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Forum: DCForumID87
Thread Number: 79
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"Friday Recaps"

Posted by sh33na on 01-13-06 at 08:05 PM
We've decided to skip the Thursday show and just watch on Fridays. No need to sit through all the yabbering and fluff on Thursday when they show the entire dances and scoring in the recap show.

"There's a crack in everything. That's how the light gets in."
_Leonard Cohen

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: Friday Recaps"
Posted by shaskp on 01-13-06 at 09:21 PM
did you watch tonight, who was votd off?

"RE: Friday Recaps"
Posted by rjrabbit on 01-13-06 at 10:12 PM
Tatum got the boot. Master P is still in

"RE: Friday Recaps"
Posted by Bebo on 01-13-06 at 10:28 PM
Tatum and Master P were the bottom 2.

I wasn't surprised that Tatum got the boot. I think she turned a lot of viewers off with her attitude and her loopy behavior in the first episode.

I was pleased they were the bottom 2, and even though I would have rather seen P get the boot, I'm glad it was one of them. I was worried about Tia, since she didn't get a lot of cheers at the end of last night's show, and Lisa, since she had the third lowest score, so I was glad both of them made it through.

"RE: Friday Recaps"
Posted by DooWahDitty on 01-14-06 at 00:01 AM
Agreed Bebo. We need to take the cell phones away from the rap contingent nationwide. Of course, I really do like Ashly and she deserves to stay. Very possible that there are tons of peeps out there voting just for her sake and not Master P. That tool Master P should not be the one to cause her exit but he will, before her rightful time. I wanted George to stay in; glad he did.

"RE: Friday Recaps"
Posted by PhoenixMons on 01-14-06 at 00:57 AM
LAST EDITED ON 01-14-06 AT 00:58 AM (EST)

Maybe people are voting for Master P because they liked his performance better than Tatum O'Neill's and/or like Ashley from last season and are not just from the cell phone rap contingent.

Personally, I thought they both stunk royally and Tatum was MUCH worse this week, while Master P got MUCH better (he only had one week the first time around when the rest have SIX weeks). I think the right person went home again this week (Kenny was in a league of his own with respect to dance ability). Master P won't be around much longer...next week will probably be his last. If he's still around after next week, well...then the voters aren't voting based upon talent/performance (which is oddly similar to last year...cough*Kellyshouldhavebeenoutweekone*cough)

edited to remove Christmas sig

"RE: Friday Recaps"
Posted by LASINGINDIVA on 01-21-06 at 01:04 AM
You realize that they are no longer going to show anything but the results on the Friday show, so you will have to join the rest of us and watch the Thursday show. The only good thing about not seeing it on Friday, is that the show is going to be a half hour and we can have our apoplexy sooner when that horrid dancer P keeps getting voted in.

"RE: Friday Recaps"
Posted by Cyndimaus on 01-21-06 at 01:17 AM
I am slightly bummed about that cause I have been able to watch the dances I've missed on Thursday when I skive off early to watch Beauty and the Geek. Oh well!

Sigs by Cyg

"RE: Friday Recaps"
Posted by Hootie43 on 01-21-06 at 03:22 AM
Excellent point! I'm with you.