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"Dancing with Stars 6/15 Episode"

Posted by zombiebaby on 06-15-05 at 09:54 PM
Confused? Did they not say last week when announcing the couples that were safe that it was in "no particular order"? Now suddenly it is/was in order?

I like Rachel Hunter but I think the judges are in her corner and trying to save her!

They could improve this show greatly if they change hosts!

Do you think all soap opera actresses are on the phones with their agents to get on the next addition?

I thought Joey was good...shows how much I know!

Look at me I got a Sweet Summer Syren Siggie!

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"RE: Dancing with Stars 6/15 Episode"
Posted by StarryLuna on 06-15-05 at 10:03 PM
I thought Joey was good too, Zomb. Of course, tonight is the first time I've watched, so I've nothing to base any of my judgements. I just figured if this was the number one show last week, I should check it out.

Bounciness provided by IceCat!

"RE: Dancing with Stars 6/15 Episode"
Posted by zombiebaby on 06-15-05 at 10:06 PM
I give your bouncy star a 10!!!

I am trying to actually vote on ABC.com but can't remember my name and they have not e-mailed it to me yet...voting for John O'Hurley!

Glad you are here!

"RE: Dancing with Stars 6/15 Episode"
Posted by packrat on 06-15-05 at 11:55 PM
Someone help me out, please! Half of our town lost power for over an hour tonight, right after Evander and what's her name danced. Who was eliminated tonight? Anyone know if there will be an encore?

"RE: Dancing with Stars 6/15 Episode"
Posted by Tahj on 06-16-05 at 11:16 AM
Evander was eliminated.

They repeated last week's episode last night but I don't know if they'll continue to air the previous week's episode each time.

Moves courtesy of Syren

"RE: Dancing with Stars 6/15 Episode"
Posted by calamityc on 06-16-05 at 02:57 AM
Same here Starry on checking it out because the ratings were soaring. It was actually a "feel good" kind of show. The only thing I found out was that the music for the latin dances didn't match what I have usually seen for those. Also Evander would have done better with slower numbers. I wasn't sorry that Trista was eliminated before I watched much of it.

Graciously supplied by RollDice(twice!)

"RE: Dancing with Stars 6/15 Episode"
Posted by RealityMom on 06-16-05 at 01:21 AM
I agree with you completely. I thought Joey was really good. I thought he was great all three weeks. He brings such joy to his dancing. When it was down to either Joey or Evander being eliminated, (Packrat, it was Evander) I was actually holding my breath because I never thought that Joey would be vulnerable at this point. Thank goodness, he's safe. I even saw something tonight I never thought I'd see, my husband actually got on his cell and voted! He liked John so much that he voted for him and to try to protect Joey, he voted for him, too.
I also thought it was interesting that they showed us clips of what the dances are supposed to look like. I think this is really helpful because there are dances like the tango that I've seen performed beautifully but others that I'm much less familiar with and so I don't know what we're supposed to be seeing. Once again, John was great. I wish I'd been in the audience because the tango is so beautiful to watch.

"RE: Dancing with Stars 6/15 Episode"
Posted by BLefeb1781 on 06-16-05 at 09:02 AM
I voted for Joey last night but did anyone notice that unlike American Idol, you can only vote 5 times from your number before it cuts off???

"RE: Dancing with Stars 6/15 Episode"
Posted by Breezy on 06-16-05 at 09:21 AM
DD and I watched for the first time last night. I liked John and Joey also.

The hosts suck though.

Save a horse, ride a cowboy. Sigpic by Syren.

"RE: Dancing with Stars 6/15 Episode"
Posted by Swami on 06-16-05 at 09:26 AM
I think the judges have a lot of wiggle room here. By the time they vote the results of the previous week's audience vote has already been tabulated. So they can adjust their scores accordingly.

Like, I thought last week Team Evander was way worse than this week--yet he got much lower scores this week. I wonder if they gave him the lower scores to ensure that he would be out--even if dancers who came after him had a bad accidental screw-up (like a trip or even fall.)

I don't know why they scored Team Joey low. Maybe to try and get more callers for them?

And what's with Team Rachel? She dances okay, and she is gorgeous and looks gorgeous when she does her "poses" during a dance (sorry, I don't know dance lingo) but I don't see her team as the top dancers!

Team Soap was better this week, but she just doesn't seem to be inside the music when she dances.

IMO--Team John or Team Joey should win!

"RE: Dancing with Stars 6/15 Episode"
Posted by jane2073 on 06-16-05 at 09:39 AM
I thought the closing song was (comically) in poor; I couldn't help but laugh:

"Too much, too little, too late.....it's over."

