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"Either Mig or JD will be the winner!"

Posted by tamglam on 07-13-05 at 11:52 PM
I really don't believe that a woman will be the next singer for Inxs. No matter how talented that they are. Jordis has the strongest stage presence right now and they boys seem to like her a lot. However I believe it will come down to Mig and JD. I personally was blown away by both. The show is awesome and the first reality show I don't have guilt for watching. The talent is incredible and impressed by inxs and dave. They are direct honest and kind in thier feedback. This coming from rockers?

I thought that I would hate this show and if it didn't follow big brother (my kids Favorite), I would have not tuned in.
I do believe with the talent that is on this show they could find a great lead singer. I like JD a lot because he seemed to be a leader and be able to take direction which is a quality that I think the band is looking for along with talent.

Who do you think is going to win? I would like to know what everyone else is thinking?

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: Either Mig or JD will be the winner!"
Posted by coolbluepig on 07-14-05 at 07:48 AM
me too i don't think a woman would be the nexe lead and it would be awkward and i sldo like JD

"RE: Either Mig or JD will be the winner!"
Posted by KLicK on 07-14-05 at 08:23 AM
Add me to the "a guy will win" group. I think Ty has a lot of potential and I'm throwing Marty into the mix of leading candidates.

"RE: Either Mig or JD will be the winner!"
Posted by Tahj on 07-14-05 at 11:38 AM
I don't think a woman is going to win this either. I just can't picture a woman fronting this band.

Moves courtesy of Syren

"RE: Either Mig or JD will be the winner!"
Posted by CattyChat on 07-14-05 at 04:10 PM
LOVE this show -- so much talent and great performances. While many of the women sound great, I too join in the no woman lead for INXS -- only a guy will fit IMHO. And I was a big INXS fan back in the day and am so glad to see them making a big comeback here in the U.S.

So far, although too early to tell, my picks are either:

JD - loved his styling of CA Dreaming & less epileptic dancing

TY - He rocks, rocks, rocks!!!

Possibly Brandon - Great style - verdict still out on voice

I am on the fence with Mig, his 2nd performance was much better

My please no's, because I look forward to the new INXS:

Marty has a lot of presence, but I don't see him with INXS
Neal -- too young, pants too low (icky) & too Jagger-like

"RE: Either Mig or JD will be the winner!"
Posted by brvnkrz on 07-15-05 at 09:38 AM
Jumping on the boy train. I think some of these women are amazing singers but I really don't want a woman fronting this band. At least not fronting it and calling it INXS. If they are going to cover old INXS songs in concert in the future then I just don't want to hear a woman singing them.

when you love someone, you tend to see them as you want them to be, not as they are.

"RE: Either Mig or JD will be the winner!"
Posted by Glow on 07-15-05 at 10:10 AM
Put me on the boy train too. I would choo-choo-choose a male singer.

"RE: Either Mig or JD will be the winner!"
Posted by tinybubs on 07-14-05 at 09:09 PM
I wouldn't discount the idea of a woman fronting for INXS. It's clear Michael Hutchence was a unique talent and I think the band's members realize that any guy would draw criticism for trying imitate him. Hiring a woman would allow the band to go in a new direction, without the comparisons.

On the other hand; J.D. may have a leg up on the competition with his ability as an arranger, he took a folk rock tune and turned it into something that rocked hard. That's a talent that's harder to find than a singer, and the band seemed to be very impressed with it.

"RE: Either Mig or JD will be the winner!"
Posted by geg6 on 07-15-05 at 09:35 AM
>On the other hand; J.D. may
>have a leg up on
>the competition with his ability
>as an arranger, he took
>a folk rock tune and
>turned it into something that
>rocked hard. That's a
>talent that's harder to find
>than a singer, and the
>band seemed to be very
>impressed with it.

I would have to agree that the band was mightily impressed by his arrangement. I'm sure that's why he was showcased on the Wednesday show. I thought it was a great arrangement and loved how he rocked it out. I still have some reservations about him, but it was quite impressive.

I'm such a slut for the blues.

"RE: Either Mig or JD will be the winner!"
Posted by djandy on 07-14-05 at 10:04 PM
LAST EDITED ON 07-14-05 AT 10:05 PM (EST)

I like Jordis and Deanna. Why even bother having women in the competition if they don't have a chance of winning? The INXS band members seem open to the idea.

S8 ABC Red Ink Champ, S7 ABPABC Red Ink Champ, CMY FOMO Red Ink Champ

"RE: Either Mig or JD will be the winner!"
Posted by dreamerbeliever on 07-14-05 at 11:11 PM
Agree with your comment about why have women in the contest if they don't even have a shot DJ. I guess the main thing I would like to know is where are the heads of the remaining band members. Do they want to do tours playing the old stuff or do they want to create new songs/albums?

