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"Rock Star: INXS (July 11)"

Posted by Loree on 07-11-05 at 08:55 PM
Who is going to watch tonight?

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"RE: Rock Star: INXS (July 11)"
Posted by zombiebaby on 07-11-05 at 09:27 PM

OK finally a music show with songs I actually listen too!

"Knockin' On Heaven's Door" ? HORRIBLE!!!!

SO far I just love the guy who sang "Cult of Personality". Living Coulour are one of my favorite bands.

I will say Most. Underrated. Band. Ever. (Living Colour)

Right now I think Wil is going to win. Guy who sang "Hero" by Wallflowers. But there are still more to come!

So tired of cliched performances though!

Look at me I got a Sweet Summer Syren Siggie!

So when is the next episode?

"RE: Rock Star: INXS (July 11)"
Posted by Loree on 07-11-05 at 09:39 PM
Too bad they didn't make this ep 2 hours so we could have seen everyone's full performance. But then I suppose that could have gotten boring with the bad ones.

I don't remember names yet. But I know the few I would like to go home.

So far I am really enjoying this.

"RE: Rock Star: INXS (July 11)"
Posted by tinybubs on 07-11-05 at 10:06 PM
I was pleasantly surprised by the show. A lot of unknowns that had great voices and huge personalities on stage, American Idol should hire this show's recruiter.

I agree with your opinion on Wil, IMHO his style seemed to fit INXS better than the others. He did some subtle things with his voice that I found interesting.

"RE: Rock Star: INXS (July 11)"
Posted by calamityc on 07-12-05 at 01:06 AM
Watched it but had quite a few interruptions so I didn't get to see every single performance. I'm going to have to check out the web page to put names with faces. Anyone know how the audience vote comes in on this one? Previews said something about voting tomorrow?

"RE: Rock Star: INXS (July 11)"
Posted by dragonflies on 07-12-05 at 09:22 AM
I too watched with many interruptions. Looks like it could be a good show!

"RE: Rock Star: INXS (July 11)"
Posted by weltek on 07-12-05 at 09:41 AM
I thought it was VERY good! I'm glad we are only seeing the narrowed down candidates--and they are very good. I'm sick of the long casting carp from AI and still ending up with some pretty bad singers to listen to.

I love the song choices for the most part. The girl that got booted definitely deserved it. And I lvoe how the band gave constructive feedback.

Dave Navarro adds a fun element. I know Brooke Burke is hot, but she's a boring hostess thus far.

"RE: Rock Star: INXS (July 11)"
Posted by Loree on 07-12-05 at 02:58 PM
> The
>girl that got booted definitely
>deserved it. And I
>lvoe how the band gave
>constructive feedback.

Everyone seemed embarressed for her when she was on stage. They certainly didn't want her to front their band.

"RE: Rock Star: INXS (July 11)"
Posted by Tahj on 07-12-05 at 09:45 AM
Great show I thought. Most of the singers were really good. Hard to pick a favorite yet. The most moving moment for me was when they were jamming by the pool and Daphna sang the improvised song about her father's death. Really incredible.

Moves courtesy of Syren

"RE: Rock Star: INXS (July 11)"
Posted by ginger on 07-12-05 at 11:59 AM
Oh, good. It wasn't just the vodka talking. I really liked this show! Of course, I came for Dave. I love Dave Navarro. I love Mrs. Dave Navarro, too, but I digress. I thought we had some pretty talented people performing, and songs I am more than happy to yell into a hairbrush. Plus INXS and Dave are so concerned and compassionate and sweet to the little rocklings...I mean, they may have bounced whateverhernamewas last night, but she had Dave Freaking Navarro kneeling at her feet while they did it.

I think the band was hot. I think that made a big difference. SO MUCH BETTER than American Idol, IMO.

"RE: Rock Star: INXS (July 11)"
Posted by geg6 on 07-12-05 at 12:46 PM
LAST EDITED ON 07-12-05 AT 12:49 PM (EST)

OMGawd, what I wouldn't give to have Dave Novarro kneeling at my feet! And INXS is a total class act. I used to have such hots for Michael Hutchence that I was reluctant to watch this for fear of this being a train wreck, but I have to hand it to EPMB for doing it exactly right. Lvoe, lvoe, lvoe this music and this show.

ETA: This show may have completely put me off AI. The production values, the talent, and the idea of watching Dave Novarro on a regular basis pretty much kills any joy AI may have once given me. And I'm betting Bo Bice is wondering WTF he was doing on AI when he could have had a showcase like this. 'Course, the competition is so much better, maybe not.

I'm such a slut for the blues.

"RE: Rock Star: INXS (July 11)"
Posted by ginger on 07-12-05 at 01:02 PM
Geg, my kindrid sister, I was thinking so many of the same thoughts. I luuuuuuuurved Hutchence and wondered how they'd refer to him (frankly, I'm as willing to believe he goofed during a little kink as it was a case of suicide, but anyway...); the reverence was appropriate. I also thought of Bo and how much more at home he'd be in this competition. As am I.

