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"Rock Star Love List: week 8"

Posted by dreamerbeliever on 08-31-05 at 00:41 AM
LAST EDITED ON 08-31-05 AT 02:33 AM (EST)

Week eight performances have come and gone. Have your feelings of admiration for some or loathing for others been changed? Time to fess up. Who are you diggin’ and whom would like to help show the door too?

1. Jordis Unga (2,1,1,1,2,1,7) – Whew! Just didn’t know if I could keep on driving the bandwagon if back to back bombs occurred. Love love loved it! Found myself getting lost in those big brown puppy dog eyes again. She looked absolutely amazing tonight. Thought her dad was a hoot, showing up in full Tonga gear Nice to know the family is proud of their heritage. Not saying Jordis is gonna win the gig, but I truly look forward to her performances.

2. Marty Casey (6,4,2,4,1,3,6) – When Manic Marty is locked up, he is sooo much better. I know being current and the screaming of notes is what he likes, but his softer side is where he excels in my humble opinion. Totally felt it, stellar.

3. Suzie McNeil (14,8,12,8,6,4,3) – Only a little flatness here and there keeps Suzie from getting a top two ranking. Feel that both Jordis and Marty were solid throughout. Suzie did nail the climax. Difficult song and she did knock it out. Not sure if it was the best performance ever on the show, as Kirk said, but it was good.

4. Mig Ayesa (12,11,4,3,5,2,4) – I like Mig but he was exposed again tonight. Eased up some lately on my feeling he has one of the weaker voices remaining, but I reiterate it again this week. There are cringe moments at times for me during certain notes from Mig. Still think he is a perfect fit for INXS but a bottom three performance might be in order. I’m betting he will knock it out and only increase his standing.

5. Ty Taylor (5,7,3,7,3,6,1) – Was okay but he over sung it at times? Felt forced. I fully expect Ty to be in the bottom three. If JD remains there with him, could be a blessing for Ty. Still find his voice to be extremely soothing and easy to listen too.

6. J.D. Fortune (13,3,7,2,7,7,2) – An okay performance but nothing special. Am I the only one who is getting a little tired of the obligatory goo-goo eyed female shots while JD performs? Don’t get me wrong, love hot ladies on my TV screen, but talk about overkill. Oh and by the way, this performance show was HIGHLY edited by Mark Burnett & company to JD’s favor. From the folks in the audience, there was a 5-minute tongue lashing because of JD being unprepared for the studio session. After his performance, it was pile on time because no member of INXS had a decent word for him. Like with the Jordis-gate last week, JD should be in the bottom three. Will his hardcore fans be enough to keep him out? Gawd I hope not!

Booted: Deanna Johnston (3,6,8,9,8,5,5) – Now why didn't we hear that angelic voice in the track her and Mig cut on a Tuesday? Instead we got Cher impersonations every other week. Killer voice when the song suited her and I wish Deanna best of luck in her career.

As always … I showed you mine, now you show me yours.

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"RE: Rock Star Love List: week 8"
Posted by Lisapooh on 08-31-05 at 01:05 AM
1. Jordis - this is the perfect song for her. The little catch in her voice and the hoarseness around the edges. It really works. She has a quiet charisma that is so different (and in my opinion better than the in your face overt appeal of MiG and JD). She's not very versatile though as her off weeks have shown a real vulnerability. Still, she does this better than anybody. I teared up a little bit which is just pathetic.

2. Suzie - wow - I will not be calling her Snoozie anymore. She has really come on strong. This could have been such a train wreck and it did have a few iffy moments but overall a ballsy, entertaining performance. I sure wouldn't have the guts to sing Bohemian freaking Rhapsody.

3.MiG - this just didn't hang together well. I didn't think his vocal sounded as thin as they have before, but it didn't knock my socks off.

4. Ty - I had high expectations for this, and it just didn't work. He was trying too hard I think. Didn't mesh well with the choir. It seemed unnatural tonight.

