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"Rock Star Love List: Week 6"

Posted by dreamerbeliever on 08-17-05 at 00:26 AM
Week six performances have come and gone. Have your feelings of admiration for some or loathing for others been changed? Time to fess up. Who are you diggin’ and whom would like to help show the door too?

1. Jordis Unga (2,1,1,1,2) – Must admit that I felt kind of icky not having Jordis as my number one last week, but she is right back where she belongs. Much like with “The Man Who Sold the World”, I found myself getting a little misty and lost in those big brown eyes of hers. She took “Knockin’ on Heavens Door” to a place Rose could only dream of and Dylan would have never expected. Was a perfect mix of softness with her ability belt out a word or line. Like the Pawn Prince of Darkness said, it is a pleasure to see a star being born right before our eyes. Go Jordis!

2. Mig Ayesa (12,11,4,3,5) – Miggy just wrote his ticket to the final four tonight. I know I’ve been a little hard on him about voice quality but he showed me something tonight. Thought he was a one trick pony but he did pull a little more out of the saddlebag. Even though Jordis slightly edges him out for the number one slot, I’m hoping for Mig to get the encore. Also loved his slap back at the band if they wanted the contestants to all act a fool like JD. Keep being true to yourself and your nature Mig, it’s fantastic!

3. Marty Casey (6,4,2,4,1) – Enjoyed it. Never thought those words would be uttering out of my fingertips from a Spears song. The intensity in the eyes thing did creep me out a bit but I was thoroughly entertained. Do admit to giving out a little yeah! after he finished.

4. Suzie McNeil (14,8,12,8,6) – Believe it or not, I think Suzie may have also wrote her ticket to the final four tonight. INXS may want to prove in the end that the ladies had just as much of a chance of winning as the guys, so it will be 2 and 2. She clearly blows both Deanna and Jessica away. Suzie might not have the voter support and may have to endure a few more bottom three placings but she won’t be going anywhere soon.

5. Deanna Johnston (3,6,8,9,8) – Boy did she look defeated tonight. Still enjoyed her performance over a few others. I fully expect it to be her swan song.

6. Ty Taylor (5,7,3,7,3) – Started out really ruff but Ty did improve towards the end. Not a total bomb but I just didn’t feel it. The best compliment I could give someone doing a cover is I forget who originally sung it. This week for Ty, all I could think of was Rod Stewart.

7. J.D. Fortune (13,3,7,2,7) – Performance number three from JD that was either average or way below the Mendoza line for me. Just don’t think he can sing a ballad with any sort of consistency. Bad news for the guy who desperately wants to be in a band that is loaded with them. He should be in the bottom three this week but I’m not expecting it. Amazing to me how many do like the devil inside. Oh and you can put me in the camp who thinks if JD doesn’t get his way, he quits. Very childish. Loved the fact that he got booed by the crowd lol

8. Jessica Robinson (9,13,10,10,9) – Having to slow it down exposed her limitations more than ever. Of the remaining eight, her voice is the weakest overall for me. Get ready for week number four in the bottom three. Maybe not having a belly shirt on threw her off some?

Booted: Brandon Calhoon (10,9,11,6,4) – Still debating with myself if Brandon was worthy of the 9th place finish or should he have been out earlier? Hopefully this exposure can keep the boy in shoes.

As always … I showed you mine, now you show me yours.

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: Rock Star Love List: Week 6"
Posted by Glow on 08-17-05 at 00:59 AM
oh good. Before I go to bed, let me enlighten you all with my opinions.

1. MiG - He'll get the encore. And he totally deserves it. That was wonderful. Yay MiG!
2. Ty - I really liked it. Apparently, I must get him all backwards. This is the first week I've really liked him. (I think.)
3. Marty - That was great. I thought it was a really strong performance. He made me listen to the lyrics of a song that I always thought was cheesy and made me realize it actually means something. I dig on him. I love watching his face.
4. Suzie - She has such a strong voice. I would never guess that she didn't know that song.
5. JD - I liked it. I like him.
6. Jordis - It was okay. I was expecting it to be better than I actually thought it was. My high hopes for it knocked her down a few pegs, I guess.
7. Deanna - I love her voice. This performance was a little too breathy or something. I like her a lot but she's out of her element here.
8. Jessica - It wasn't so bad but she is by far the weakest singer here. Besides, she's way past due. Way past due.

