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"Results Show 8/16 - Thoughts"

Posted by CattyChat on 08-18-05 at 12:54 PM
Just a couple a things I wanted to comment on how I perceived last night's results show.

1st, I thought Deanna was the worst & should have been booted, but I think Jessica's time just ran out. I am hoping that there wasn't a double elim, because ratings are picking up & they're are not rushing to finish this thing out.

I think they're really trying to kick up the drama at the house lately, with the pow-wow at the beginning of concert night & this time not only stating the 3 lowest, but the 3 highest votes. Hmm, interesting that J.D. is flat in the middle.

Also, I love MiG & he deserved the encore, BUT I thought it very interesting that he had Jordis & Marty to sing with him. I think he is trying to be the total polar opposite of J.D. I think this is foreshadowing a good v "evil" / MiG v J.D. showdown at the end. I think he needs to stop being so saccharine sweet, kissy-kissy and just rock the place. I thought the whole thing came off contrived and Marty & Jordis looked very awkward in the beginning before finally figuring out where the chorus started & they were going to sing (it was rehearsed that morning IMO).

Last of my thoughts is I was surprised Suzie was back in bottom 3, because she really is great & getting stronger every week. She has replaced Jordis as my top female.

I also took note of INXS telling her she didn't deserve to be there & this was another chance for her to showcase her voice. I knew she wasn't being booted. INXS likes her.

Another note was how INXS made a point to tell the voting audience that they are open to a woman for their band. Hmm, seems to me they're sending a message.

I have been for a man lead & think J.D. is the best choice, w/MiG second. If it were a woman, I think the only one who would be a good fit would be Suzie. Jordis just isn't their style & I think she would be a diva in the writing process, because she is very opinionated about her non-obvious lyrics.

As "Linda Richman" would say -- "Talk amongst yourselves."

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"RE: Results Show 8/16 - Thoughts"
Posted by Dorian on 08-18-05 at 02:03 PM
Yup, the encore seemed a bit conrived to me as well. Play a few notes, stop and preface everything with gratitude for being selected to do an encore, then bring the other two in... I've seen that script played out before, just can't remember where. But this show seems to be falling into a pattern that breaks away from the edginess that grabbed me from the start. Perhaps that is why its gaining popularity? Mig needs to be force fed that suggested bottle of Vodka before Disney starts recruiting him.

You and I disagree on Deanna, but differences of opinions are what makes these shows fun. I was glad to see Jessica go. I've always been irritated with female voices that squeak going into a note. Also, I'm a big fan of Bonnie Raitt, Melissa Etheridge, and other smokey voiced vocalists. Deanna fits right down that alley. Her honesty and awareness attract me as well. She listens and learns. And she's definitely easy on the eyes. Uh-oh.... I'm sounding like a stalker... on to other things....

Suzie vs Jordis: Watch out there, you are bucking popular opinion! But I agree, Suzie is much better suited to be the front man... er.... woman for an alternative rock band. Jordis makes for a better solo artist. I think Nora Jones is dreading the end of this show.

So, is next week supposed to see Suzie, Deanna and Ty in the bottom three? Or will we finally get to hear J.D. hit a homerun with an INXS song? We'll know soon enough.