If it's creating a whole new direction for the band then a woman should get the gig, but if it's tours and playing their library, then it's probably going to be one of the guys.

"RE: Either Mig or JD will be the winner!"
Posted by Tahj on 07-15-05 at 11:09 AM
Maybe they want to do both. A mix of the old and the new. Their long-time fans will probably be open to new stuff, but they are definitely going to want to hear the old stuff too.

Moves courtesy of Syren

"RE: Either Mig or JD will be the winner!"
Posted by MercedesBenz on 07-16-05 at 01:45 AM
I definetly agree with you that a woman will most likely not win this competition. My favorite guy is probably JD or Mig, but i think that JD will win out of the two. I really enjoy Jordis, i think that even if she does not win this competition she may get a recording deal with someone.

"RE: Either Mig or JD will be the winner!"
Posted by seahorse on 07-18-05 at 10:39 AM
LAST EDITED ON 07-18-05 AT 10:39 AM (EST)

I agree that they will choose a man as the winner. He/she needs to be able to sing their previous hits and a man is better suited than a woman to sing those songs.

Handcrafted by RollDdice

"RE: Either Mig or JD will be the winner!"
Posted by Glow on 07-18-05 at 10:55 AM
After watching the repeat performance of Tuesday and Wednesdays shows, I'm not so sure they will choose a male singer. I think it's possible that they are looking for a different sound. And as far as them singing their old stuff? I think Suzie sounded great doing "Never Tear Us Apart". We'll see. I'm not sure what I think anymore. I'm fickle.

I? would still prefer a male singer.

--still loves her some Neal.

"RE: Either Mig or JD will be the winner!"
Posted by fantome on 07-19-05 at 10:32 AM
I have to agree with you all, the winner will be a guy. There are some talented women in the group, absolutely, and I wish them huge success, but INXS will not be INXS at all if they don't have a sexy male front man. Not a Hutchence copy, that would be akin to sacrilege. I think the only one in the group who can do it (for me, anyway) is JD. We'll see how the rest of the competition progresses, but barring any shocking revelations, it's got to be JD. Man, that guy's talent cup runneth over. And he is beyond question the hottest thing on my TV screen lately!

"RE: Either Mig or JD will be the winner!"
Posted by hotsauce322 on 07-26-05 at 03:31 PM
okay, it's become apparent, based on last night's show that MIG should be the winner over JD. First of all, JD is an arrogant wanker who thinks less of the other contestants because they don't have all of the INXS songs memorized by heart, like he does.

Did anyone see the way everyone stared at JD with disgust???

and JD calling Brandon "short" or whatever, talking about how his height affected his performance ability, that was a total cheap shot.

Regardless of talent, and i believe that MIG is more talented anyways, JD should be off the damn show!!!

"RE: Either Mig or JD will be the winner!"
Posted by geg6 on 07-26-05 at 03:42 PM
LAST EDITED ON 07-26-05 AT 03:50 PM (EST)

Have you ever met a rock star? Arrogance doesn't begin to describe it. It is not necessarily a bad thing for them. And, as for his memorizing the INXS songbook? Smart of him to have done it and stupid of the rest of them not to have. This show is not about how popular you are in the house. It's about do you have what it takes to replace an almost irreplaceable frontman. A little bit of arrogance and ego are called for here, I think.

And, FTR, JD didn't call Brandon short. He simply commented that Brandon seemed to slump on stage because he was tall and wanted to connect with the audience. He told him that he thought he looked awesome when he stood at full height and played on the better look of that.

In my book, Mig is marginal. Not good enough a singer to replace Michael Hutchence. Not enough charisma either.

ETA: IMHO, if Mig wins, it will be the equivalent of when Gary Cherone became the lead singer of Van Halen. A disaster and, for big fans of the band, heresy.

I'm such a slut for the blues.

"RE: Either Mig or JD will be the winner!"
Posted by Wacko Jacko on 07-26-05 at 04:44 PM
I once knew a guy who was a doorman at a popular New York Club, he told me of the time that INXS came to his club. He said that they were some of the most arrogant dudes on the planet. When they were given a hard time about getting into the club he said they became the biggest jerks on the planet....."Do you know who we are?". It is typical of rock stars to become arrogant. INXS is no different.

"RE: Either Mig or JD will be the winner!"
Posted by Lisapooh on 07-27-05 at 12:21 PM
Arrogance is to be expected in rock - JD isn't exactly in that caliber yet. He's a reality show contestant. He has to earn the right to be an a-hole and he hasn't. So, to me, he's just an a-hole. And a contrived, transparent one at that. the public can put him in the bottom three every week - so he can't afford so much misguided arrogance.