"RE: Rock Star Love List: Week 6"
Posted by weltek on 08-17-05 at 10:16 AM
i agree, Mig will definitely get the encore.

"RE: Rock Star Love List: Week 6"
Posted by cycles2k on 08-17-05 at 02:07 AM
Well since we're enlightening each other with our opinions;

1. Jordis – (Opinion unchanged and high) Wonderful as always. I hope she stays to the top three but does not win. She doesn’t need INXS and has a great career ahead of her.

2. Mig – (Opinion going up all the time) All I can say is WOW. I thought he was good. Now I think he is great.

3. Marty – (Opinion unchanged and high). My opinion of him went from good to great with Mr. Brightside and he did not disappoint me tonight. He took a song that I did not like and make it thoroughly enjoyable. Definitely finalist material.

4. Suzie. (Opinion improving) She is likable and pretty. I thought she deserved to leave until she sang "Losing my religion" last week. This week she did well again and I hope she stays around to give me a chance to see some more of her performances.

5. Deanna – (My opinion of Deanna remains unchanged). She is talented, but not rock star talented. She should be in the bottom 3.

6. Ty – (Opinion unchanged). It was a mediocre performance by Rock Star INXS standards, which means it was a good performance by American Idol standards, but that is a whole other debate.

7. J.D. – (Opinion unchanged and remaining low). I thought he was good before he demolished "We are the champions" and he has never redeemed himself in my view. I just never see a great performance from him. Bottom 3 IMO.

8. Jessica – (Unchanged and bottom three for sure). I was unmoved by her version of Torn even though I was kind of rooting for her to do better this week. Of course I can never listen to that song without thinking of the hilarious mime version of Torn at http://www.big-boys.com/articles/torn.html.

I still see Jordis, Mig and Marty as the real stars so nothing much really changed for me.

Man I love this show.

"RE: Rock Star Love List: Week 6"
Posted by photokitty on 08-17-05 at 04:03 AM
I have to say, I like the songs being assigned to specific singers. Inspired selections, too, especially "Baby I Love Your Way," which inspired me to pull out my Frampton Comes Alive! album for the first time in YEARS. I forgot how great this is! Rating the rockers is getting more difficult now, because nobody really sucks anymore. We are distinguishing between excellent, very good & good.

1. SUZIE: Excellent singer, excellent song. Not taken seriously enough by anyone--on singing talent alone, she should actually win. She's got soul, control, range, depth.

2. MIG: Well done, mate! But, you're still thin & forced on the high notes...nice piano work. Very emotional, and he'll get the encore for sure. Hmm...do ya think they flew his wife in from London?

3. TY: I'm glad he kept it up tempo--sometimes he slows things down too much. Powerful, strong performance.

4. MARTY: I liked what he did with it, though I had heard a male sing this song in a similar fashion before...can't remember who it was. Yeah, the SONG was outside his comfort zone, but he arranged it back into his comfort zone. A real change for him would have been to sing it brightly. But, he sounded great, strong & intense as always.

5. JORDIS: It bugged me that she changed the tune, and the way she was American Idolizing it, I kept thinking of Mariah Carey. Her voice sounded great, though, and the way she hit certain notes gave me chills.

6. JD: Pretty good, I heard some Axel Rose influences. His voice sounded good, tuneful for once. But, PLEASE, enough with the asides (yeah, and-this-one's-for-you-baby) during the songs....

7. JESSICA: She's still belting it out. On this song, I was hoping to hear her start out softly and build intensity. Oh well. She sounded good...but, stop with the pointing and hand motions, already!

8. DEANNA: OK. Off tune in spots, but ok. She looked gorgeous...we saw Tim wiping away a tear...maybe because he knows it's time for her to go?

"RE: Rock Star Love List: Week 6"
Posted by weltek on 08-17-05 at 10:19 AM
IMHO, I thought Deanna looked gross-her boobs aren't that great, wear a bra & different shirt! And the red lipstick looked odd on her.