5. Marty - I'm not a big pink floyd fan, so my dislike of the song is probably unfairly reflected here. It just seemed sort of lackluster and forgettable to me. I like comfortably numb Marty way better than nirvana Marty, but this perofrmance seemed breath-y and a bit contrived

6.JD - charisma can only take you so far. It's not that JD is bad, it's just that he's so obvious. He is a huge DAW, and while it makes for entertaining TV, it isn't what the band is looking for.

bottom 3: JD, MiG, Ty
encore: Jordis (I think Suzie would get it but it won't happen two weeks in a row and it would be anticlimatic to do it again. that was a stand alone one-off performance if there ever was one)
bootee: JD - I'm convinced the band does not like him and will get rid of him first chance they get.

"RE: Rock Star Love List: week 8"
Posted by cycles2k on 08-31-05 at 02:42 AM
LAST EDITED ON 08-31-05 AT 02:44 AM (EST)

LAST EDITED ON 08-31-05 AT 02:43 AM (EST)

Suzie (Opinion going up each week) - As LisaPooh said - WOW. That was a wonderful performance. The song is so well known that it is hard to imagine anyone but Freddie Mercury doing it well. She pulled it off.

Marty (Unchanged) - A great entertainer. Something fundamentally charismatic about his voice and eyes. My wife says he is adorable, but she says that about me too.

Jordis (Unchanged) - Always enjoyable to watch and hear. Some posters dislike her smile but I really like it and think it adds to her performance.

Mig (slight decline) - His performance was entertaining but not as good as above three. He still deserves final 3 ranking but he needs a better effort next week.

Ty (unchanged, bottom 3) - Unfortunately his performance was poor, the only thing that saved it was the choir. It seemed that his attempt to enhance the soul aspects of the song failed.

JD (unchanged and low). His vocals were good but it just wasn't an overly enjoyable performance. His comments to Dave were just silly.

Bottom 3: JD, Ty and Mig. (Mig has many fans so some doubt on that one).
Encore: Suzie. Perhaps Marty for same reason as Lisapooh said.
Bootee: JD. I would have said Ty but not learning the song was dumb, dumb, dumb.
Final 3: Unchanged at Mig, Marty and Jordis.
Boot Order: JD, Ty, Suzie, Jordis, Marty. Mig wins.
Success: Marty and Jordis will get recording contracts and do better than Mig/INXS.

- edited for spelling -

"RE: Rock Star Love List: week 8"
Posted by photokitty on 08-31-05 at 04:40 AM
The "House Band" is AWESOME! Fantastic covers of some masterworks of rock!

1. SUZIE: Excellent! Sly, sassy, joyous, exuberant, rocking. Strong singing, and she can move, after all! I watched it at least 6 times, I lost count. (I also loved the way the choir was pogoing as one unit--you don't see THAT everyday.)

2. MARTY: Wow. Really great performance of one of my favorite songs. The way he just stayed still and sang was a nice contrast to his previous exertions.

3. JORDIS: I was relieved that she hit all her notes. I enjoyed her performance, except I wish she had utilized the choir. I think to have them come in at the end of the song would have been dramatic and wonderful.

4.TY: It was ok, but not the best. I thought the best part was what he did with the final phrase.

5.MIG: He was playing a Rockstar again, with his thin voice and studied moves. Yeah, ok, so he can hold a note for a while. There were still cringe-worthy moments.

6.JD: Bleh. I had to tape over his performance in order to record Suzie's, and I definitely made the right choice!