I loved INXS back in the day - I've been to their shows, I've bought their records, I crushed hard on Garry, Andy and Tim from about 1983 onward. I'm definitely a fan and have been since Don't Change. Personally, I would much rather see Mig or Marty front this band than a punk like JD.

"RE: Either Mig or JD will be the winner!"
Posted by me144 on 07-26-05 at 03:56 PM
I think Mig would be great! He is a great performer and I think he has a lot more charisma than JD.

Totally aside from JD's "cockiness", I don't think JD's that great, definitely not good looking, IMO. His arrangements have been impressive; but not sure that is the primary thing the band is looking for.

I agree; I don't think a girl would fit altho several of them are amazing and I'm glad they're getting the exposure.

I also like Marty.

"RE: Either Mig or JD will be the winner!"
Posted by raven872 on 07-27-05 at 00:10 AM
The jury's still out on my favorite at the moment, though I agree on the poster who said don't discount the possibility of a female singer. INXS might WANT to go that direction. There is a great pool of talent on this show, and the women carry a LOT of it.

In regard to arrogance, I've met a LOT of rock stars. From Robert Smith to Steven Tyler and everything in between. I have to say that the majority of them are NOT arrogant with fans and those who are do run the risk of alienating them, especially if the arrogance eclipses the talent.

JD does definitely have talent in regard to his arrangements. His voice and stage presence don't really do it for me, though, and he has rubbed me the wrong way. I'm hanging in there, hoping he can get a bit of humility and recover. We shall see.

I do have to say that I am enjoying this show IMMENSELY. I watched American Idol for the first time a few months back. A good friend of mine is friends with Constantine and she was going to be in the audience, so I tuned in to catch her. I KEPT watching because of Bo Bice, but he was the only ray of light in that show for me. I can say much better things about this show in terms of total talent.

Not to mention the fact that a certain American Idol judge could learn MAJOR lessons on class from a certain group of major rock stars who speak with Aussie accents and shall remain nameless... (Dave too). I appreciate how they treat all of the singers with respect instead of insulting for the sake of the cameras. They're truly a class act.


"RE: Either Mig or JD will be the winner!"
Posted by whimsey on 07-27-05 at 00:24 AM
Well said RM. I'll also watch, listen and wait. The difference is in the professionalism. The top contestants will know that -- but you never know with T. V.


"RE: Either Mig or JD will be the winner!"
Posted by KCIrish on 07-27-05 at 10:03 AM
My top picks are Marty, JD and Mig..

I've really liked JD but he needs to grow up and take this more seriously and he was awful last night. I was really impressed when he did California Dreamin.

I thought Marty was great from the start. Smart guy and really talented. He doesn't cause drama but is just there to do the best he can and he rocks. Someone like that should win.

Mig is growing on me. When Dave said he needs to let loose I realized that is EXACTLY what the problem is. I couldn't put my finger on it before but he is too controlled. A lot of potential though and could definitely see him with INXS.

I love Jordis and can't wait to hear more from her but think she needs her own band and can't see her with INXS.

"RE: Either Mig or JD will be the winner!"
Posted by CBRetriever on 07-27-05 at 01:51 PM
Remember the winner will have to be able to sing these songs:

Devil Inside
New Sensation
Never Tear Us Apart
and any other slow melodic INX song.

Some of the contestants don't have the ability to sing in their style (remember Neal and Suicide Blonde). Use your imagination and you'll eliminate at least helf of the contestants right away.

"Cut To The Chase!"
Posted by photokitty on 07-27-05 at 05:04 PM


Exactly! Who among this group will be able to sing:

Love Is (What I Say)
Johnson's Airplane
Black and White
and the aforementioned songs?

Susie proved herself with an excellent rendition of Never Tear Us Apart.
I believe Ty, Jordis, Marty, MiG will also sing these well.

Everyone else, just go home now.

"RE: Cut To The Chase!"
Posted by Moother on 07-27-05 at 06:48 PM

"RE: Cut To The Chase!"
Posted by tamglam on 07-27-05 at 09:17 PM
Just add JD to that list and you are right on! I personally can't wait to see JD sing an InXS song, he is going to rock.

"RE: Cut To The Chase!"
Posted by photokitty on 07-28-05 at 01:19 AM
No, I don't think JD has the vocal range and the clear pure voice these songs need. He's got an interesting voice though...he reminds me of the lead singer of Car Crash Dummies.

"RE: Either Mig or JD will be the winner!"
Posted by Drive My Car on 07-28-05 at 09:54 AM

The more I see of him the more I think Marty has a really good chance of earning the top spot.
He doesn't try to imitate other sngers, just does his own thing and does it well.
He also has improved his stage performance each week.

Go Marty!