"RE: Rock Star Love List: Week 6"
Posted by zombiebaby on 08-17-05 at 11:29 AM
I agree, having her boobs like that showed her age.


"RE: Rock Star Love List: Week 6"
Posted by seahorse on 08-17-05 at 07:56 AM
1. MIG
2. Jordis
3. Marty
4. JD
5. Suzie
6. Ty
7. Jessica
8. Deanna

Slice & Dice Sigpic Chop Shop 2005

"RE: Rock Star Love List: Week 6"
Posted by CattyChat on 08-17-05 at 08:37 AM
1!!!!. MiG – By far the best of the night, leaving everyone in his dust. Why hasn't he performed this well in the past? I was ready to write him off as a distant 2nd to J.D. to win this thing until last night. LOVED IT!!

2. J.D. – Not his best performance, but he is the only one of all of these people who has that something. While he is not my ideal "look" for a guy, I still find myself not wanting to turn away from him. He has proved he can sing, perform, write and makes the women in the audience nuts. He has the bad boy edge that one looks for in a rocker (what MiG lacks). It is going to be a great competition between J.D. & MiG to win this thing.

3. Suzie – I like her more each week & she replaces Jordis as my fave female. I think she'll be here for a while (hopefully).

4. Ty – Overall, I think he has been the strongest performer over these weeks, but he's letting his effeminate nature overshadow his talent of late. His look was terrible, every time he stuck that tongue out in the way he did, I cringed. I love ya Ty, but you do not fit the rocker image and StopGo put a nail in your coffin. He better get a solo career going and I'd love to see him on Broadway, though.

5. Marty – Did not like it at all. He's just not right for INXS and his raspy voice and the way he tweaks his songs make them all sound so much the same. He should have showed some diversity last night. Don't think he'll last long, but he's talented for a brooding, grunge rock band.

6. Jordis – Wasn't feeling it at all. Feel she's slipping & we are now being shown a little diva attitude by her in the house.

7. Jessica – There's nothing memorable about her. She's just so-so.

8. Deanna – Slightly biased, because I've never been a fan of hers. Her range is the most limited, she shows no energy, she won't be missed.

"RE: Rock Star Love List: Week 6"
Posted by brvnkrz on 08-17-05 at 09:01 AM
Again, I pretty much agree with you.
1. Mig
2. Jordis
3, Marty (who couldn't love a guy who could goth out a Britney song)
4. Ty
5. Suzie
6,7,8 interchangeable for me.

You are forever changed when you find a true friend

"RE: Rock Star Love List: Week 6"
Posted by Wacko Jacko on 08-17-05 at 09:52 AM
1. Jordis - she moved me the most from the performances.
2. Ty - Ty is soulful and so is INXS. I think he has a great voice and is a very good stage performer
3. MiG - I wasn't as moved by his performance as others. I have heard other versions of that song and they were all better. His piano playing was so-so.
4. Deanna - WOW. I really liked her performance than she got up there and told INXS and all the voters she was off. She appears defeated. And my opinion of her performance will not matter. I predict she is the one going tonight.
5. Jessica - I felt that the performances at the beginning were the best. She was one of them. But she will be in the bottom 3 and depending on Deanna's state of mind she could be going tonight. I think though that Jessica will survive once more....and go next week.
6. Marty - Honestly I thought he was terrible. Last night showed he only knows grunge. He appears angry everytime he sings. But I would've ranked him even lower if it wasn't the fact that he got a real tough song and on top of that had to do it acoustically. To me it would of been great if Marty tried to do the song as close to the original as possible and just had fun with it. It wouldv'e shown he had range. Which now I have my doubts. He was my favorite to win but I am now thinking MiG will.
7. JD - I like JD but his performance last night was flat. At times it appeared that he had trouble getting the words out of his mouth.
8. Suzie - bored the heck out of me. I don't know if I just didn't know the song or that she butchered it so bad that I didn't recognize it. I swear when she performs her feet are glued to the stage. She's a singer not a performer.