"RE: Rock Star Love List: week 8"
Posted by Wacko Jacko on 08-31-05 at 06:47 AM
LAST EDITED ON 08-31-05 AT 06:48 AM (EST)

1. Suzie - Vocally superb. Still needs to move her can.
2. Mig
3. Ty
4. JD -
5. Marty - Not INXs
6. Jordis - Cheesy

"RE: Rock Star Love List: week 8"
Posted by Glow on 08-31-05 at 07:42 AM
1. Suzie - Wow. That was so awesome to see. I love her voice and I loved her performance. I was touched when whoever it was that said it told her they were honored that she wanted to be a part of INXS.
2. Marty - His voice sounded so great. I missed the crazy eyes a little but this performance was all about the voice, man. whew. *swoon*
3. Jordis - An absolute pleasure to hear but I could really do without the smiling at inappropriate times.
4&5 (interchangeable) MiG - I really like him. I really enjoyed the performance but the top three were much better than the bottom three.
Ty - I thought that was a really good performance. I can't really pinpoint any problem I had with it but the top three were much better than the bottom three.
6. JD - I feel almost bad putting him at the bottom with such a good performance. *shrug* I still like watching him. A lot. He doesn't make me all lusty like some of the others but I'd go to a JD concert in a heartbeat.

"RE: Rock Star Love List: week 8"
Posted by true on 08-31-05 at 08:29 AM
Overall, a fantastic show last night. It's getting harder to pick out the stinkers, but here goes...

1. Marty. Gave me chills. He just mesmerizes me. Loved it.

2. Suzie. Took a lot of nerve to perform that song, and she did it well. Not perfectly, but well.

3. Jordis. I'm not a big fan, but her voice is amazing when she is "on".

4. JD. Not bad, but not as good as the three ranked above.

5. Mig. Fun performance, but some of his notes sounded "off" to me.

6. Ty. Hated his version of this Stones classic.

"What True said"
Posted by Breezy on 08-31-05 at 09:12 AM
Marty and Suzie were awesome! Actually everyone did well, great show last night.

"RE: Rock Star Love List: week 8"
Posted by brvnkrz on 08-31-05 at 08:41 AM
1. Suzie blew me away. I loved her last night
2. Jordis--amazing
3. Marty--loved his toned down performance
4. Ty--I was a little bored by him last night
5. JD-I would rather put him last but......
6. MIG--I did not enjoy his performance at all.

"RE: Rock Star Love List: week 8"
Posted by grit on 08-31-05 at 09:33 AM
1. Marty Casey - I loved the toned-down, softer Marty. His voice was phenomenal. It drove my husband nuts that Marty just stood there, but I thought it showed a lot of restraint. It was like he was saying, "Here I am, all striped down. Just judge me on my voice."

2. Ty Taylor - I know I'm out of sync with everyone else who's replied to this topic, but I thought Ty was really good on this song.

3. Mig Ayesa – Some of his notes were off. Normally that would drive me nuts, but I'm willing to forgive that because I like his voice. I also thought he sang with a lot of intensity. I didn't like that he sang over the instrumental parts - that was pretty cocky.

4. Jordis Unga - I thought she sang well but her style didn't fit that song. Her voice was very pretty but this song has a hidden intensity to it that she totally missed. I also thought it was a mistake for her to play the guitar. Her playing isn't that good and you couldn't hear her with all the other instruments, anyway. If she hadn't been concentrating on playing the guitar, I think she could have put more into her vocals.

4. Suzie McNeil – She sang it fairly well, but her delivery was pretty flat. She sang with some power (but not enough, IMO) but this is a song with a lot of angst and she just didn't have it. I think she missed on the melody, too. She picked the wrong melody line to sing a couple of times. I also don't think it was the best performance of the show.

6. J.D. Fortune - What a flat performance. Yeah, he sang in tune. I probably would have enjoyed it more if he sang it like Elvis. It would have at least have had more energy. I just don't get the whole J.D. thing. Oh, and that jumping up and down thing has to stop.

Handcrafted by RollDdice

"RE: Rock Star Love List: week 8"
Posted by youngatheart on 08-31-05 at 10:16 AM
What a great show last night. My first vote would go to the house band!! What an awesome group of musicians. Choir was a nice filler but unbalanced in their sound. Too many overpowering female voices from time to time...

I don't know if I could name a bottom 3, but I could name a bottom 2:

TY - talented guy, but doesn't do it for me. He did a nice job in vocals....don't like his sense of fashion, spikes might be his trademark, but I don't like them.

JD - He's just got to go. Enough's enough.

