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Forum: DCForumID87
Thread Number: 92
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"Voting system helps Master P"

Posted by esquire on 01-21-06 at 11:45 PM
On Dancing with the Stars, people get to vote for there favorite dancer and the person with the fewest votes is treated as having finished last. However, Master P seems to have a following that is voting him as the BEST dancer each week. That is hard for me to believe, but it must be happening.

However, lets say the voting system was that everyone got to vote for the person they thought should be eliminated. The fan base for everyone else would vote for Master P and he would be gone

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: Voting system helps Master P"
Posted by prosecutor on 01-22-06 at 00:02 AM
You are not making any sense. Rephrase it for me. You are saying that if we were to vote for the person to leave then why would they vote for master p they would vote for everyone else according to what you are saying. You are making no sense(at least not to me).

"RE: Voting system helps Master P"
Posted by Fishercat on 01-22-06 at 01:02 AM
I see his logic. Basically, he's saying (he or she, I'll use the masculine he for simplicity, like Tobias) that with the given Master P contingent, they can all centralize their votes on him to keep him there. If you had to vote off people, not only would the people who don't like him be able to centralize their votes from 7-9 other parties into 1 (Lisa, Jerry, Stacy, etc. all go into anti-Master P), but the pro-Master P voters would have their limited votes split from one (pro-Master P) to 7-9 (anti-Lisa, Jerry, Stacy, etc.).

I guess they use the current system to keep a positive vibe, as it feels better to have the least people voting you #1 than having the most voting you last (same as AI), but the other system may make more sense.

Bob Factoid: The fishercat is the only creature known to have gone completely insane chasing its own tail.

"RE: Voting system helps Master P"
Posted by Snidget on 01-22-06 at 07:17 AM
LAST EDITED ON 01-22-06 AT 07:18 AM (EST)

Yep, just the latest in a long line of people that are kept on a show based on something other than performance.

Has anyone checked to see if that website that picks the worst person and gets everyone to vote for them for American Idol has picked Master P in this show??

You can't control who people vote for, and if you did a vote out you would still have people voted out when objective measures of performance say you shouldn't (the vote for the worst site would just switch to vote for the best to get them out)

Imaginary friends by Bob!

edited for clarity.

"RE: Voting system helps Master P"
Posted by maroonclowns mom on 01-22-06 at 07:59 AM
voting should be done by a seperate panel of judges to be fair but then again, there wouldn`t be so much controversary

"RE: Voting system helps Master P"
Posted by Bebo on 01-22-06 at 09:19 AM
The biggest reason the voting system helps? The tiebreaker. If the two lowest teams are tied, then the viewer vote is the tiebreaker. So the judges could give him all zeroes if they wanted to, but if his fan base was strong enough, he'd still make it through to the next week.

"RE: Voting system helps Master P"
Posted by jane2073 on 01-23-06 at 04:45 PM
It won't make a bit of difference but if they wanted to bring any credibility to the show, they wouldn't open the telephone/computer voting until after everyone has danced.

"RE: Voting system helps Master P"
Posted by prosecutor on 01-24-06 at 02:32 PM
Did you all realize that where ever this show is seen, fans are allowed to vote,but I'm not sure if it's seen worldwide or Canada and U.S. only?

"Len Goodman is an idiot"
Posted by Round Robin on 01-24-06 at 08:38 PM
No doubt about it, the system saves Master P's a$$, but so does that damn fool Len Goodman. Think about it. Every time he says all these negative things about him, however true they may be, he pi$$es off all Master P's fans as well as others who think he is being unnecessarily disrespectful, and they are all motivated to vote for him as a giant public F you to Len Goodman. If he wants him off the show that bad, why doesn't he just stick to saying what's wrong with his dancing and can it with the gratuitous insults?