"RE: Rock Star Love List: Week 6"
Posted by Majic Mitch on 08-17-05 at 10:13 AM
1. Mig – The best of the night. So above and beyond all the other performances. Funny, I wouldn't really didn't "notice" him before. I couldn't take my eyes off of him last night. He'll get the encore.

2. J.D. – His voice and the things he can do with it are amazing. He has the rockstar edge, talent, and attitude, that most of the contestants don't have. While not his best performance, I believe due to the song selection, he still fricking rocks.

3. Marty – Not a favorite and more than likely, not going to win. However, to be able to rock out a Britty Spears tune and make it enjoyable is a task acheived to be admired.

4. Suzie – I'm suprised she didn't know the song. It was dead on. She had the strongest female performance of the night. What was up with the pin curls in her hair? I don't like her "look", but that can be worked on.

5. Ty – His facial expressions drive me nuts. The tounge thing last night was a total turn off. And what the heck did he do to that song? I guess being a Rod Stewart fan may make me a little biased.

6. Jordis – I'm not sure what the big deal is about Jordis. She's slipping a little each week. I wasn't feeling it at all. What's up with the diva attitude, and why is the panel so "pro" Jordis. "A star is born", gimme a break Dave.

7. Deanna – Ahhhhhh, Just breathe. Her performance was to "breathy", if that is even a word. Didn't do the song justice.

8. Jessica – Boring. Bland. Blah.

"RE: Rock Star Love List: Week 6"
Posted by weltek on 08-17-05 at 10:16 AM
1. Mig: Wow. He's such a professional & it shows. I'm so glad he nailed that song (although, the last few notes sucked).

2. JD: I really wish he'd quit shaking his hand in the air when he sings. Otherwise, a really soulful performance from him on a difficult song.

3. Jordis: She definitely redeemed herself after Layla. Although, she still was plastering on smiley face a little too much.

4. Marty: I didn't love it, but I liked what he did with the extremely challenging song. I was just hoping he would have more fun with it. As always, missed some notes, but as Dave said, that's not what being a rock star is all about.

5. Suzie: I'm not a Suzie fan, but she did a nice job with that song. Dull again, but nice.

6. Jessica: I enjoyed just watching her stand & sing for once. Her slinking about on stage was always distracting.

7. Deanna: I love that song & that's the only reason I'm giving her the edge over Ty. I think they both sucked, though.

8. Ty, Ty, Ty: Did you HAVE to cheese it up so much? We know you can dress up & be theatrical. You should've taken this song elsewhere.

Double boot: Jessica & Deanna

"RE: Rock Star Love List: Week 6"
Posted by Wacko Jacko on 08-17-05 at 10:34 AM
LAST EDITED ON 08-17-05 AT 10:36 AM (EST)

Don't agree with your rankings, but totally believe in your outcome. I think it is highly possible that INXS may show mercy and boot the both of them. They both seem to be not taking the pressure very well or enjoying the experience anymore. I think both would kinda want the relief of being booted.

I didn't rank either in the bottom three for there performances, but believe both will be there (with Suzie). Remember when the West coast came in last week Suzie moved into the bottom three. Her performance was stronger last week. And MiG will get the encore.

"RE: Rock Star Love List: Week 6"
Posted by me144 on 08-17-05 at 11:21 AM
1. Mig - I've loved Mig for a while and thought tonight was great! When they shot to Dave making a face I was wondering why Dave disliked it so much, but then Dave made that sweet, sweet comment about his wife. Mig will definitely get the encore, deservedly so, and hopefully we'll all get to see his wife.

2. Marty - I enjoyed his performance, though I have to admit was a bit disappointed that he stayed so much in his comfort zone. Really thought he would listen to the comments of INXS more and not be so serious. I love his psycho eyes - Marty is psycho/hypnotic in a way that I find riveting; JD is psycho/creepy in a way that I find disturbing and must turn away.

3. Suzie - Good for Suzie; still not a big fan, but she does have talent.

4./5./6. I really like Ty and Jordis and think they are both very talented, but wasn't crazy about their performances this week. Deanna did well but not a big fan, and she shot herself in the foot when she criticized herself.

