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"Deanna comment - east coast"

Posted by Aussiemama on 08-17-05 at 09:10 PM
She just butchered that song! My god!!!!! That is my ultimate favourite song in the whole INXS collection and I almost cried listening to it! I hope she goes home!

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"RE: Deanna comment - east coast"
Posted by cycles2k on 08-17-05 at 09:12 PM
It is such a wonderful song and I thought she did OK but it doesn't suit her personality.

"RE: Deanna comment - east coast"
Posted by Aussiemama on 08-17-05 at 09:16 PM
She looked like she was having an epileptic fit or needed to go to the loo really badly. That whole chicken bopping thing is horrible and the waving of the hands. It is a beautiful ballard and should be sung reverently.

"RE: Deanna comment - east coast"
Posted by cycles2k on 08-17-05 at 09:31 PM
She does that chicken walk think in every song so I figure it must be her stage personality. I stopped watching and just listened to the vocals and found it to be much more enjoyable.

"RE: Deanna comment - east coast"
Posted by KittyMeghanLeah2 on 08-18-05 at 04:07 AM
I know girl.. no one can sing it like Michael Hutchence did. I did think Deanna was a little too "extreme" and wild w/ her body language.. She should have moved a lot better to match the song's emotions.
Sorry she messed it up for you, I felt bad but I reminded myself that she definitely won't be fronting INXS so I was not too worried about it.
She might go home soon.. relax..

"RE: Deanna comment - east coast"
Posted by Wacko Jacko on 08-18-05 at 09:28 AM
Deanna should've been the one to go home last night. I thought Jessica was pretty good last night. Maybe INXS was sick of seeing Jessica in the bottom three and had seen enough.

"RE: Deanna comment - east coast"
Posted by riverrocker on 08-18-05 at 10:32 AM
>Deanna should've been the one to
>go home last night.
>I thought Jessica was pretty
>good last night. Maybe
>INXS was sick of seeing
>Jessica in the bottom three
>and had seen enough.

Would have to agree with all you said.

And on the other note, yes, we thought she really didn't do the song well.

Wonder why they wouldn't boot two? Anyone know how many more weeks the show is to run???

"RE: Deanna comment - east coast"
Posted by Glow on 08-18-05 at 11:33 AM
I like Deanna's voice. I enjoyed her performance.

INXS likes Deanna's voice. They obviously didn't want to let her go yet. I agree 100% with their decision last night.

"RE: Deanna comment - east coast"
Posted by Dorian on 08-18-05 at 11:49 AM
Not having been an INXS fan I wasn't all that familiar with the song, so it was like hearing it for the first time. I like the freshness of new singers approaching a song with their own style. If I wanted to hear someone do it like the original, I would simply buy the original.

I liked Deanna's voice. For most of the show I usually close my eyes for at least half of the songs and concentrate on what I'm hearing, not what I'm seeing. If stage antics determined whether a singer was worthy of being a rock star Joe Cocker never would have made it.

There's an intangible that some folks like about Deanna. I'm one of those folks. She's not a good fit for INXS but I look forward to seeing where her career goes. I'm a fan.

"RE: Deanna comment - east coast"
Posted by Glow on 08-18-05 at 12:15 PM
Yeah, what Dorian said. Much better than how I said it.

Although I do find Deanna pretty sexy.

"RE: Deanna comment - east coast"
Posted by Dorian on 08-18-05 at 12:41 PM
No doubt, she's easy on the eyes. I thought I was alone when I thought she looked pretty hot on Tuesday night. As this show has proven on many levels, there is no accounting for taste.

"RE: Deanna comment - east coast"
Posted by photokitty on 08-18-05 at 04:27 PM

I think Deanna sang more poorly than Jessica, but she was more passionate about it. Jessica seemed to be on auto pilot. Maybe the band saw that, too. Plus, Jessica always has a snarky response...It seemed that INXS was trying to buck up Deanna's confidence a bit, both in their comments and by (perhaps) not cutting her this time. But, there's always next week.

As for appearance:
Deanna is a beautiful woman,
Jessica is a pretty girl.

"RE: Deanna comment - east coast"
Posted by byoffer on 08-18-05 at 05:17 PM
Woman vs girl is an interesting point. The INXS guys are not young (someone else can fill in the ages), and I was wondering if that might have an impact. While Jordis may be the concensus best female, I can't imagine INXS touring with a 22-year-old! At least Deanna is mid-thirties.

"RE: Deanna comment - east coast"
Posted by photokitty on 08-19-05 at 01:53 AM
Well, what I was getting at is this:
Because of the woman/girl thing, I just think their blood leaves their brain (ya know?) when Deanna is onstage, and so they preferred to cut Jessica.

"RE: Deanna comment - east coast"
Posted by cycles2k on 08-18-05 at 11:59 PM
Although I do find Deanna pretty sexy.

The only one I find sexy is Brooke. I find the remaining three women to be really likable though. I think Deanna is the weakest of the three, but I am going to miss her when she is gone.

"RE: Deanna comment - east coast"
Posted by weltek on 08-19-05 at 09:56 AM
I agree, I thought it was HORRIBLE! How could they say she did a good job?