would agree with you if we were talking about a "prize" like a million dollars. I like seeing a nice guy/girl win Survivor. But this particular prize is lead singer in a rock band. Humility is not really part of the job description.

I'm such a slut for the blues.

"RE: So-called nice guys"
Posted by Loree on 09-02-05 at 09:18 AM
I like my rock singers with a bit of an edge. We want that Bad Boy. I find MiG just too Teen Idolish for my tastes. I think JD has that bad boy persona and the prankster in him too. He is the one they all say makes them laugh the most at the mansion. He wore a Tshirt to the Wednesday show that looked like it just had Chinese printing on it till you turned your head to the right. And it told you to Go F*ck Yourself. When one of the gals in the audience realized what it said he acted all innocent about it. But was careful to keep his jacket on for the rest of the night. CBS would not have been pleased. But in some of the photos on the website you can see what it says on his shirt if you just look at it sideways.

Plus several people that have been to the tapings say that even if you don't like JD you can't deny he has a charisma and magnetism. You have to watch him and obviously everyone has to talk about him too. Nobody is mentioned more on these boards. But then what do I know. I am just a Human Being Being Human.

"RE: So-called nice guys"
Posted by geg6 on 09-02-05 at 09:26 AM

And I still want to do him. LOL!

I'm such a slut for the blues.

"RE: So-called nice guys"
Posted by LaLaLisa on 09-02-05 at 09:57 AM
LAST EDITED ON 09-02-05 AT 10:40 AM (EST)

"He's subtle about it -- "killing them with kindness" -- and other such comments suggesting that he manipulated someone into thinking they were better suited for a certain song in order to get the particular song he wanted to sing, being rude in the team player aspect of the songwriting exercise, etc, etc, etc. Now, many of those may not be "public" comments in the sense that JD is speaking to a camera only when he says how he really feels, but since this is a reality show and it's obvious comments like that will be broadcast and undoubtably hurt people's feelings when they hear what JD has been saying about them "behind their backs," it's sort of the same thing."

See, the subtle thing - I think that leaves it all open to interpretation. I think JD really set this all off with his comment about knowing the songs better than everyone else. From that moment on, I think some people hated him and looked at every action through that lens "JD must be a jerk."

You see his song writing clinic behaviour as rude but what about Marty & Jordis? Do you consider dismissing him "i don't like the way you co-write" "that's just so obvious" isn't rude? If you are going to call not getting along rude, then call it both ways. If JD had sent Marty off to write and then dissed it all, you'd be calling that manipulative, right?

I interpreted his "killing them with kindess" comment as "Oh man I've gotten off on the wrong foot and I need to bend over backwards to make up for it."

I believe it was Dave who said a couple weeks back that JD was the only one who understood what this competition was about. You notice he didn't slam JD for being manipulative and slimy. He said he as doing it right. And that's when a lot of the trash talking, ego pumping started to show up in the other contestants.

"songwriting clinic"
Posted by trigirl on 09-02-05 at 10:07 AM
Thanks for bringing up the songwriting clinic stuff. I could not believe that Marty and Jordis treat JD like a kid then get upset when he acts like one. They sent him off on his own because they could not work with him, yet he is the one that has problems working within a group? JD got a bad rap on that one...everyone was as fault.

"RE: songwriting clinic"
Posted by shanana banana on 09-02-05 at 12:30 PM
"I understand where you're coming from and would agree with you if we were talking about a "prize" like a million dollars. I like seeing a nice guy/girl win Survivor. But this particular prize is lead singer in a rock band. Humility is not really part of the job description."

LOL --- and I would rather see somebody like Johnny Fairplay or or Rob C or Richard Hatch win. (although I did enjoy Ethan and Tom's "nicer guy" strategy to break things up too).

I guess it's all just a matter of taste. You're right --- humility is not part of the job description and not something that I actually expected to want as I watched the show, but like I said, I was pleasantly surprised by how well everyone is getting along and enjoying competing against each other and it's added a new dimension to the show that I was not expecting.

That being said, JD does have a certain charismatic edge that most of the others do not possess -- I certainly enjoy watching him perform, just not watching him talk -- and I wouldn't be a bit surprised that his persona has been manipulated by the powers-that-be who edit RS, especially after reading the post about the live performance where all this house stuff was discussed in much more detail. And that really is a shame. Everything should play out the way it really happens because I'm sure it affects the voting either plus or minus and that's not fair. My sister is convinced that next week's edit will show JD "redeemed." LOL

"RE: Who deserves to go?"
Posted by okaychatt on 09-02-05 at 11:14 PM
<over somebody's third trip.

I think that was just a convenient excuse. If they really liked him, they would have kept him.

Everyone is entitled to my opinion.

"RE: Who deserves to go?"
Posted by weltek on 09-01-05 at 10:05 AM
I think INXS did the right thing. Ty is good, just not a good fit for where they want to take the band. You can't blame them for that.

I don't think any of them did a horrid job with the songs, they just lacked spirit. The performances were flat.

"RE: Who deserves to go?"
Posted by bystander on 09-01-05 at 10:22 AM
I agree. They all seemed to lack enthusiasm for the songs. I thought JD was off-key for the most part, Jordis lacked energy, and I don't know what it is about Ty but he kept falling lower and lower on my list as the competition went on. His mannerisms with the goofy smile and the tongue thing, just started to get old and become a turn-off for me.

I thought that 2 of them were going to go last nite. I still see this thing coming down to Mig, Marty, and JD.