No, really. I can sing Baba O'Reilly much better than that chick.

"RE: Rock Star: INXS (July 11)"
Posted by geg6 on 07-12-05 at 03:18 PM
*smooch* to my alterego Ginger.

Yeah, they can talk suicide all they want. I'm convinced he was going a little too far on the kinky side (not that there's anything wrong with that! We all know where I stand on that subject.). No matter, dead or alive Michael Hutchence oozed sex and charisma (for that matter, so does Dave Navarro).

Only problem I have with show so far is: why hire Brooke Burke when I'm pretty sure Carmen Electra could be talked into working with the really hot guy she's married to? I like her much better.

I'm such a slut for the blues.
What is with EPMB and Pittsburgh? Ty's a 'Burgh guy. Went to Carnegie Mellon and played around town in bands while in college. I actually have seen him before (several years ago).

"RE: Rock Star: INXS (July 11)"
Posted by ginger on 07-12-05 at 05:15 PM
Carmen would be MUCH better than Boring Brooke. And then Catt would watch, too.

"RE: Rock Star: INXS (July 11)"
Posted by GumbyGirl on 07-12-05 at 12:23 PM
This show totally rocked! All the singers had great voices, but some of them just weren't right for INXS's type of music. I like Jordis and Marty the best. I think MiG and that guy who was practically molesting himself onstage (JD maybe?) need to leave.

The guys from INXS seem to have a lot of class, and it's nice that Dave N. can also relate to what the singers are going thru.

"RE: Rock Star: INXS (July 11)"
Posted by Loree on 07-12-05 at 03:01 PM
>>that guy who
>was practically molesting himself onstage
>(JD maybe?) need to leave.

LOL! That is a good way to describe him. Nobody quite knew what to think of him.

"RE: Rock Star: INXS (July 11)"
Posted by lovwigglesworth on 07-12-05 at 04:20 PM
These singers are alot better than A.I., but they were hand-picked and already somewhat professionals, so that was to be expected I guess. I agreed with Dave and INXS's assesment with almost everyone (except MiG, I really liked him.)
So in true reality board tradition, I will do my rankings list. Granted we don't have a whole lot to go on with 15 people wooshed by us in less than an hour, though, but that's long enough to judge people in reality TV world, right?

1. Neal with "Brown Sugar"- He looks like a rock star, sounds like a rock star, he's definately a rock star.
2. Ty with "Cult of Personality"- Maybe was the best on-stage performance last night, but seems like its all just an act, so I didn't give him the top of my list.
3. Jessica with "Celebrity Skin"- I would say she sings better than Courtney Love, but she deserves a better compliment than that.
4. Deanna with "Piece of my Heart"- She showed that you don't have to show alot of skin or wiggle on the floor to sound sexy.
5. MiG with "Teen Spirit"- While they would have put MiG in theier bottom 5 probably, I really like his voice. The waving was a little cheesy but rock stars are allowed to be dorks once in awhile.
6. Daphna with "One Way or Another"- Beautiful in a kind of scary way, both her voice and her looks.
7&8&9. Jordis with "Baba O'Rielly" and Tara with "Middle of the Road" and Heather with "Burnin' Down the House"- All good but forgetable. I hope we see more of them to come, Heather had a couple of funny comments at the mansion.
10. Brandon with "Rock'N'Roll All Night"- I just couldn't get past the hair to listen to him seriously.
11. Wil with "Heroes"- Doesn't exactly put out the rock star vibe for me.
12. JD with "American Woman"- Please don't try to hump the audience the first time we meet you. Maybe on the fourth date it will be okay for you to shove your crotch at us.
13. Marty with "You Really Got Me"- Don't think he has the chops to measure up to the rest.
14. Suzie with "Remedy"- I don't know if she is a good singer or not, she totally messed up her chance. If there wasn't someone else obviously horrible, she would have been gone.
15. Dana with "Heaven's Door"- And here is the someone else obviously horrible. The only truly bad performance of the night and really the right choice to go home.

So that's my first impressions.

"seperated at birth"
Posted by survivorscott on 07-12-05 at 04:40 PM
Heather-Rock Star:INXS


Jennifer / Nakomis - Big Brother 5

Come in a stranger,leave a little stranger

"RE: seperated at birth"
Posted by ginger on 07-12-05 at 05:44 PM
LAST EDITED ON 07-12-05 AT 06:44 PM (EST)

I thought of that, too! Although Heather's somehow more attractive (and don't get me wrong-I liked Nak.).

There's a teeny bit of Lorraine Neuman (Newman?) there, too.

ETA: Our own forum! Thank you, Webby!

"i did not, i will not"
Posted by cqvenus on 07-12-05 at 06:44 PM

this show is nauseating in premise.

and now TLC is doing it, too.

hello! you cannot replace DEAD people. it's bad kharma. don't these people know *anything*?

~ cq