"RE: Dancing with Stars 6/15 Episode"
Posted by brvnkrz on 06-16-05 at 10:36 AM
We laughed about that too. *giggle*

"RE: Dancing with Stars 6/15 Episode"
Posted by Moother on 06-16-05 at 10:43 AM
I watched last night and even got my husband involved. The way I see it, it's either John or Joey. I am not sure why the judges tend to rag on Joey a bit because in my opinion the only thing he did wrong last night was wear pants that were to short! I loved his slide and when he jumped over his partners head I was jumping in my seat. He tries hard and I feel like he does feel the music and tries to share the excitement with the audience.
John is very good too, but sometimes he goes into very inappropriate facial expressions for the dance and that kind of throws me off. I know he probably does this because he is a bit self conscious or insecure, but it bothers me in romantic dancing.
Last night the Tango music was terrible for everyone BUT John and I think not having what I call real TANGO music that we know really hurts our judgement watching it.
Evander did ok as a dance, just not so hot as Jive. He pretty much lets his partner carry them and after a while he becomes a monkey or her back. LOL I like him in general, but glad I don't have to watch again on screen.
Rachel is agreeably, pretty, long & lean and very flexible, and very eager to please, but I did not see the beautiful movement or head snaps that mean TANGO. They seem to give her high marks for the ability to extend her long pretty legs. Good, but 3rd in my opinion.
Poor Kelly, she does try very hard and does some things very well, but I agree with the judges that she seems to just memorize her steps and never feels the music. She does look great in her costumes though and if she could just forget the judges and get into the music she could be a lot better.

"RE: Dancing with Stars 6/15 Episode"
Posted by brvnkrz on 06-16-05 at 10:36 AM
I agree, they need new hosts. I keep waiting for them to come out with America's funniest home video clips.
I've developed a new crush on John. I love how he gets into the dances each week. So far he is my favorite. I think Rachel has done a great job, she seems to be putting in a lot of hard work.
I think they should have gotten rid of Evander last week. Trista wasn't great but she was better than Evander, by far. but if things go as I think they should, then the soap star should go next. It's going to be a hard choice with the top three. I'm rooting for John.

"RE: Dancing with Stars 6/15 Episode"
Posted by Tahj on 06-16-05 at 11:27 AM
I have to disagree with everyone who thinks Joey did so well. What he brings more than anything to his dancing is personality. Technically, he is just not that good. He can do the steps but I think he's really quite awkward in his execution.

I definitely think John and Rachel are the best.

I just started watching the show last night so I missed the first episode. I have to say that it was a travesty that Trista was voted off first. She is far and away a better dancer than Rachel, Joey and Evander, by a mile. I agree with the judges that she didn't evoke the necessary emotion in her dance last night, which may have been her undoing, but technically she was excellent.

Moves courtesy of Syren

"RE: Dancing with Stars 6/15 Episode"
Posted by sittem on 06-16-05 at 12:06 PM
1. I cannot believe I am watching this. I stumbled on it last week and it caught my attention.

2. I agree with Tahj on Joey. Yes he has personality, but he and his partner were out of sync several times and he is also awkward at times.

3. I missed Evander last night, but he should get an award for doing the most with the least from what I saw last week. At the end when asked if he'd keep dancing you could see he'd had enough. But, it was right for him to go.

4. John is great fun to watch.

5. Trista - just came in last night during her little drama about the tension of dancing this way, so I kinda didn't care when she left, though I did think she was better than Rachel and Evander.

6. I'm still confused about the scoring as I missed a few minutes each week. Apparently at this point they're using raw scores and giving ranks to each couple based on those and then combining the previous week's fan voting with the current week's panel voting. Does that seem right?

2002 IceCat Originals, Inc. All rights reserved.

"RE: Dancing with Stars 6/15 Episode"
Posted by Tahj on 06-16-05 at 01:48 PM
On #6--Yes, I think that's right. Apparently we can vote online all week, too.

Moves courtesy of Syren

"RE: Dancing with Stars 6/15 Episode"
Posted by Roo on 06-16-05 at 11:34 AM
I missed Evander, but it sounds like I didn't miss much. The rest all seemed to do well. I really enjoyed both Rachel and John's tangos. Kelly was much better this week. Joey has a lot of energy, but his sloppy foot work is distracting.

Handcrafted by RollDdice

"One more question"
Posted by zombiebaby on 06-16-05 at 12:48 PM
Just what exactly does the winner win?

Will they be our dance idol?

Look at me I got a Sweet Summer Syren Siggie!

"RE: One more question"
Posted by RealityMom on 06-16-05 at 01:42 PM
LAST EDITED ON 06-16-05 AT 01:43 PM (EST)

They've never told us what the winner wins- I guess just the honor of being the best among this group, which now that the show's such a big hit means a lot more than it did when they signed on to do it. LOL
I have to say I'm so surprised that they're not playing for the charities of their choice, since if they had been, then even the eliminated teams would have been given something and the charity would have been mentioned. As I said in my thread about being at the show last week, I'd been hoping there was a question and answer period because that was the question I would have asked. But they didn't, and if I'd raised my hand, my daughter would have been under the chair.