Overall favorite: MIG and Marty. Two very different approaches but either one would do it for me.

Others: I think Suzie and Jordis are great singers too. I thought Suzie did BR good but not as great as they gave her credit for. I'm not a trained musician, but I sure could hear a few notes of uncertainty in her performance. Would have loved to see MIG perform it but I totally understand why he opted to give it up. Speaking of Mig, he's such a sweet guy. Did you see the big hug he gave Suzie after her performance? Jordis has a very unique voice and did great with Imagine. I was sitting at the edge of my seat wondering if she'd get the high notes!!

"RE: Rock Star Love List: week 8"
Posted by djandy on 08-31-05 at 10:14 AM
1.) Suzie - deserves back to back encores.
2.) Jordis - very soulful.
3.) Marty - love the non-screaming Marty.
4.) Mig - Wow, that long note showcased his breath control. Compare that to J.D. who had to breathe when holding a note half as long.
5.) Ty - I just kept thinking of "The Cut" theme song during his rendition.
6.) J.D. - awful! He deserves to go home and should go home tonight.

S8 ABC Red Ink Champ, S7 ABPABC Red Ink Champ, CMY FOMO Red Ink Champ

"RE: Rock Star Love List: week 8"
Posted by AndrewTN on 08-31-05 at 11:11 AM
Ok let me get my 2cents in before I read everyone else's reviews.

Tough one this week. Not quite sure how I would rank them so in order of appearance.

Ty - yawn….seen enough of him. Liked him early on but just something about him. Not enjoyable to watch and I definitely wouldn't go to see INXS with him fronting them. An OK performance on the night but I just was ready for it to be over. Mind you it's probably one of my least favorite Stones songs so that doesn't help.

JD - Well what a week JD! Have you gone too far? Was rooting for ya man but gotta say I'm disappointed. An OK performance last night…nowhere near his best. But as always I enjoy watching him sing. I can deal with ego's. Most great rock stars have them. I've seen Prince throw a tantrum backstage after a show, I've seen Axel Rose storm off stage. I've seen Lenny Kravitz step back and refuse to play before a packed crowd because someone yelled at him something. I remember being 21 and up on a stage with a Les Paul hanging from my neck. You feel larger than life. You believe you are the best thing since sliced bread and you think you know it all. If that's his deal then so what. The only question is will an established band like INXS who have been there, done it and now matured want to deal with it.

Marty - Much better. Enjoyed watching that performance. Being a die hard Floyd fan I have cringed at many attempts to cover but he did a good job. Vocally he has shown some growth and that part of him is impressive but I still don't care for the psycho act he insists on adopting everytime he hits the stage. With his own band I might be able to become a fan but the act just doesn't do it for me doing covers of classics. Music has changed since the 80's & early 90's in a lot of ways I admit and I don't think we'll see INXS play to stadiums with 50,000 people again but I just keep recalling how Michael Hutchence would own the stage and work those 50,000 people……I don't see Marty having the ability to do that as he stands clutching his mic with his psycho act in full flow. It's too much of a forced act. There's no passion or soul from him when he's on stage.

Jordis - Was a good performance but vocally a safe choice after last weeks disaster. Not quite enough to redeem herself in my eyes…..sorry Jordis fans! She definitely is pretty and those eyes….but I just don't feel the sincerity and although her voice is very nice to listen to I have doubts about her actual overall ability and understanding of music.

Mig - Didn't impress me. I'm glad he didn't pick BR due to his time doing the Queen gig in London. I actually agreed with Kirk that it was annoying that Mig continued interrupting the instrumental breaks. I can understand why he did it since it's a competition and he was trying to work the song. On a normal night on a regular gig maybe he wouldn't have done that. There's just something about his voice that keeps exposing limitations and weakness. I do enjoy watching him perform though probably because he has so many stereotypical rock star cliché's and moves. He does have the confidence and ability to front a band and own the stage.