- Ty - More look away moments with Ty's tongue; what was he thinking?!? Not his best performance, but I still like his voice and his energy. I also kept comparing him unfavorably to Rod Stewart.

- Jordis - Her smile was bothering me again, distracting and inappropriate. Also not one of her best performances, IMHO; was surprised Dave and INXS liked it so much. I also think she'll do great with her own band, and own songs.

- Deanna - She really undercut herself with her self-depracating comments; they may put her in the bottom 3. Thought more highly of her performance than she did.

7. J.D. - Aside from being a jerk (it does matter, for many!), his performances just don't do it for me. He creeps me out, as noted above. Don't enjoy watching him or listening to him. Also don't find him attractive, his eyes are squinty and his body movements are squirmy like a worm's.

8. Jessica - Enough already, go home. She's OK, for a bar band.

Jessica has to be the one booted this week. I agree with the earlier posting that they may boot Deanna also to put her out of her misery. Not sure who will join them.

"RE: Rock Star Love List: Week 6"
Posted by ginger on 08-17-05 at 12:42 PM
Wasn't able to see many (e.g., Marty) so can't do a ranking. BUT, I was not that impressed with Jordis' song. I wish she'd stop smiling when she's singing bluesy stuff. I was surprised and impressed by Suzie. I thought JD was just Okay. I thought MiG ROOLED.

I think it would have been funny if, after Dave's speech to MiG, the INXS guys said, "Yeah, MiG, you know? The whole time you were singing I was thinking about Dave's wife, too."

"RE: Rock Star Love List: Week 6"
Posted by photokitty on 08-17-05 at 01:39 PM

> I wish she'd
>stop smiling when she's singing
>bluesy stuff.

Yeah, why does she do that? Is it the joy of singing? Is she not noticing what she's saying? She was way too happy about being close to death.

>I think it would have been
>funny if, after Dave's speech
>to MiG, the INXS guys
>said, "Yeah, MiG, you know?
> The whole time you
>were singing I was thinking
>about Dave's wife, too."


"RE: Rock Star Love List: Week 6"
Posted by ginger on 08-17-05 at 05:29 PM
LAST EDITED ON 08-17-05 AT 05:29 PM (EST)

I think she didn't click with that song and was not, to borrow AI Randy's phrase, "feelin it." Hence the commpletely inappropriate smile. I also felt she kept the song in upper ranges that were actually a strain for her.

On the other hand, I'd still rather listen to her than Deanna or Jessica. Go home, girls!

I think we ALL feel that way about Dave's wife.

"RE: Rock Star Love List: Week 6"
Posted by dreamerbeliever on 08-18-05 at 01:10 AM
Usually I don’t respond much when someone feels the complete opposite but I knew Jordis giving a few nervous smiles during her performance would be seen as a negative. If Jordis smiling during a song bothers you, then so be it. Does this also mean that everyone in the crowd, who was smiling, clapping, and cheering during her performance of this song were also wrong? But I really don’t want to argue that because it’s a personal preference. Would like to say a few things about the song and if it was appropriate or not ...

Like with a painting, sculpture, or any art form, song lyrics for the most part are meant to be interpreted by the eye or ear of the beholder. To me, “Knockin’ on Heaven’s Door” is not so much about death but rather being down to your lowest point and then lifting yourself back up. Redemption. Just because other artists, who have covered the song, choose to use it as a tribute to a deceased friend, this doesn’t mean it was the original intent. Only Dylan knows what he was thinking when he wrote it for a movie of all things.

In the movie Mr. Dylan wrote the song for, Pat Garrett is an outlaw who becomes sheriff and ordered to hunt down his friend Billy the Kid. "Mama, take this badge off of me, I can't use it anymore" - The sheriff's badge and no desire to be one to kill the lifestyle and a person he loves. “Knockin' on Heaven's Door” - Garret being an outlaw again, his heaven.

