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"Jordis & Deanna: Speculation & Other Nonsense "

Posted by mocha madness on 08-24-05 at 02:01 PM
I think Jordis is an amazing talent, and after two weeks in a row of lackluster performances I wonder if she is not deliberately tanking. Could it be that she has been contacted by someone with a great offer, and she does not really want to be the singer for INXS? I suggest that she has the best talent of anyone on the show. She should have absolutely nailed "Dream On", and if you check out her performance (if you have it on tape) notice that her body language, stage performance, and vocals were off from the very beginning. Layla was another song she should have nailed, and she gave a weak performance the previous week as well.

In regard to Deanna. She is very good in one style only, and I don't think that style suits INXS, but I think they are keeping her on the show because she is smoking hot! Was that a skirt or hot pants that she was wearing last night....or should I say painted on her.

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"RE: Jordis & Deanna: Speculation & Other Nonsense "
Posted by trigirl on 08-24-05 at 02:06 PM
I agree Deanna has the hot factor. Those hot pants were just that....but I find the bouncing fun bags a little much. Honey, you need to find some support for those puppies.

"RE: Jordis & Deanna: Speculation & Other Nonsense "
Posted by weltek on 08-24-05 at 02:10 PM
Let's not forget her horse mouth. I'd be happy inheriting her lower body, though.

"RE: Jordis & Deanna: Speculation & Other Nonsense "
Posted by photokitty on 08-24-05 at 03:30 PM
>Honey, you
>need to find some support
>for those puppies.

She did. Last night she was wearing something underneath her sweater, because she was not sagging the way she was in that gown. Her clevage was...rounded.

"RE: Jordis & Deanna: Speculation & Other Nonsense "
Posted by riverrocker on 08-24-05 at 02:09 PM
Interesting you would say that about Jordis deliberately 'tanking' her performance. I thought the exact same thing! Plus, she 'hid' under that hat...as if she didn't want to reveal her face because maybe she'd give herself away? Does make you wonder that's for sure!

As for Deanna, I 'thought' it was hot pants...but whatever the painted on clothing was, it certainly wasn't any more 'dramatic' than what Brooke was partially wearing!

"RE: Jordis & Deanna: Speculation & Other Nonsense "
Posted by dragonflies on 08-25-05 at 09:06 AM
what Brooke was partially wearing

LOL. I totally agree about Brooke and her 'outfits'. Even DH, who is an oobies kind of guy kept commenting on how unattractive Brooke's dress was on Tuesday. Notice how on Wed her clothing is usually more subdued, almost conservative?

Slice & Dice Sigpic Chop Shop 2005

"RE: Jordis & Deanna: Speculation & Other Nonsense "
Posted by photokitty on 08-24-05 at 03:42 PM
>I think Jordis is an amazing
>talent, and after two weeks
>in a row of lackluster
>performances I wonder if she
>is not deliberately tanking.
>Could it be that she
>has been contacted by someone
>with a great offer, and
>she does not really want
>to be the singer for

That thought occurred to me, as well.

But, I don't know. Maybe she's not "deliberately tanking" but perhaps is not trying as hard, because she has something else in the wings. Or is distracted, to that effect.

I think it's that she is so young, and has had all this praise, and it made her wonder if she really needs to front INXS to get anywhere in her life. Which she doesn't, but it would be nice to be invited.

But to deliberately tank? Nah. That would assume an arrogance higher than JD's (as in, I've got this in the bag, now I don't want it, I'd better start suckking.) Better to be her very best and see what happens. Of course, that's me being rational. I haven't received tons of praise and hype to cloud my judgement.

"RE: Jordis & Deanna: Speculation & Other Nonsense "
Posted by Wacko Jacko on 08-24-05 at 04:42 PM
I see no reason for her to tank it. Whether she is in a new band or not she would do the band and her self the best by singing her heart out. The last couple weeks Jordis may of lost some fans and those viewers new to the show still need to be impressed. There is no reason to tank it. She could bow out if she doesn't want to be there. All she has to do is say stuff like my heart aint in this anymore and she will be let go. It serves her best to sing her best until she gets in the final three than when she gets in the final three if she don't want to be there just make stupid comments to the band.