Suzie - Standing ovation from me. Probably the best performance on the night. This coming from somebody who has wished her gone since week one. She has improved dramatically I'll give her that. The only other time I've seen that song performed live was seeing Queen at Wembley, London back in '85. It's was that song that everyone anticipated when Queen played. Actually it was more than just a song and for me always has been. It's one of those few that can be considered hall of famers for it's greatness. A very brave choice for Suzie to try and cover it but it worked pretty well. Ok there were a few flat notes and it wasn't perfect but with a few more rehearsals with the band I'm sure those would disappear. Stupid things bother me while watching her though, how she holds the mic and peaks over it like a scared little kitten. Her lack of stage presence, confidence and sex appeal. To attract a male audience these factors are huge and I just find it hard to connect with a female singer who doesn't have that. That is my biggest problem with Suzie. As far as last night went it was the most entertaining performance.

The exciting thing for me is that I am looking forward to JD (I haven't written him off) & Mig sing INXS songs for the first time. Just how well will they do with them? I really think they will sing tonight. Along with Ty who will this week be sent packing, unless JD does something else really stupid.

"RE: Rock Star Love List: week 8"
Posted by Jay1205 on 08-31-05 at 11:42 AM
#1 - Jordis - Hauntingly beautiful rendition of Imagine. Her tone and melody were perfect. Smiling throughout only enhanced her performance. Showed she was in sync with the song and perhaps gelling with the lyrics.

#2 - MiG - I think he got the worst song out of the pack to do. Like the song, but it's more song that showcased the house band. I find him very appealing though and a good fit for INXS.

#3 - Ty - I agree that he is not a good fit for INXS; however, I thought his performance last night was bang-on.

#4 - JD - I think JD was more concerned about showing off his tattoos to the camera than he was with the song. Yes, he has a massive ego, but I think that can be a good thing for a front man of a band. For INXS though? Hmmmmmm.....

#5 - Suzie - I love her voice, but I think she bombed last night. I think Wayne & Garth from Wayne's World did a better version of this than Suzie. I want to like her, and I do, but I don't think she's a rocker.

#6 - Marty - He just plain creeps me out.

"Love List: week 8"
Posted by trigirl on 08-31-05 at 11:58 AM
I only started watching from week 4 and from what I've read, that makes a difference in your love lists. Apparently I missed some good performances and some bad ones. But for the last few weeks.....

1. Suzie - as someone else said...she need to learn to move her can. Other than that, the girl can sign. Love her!!!

2. Mig - didn't love "Live and Let Die", but think he is still the real deal.

3. JD - there is something about him, can't place my finger on.

4. Marty - would absolutely buy his records, just not sure he belongs with INXS.

5. Jordis - think she is beautiful and talented, but not the be-all and end-all.

6. Ty - Love him and would love to see him perform. Just haven't loved his song choices.

"RE: Rock Star Love List: week 8"
Posted by geg6 on 08-31-05 at 12:00 PM
First, let me say that the whole evening was enjoyable. These truly are the best of the bunch. And I simply cannot say enough about that house band! Last night just proved again, these guys are virtuosos. Awesome, awesome, awesome!

1) Suzie - she only gets this because it is so hard to sing and she mostly pulled off the vocals. Not perfect, but good enough. She should be kissing the band's a$$es for how great they were. I don't think she'd have sounded nearly as good without such a superb band. The problem with her is, however, that she just isn't very interesting visually. I'd rather listen to her than watch her. Not really what INXS should be looking for in a front person.

2) Marty - this is how he should sing. I rather think he cannot keep this up, though. He really likes to scream and act like some kind of mental patient. I cannot help feeling he is totally not right for INXS.

3) JD - I liked it. Not his best, but good enough for me. Even a mediocre JD is mesmerizing. I simply can't take my eyes off of him. I feel pretty silly that a woman my age has such a crush, but I do.

4) Jordis - she sounded pretty good this week after some real bad stuff the last few weeks. But she is really starting to annoy me. I sometimes think she really has no clue as to what the lyrics of the songs mean. And based on what she has shown to be her lyric-writing ability, that shouldn't surprise me.