"RE: Who deserves to go?"
Posted by AndrewTN on 09-01-05 at 11:57 AM
Wow what an anti-climax. So there I was hoping to see JD knock it out of the park and show just how good he would be fronting INXS and he chokes. Disappointing performance. I'm not buying into all this JD bashing going on. It appears to be all part of the production & editing. Even the other singers left are jumping to his defence. A tough week for him…needs to be on top of his game next week. Ty was obviously the choice to go. I mean 3 weeks in a row bottom 3….if the public votes that way for the show….can't offer good hopes for future record sales. His on stage personality is just too simple. He always has that big smile but that look in his eyes is different and gives the impression that he is a fake to me. Jordis was awful I thought and showed again that she may have a decent voice for some songs but she is shallow, naïve and more limited in talent than I think we all initially thought. Asked what she could bring to the band….ummm…if she doesn't know after how many weeks of doing this then why are you there? She is the week link and will be the next to go. I'm surprised we didn't see 2 kicked off. Vast improvements needed for next week. We're starting to see the true picture and I go back to my original opinion….it's going to come down between Mig & JD at the end with Mig the professional, nice guy, Aussie getting the gig and the drama of seeing JD crumble on stage at the last hurdle.

"RE: Who deserves to go?"
Posted by tiggermama on 09-01-05 at 12:42 PM
I totally agree with you andrew on everything you said except one thing: I can't imagine Marty ever going home before J.D. Marty did a good job on that INXS song last week and people just love to watch him perform. The crowd went nuts over him last week. I've tried to keep an open mind about J.D. but now I just cringe when I watch him. How many weeks in a row now has he had bad performances? I can't remember when I last liked one of his. Same goes for Jordis who has choked while Suzy has improved.

"RE: Who deserves to go?"
Posted by AndrewTN on 09-01-05 at 01:38 PM
You may be right Tigger. I personally don't enjoy watching Marty which is why I don't place him so high. I was in my late teens and heading off to college when the grunge scene kicked in. I traded my hairspray and Bon Jovi image and turned grunge. It had an impact on my life for sure. I enjoyed the late 80's right at a time when I started partying and drinking (I'm English so was legal to drink at 18 so of course we all started at 15 and nobody cared, now I'm in the US for anyone getting confused) It was cool to drink Jack Daniels because that's what Guns n Roses did. It was cool to sing about sex, drugs and rock n roll. Then along comes Kurt Cobain, Eddie Vedder, Chris Cornell & Co. writing intense songs and bringing on the grunge. It was refreshing, it was raw, it was honest and it was something we all could suddenly relate to. It was intense. The vocals were brutal, raw and passionate. The personalities of these performers were intriguing. Marty…no. Not for me. Maybe it's because I'm older I don’t know. I like to think I'm still in touch with my music. I still play my guitar at every opportunity if only for my own enjoyment and to teach my kids. I still crave the live shows and the whole experience. I keep telling myself one day I need to grow up! I just can't get into him. After Tuesday's show I was quite complimentary to Marty's effort at Wish You Were Here. It's one of my fav albums ever and that song is just a classic among classics. But last night watching him do it again. I wasn't as impressed. I think the first time around I was surprised to hear him sing it that way and wasn't really watching and listening as intently as last night. The 'mad conductor' waving arms thing….ummm why? If he's not doing that he's standing like a statue all awkward screaming out lyrics. Has he once communicated with or acknowledged the crowd while he's performing? It's like he's just there in his own little world. But again that's just my opinion and I don't expect everyone to agree.

"RE: Who deserves to go?"
Posted by LaLaLisa on 09-01-05 at 04:20 PM
So there I was hoping to see JD knock it out of the park and show just how good he would be fronting INXS and he chokes. Disappointing performance

Me, too. I wouldn't go as far as saying he choked, but I was waiting for a grand slam.

RockstarMSN had this to say:

"J.D. is the first up tonight, and Kirk asks him to sing "This Time," ominously adding "make it good." It's not advice J.D. takes to heart. His version of the song, a beautifully crafted, moody ballad from "Listen Like Thieves," is lethargic and flat. Instead of a sincere apology after a fight, he sounds punched out."

Gee, puched out? Ya think??? What on earth could possibly have made him feel that way?

So, what was Jordis' & Ty's excuses? Sympathy pains????

"RE: Who deserves to go?"
Posted by Tahj on 09-01-05 at 12:43 PM
Given the bad performances, maybe these rockers are beginning to realize they really don't want to be part of a has-been band.

Moves courtesy of Syren

"RE: Who deserves to go?"
Posted by shanana banana on 09-01-05 at 04:04 PM
ROTFLMAO --- good one, Tahj!!

"RE: Who deserves to go?"
Posted by djandy on 09-01-05 at 02:10 PM
I was rooting for Ty to rock it because I wanted JD to go, but he missed words and sort of rapped it out in some places. It was almost like he was talking instead of singing, and it just didn't do the song justice. So unfortunately, Ty deserved to go. Lets just hope next week it's JD.

S8 ABC Red Ink Champ, S7 ABPABC Red Ink Champ, CMY FOMO Red Ink Champ

"RE: Who deserves to go?"
Posted by youngatheart on 09-01-05 at 02:31 PM
I agree with the conclusion that the performances last night were "underwhelming" but I also have to say the three INXS songs picked were not the best either. It can't be easy to pull off a high energy performance when the song selection is not the greatest either. Ty sounded, well, wierd...Jordis lacked enthusiasm...JD just plain distracts me when singing by all his macho moves. Heck, at one point it looked like he was ready to grab his crotch (sorry if that sounded perverted, but seriously I really thought that!)

I don't think INXS would go as far as judging the bottom three by only one particular performance of the bottom 3. Obviously they are getting a better feel for all the finalist each week and must have some idea which way they are swaying. I'm sure they also want to make the choice that the voters are in agreement with as it's the public who in the long run will make or break this come back.