"RE: Jordis & Deanna: Speculation & Other Nonsense "
Posted by cheesybread on 08-24-05 at 04:34 PM

I suppose you could be right. I actually get the feeling that she might have been a tad overrated. Originally Deanna struggled to find a range and since the voice clinic she has improved it. Jordis on the other hand seem to have done nothing to improve her range. But I do get the feeling that she isn't really that focused. Who knows maybe it's just me.

Deanna's original song was awesome. Mig, not so much...

"RE: Jordis & Deanna: Speculation & Other Nonsense "
Posted by shanana banana on 08-24-05 at 05:06 PM
I don't think Jordis tanked the song. I think she just didn't realize how hard it was to sing Dream On until she was in the rehearsal studio doing it.

Hubby (who is a musician) commented to me during the performance that Jordis did not have the right vocal key range in order to sing Dream On and the band had to actually play it in a slightly different key just to keep her semi on-track. He said it's a lot harder for a woman to sing that song than many people would realize and she didn't adjust to the challenge properly. Like the band said afterwards, why didn't she rearrange it to better suit her vocal range? Maybe she just thought that practice would make perfect, but it sure didn't. She butchered that song royally.

"RE: Jordis & Deanna: Speculation & Other Nonsense "
Posted by mocha madness on 08-24-05 at 05:43 PM
You make some very good points about the song "Dream On". I recall about a year or so ago VH1 had a tribute for Arrowsmith, and the group Train performed Dream On, and they were sensational. Steven Tyler remarked afterwards that he had never heard anyone do it better.....Making a classic rock song work in comparison to a "rock superstar" must be pretty tough. I thought that Jordis had the chops to really do well with that song, and I could just be wrong, and have overly inflated her abilities.....although DeAnna is still smoking hot!

"RE: Jordis & Deanna: Speculation & Other Nonsense "
Posted by toddE on 08-24-05 at 11:35 PM

I like both Jordis and Deanna, but Deanna is definitely wrong for INXS and Jordis may be as well. Deanna and Ty should have traded, because "Proud Mary" needs the soulful sound of Deanna, and Ty is clearly more creative. Ty is gone next week, almost for sure.

Jordis has had two weak weeks, but she is by far the best performer on this show. INXS would pick her if they really wanted to come back, and I think she may win because they recognize her talent although she may not be the best fit. She seemed to be just actin crazy with no care for the consequences during her performance and I don't know why.

I think Ty had the only good song this week. Deanna's song was the second best, but I don't care for Dream On or Start Me Up. This week was the most boring since I started watching the second episode.

"RE: Jordis & Deanna: Speculation & Other Nonsense "
Posted by dreamerbeliever on 08-25-05 at 00:32 AM
Sorry but there is no way no how that Jordis tanked purposely. She is an artist. Artists tend to be extremely emotional and take the reaction to their art personally. For her to tank on purpose at something she clearly loves would assume an awful lot.

Now do I think her number one goal for doing this show is to get her name and talent out there for the world to see? Yes, it's why she originally did Star Search. I can also say the same for every contestant on this show, even the I love INXS more then life JD. It's an opportunity of a lifetime. The longer they stay on the show, the more exposure they receive. Let’s not forget that these are all unsigned lead singers.

Is there anyone here who wants to go on a worldwide TV show to intentionally look bad? These aren't postman and bartenders competing on Survivor. Singing and performing is who they are.

"RE: Jordis & Deanna: Speculation & Other Nonsense "
Posted by Loree on 08-25-05 at 01:33 AM
> I can
>also say the same for
>every contestant on this show,
>even the I love INXS
>more then life JD. It's
>an opportunity of a lifetime.
>The longer they stay on
>the show, the more exposure
>they receive. Let’s not forget
>that these are all unsigned
>lead singers.

JD said as much tonight in the one clip from the mansion. He said they should all be happy to just have this opportunity to perform in front of millions of people. The real winner of this show might not be the one that gets the INXS gig. They are all getting the exposure they crave. And they may all end up with great offers and opportunities afterwards.

"RE: Jordis & Deanna: Speculation & Other Nonsense "
Posted by Shypappy on 08-29-05 at 12:45 PM
Would anyone in their right mind purposely have a horrible performance in front of INXS, and 15 million fans?

I sure as hell wouldn't, and I doubt Jordis did!

She can be a great singer, just not with this kind of music!