5) MiG - well, one of my favorite Wings-era McCartney songs. I was not impressed. Once again, all the weaknesses in his voice were highlighted. And how stupid to sing over the instrumental breaks! Suzie used the awesome band to cover her weaknesses. MiG tried to compete with them. Not a good move, from a political point of view or an artistic point of view.

6) Ty - Dude, I've been a fan from the start, but that just wasn't good enough. Competent, I suppose, but just not what you could have given that Stones classic.

I'm such a slut for the blues.

"RE: Rock Star Love List: week 8"
Posted by Hoobie on 08-31-05 at 01:56 PM
1. Marty -- Great control. The song choice carried him a lot of the way, but it was the most enjoyable performance.

2. Jordis -- The over-smiling doesn't bother me all that much.

3. J.D. -- It pains me to put him this low, but I voted a bunch for him, and him only. I LOVED his comment in the middle of the performance: about lying, "not much", and the ending really did me in - he is hot, hot, hot.

4. Suzie -- Eh, only OK. Constantine blew her away, IMHO.

5. MiG -- Some great parts, some painful parts.

6. Ty -- Please leave now. Much too showy.

"RE: Rock Star Love List: week 8"
Posted by CattyChat on 08-31-05 at 02:08 PM
I went into last night's show with really high expectations, maybe too high. I really liked the show, but I was surprised that some of the performances didn't thrill me as much as I thought they would.

1. Suzie – BY A MILE. There were a couple of minor missteps, but overall, her performance left the others in the dust. This is the 2nd week I ranked her #1 & she has just grown on me each week. I also really get the feeling INXS LOVES little Suzie. I think she might be in the final 2 replacing either MiG or J.D.


The next grouping were all about the same & difficult to rank, because there were highs & lows with each performance

2. J.D. - I didn't think the Elvis song should have been included with last night's songs, but J.D. put a nice spin on it, livening it up & made it much more exciting of a song.

3. Marty – This was one of the best performances by Marty, IMO, because he sang instead of screamed, thus his pitch was greatly improved. He still hit a few bad notes & I just wasn't that impressed.

4. Jordis – 1st mistake was not using the choir/orchestra/brass to the fullest and going so low key, IMO it made the times she was off-key really noticeable. At times, she sounded beautiful & then slapped me in the face with an off note. Such a shame. And it's just me, but the lisp is grating on my nerves, especially when the camera just has to be all up in her face & mouth, so it just accentuates to me. Sorry, Jordis.

5. Ty – I didn't like his interpretation that much last night. His vocals were pretty good, but there was not much life in the performance.

W H A T T H E ????

6. MiG – Now, I LOVE MiG, but what the heck was he doing last night??? Throughout this comp, he has been up & down, IMO. He doesn't have the strongest voice, but he's pretty good, looks good, nice guy, could make easy fit with INXS, BUT his performance last night was almost as bad as Jordis last week. Hideous, terrible, I don't know what to say. I am still in shock.

I voted a few times for Suzie & J.D. in the 5 or so min before the show ended. Usually, I would vote a little more, but I had things to do and, to be honest, at this point I just want to hear J.D., MiG & Jordis sing INXS!!

The bottom 3, IMO, SHOULD be MiG, Ty & Jordis (who should have been in the bottom last week). At this point, I really have doubts that Jordis can pull off a classic INXS & I really want to hear her. But, I think Ty is on borrowed time & should get the boot at this time.

"RE: Rock Star Love List: week 8"
Posted by J I M B O on 08-31-05 at 03:28 PM

Only saw the last three perform. IMO Jordis was unbelievable. Made me rewind it on Tivo and turn my surround sound on to listen again. Suzie is #1 on a lot of lists here, but I don't get it. I think she was helped tremendously by the band and energy they created. In the first instrumental she just turned and stared at the band for what seemed like a minute. That is a rock star? Entertaining song for sure, but how much of it was really her? And the guy between them was terrible in vocals and spasmodic undulating.