Do I understand how others can interpret the song as a death tribute? Absolutely. Do I think Jordis did some major soul searching about the meaning of the lyrics? Probably not. She simply wanted to perform the song to the best of her capabilities and talent. If you liked her version of the song or not, it’s totally your choice and love list, wont try to convince you otherwise. A smile during a song that I feel may be about redemption might not be such a bad thing. That’s all

"RE: Rock Star Love List: Week 6"
Posted by geg6 on 08-17-05 at 02:29 PM
Well, I'm pretty darn sure no one else is going to have a similar ranking to mine. Whatever all of you heard last night, I didn't hear the same thing at all.

1) Suzie - That was absolutely awesome. For not knowing the song (how has she never heard that song!!!!!!), she really caught the essence of it magnificently. And, for once, she didn't over sing it. Wow, blew me away.

2) Marty - I can't believe I have this here. I can't believe I enjoyed a Britney Spears song. I can't believe my ears weren't bleeding. I liked his take on what had to be one of the most difficult things he's ever done. Now, granted, he didn't follow the band's instructions to show a lighter side. But he did what he could with it. A little rough vocally in some patches, but he impressed me.

3) JD - I liked this a lot. I like JD a lot. I'm beginning to think that if they don't choose JD, I will no longer be an INXS fan. Every week, he shows me something new and interesting. And riveting. IMHO, he's the only real contender.

4) Ty - Very good vocally. An interesting arrangement. Not a good stage presence, though.

5) Jessica - Perfect song for her and, for once, she actually performed it like she meant it. Her best performance.

6) Jordis - I'm really disliking her more and more every week. Hated her take on Dylan almost as much as I hated her take on Slowhand. Also, I am now convinced that the reason her lyrics were so weak in the songwriting competition this week is because she really has no clue what she is singing. This is two weeks in a row that she has sung a heart-wrenching song with a facial expression that made obvious she had no idea as to the meaning of the songs.

7) MiG - Let me say right up front that I hate that song. I hated that song back in 1976 when a genuinely cute and talented guy sang it. I hated it even more last night with someone I don't find very talented and not even a little cute. If not for Deanna, he'd be in last place.

8) Deanna - such a horrible rendition of a song I love by one of the greatest female rockers of all time that I can't even talk about it. And please put your boobies in something that doesn't show them. That was just gross.

I'm such a slut for the blues.

"RE: Rock Star Love List: Week 6"
Posted by Moother on 08-17-05 at 03:42 PM
After reading everyone else's rankings I see we disagree

1. Jordis : I don't think they will pick a girl but if so, she is it. She has a voice that I love. It causes me to stop and listen. Loved her Knocking on heavens door.

2. Mig: I personally didn't like him last night as much as I have before but I think he is a great fit with INXS , and he is a bit sexy! Probably leading the pack right now.

3. Ty: I loved his rendition of Maggie May. I thought he changed it up enough and yet you knew the song. I loved the way he handled the last lines. I could do without the tongue action though so please TY...if your reading this, keep your tongue in your mouth.

4. Marty: I didn't like him in the beginning but the more I see and hear him the more he grows on me. I thought last night was a sign that he can make most anything work and I really liked his odd rendition of Hit me....I do wish he had come out with little dog ear pigtails for fun though.

5. Suzie: I like her voice but I hated her outfit and she just doesn't do much for me in stage presence. Not a good fit for INXS IMHO

6. Jessica: I like her voice and I think she is far better when she isn't running all over the stage. I HATED her outfit last night. Not for INXS but a good singer.

7. J.D.: Actually a decent singer and writer but a big turn off for me. I can't put my finger on it but I wouldn't watch a band he was fronting. I can see by the google eyed gals in the audience that I am a minority as far as not going for him.

8. Deanna: She did a decent job last night. I would watch her at a club but she certainly isn't for the group. When you don't even believe in yourself why should your fans?

I say tonight will send Deanna home.

"RE: Rock Star Love List: Week 6"
Posted by tinybubs on 08-17-05 at 07:58 PM
Top 3 – Not much distance between them
1. Suzie –Didn’t care for the hair or the outfit, but those things don’t matter. Made me like a song I didn’t care for, and seemed to have had the crowd into it too. Just love her voice.
2. MiG – Outstanding job on “Baby I Love Your Way”. Last week he brought power, this week he brought emotion. A great performer.
3. Marty – Has become a one style wonder, but its not a bad style for fronting a rock band. Would like to see him do a song without the scary eyes.

Middle 3 – Starting to Fade
4. Deanna – She excels at what she does best, power rock and roll. Thought she did a good but not great job on her song last night, showed her limitations.
5. Ty – A bit too over the top for me on “Maggie May”. He had a good feel and vibe going but over sang it.
6. Jessica – I enjoyed “Torn”, but she seems to be out of her league now. Doesn’t seem to have “It”, whatever “It” is.

Prima Donnas
7. Jordis – Definitely on cruise control, don’t know what she’s thinking smiling through the last two performances, considering the types of songs she sang. Her last few blogs have been either nonexistent or mean spirited. Nothing good to say about her, INXS may like her, doesn’t mean I have to.
8. J.D. – His performance was painful to watch. Tired of the “I’m INXS’ biggest fan and I’m the only who loves them” attitude.

My bottom 3 are 6, 7, and 8. Most likely we’ll see Jessica, Suzie, and Deanna singing in the elimination round. Deanna would be the likely one to go.

"RE: Rock Star Love List: Week 6"
Posted by shanana banana on 08-17-05 at 11:57 PM
1. Mig Surprised that everyone seems to be "discovering" him only this week. He's been the best of the group, since day one, in my opinion. I said it before and I'll say it again -- he's really too good to be fronting INXS.

2. JD He is getting on my nerves more and more week after week, but at least he's interesting to watch and usually has good, unusual performances. (discount We Are The Champions here)

3. Marty Does he think he's trying out for Rock Star: Nirvana? Lighten up a bit, please. INXS is not a grunge band. But I still think he could win. It's gonna come down to my top three, I'll bet.

4. Jordis Very talented voice. Very boring performer. Can't dress either.

5. Ty Probably one of the best voices, but I can't stand that mohawk. Plus, he's too "metal" I think for INXS.

6. Jessica Mediocre voice. Seems very sweet and nice. I like her singing slower song so she doesn't do all those stripper-girl moves like she was doing in the beginning. She has such a totally different look and persona off stage than on --- I probably wouldn't like her at all if we didn't get to see her off stage.

6. Deana Very cool, unusual voice. Boring stage performances. Needs to remember to wear a bra always. Just not right for this band at all.

7. Susie Good voice, but leaves me with no feeling at all.

"RE: Rock Star Love List: Week 6"
Posted by bumnjeans on 08-18-05 at 01:13 AM
1. Mig - All the way. Although he never has been my favorite, he blew everyone else away.

2. Jordis - So beautiful. I am mesmerized by her everytime(i've erased "Layla" from my memory)

3. Ty - I don't know why you guys are so hard on him. This guy can rock.

4. Marty - Marty has been my favorite since day one, but I expected so much more from him.

5. Suzie - I never really paid much attention to her until tonight. Very surprising.

6. Deanna - Another rocker I feel is not given her due. She reminds me of a kickass no name rocker who performs in a sweaty hole in the wall bar and has everyone eating out of the palm of her hands. Not her best, but there's something about her.

7. J.D. - Love to loathe him. Although he can totally rock at times, I can't give him any credit this time. Did noone else notice he was half a pitch flat the entire time? And his performances are always so fake. He completely lacks emotion.

8. Jessica - Is she still here? Has never impressed me and yet she manages to hang in there...until now.

"RE: Rock Star Love List: Week 6"
Posted by djandy on 08-18-05 at 02:03 PM
1.) Mig - After this week's performance, he's the one to beat IMO.
2.) Jordis - Another great performance.
3.) Marty - Was given the hardest song and rocked it.
4.) Suzie - One of the strongest voices.
5.) Deanna - Put herself down too much.
6.) Ty - Did not care for his song version.
7.) J.D. - Cannot sing a ballad. Breathed in the middle of holding a long note. J.D. remindes me of a pre-schooler who if he doesn't get his own way he takes his toys and goes home.
8.) Jessica - The 4th time was the charm.

S8 ABC Red Ink Champ, S7 ABPABC Red Ink Champ, CMY FOMO Red Ink Champ